God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Holy Week 2014
A former Ku Klux Klan leader attacked two Jewish centers in Kansas City, Sunday, killing three people just before the beginning of Passover. Such horrors are difficult to comprehend at any place and time, perhaps especially in a religious community during holy days. This Holy Week we also mark anniversaries of other acts of senseless violence in our country. Read about Faith United to End Gun Violence.
34th Annual Good Friday Pilgrimage, the Urban Way of the Cross, April 18. Read more>>
Remember that Children’s Mental Health Week is the first full week in May. The theme this year is Building Circles of Care; the circle is not complete without the faith community. See www.CHIPGeorgia.com for a couple of good suggestions for observance. We can also find you a speaker.
1. A great chance to vote for your favorite organization in 11 Alive’s Celebrate Kindness Contest! You can vote once per day until Wednesday, April 23. The charity that receives the most votes by Wednesday, April 23, will win $10,000. Vote here.
2. The Open Door Community will worship on the street during Holy Week with its friends —homeless and sheltered. Tonight, April 16, 5 p.m., Woodruff Park, Five Points; Maundy Thursday Eucharist, April 17, 5 p.m., City Hall, Trinity Avenue; Good Friday, 5 p.m., Pine Street Shelter, Peachtree and Pine Streets; Easter morning at the Open Door Community, 910 Ponce de Leon Avenue, 8 a.m.
3. Come out and join Big Bethel AME Church, 220 Auburn Avenue, in a three-night Holy Week Revival beginning tonight, April 16, with a Jazz Vespers Concert. On Thursday, April 17, Maundy Thursday Services with Flipper Temple AME Church; Pastor Augusta Hall will bring the message. Good Friday services will observe the tradition of the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross. All revival services start at 7 p.m. and the entire community is invited. Resurrection Day will begin with Sunrise Services at 6 a.m. with Senior Pastor John Foster. Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, the Presiding Prelate of the 6th Episcopal District will bring the message at the 11 a.m. Service.
4. "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community" MLK/SCLC Social Justice Community Forum, Thursday, April 17; 7:00 p.m., South Cobb Community Center, 620 Lions Club Dr SW, Mableton 30126. Sponsored by SCLC Cobb Chapter/Cobb Immigrant Alliance/Cobb United for Change Coalition. Panelists: Cobb County Commissioner, Lisa Cupid; Dr. Lawrence M. Schall, President of Oglethorpe University; Rev. Sam Mosteller, SCLC State President; America Gruner, Exec. Dir. CLILA-Coalition of Latino Leaders. The public is invited to attend and participate in this event.
5.’ Mirroring the Saints,” through June 1, at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory, features recently discovered copperplates from the Jesuit Wierix collection from De Krijtberg, Amsterdam, and prints by three members of the famous Wierix family: brothers Jan Wierix (1549-ca. 1618), Hieronymus Wierix (1553-1619), and Anton II Wierix (ca. 1555-1604). Read the fascinating story of their discovery and more about the exhibition here.
6. Pastor Darryl Winston and Greater Works Assembly will host Good Friday Service where seven powerful women of God preach the seven last sayings of Jesus from the cross, Higher Ground Empowerment Center, 561 Spencer St. NW, Atlanta 30314, April 18, noon. 7 Sisters Preaching: Elder Juakena Winston, Greater Ministries; Pastor Deitra U. Hill, New Creation, Inc.; Bishop Dr. Liza Hickman, Life Enrichment Ministries; Pastor Angelic Simmons, New Citadel of Hope Christian Church; Pastor General Dr. LaToya Williams, New Life International Family Church; Pastor Karen Dones, Karen Dones Ministries; Pastor Stephanie Jennings, The Harvest Tabernacle Church.
7. The Rev. Marek Zabriskie, rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Fort Washington, Penn., is the featured preacher for Easter, April 20, on “Day 1” radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Zabriskie’s message “God Reached Out,” is based on the account of Jesus’ resurrection in Matthew. “Easter faith is about reaching out. No small acts of service will solve the unspeakable problems that besiege our world. But that’s not how Christians view it. Every dollar, every kind word, every deed and act of Christian love is part of the great cosmic drama inspired by God’s reaching out to us when Jesus rose from the grave.”
