Bible Study Children's Christian Formation Church Administration Infertility Creation Care Devotionals Disability Worship Seasonal Resources and more...

Advocacy, the voice of faith in the public arena
2020 Georgia  is a broad alliance of community leaders and organizations. The common goal is to promote a balanced approach to budget and revenue solutions that meet the short and long-term needs of our state and its people.
Bible, Bible Study and Sacred Texts
In 2011, The Society of Biblical Literature announced a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to build an interactive website that invites general audiences to engage with biblical scholarship. Three years later, Bible Odyssey Website is ready.  On Bible Odyssey, the world’s leading scholars share the latest historical and literary research on key people, places, and passages of the Bible. What a resource! Visit!
Sermon Resource - Looking for a weekly resource for helping you interpret the Biblical texts assigned each Sunday by the lectionary?  It's free and trustworthy (written by ITC professor Mark Ellingsen)!  CSS Publishers has commissioned Dr. Ellingsen, who has served in his present position for over 20 years and worked in international ecumenism and as a parish pastor in previous calls, to provide this resource.  Mark is a prolific writer (18 books, most recently a Lectionary Preaching Workbook for CSS, and hundreds of articles); he is someone who knows our region and its needs.  (Check out his credentials by googling him.)  This is a resource that can help us save preparation time each week while gaining fresh insights along the way.  Check it starting later this month at     

The Digital Image Archive is a useful source for artwork that illustrates passages from the Bible, provides portraits of Luther, Melanchthon and other reformers, and much more. It includes thousands of images and is searchable by keyword or Scripture text, and is available to all without charge through the Pitts Theological Library at Emory University. Visit the archive here

Read about the Common English Bible Here.  Likely the largest cross-denominational translation project in recent memory, the work united Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, United Methodist, and numerous other faith traditions to create a broadly accessible Bible for the 21st century.

Teasures from the British Library  is an ecumenical online resources used by thousands of pastors and religious leaders each week, background research, artistic and liturgical resources for worship, sermon starters, weekly reflections. Textweek. com

Two thousand years after they were written and decades after they were found in desert caves, some of the world-famous Dead Sea Scrolls went online for the first time on Monday in a project launched by Israel's national museum and Google. Read the story Here. Go to the site Dead Sea Scrolls
Guide to Popular Bible Translations offered here by Cokesbury
Common English Bible A new translation available online.
The African American Lectionary, more than 5000 pages of free material presenting all the annual days of the African American church and more Visit it here.

''Daily Grace’’, iPhone app from Women of the ELCA, is now available! Daily Grace, an on-the-go companion for your journey, offers a faith reflection every day. Go to dailyGrace for more information and to download this free app.
The free Bible app for smartphones holds a huge selection of  free Bible versions and plans to help track progress reading scripture.  Maybe you can challenge yourself to read the whole Bible in 2012?

Luther Seminary's Enter the Bible has extensive historical, theological, and literary analyses of every book in the Bible with supporting information about ancient Near Eastern history and culture. It includes passage-by-passage comments on biblical texts, many of which also offer links to video presentations by biblical scholars. It has maps, glossaries, identifications of biblical people and places, and art images. If you create a free account and log in, you can save links, take notes, and follow ready-made study paths.

Read the Bible in a Year, a schedule from the N. GA Conference, UMC.

OpenYale free online courses in New Testament and the Hebrew Bible taught by Yale professors.

Revised Common Lectionary

Common Lectionary designed especially for Baptist, Reformed and Free Church/Congregationalist traditions.

Audio Bible Study from BaptistWay Press.

ScriptureEcho an unusual and dramatic process for reading scripture in a group.

Launched this January, a new service called FaithElement brings several innovations to small group Bible study for youth and adults. The materials are free for church groups to use, with funding coming from sponsorships. You won’t want to miss FaithElement and The Faith Lab; read more and find links at FaithElement
Find The Gospel of Contradiction: An Interview with Mary Gordon and other essays and materials about our sacred texts at Patheos

Regional Council collection of Bible On Line resources.
Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World at the Royal Ontario Museum has closed but the website still offers fascinating lectures by authorities on the scrolls and the world that produced them. The Anne Tanenbaum Lecture Series explores the Scrolls’ continued relevance to the Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths. ROM
Fascinating discussion on the Dead Sea Scrolls, a new interview with Dr. James Collins, Yale Divinity School  

Maps Old Testament, New Testament and more
Map of sites in story of Jesus
Interactive Bible Maps 

Bible Maps, Chapter by Chapter

Map of Paul's first Missionary Journey

Children and Youth
Browse the archives of the Princeton Lectures on Youth, Church and Culture – featuring scholarship related to youth and the church from thinkers like Kenda Creasy Dean, Andy Root, Jim Fowler, Shane Claiborne, Evelyn Parker, Miroslav Volf, Jurgen Molmann and Stanley Hauerwas. Browse by authors, themes and titles.

