Church Action eNewsletter Week of April 2, 2012

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.  

 Holy Week 2012  


Remember that all events listed in the eNewsletter are placed in the Community Events Listings on our website .  Newsletters are archived there at  eNewsletters --- with the most recent featured below the slide show of member churches on our home page under Featured RCCA Activities.  Go to and click on Join the Regional Council to open an application.  

We are getting ready to welcome the National Festival of Young Preachers to Atlanta!. Read more..  

 1. Early Bird Registration at Cobb Faith Partnership’s signature event the Ministries Fair coming up on May 1 has been extended through Easter. See more.. 

2. Mustafa Akyol will be signing copies of his new book  Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liber ty starting at 5:30 p.m. this afternoon, April 4. This event is free and open to the public! Barnes & Noble at Georgia Institute of Technology48 5th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

3. The Bicycle Thief is listed by the British Film Institute as one of the top ten films you should see by age 14. In 1952, Sight and Sound’s poll of film professionals rated it the greatest movie of all time. It tells the story of Antonio Ricci, a father of two whose employment depends on his possession of a bicycle. After his bicycle is stolen, he and his young son Bruno, go on a quest that features a Rome struggling to overcome the devastation of World War II. This film is featured Saturday evening at the 6th Annual Film Festival, this weekend, sponsored by CENCIA, The Center for Collaborative & International Arts at Georgia State University, Read more  

4. Resources are available to help your congregation members make sound financial decisions about housing from the Fulton County Housing and Human Services Department. How to Avoid Foreclosure Workshop, Monday, April 9, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., Southwest Branch Library, 3665 Cascade Road SW, Atlanta 30331. For more information or assistance with special accommodations to attend the workshop, residents may contact the Fulton County Housing and Human Services Department at 404-613-7944. 

5. You are invited to the kick off of Silver Lining Villages peak performance eco-community! Find out about this unique life skills academy for homeless veterans in substance abuse recovery. April 11, 7 - 9 p.m., at The Solarium, 321 West Hill Street, Decatur  30030,  near the corner of East Lake and Oakview Roads. For questions before the event, call 404-755-7672. Please R.s.v.p. today by e-mailing, or calling 404 755-7672. Visit the web site  

6. The Church Women United (CWU) April meeting   will be Friday, April 13, 2012, at 10 a.m. at the Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309, telephone  404-876-5535, ext. 328.  CWU observes "Health" during the Month of April.  Mrs. Barbara Leath, State President of CWU and Ms. Betty Durrah, CWU Newsletter Editor, will facilitate the activities. Come one and all to join us to "Build A World Fit For All God's Children".  Read more about Church Women United here..  

7. The Global Health and Humanitarian Summit returns to Emory University April 13-15. Read more about this international movement to recruit volunteers and resources, to network people doing good works, and to ignite similar events around the globe at

8. Breaking Dawn is a walk to advocate, educate, and bring awareness to the crisis of suicide and to support the survivors left behind. April 14, Windermere Park, Cumming. 

  9. Congratulations to Dr. Fahed Abu-Akel of AMIS, Inc. on his selection as a Columbia Seminary Distinguished Service Alumni/ae award recipient for 2012. He will be officially recognized during our Alumni/ae Association lunch on Tuesday, April 17, 2, beginning at 12:30 p.m. in the seminary’s Richard’s Center refectory on campus. His  friends and colleagues are invited to join in the celebration.  R.s.v.p. to Ms. Barbara Poe this week at or 404-687-4566 to see if there is room at the table.  

10. Deadline to file 2011 Personal Tax Returns is April 17. If you or someone you know needs help filing the The Atlanta Prosperity Campaign in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service, United Way, and Intuit (Turbo Tax) is here to help!  There are a variety of resources and sites available to help working  families and individuals file for free.  VITA-- If your 2011 total household income is $49,000 or less, Please visit  to view the most current list of our VITA tax sites that are still open for business and willing to help.

11. The community is invited to participate in the 40th anniversary celebration of the RUMC Preschool & Kindergarten (RUMCK) on Wednesday, April 18, 4-6 p.m. on The Commons – the large lawn outside the Sanctuary – for inflatables, petting zoo, animal balloons, face painting, art activities, cookie walk, cotton candy, popcorn, music, and more. Entry fee is $5/child. "We invite everyone to come to the Celebration, especially our alumni and anyone who may be interested in enrolling a child in the program," says RUMCK Director Sally Newkirk. The Celebration continues   Sunday, April 22, in RUMC’s 9:30 a.m. worship service with RUMCK children singing and acting out the "Good Samaritan" Bible Story.  Roswell United Methodist Church is located at 814 Mimosa Blvd in Historic Roswell. For information call 770-261-1718 or visit

12. Carl McColman of Atlanta is  the author of 12 books on a variety of spiritual topics, including  The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality.  He  will speak at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, at St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, Smyrna, as part of its Spiritual Speaker Series. All are welcome. 

13. The National Military Family Association has chosen Camp Bob at Kanuga Conferences in Hendersonville, N.C., to host its 2012 Operation Purple summer camp for children of people serving in the military. The association developed this free summer camp program to support military children, ages 7-17, dealing with the stress of war. Camps are free to military families. Apply through April 19 only at

14.  The Desperate Church Ladies,  a mystery dinner theater production,  St. James' Episcopal Church, Marietta, wil 6:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21, in the parish hall. The evening is a fund-raiser for local and global outreach programs. Tickets are $50 per person and may be obtained from Jamie Brooker, 770-426-6471 or" href="" t...

