Earth Day is April 22. Georgia Interfaith Power and Light shared some local events with us.
Wednesday, April 18, Jonathan Merritt, author of Green Like God, speaks at Decatur First UMC
Thursday, April 19, Columbia Theological Seminary screens Journey of the Universe.
Saturday, April 21: St. Francis Episcopal Church, Macon, hosts all day celebration of creation.
Saturday, April 21, Atlanta Friends Meeting hosts a Home Energy Audit Training Class.
Sunday, April 22, Episcopal Church of the Epiphany celebrates Earth Day with a presentation about the Georgia Conservancy before their worship service.
Sunday, April 22, Catholics Caring for Creation hosts Catholic Earth Day at Ignatius House.
Sunday, April 22, Decatur First UMC hosts Earth Day Picnic at the Oakhurst Community Garden.
Sunday April 22 Alexis Chase, GIPL, will preach at Emory Presbyterian Church .
Sunday April 22, Kate McGregor Mosley, GIPL, will preach at Oglethorpe Presbyterian.
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