The Partnership at Drugfree resources.

Runaway Youth Safety Act from the Alliance to End Homelessness read about it, facts and advocacy needs and opportunities .

Timothy Project offers Summer Mission Projects. The Timothy Project coordinates summer mission activities that are youth-oriented. For upcoming opportunities or or more information, visit or call 877-333-9986.

The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, a Bishop of the Episcopal Church, wrote a blessing we have included at . You might copy it and print it out on a card to hand out to any LGBT youth who may someday find themselves at risk.

The Columbia Theological Seminary Youth Ministry Leadership Initiative Certificate Program Entire schedule for the coming year.

To seek help for a child who may be a victim of commercial sexual exploitation call 404-602-0068.

Free groups meeting in the area for those concerned with eating disorders.

Safe America Foundation offers a number of different programs on teen driving safety and drivers education.

GodlyPlay Children's Christian Formation.

Interfaith Children's Movement

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia’s 1-800-CHILDREN Helpline is a toll-free and confidential resource for all Georgians. The Helpline offers emotional support, information, and referrals to community resources on any family issue, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at 1-800-CHILDREN (244-5373) or (404) 870-6580. For more information, see PreventChildAbuse.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in partnership with Liz Claiborne, Inc. have developed a new online training, "Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention." The training will help educators, youth leaders, and others working with teens understand the importance of healthy relationships and how to prevent violence before it starts. Find out more and participate at

Passport Summer Camps, summer camp with a mission, for your children or youth group's summer plans. Check out the options for children and youth in varying locations with exciting options to fit your ministry goals at Passport.

Underage alcohol use contributes to risky behaviors such as violence and drunk driving as well as poor academic performance. Youth who use alcohol before age 15 are 5 times more likely to become alcohol dependent than adults who began drinking at age 21 and are at much higher risk for serious health consequences as adults. Resources for Red Ribbon Week to Stop Underage Drinking at StopAlcoholAbuse.

Under Your Influence has a wealth of information and ideas to combat underage drinking.

Male Responsibility Program, Adolescent Health and Youth Development, is in the process of scheduling Wise Guys training. The curriculum is designed to prevent adolescent pregnancy by teaching young males self-responsibility, primarily in the area of sexual development. Conducted by caring, trained, adult facilitators, the program helps youth to identify their long-range personal and career goals and encourages them to focus on their goals as they make decisions throughout adolescence. If you are interested please contact Phillip Oliver at

Fulton County’s Neighborhood Union Health Center Tweens and Teens Clinic for youth between the ages of 10-12 and teens 13-18 years old. The Center will offer expanded services to meet the specific needs and concerns of adolescents. The Clinic will open every fourth Thursday from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m., during the after school hours. Neighborhood Union Health Center is located at 186 Sunset Avenue in Atlanta. For more information call 404-612-4665.

National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Catholic Charities Atlanta’s Pregnancy, Parenting & Adoption Program offers Parent Talk, a resource for new parents who need pregnancy and parenting education, who need to prepare for a new baby and need extra support, or who have a 6 month old infant or younger. Parent Talk will help provide a healthy and secure environment in which to raise a child. Contact Catholic Charities at 404/885-7274, or 404/885-7466.

UNICEF Report on the World's Children

Look at for student oriented Atlanta Beltline activities and ideas to get your young people involved in greening and building the community — get engaged, create a program, make a difference in the lives of our future leaders.

Christian Formation
 “Images of Israel” is a six-part adult study program developed by an ecumenical team of Christians and Jews at the Shalom Hartman Institute that introduces American Christians to Israel.  Participants work with texts, ideas, images, fellow learners, and leaders to explore Israel as a state, a people, a nation, and a land, and to clarify the commitment of Christians to work for justice and peace among Palestinians and Jews.  The program materials include a 124-page leader guide in .pdf file, a 105-page participant book in .pdf file to copy or distribute to participants, and 14 video interviews and presentations.  For more information go to, or contact Alan Culpepper at Read more>>
The Center for Congregational Health provides ministry and training for faith communities, lay leaders, and clergy across the United States and in several foreign countries. The Center also offers resources and learning opportunities. Click here for more. 
Visit Faith Formation Learning Exchange a source for best research, practices, approaches, and resources for faith formation across the whole life span.
Church Administration and Bricks and Mortar

The Center for Congregational Health provides ministry and training for faith communities, lay leaders, and clergy across the United States and in several foreign countries. The Center also offers resources and learning opportunities. Click here for more. 