8. Remember that Aramaic Bible Study continues at Hillside International Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd. SW, Atlanta 30311, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. with Dr. Rocco A. Errico.
9. Conor Grennan, author of bestseller "Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal," will present the Program for Global Citizenship lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, at Holy Innocents' Episcopal School, Atlanta. The event is open to all.
10. Employers who expect to hire within the next 90 days will participate in a Job Fair sponsored by the Fulton County Office of Workforce Development on Wednesday, April 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Atrium of the Fulton County Government Center, 141 Pryor Street, Atlanta. Job seekers are urged to dress for success and bring their resumes. For information call (404)613-6381. Citizens in need of accommodations due to a disability should contact Nell Kapple in the Housing and Human Services Department at (404) 613-7944. For Georgia Relay Access, dial 711.
11. The Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke's (TACC) will be hosting their Annual Speakers Event, Meaningful Conversations, Thursday, April 24, 6:15 p.m. This year they will explore the problem of human trafficking and the exploitation of youth in Atlanta. This event will be held at St. Luke's Church beginning in the Parish Hall. Four panelists will join the conversation this year including: 1.) Jennifer Swain, Program Director, youthSpark,an advocacy agency focused on the issues of Human Trafficking; 2.) Judge Bradley J. Boyd, Chief Judge of Juvenile Justice; 3.) Carol Largent, retired Cobb County Police Officer; 4.) Dorsey Jones, Survivor. Read more Read more.
12. Roswell United Methodist Church Women’s Ministry invites you to an Evening with Rochelle Frazier, author of He Gave Me Pearls, on Thursday, April 24, at 7 p.m. in the Chapel, followed by dessert and coffee. Special music by The Treble Makers. Tickets: rumc.com/women. For more information contact Rev. Julie Wright, wrightj@rumc.com or 770.261.1732
13. Holy Comforter Church, Atlanta, will offer a special farewell liturgy for Vicar Mike Tanner and his wife, Cozette, at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, April 27. After ten years at Holy Comforter Father Tanner is retiring. A luncheon follows. R.s.v.p. to admin@holycomforter-atlanta.org, or call Liz Mitchell at 404-627-6510.
14. Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 2971 Butner Road, SW, Atlanta 30331, holds a special Youth Ministry Worship on Sundays, 10:45 – 11:30 a.m., April 27. All middle and high school students are welcome to a fun, engaging, and Christ-filled experience.
15. Charis Books, 1189 Euclid Avenue, NE, Atlanta 30307, welcomes earth friendly earth worm, Eco, on Sunday, April 27, in celebration of Earth Month. “Eco in the Garden” author Linda Oberlin will be on hand to help children celebrate the wonders of playing in the dirt and conserving Mother Earth's resources. Storytime and a hands-on learning play table from 1-2:30 pm. This is a Charis Circle Strong Families, Whole Children event and is free and open to the public.
16. Rev. Jonier Orozco will be installed as Pastor of College Park Presbyterian Church, 3557 Main Street, on Sunday, April 27, at 5:00 p.m. Jonier is a native of Medellin, Colombia and has worked at College Park since January of 2006. Jonier has served as the president of the Hispanic Caucus of the Southeast United States.
17. Fulton County Health and Wellness, Division of Health Promotion, Interfaith Coalition of Fulton summit entitled, The Ripple Effect: Integrating Faith, Science & Policy to Promote Health is April 28 and registration closes on April 23. The summit will occur from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at The Hindu Temple of Atlanta, 5851 Georgia 85, Riverdale 30274. Register Now!
18. Barbara Brown Taylor, author and Episcopal priest, will sign copies of her latest book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta. There is no admission fee, but those planning to attend may e-mail cbs3@mindspring.com, Cathedral Book Store, which is hosting the event.
19. A free collaborative event, the Fulton County Schools 2014 Faith Summit, Thursday, May 1, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Stonecreek Church in Milton, is designed to engage Fulton County's faith leaders with school leaders in support of students, families and education. See more.
20. Barbara Brown Taylor will discuss her latest book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, May 1, 7 p.m. Challenging everything she has been told of the perils in darkness, Barbara Brown Taylor embarks on a year-long journey through caves, underground nightclubs, and unlit cabins, discovering a life-saving antidote within the spirituality of darkness. This event is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book and hosted by Conversations at First Baptist Decatur. No tickets or reservations are required. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.
