Church Action eNewsletter Week of April 9


God calls us to some things we cannot do alone. 

Remember that all events listed in the eNewsletter are placed in the Community Events Listings on our website .  Newsletters are archived there at  eNewsletters --- with the most recent featured below the slide show of member churches on our home page under Featured RCCA Activities.  Go to and click on Join the Regional Council to open an application.  

What's going on at the Academy of Preachers. Check out news on the National Festival of Young Preachers  --  Atlanta  in 2013! Read more..   

1. The Farmers Market returns to the Cathedral of St. Philip on Saturday, April 14.  Opening day features live music and a chef demonstration by Chef Chris Hall of Local Three Restaurant. There will be 50 vendors with fresh Georgia grown produce, meat, cheese, pasta, bread, sweets, and more. The Farmers Market will be open on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Cathedral parking lot, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta.

2. The Seedtime and Harvest Greenhouse and Gardens of Holy Comforter Church, 737 Woodland Ave. SE, Atlanta 30316,  is sponsoring its second organic plant sale of the season on Saturday, April 14  from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Heirloom tomatoes, summer veggies, herbs, perennials and annuals, houseplants and some shrubs will be available. The gardens are a reflection of our diverse church community. Come shop and enjoy the vegetable and herb gardens, the butterfly garden, the annual and perennial flower gardens, and a woodland garden surrounding the venerable 175 year old Red Oak tree.

3. Tuskegee Airmen Event, April 14, African-American Historical And Genealogical Society, Atlanta Chapter, National Archives in Atlanta, 5780 Jonesboro Rd. Morrow, GA, 11:30am. Lunch & Learn: Double V Documentary – Tuskegee Airmen.  Facilitator is chapter member Dr. Lisa Bratton. Bring your lunch; guests are welcome. Read more  ..   

 4. On Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters  TV , Mondays during April at 7 p.m., AIB Presents airs programs about congregational life. Encore presentations of these programs will be on Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m., Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. and Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.

  • The PK Experience on April 16 is a lively conversation among the daughters of prominent metro Atlantapreachers.  Women who grew up in the shadow of revered community leaders speak honestly and openly about what it was like to date, to dress, and to socialize, as a PK.
  • On April 23, AIB visits the communal garden behind Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in Atlanta's Ormewood Parkto discover a garden that celebrates human dignity. From honoring the earth to honoring those who work the soil, this program explores environmental stewardship that creates an inclusive, welcoming community.
  • Dr. David Sapp is the retiring pastor of Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church.  April 30, AIB Presents  looks  at the life and 30 year ministry of Dr. Sapp.

5. Franklin T. Lambert, a professor of history at Purdue University, will deliver the 2012 Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State, April 17-18,  on the campus of Mercer University in Macon,. The lectures are free and open to the public. 2012 topics are America Conceived as a Christian Nation?: The Separation of Good and Bad History, A Secular/Sacred Alliance in the Fight for Religious Liberty, and Constituting the Separation of Church and State. Please read all about Dr. Lambert and these fascinating presentations and see the complete schedule at   

6. Coming together for all children… Interfaith Children’s Movement Welcome and Rededication Celebration, Thursday, April 19, 6 – 8 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, 1911 Clift Valley Way, NE, Atlanta 30329. Please register to attend at

 7. A [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality & Covenant to be held April 19-21 at First Baptist Church, Decatur, Go to Anticipating A [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality and Covenant  for information and conversation round the topic.  


8. Holocaust Remembrance Events

  • April 20 is Georgia State Official Holocaust Remembrance Day, 11 a.m., at the State Capital sponsored by Georgia Commission on the Holocaust.
  • On April 22,  the 48th  community-wide commemoration will be held at Greenwood Cemetery, 11 a.m., rain or shine,  sponsored by The Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum. Read more at 48TH ATLANTA COMMUNITY WIDE ANNUAL YOM HA SHOAH COMMEMORATION
  • Visit Am Yisrael Chai!  to read about the community- wide program that focuses on Holocaust awareness and education with an emphasis on survival and success. The annual Am Yisrael Chai, April 29, will  focus on rescuers of the Holocaust. “They were ordinary people who became extraordinary people because they acted in accordance with their own belief systems while living in an immoral society… Rescuers held the conviction that what one person did could make a difference.”  For more information, contact


9. Exploring the Songs of St. John of the Cross, Saturday April 21, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m, Amerson House at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, A gathering to read, hear and experience songs of St. John of the Cross, the sixteenth century Spanish religious poet.  With ardent passion, St. John attempted to describe the mystical union of love between God and the soul.  Reflections on several song-poems will be enhanced by the simple, stark musical setting of John Michael Talbot. The presenter is St. Bartholomew’s parishioner, teacher and retreat leader, Pat Zeller.  Cost $20:00.  Full scholarships available – speak with Rev. Beverley Elliott.  Lunch included.  Register by calling St Bartholomew’s at 404-634- 3336.


10. Women’s Day at Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr., Atlanta,   

Saturday, April 21, 11:00 a.m.,   Annual Women's Day Brunch, "Women of Faith....You Rock!"  

Saturday, May 5, 2012, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.   "Drive-thru" Prayer at Radcliffe

Sunday, May 6, 2012, 11:00 a.m.  Women's Day Celebration, "Women of Faith...Emerging in Christ's Image", with message by Rev. Dr. Elaine Crawford, Associate Pastor Cascade United Methodist. Call 404-799-8286 for more information on these events.