Need help with Ministry Business? Candler School of Theology will offer the National Institute in Church Finance and Administration during the month of June, as training toward professional certification in Business Administration. NICFA consists of four weeks of on-campus seminars and one individual project. Satisfactory completion of the seminars and a project allows participants to apply for certification as a Church Business Administrator (CBA) through the National Association of Church Business Administration. NICFA also meets the criteria for denomination Certification as well. For more information and to register visit

National Institute in Church Finance and Administration at Candler 2011

Copyright Information for Churches

Alban Institute essay on congregational management

Lifelong Learning Announces ‘’Social Networking Media in Congregations: Possibilities & Practicalities’’ July 26-29. The Center for Lifelong Learning invites you to this interactive event designed to help church leaders explore, plan, launch, and maintain social networking media such as Facebook, ConstantContact, Twitter, blogs, YouStream, Skype, Flickr, and podcasts. You'll learn how to choose from the huge array of social networking options, based on what your ministry wants to accomplish. Read about this and other opportunities at Columbia Theological Seminary Center for Lifelong Learning.

Partners for Sacred Places is the only national, non-sectarian, non-profit organization devoted to helping congregations and their communities sustain and actively use older and historic sacred places.

Help for Church and Synagogue Libraries. Church and Synagogue Association

From FCS urban ministries, Community Grounds Cafe provides churches and businesses with their coffee needs (and all fair trade coffee), and in doing so, provide work for someone who wouldn't otherwise have it in South Atlanta. Visit Community Grounds or contact Jeff Delp,, for more information.

Sacred Spaces and an Abundant Life: Worship Spaces as StewardshipDownload this great resource- remember you must log in but it only takes a second.

Church History


Reviewing two new books about St. Francis, New Yorker writer Joan Acocella has written an entertaining and informative article about Francis's life and his place in Church history. Read it here>>

The Digital Image Archive is a useful source for artwork that illustrates passages from the Bible, provides portraits of Luther, Melanchthon and other reformers, and much more. It includes thousands of images and is searchable by keyword or Scripture text, and is available to all without charge through the Pitts Theological Library at Emory University. Visit the archive here

Clergy Care

Well-being and Excellence in Ministry is a free downloadable resource from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that tells the stories of ministers and congregations committed to ministerial excellence through clergy care. It offers questions for reflection to help congregations think about the needs of ministers and how they might implement policies and procedures to better care for their staff members. The resource also invites the minister’s personal reflection on his or her own practices of self-care. See it here. Well-Being and Excellence in Ministry: a practical resource for ministers and caring congregations

Community Organizing, Faith-based
ABLE Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment.
Creation Care

Earth Covenant Ministry, a partnership among congregations of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and other faith-based organizations and individuals responding to the biblical and denominational call to renew right relationship with God’s Earth, is now on facebook.

PowerWise from GIPL


Sacred Spaces from the National Council of Churches Eco Justice group for Earth Day 2010. Remember you must log in to download; it only takes a second.
Creation Justice is the new name of the Eco-Justice Program from the National Council of Churches. Visit

EarthDay website

Greening Your Holidays from GIPL

Earth Day is April 22 suggestions and a listing of events in our community from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light. See

Remember that Georgia Interfaith Power and Light has both worship service preachers and teachers and educational class materials and speakers. Contact them at or visit GIPL

Season of Creation focuses on the September Creation celebration but has many resources for year-long worship, sermons, children's programs, etc.

Sacred Spaces and an Abundant Life: Worship Spaces as StewardshipDownload this great resource- remember you must log in but it only takes a second.
Death Penalty

Georgians for Alternative to the Death Penalty is the statewide coalition of concerned organizations and individuals working for greater fairness in Georgia's criminal justice system and an end to capital punishment. There are currently active chapters in Atlanta, Macon, and Athens We welcome Sam Gonzalez, new coordinator to the Georgia office. He will be pleased to talk with you or to your congregation about the organization. 678-431-6078.

An interesting website if you are looking for information about the death penalty is Death Penalty Info.

Salt Lake Tribune offers this interesting article detailing the opposition or support for the death penalty that is found among people of faith.