21. A lecture on theology and culture will be delivered at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 2, at St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany Episcopal Church, Buford, by Anthony Baker, professor of systematic theology at the Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Texas. This may involve Harry Potter. For more information and to register online, click here.
22. "Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago" a documentary about the Camino de Santiago comes to Atlanta. What is it about Spain's ancient Camino de Santiago trail that lures hundreds of thousands of people from around the world to spend weeks, even months, walking 500 miles with nothing more than a backpack, a pair of boots, and the promise of experiencing something extraordinary? Follow the journeys of six pilgrims as they experience the deeply transformational power of walking with God. It opens May 2 at Midtown Art Cinema and will play for at least a week. Director/Producer Lydia B. Smith will be present for Q+A on May 2 & 3. Visit www.landmarktheatres.com for information. See a bit, 3 Minute Trailer.
23. St. James' Church in Marietta parish fundraiser for outreach ministries will be a Mystery Dinner Theater and Silent Auction at 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3. The play is entitled "The Curse of the Waffling Bishop," and a gourmet dinner is included: $50 per person. For information call (770)428-5841.
24. Community Health Fair at Lutheran Church of the Atonement, 1875 Joseph E. Boone Blvd. N.W., Atlanta 30314, May 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
25. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Atlanta will celebrate West Indian Heritage for the tenth year on May 3, 1 to 5 p.m.. Great food, music and more. All are welcome.
26. The Rainbow Village Annual Golf Classic is May 5 at TPC Sugarloaf in Duluth, and special guest is teaching professional Jon Tattersall. To learn more about the fund-raiser, which supports the Rainbow Village transitional housing ministry for homeless families in Duluth, click here.
27. Read all about the Fifth Annual Red Carpet Style Thriving Children Evening to Believe In benefiting the Center for Children & Young Adults, Marietta, May 9, featuring 27. Atlanta Young singers of Callanwolde Choir, CCYA Teen Choir, Corpus Christi Catholic Church Gospel Choir, and a haircut for the celebrity emcee. Read more>>
28. Parent Boot Camp from Parents Teachers Advocates Do you want to be a better parent? Do you know beyond doubt who you are and where you are going? Are you fulfilling your purpose? PT&A is offering you a chance to make some changes. May 9-10; Friday 7-9:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-Noon and 1-3 p.m.; Hampton Inn Stone Mountain, 1737 Mountain Industrial Blvd. , Stone Mountain 30083. Tickets and more information here (see Parent Boot Camp) Early Bird Special Ends April 20. For inquires call Barbara Harvey at 770-256-3281 email Barbara@ptanda.org or Nita Wilder 404-662-7586 email nita@ptanda.org
29. The Center for Civil and Human Rights is looking for volunteers! The excitement is growing as the public celebration nears. It will be June 23. You would be welcome to help serve with the center to empower people to take every human’s rights personally. For more information on volunteering, please contact Robert Jones at rjones@civilandhumanrights.org.
30. The author of the 2014-15 Horizons Bible Study, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, and leader Sharol Hayner will each facilitate a program designed for those who will lead the new study, Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians. Dr. Hinson-Hasty will lead the weekday program on August 4-6. Rev. Hayner, parish associate at Kairos Church in Atlanta, will lead the weekend program on August 15-16, Columbia Theological Seminary. Registration is now open for both programs. Early bird discounts apply until May 31. For more information, contact Dr. Sarah Erickson, ericksons@ctsnet.edu More info.
31. For over 98 years, the Andrew P. Stewart Center has partnered with Atlanta churches to enrich the lives of children. This summer they will host full-length summer camps in two Atlanta neighborhoods, Reynoldstown and Pittsburgh, that have the potential to be a transformative experience for over 100 children. Spirituality and academics will continue to be the driving force of the programs. The Center will need greater resources to execute summer camp this year. You can help. Read more>>
32. Don’t forget the One Region Ideas Challenge; what would you do to build bridges between peoples. Anyone can dream, anyone can offer an idea. Visit the One Region Atlanta website or Facebook.
33 . The Gateway Center, 275 Pryor Street, is looking for groups of 5-10 help serve dinner to 300 men each night of the week. For more information, contact Bec Cranford-Smith at volunteers@gatewayctr.org www.gatewayctr.org
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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