 15. A Future. Not a Past. Announces Community Ambassador Training on April 21 from 8:30 a.m. until noon at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, 1911 Cliff Valley Way, Atlanta, 30329. Community Ambassadors are community members who volunteer their time to raise awareness regarding the prostitution of children and keeping their friends and family informed.  There is no specific time commitment so this is the perfect opportunity for full-time employees, students, and parents who want to be involved. Please R.s.v.p. to info@afuturenotapast.orgYou Can Make a Difference!

16. Norcross Presbyterian Church is hosting its second annual Dog Dayz on Saturday, April 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Dog Dayz will also include a "Flea" Market that will be open from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. and three Dog Show Competitions. Pastor Matt Fry, will be blessing the animals at noon with a formal Blessing of the Animals. This was a beautiful ceremony last year and everyone was uplifted because of it. There will also be games for kids including a Dog Walk and face painting, Prizes to be raffled off, skits and storytelling between Dog Shows, and a bake sale. Norcross Presbyterian Church, 3324 Medlock Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092.

17. The annual Taste of Latin America dinner sponsored by the Diocese of Atlanta Hispanic Ministry Commission begins at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 21, at the Cathedral of St. Philip with tasty Latin food, music, and crafts for sale. Bring your family, friends and if  you’d like bring a dish to share. Proceeds benefit humanitarian projects in Latin America. Everyone is welcome.  

18. World Malaria Day Art Auction on April 25, the Atrium,  Georgia Tech College of Management. All of the proceeds from this event will benefit a MedShare 40 ft. container shipment of critical medical supplies and biomedical equipment for Sierra Leone. The required sponsorship is $22,000 which includes sorting, loading, and shipping the 40 ft. container to Sierra Leone. The estimated value of the supplies and equipment in the container is over $150,000 if purchased on the open market.  Door Prize –Entertainment – Refreshments. Ticket Donations at   R.s.v.p. to  Myrnal Lowe at

19. Getting Real with God:  Discovering New Ways to Pray, Thursday mornings, 10:30 - Noon, April 26 – May 31 at Deep Waters Center for Prayer & Exploration, Amerson House at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church.  In this six-week course, join Spiritual Director Kimberly Broerman to talk about prayer in all its complexity.  Each session will explore and then “try on” a different prayer practice;  breath prayer, body prayer, praying the hours, lectio divina, the examen, welcoming prayer, walking the labyrinth, and centering prayer. Join in a gentle community and discover how these practices can enrich your spiritual life.  Investment  $20 per session.  Space is limited; sign up by Monday, April 23.  Contact Kimberly at 404-275-3328,  

20. Annual Casa Nuova Winemaker Dinner to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,  Metro Atlanta Chapter,  is May 3. Read all about it 

21. It’s Car Show time at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Snellville.  The Car Show and Spring Festival will be held rain or shine from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, May 5, on the Grand Lawn of the Vines Mansion and Botanical Gardens in Loganville. Fun and activities for all ages; admission is free except for those showing cars.  Read

22. Are you interested in working on a team with middle and high school age youth for the summer? Are you interested in helping teens reflect on faith amidst urban realities? DOOR Atlanta is looking for outstanding young adults interested in leadership development in an urban context to work as hosts for weeklong service learning trips that focus on modeling service as an essential part of the life of faith. The program runs from June 1 – August 9 and pays a stipend of $2000 plus room and board.  Summer staff is now being hired, ages 18-23. Interested?  Check out and call David York @404.295.9922 or Tim Showalter-Ehst at 404-438-9859. (It’s like camp, but in downtown Atlanta!)

23. CATCH is a unique volunteer opportunity where you help children learn the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity and maybe pickup a healthy habit yourself.   Each week, adults age 50+ will team up with children ages 5-10 to encourage healthier eating and physical activity. It’s a Win-Win! Meetings take place at area YMCAs and Boys & Girls Clubs. Training is provided.  CATCH summertime sessions start June 4.  For more information and the summer schedule go to or contact Mary Newton at 404-463-4554 or   email at

24. Peacebuilders Camp has opened registration for this summer. This overnight summer camp, June 25-30, is based at Koinonia Partners, in Americus, GA. Peacebuilders Camp is a small camp for campers ages 10-14 who will learn about peace and justice activism by visiting with local peacemakers and living in community. Camp includes water play, swimming, hiking, campfires (with s'mores), movie night, and other activities. If you would like to learn more about Peacebuilders Camp, the best thing to do is look at the photos and videos from 2011  Peacebuilders Camp at There are some scholarships available. See registration  

25. Pastors you can start making plans to attend the Annual Pastor Appreciation Event. FaithTalk 970 WNIV announced this week that preregistration is open. This year’s event will be held on Thursday, October 18 at the Marriott in Alpharetta.  Special Guest Speaker this year is Alistair Begg from Truth for Life.     Please be sure to register early to reserve your spot; space is limited.

26. Read Fr. Richard Rohr’s meditation for April 2 on the cleansing of the temple at our Facebook page.

 27. Is your congregation considering Care For the Troops, the veteran-friendly congregation initiative?   It addresses the spiritual and psychological needs of our returning troops and their families.   To find out more, visit or contact Peter McCall at or 770-329-6156.


 Find out more about Sabbath Rest mini-silent retreat and register 



  We have information about two area churches that offer tours to groups on our website  . Let us know if you would like information about tours your church offers put on this page.   


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Ethel Ware Carter

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta


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