11. Good news from Peachtree Corners Christian Church. Even in this down economy, faith is thriving and mission is being strengthened.  Due to the faith and generosity of two long-time members who recently have made generous donations in memory of deceased loved ones, Peachtree Corners Christian Church will no longer be making a mortgage payment each month.  As a result, the church will be able to strengthen its ministries as well as its many outreach efforts through Norcross Cooperative Ministry, Family Promise of Gwinnett, Gwinnett Children's Shelter, Refugee Resettlement Immigration Services of Atlanta, and other local and worldwide ministries.  To celebrate this event, church members, former members, and friends are invited to a "Bonfire & BBQ" on Saturday, April 21, at 5:30 pm on the front lawn of the church, 6060 Spalding Dr., Norcross, GA 30092.  Please R.s.v.p. for the BBQ by calling  770-447-5475 or emailing  


12. Earth Day is April 22. Georgia Interfaith Power and Light shared some local events with us.  See a list of events and find links to more information for each at

 13. Conversations about energy often revolve around the concept of scarcity. But the truth is that God has given us energy sources in abundance. Creation is brimming with energy, and a Christian perspective on energy involves acknowledging the abundance of God’s Creation and the call to care for Creation including our “neighbors.” You can download an education and worship resource to learn more about energy and ethics and to help celebrate God’s Creation on Earth Day Sunday at

14.  A reminder to sign up for  Getting Real with God:  Discovering New Ways to Pray, Thursday Mornings, 10:30 am-Noon, April 26 – May 31 at Deep Waters Center for Prayer & Exploration, Amerson House at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church.  Investment:  $20 per session.  Space is limited; sign up by Monday, April 23.  Contact Kimberly at 404-275-3328 or" href="" tar....  

15. Robert Craig, author and professor emeritus of architectural history at Georgia Tech, will give a lecture and sign copies of his new book, The Architecture of Francis Palmer Smith: Atlanta's Scholar-Architect, at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 26, in the Gould Room at the Cathedral of St. Philip. The book includes 30 pages on the history, design and construction of the Cathedral. A reception for the author begins at 6:30 p.m. There is no admission charge for this event hosted by the Cathedral Book Store, but reservations are required at or 404-237-7582. 

16. Bill Bolling, founder and executive director of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, will speak at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. Bolling is the inaugural speaker for a new series called "Meaningful Conversations," which is offered by the Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke's. It is designed to inform on today's issues and nourish spiritual and mental health.  Tickets are $35, and proceeds benefit the programs and services of TACC.  Read more...  

17. Stephen Ministers and clergy are invited to take part in a program presented by bestselling author, teacher and chaplain Cecil "Cec" Murphey at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, Atlanta.   Read more   

18. Interdenominational Theological Center President Dr. Ronald E. Peters hosts the 54th Charter Day and 15th Annual James H. Costen “Tribute to Excellence” Awards Dinner where nine exceptional people will be honored for their accomplishments and contributions in the Atlanta community.   Friday, April 28, 2012 at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel Downtown.  Dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. For more information on ITC’s Charter Day, call 404-614-6394 or 404-527-7767.

19. The Georgia Public Health Training Center (GPTHC) invites you to a Poverty Simulation Workshop at Georgia State University. The State of Poverty and Public Health:  A Poverty Simulation Experience is designed to help participants understand what it might be like to live in a typical low income family trying to survive month to month facing everyday challenges related to public transportation, low income, high financial demands, bureaucracy, and poor customer service in social service/public health settings. You can register for a workshop on April 30, 5 – 8 p.m., or May 1, 1 – 4 p.m.  The workshops will be held at Georgia State University, Student Center Ballroom. Please register for the workshop by clicking on the workshop link on the Georgia Public Health Training Center website: This is a free workshop and registration is limited.  Refreshments will be provided.

20. Do you know that you have congregants who are residents of Fulton County and Atlanta who are in need of energy assistance (who have not applied between November and now). Please pass the word that they can contact the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority (FACAA) for an appointment for LIHEAP Program. The number to call is (404) 320-6715 or (404) 320-0166. Appointments are being made in offices across the metro area including intown, South Fulton, North Fulton, and Atlanta in DeKalb. Please go to the website for information on eligibility and required identification.

21. A Future. Not a Past  Voices Project is a direct service program that provides healthy and holistic solutions to deter potential child sex trafficking involvement.  Working with girls between the ages of 11-17, the programming delivers fundamental messages educating girls of the dangers of child sex trafficking, the benefits of a healthy relationships, empowerment, and self-esteem.  This program needs volunteers for a variety of tasks and responsibilities. Find out more here  .  Or contact The Voices Project at 404-613-4576 or

22. Congregations and Theological Coherence, read a thoughtful essay on how a community’s understanding of God when preached and practiced can permeate the life of a congregation .  

 23. Save the Date for the 3rd Annual Summer Institute on Addiction, July 15-21, 2012, The Lodge at Simpsonwood, Atlanta. The mission of the Southeast Institute on Chemical Dependency  is to provide addictions education and resources to congregations and communities throughout the Southeastern United States. Visit SICD at 


 We have information about two area churches that offer tours to groups on our website  . Let us know if you would like information about tours your church offers put on this page.   


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Ethel Ware Carter

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta


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