Audio and text resources of the Rev. John R. Gunn's popular ‘’Be Still and Know’’ radio ministry are now available at, the website of the national ecumenical Day1 radio ministry. Site users will be able to access nearly 200 audio files from the long-running series, as well as hundreds of text files for study, sermon preparation, and devotional uses. Born in 1877, Rev. Gunn was a Baptist minister, author, and newspaper columnist. In 1926, the editor of a Fort Wayne newspaper invited Rev. Gunn to write a brief meditation daily for their editorial page--and he did so for 36 years. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check
October is Disability Month Visit Awareness to participate in some online training, add your experiences to the disability blog, see inspirational disability success story videos, and more!
Domestic Violence

Partnership Against Domestic Violence crisis line 1-800-33-Haven

Georgia Crisis & Access Line 1-800-715-4225.

FaithTrust Institute is a national, multifaith, multicultural training and education organization working to end sexual and domestic violence. One of its guiding principles is that it is possible to transform individuals, families, communities and institutions through education and the power of our faith traditions. Read about this nonprofit with offices in Seattle and Durham at FaithTrustInstitute
Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College__

Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC)
Emergency Preparedness
September is National Preparedness Month. Register your church or organization as a NPM Coalition Member at
READY. You agree to promote emergency preparedness during September. Membership is at no cost and you will receive access to the NPM Website where you can find a toolkit that includes templates, resources, and tips to assist you with promoting emergency preparedness. Your organization will also be listed on the National Preparedness Month website.

Are you ready? The hurricane and storm season is upon us. Do you have a plan for your family or household? Did you prepare an emergency kit? Are you informed?Catholic Charities Disaster Preparedness and Response Program can help you to prepare in case disaster strikes. Speakers can be arranged to address your groups of individuals or provide you with valuable resources to help you get prepared. Please call Ethel Higgins at 770.296.2198 or e-mail to

The Metro Atlanta RSVP Volunteer Program has speakers who are available to make free educational presentations to your senior groups on topics that will help older adults live independent healthy lifestyles. ‘’How to be Prepared for Emergencies & Disasters’’ is one topic. See others at the link below and find a request form there as well. For more information call 404 463-3119 or email RSVP.

Baptist Center for Ethics newsletter
Faith / Health
 If female members of your congregation are affected by HIV/AIDS you will want to introduce them to A Girl Like Me (AGLM) an online “blog” where women of all ages can share their stories and promote understanding of HIV through online storytelling. English and Spanish.
Faith in America

Where have all the Protestants Gone?

Religion across the Americas on Speaking of Faith
Family Life

Catholic Charities Atlanta’s Pregnancy, Parenting & Adoption Program offers Parent Talk, a resource for new parents who need pregnancy and parenting education, who need to prepare for a new baby and need extra support, or who have a 6 month old infant or younger. Parent Talk will help provide a healthy and secure environment in which to raise a child. Contact Catholic Charities at 404/885-7274, or 404/885-7466.

FRAME-Works offers fun and free relationship building events for couples who are expecting a baby or have a new born. For more information or to register, please call Felicia at 1-888-44-FRAME.

Free groups meeting in the area for those concerned with eating disorders.

To seek help for a child who may be a victim of commercial sexual exploitation call 404-602-0068.

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia’s 1-800-CHILDREN Helpline is a toll-free and confidential resource for all Georgians. The Helpline offers emotional support, information, and referrals to community resources on any family issue. Available Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at 1-800-CHILDREN (244-5373) or (404) 870-6580. For more information, see PreventChildAbuse.

Georgia Crisis & Access Line 1-800-715-4225.

Partnership Against Domestic Violence crisis line 1-800-33-Haven

matches tenants who need a home with homeowners that have a room to spare - also tenants who will provide services for the homeowner in exchange for reduced or free rent. HOUSEMATE MATCH is a United Way funded agency. Call Lynne Dyckman at 678.812.3729, see HousemateMatch or email

FaithTrust Institute offers training and material dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence. Office in Durham and Seattle.

2020 Georgia is a broad alliance of community leaders and organizations. The common goal is to promote a balanced approach to budget and revenue solutions that meet the short and long-term needs of our state and its people.

Credability offers in-person seminars that can help people in your community begin to gain financial control. There are over 40 classes to choose from that can be presented to your church or organization. If you are interested in learning more about hosting a financial literacy course, contact Laura Creamer at or 404-734-5645.
Global/International Justice

World Refugee Day Resources

HalftheSky Overview of Nicholas Kristoff's book Half The Sky , inspiring and to the point on why connecting with women in developing countries is critical. How educating girls and empowering women can help fight poverty and extremism.

Learn how to host a Fair Trade Day.

Learn about TheGirlEffect.

Visit the new website of Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide.

Enough the project to end genocide and crimes against humanity at Enough

UNICEF Report on the World's Children

From FCS urban ministries, Community Grounds Cafe provides churches and businesses with their coffee needs (and all fair trade coffee), and in doing so, provide work for someone who wouldn't otherwise have it in South Atlanta. Visit Community Grounds or contact Jeff Delp,, for more information.


The Care and Counseling Center of Georgia offers a monthly workshop for engaged couples called Preparing for Marriage.  Each couple will receive a notarized certificate, which entitles them to a reduction in the cost of their marriage license if married in Georgia, along with a free one-year marital check up.  For information contact or call (404) 636-1457, ext. 0. Visit more information.

Check Mental Health


Mental Health Ministry

The Compassionate Congregations Toolkit was created by C.H.I.P. a coalition of clinicians, nonprofit organizations, faith-based and secular agencies, public agencies, and congregations,  to put into the hands of clergy and faith leaders the tools they need to promote faith communities where awareness, welcome, support, appropriate referral, and spiritual care for individuals and families facing mental illness are provided, where barriers of fear and stigma are broken down by openness, education, and personal connection. The first focus in the Tool Box preparation, what do you need to help when you encounter someone who needs your help. Please have a look on, select Compassionate Congregations Clergy Tool Box.


Atlanta City of Peace unites and supports global peace efforts. The website has a good list of peace-building organizations.  Visit 


Check out “A Place at the Table”, a documentary that highlights the problem of undernourished and underfed in America.


Essay There are plenty of heroes out there. But fewer, I think, are those willing to embrace the disciplines of accompaniment expressed in “fidelity to the daily round.” We cannot withdraw from the poor, to do so would be to cut ourselves off from the One who is found among “the least of these.” But must also lose the illusion that we are heroes …. Read more>>


Sermon Resources


Sermon Resource - Looking for a weekly resource for helping you interpret the Biblical texts assigned each Sunday by the lectionary?  It's free and trustworthy (written by ITC professor Mark Ellingsen)!  CSS Publishers has commissioned Dr. Ellingsen, who has served in his present position for over 20 years and worked in international ecumenism and as a parish pastor in previous calls, to provide this resource.  Mark is a prolific writer (18 books, most recently a Lectionary Preaching Workbook for CSS, and hundreds of articles); he is someone who knows our region and its needs.  (Check out his credentials by googling him.)  This is a resource that can help us save preparation time each week while gaining fresh insights along the way.  Check it starting later this month at     


For several years Luther Seminary has offered Working Preacher. This marvelous resource offers exegetical material geared to the weekly lectionary and to other biblical material; resources and insight regarding the craft of preaching; viewpoints and commentary on contemporary culture; and a host of opportunities for life-long learning. It’s all free and offered with the conviction that God uses good preaching to change lives.  Check it out


An updated Guidebook for Leaders of Military Ministry Congregation Programs is now available on the Care for the Troops website. A workbook-style was used to make it as easy and simple to understand the steps to follow and the elements to consider when bringing CareForTheTroops to the local congregation level and to the surrounding communities. CLICK HERE to access it.


The Rural Clergy Training Program announced “The Clergy Connection” Newsletter has been created to keep Rural Clergy Training Partners and interested rural clergy, chaplains, Veterans Service Organizations, and others informed about caring for, serving, and supporting Veterans living in rural areas. See the first issue. Visit the Rural Clergy Training web page to learn more about the how the National VA  Chaplain Center is working with clergy in rural areas. is a college planning and financial aid guide for servicemembers. The guide is comprehensive, but easy to use, covering everything from earning college credit through military service, to the various ways veterans and active military can pay for school. Servicemembers from every branch of the military will find the information they’re looking for in one place. Find it here

 Women in Ministry

WomanPreach! Inc. is the premiere non-profit organization that brings preachers into full prophetic voice around issues of equity and justice both in the pulpit and in the public arena. Its mission is to produce a network of preaching women and men who will use their voices in service to the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially as it relates to Womanist/Feminist concerns of equity and justice. 

The Mission of Baptist Women in Ministry it to be a catalyst in Baptist life, drawing together women and men in partnership with God, to illuminate, advocate, and nurture the gifts and graces of women. Baptist Women in Ministry

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Shallowford Center

for Mindful Living a place for contemplative practice, deep listening, and compassion 

Visit here for programs and events.


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