Church Action eNewsletter Week of April 21, 2014

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Week of April 21, 2014


Remember that Children’s Mental Health Week is the first full week in May. The theme this year is Building Circles of Care; the circle is not complete without the faith community. See for a couple of good suggestions for observance. We can also find you a speaker.

Last day to vote for your favorite organization in 11 Alive’s Celebrate Kindness Contest! The charity that receives the most votes will win $10,000. Vote here.

1. Reel Living with Bob Bahr "American Religion at the Movies: An Interfaith Conversation," Tuesdays: April 22, April 29, May 6 & May 13; 10:00- 11:30 a.m. $30 for the four session series. Temple Sinai, 5645 Dupree Dr, NW Sandy Springs 30327. A discussion of contemporary issues facing four major religious faiths in America as reflected in four recent feature films. Guest religious leaders will be a part of each week's discussion. Class Schedule: April 29  "X- The Life of Malcolm X" with Imam Plemon el-Amin; May 6  "Doubt" with Father Jeffrey Ott; May 13 "The Chosen" with Rabbi Brad Levenberg. Sign Up here.

2. AIB Presents – Faith and the Environment. Part 1 features GSU Chemistry Professor Dabney Dixon and Jennifer Ayers, Candler School of Theology, exploring how ancient, sacred texts and stories inform contemporary understandings of the environmental crisis and solutions. Panelists take aim at those who have dubbed the environmental movement as a false religion, as they call for embracing the concept of loving where one lives.  Premiered Monday at 7:00 p.m.; you can see an encore on Thursday, April 24, at 9 a.m. and Saturday at 12:30 p.m.

3. Free shopping, Thursday, April 24, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., at the Cascade Clothes Closet, Cascade UMC, 3144 Cascade Road, Atlanta 30311.

4. A artists' reception,  6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at the Ventulett Gallery at Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church,  805 Mt. Vernon Highway NW, Atlanta 30327. Driving Directions.  A new exhibit features works of clay artist Kyle Young and mixed-media artists Beth Tarkington. Its theme is "Life Lived in Whispers and Shouts." Refreshments served; artwork is available for purchase.  

 4. “Living a Healthier Lifestyle is a Family Affair” Providence Missionary Baptist Church Community Health Fair, Saturday, April 26, 10:00 a.m. – 4 p.m., there will be activities for the entire family. Providence is at 2295 Benjamin E. Mays Drive S. W. Atlanta 30310. Health screenings will include blood pressures, cholesterol, body mass index, dental, and vision. The following will be participating: AARP, Fulton County Health Department, JENCARE, YMCA, National Kidney Foundation, Avon Foundation, Henry Wellness Center, and Dr. Walter Young, DDS. There will be opportunities to exercise, learn more about Cancer guidelines, meet with Chiropractors and get healthy weight loss tips. Free and open to the public.  For more information, visit or Facebook.

5. Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe will host its Annual Women’s Day Brunch on Saturday, April 26, at 11:00 a.m., in the Green multi-purpose room at Radcliffe, 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr., Atlanta 30318. The luncheon speaker is Dr. Maisha I. Handy, speaking to the Women's Day theme, "An Abiding Hope: God’s Call to Serve. Come and enjoy the festivities, music and door prizes for all with us. Hope to see you there.

6. St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church in Smyrna presents the Lynn Swanson Festival Singers performing a capella works of Morten Lauridsen, Lloyd Pfautsch, F. Melius Christiansen, Alexander Kopylov, Javier Busto, and Heinrich Schutz, Music of the Sacred Harp, American Spirituals, and Black Gospel Music, Saturday, April 26, at 7 p.m. A reception follows, 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna 30080. Tickets, $15, $10 seniors and students, children under 12 free, at the door or online

7. The Jung Society of Atlanta presents a lecture this Saturday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd., NW, Atlanta, 30327. Doug Tyler, Ph.D., Knoxville based Jungian Analyst, will speak about: “Merlin: Archetype of Spirit in Nature.”  Public - $20; Students - $10; JSA Members - free. Additional information .

8. The Edge-Cannon Lay Organization of Big Bethel AME Church, 220 Auburn Avenue, is celebrating its Annual Lay Day on Sunday, April 27.  You are invited to join the congregation at either 7:45 a.m. when Ms. Edna Martin, President of the North Atlanta Lay District Lay Organization, will speak, or at  the 11:00 a.m. worship service when Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, 8th and first female elected President of Tennessee State University, will be the guest speaker.

9. The Rev. Billy Honor, senior pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church in College Park, is the featured preacher April 27 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at New Life, where Honor has served for over four years, is one of the fastest growing African-American Presbyterian congregations in the country. In “How to Handle a Scandal,” Honor examines the aftermath of the resurrection of Jesus.  For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s website,

10. Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop offered by Care and Counseling Center of Georgia in collaboration with Oak Grove United Methodist Church (1722 Oak Grove Rd, Decatur) with Karon Ferguson, LPC and Mary Lou Gilbert, Pastor Senior Services. This program is certified by the Atlanta Regional Commission's Area on Aging. The program is beneficial to anyone who is providing support or caregiving up-close or long-distance to a parent, spouse, family member or friend. More details.  Cost is $50 for six-weeks and includes all materials. Begins Sunday April 27, 4:00pm-5:30pm. Call Karon at 404-636-1457 x407 or email to register or for additional information.

11. K. D. Moore Community Development Center’s Paralee George 6th Annual Golf Tournament will be on Monday, April 28 at Stone Mountain Park Golf Course located at 1145 Stonewall Jackson Drive Stone Mountain 30083.  The Paralee George golf fundraiser helps meet the needs of students with books, tuition, meals, room and board. For more information about the tournament please contact Howard Evans at .

12. Leadership DeKalb and the Community Foundation invite you to a Community Forum with DeKalb County Board of Education Candidates Districts 5, 6, and 7, April 29, Porter Sanford III Art Center 3181 Rainbow Dr, Decatur 30034, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Free Event

13. Northside Drive Baptist Church Discussion and Book Signing with Dr. James Mahaffey, Tuesday, April 29, at 7 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Dr. Mahaffey, a member of NDBC and retired senior research scientist at Georgia Tech, will introduce his latest book, “Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima,” containing explanations of all that has gone wrong so far in nuclear engineering and science, but offering hope for the future of humankind. He will entertain questions on any related subject from the hazards of steam under pressure to the degree of danger in eating fish from the Pacific Ocean.

14. Making Non-Denominational Friends for ITC: A Conversation with Bishop Mark Chrionna, The Master’s Touch International Church, on the Church Movement Globally with Dr. Riggins Earl, ITS, Rev. Portia Wills-Lee, Trinity Tabernacle Baptist Church, Dr. Mark W. Thompson, Redemptive Life Christian Fellowship, Dr. Marsha Snulligan-Henry, ITC, Wednesday, April 30, 11 – 1:30 a.m., Interdenominational Theological Center Chapel, 700 MLK Drive, SW, Atlanta 30314.

15. Barbara Brown Taylor returns to the Cathedral of St. Philip on April 30, 6:30 p.m., in Child Hall. She will begin the evening with a discussion introducing her latest book, “Learning To Walk In The Dark.”  This will be followed by a question and answer period and a book signing.  Many of her other books will also be available. There is no charge for this event but please email if you plan to attend indicating the number in your party.  2744 Peachtree Road, NW, Atlanta  30305. 

16. Join Charis and Georgia WAND for a special presentation in honor of Earth Month with author Ellen Griffith Spears who is releasing her new book “Baptized in PCBs: Race, Pollution, and Justice in an All-American Town,” Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at 1189 Euclid Ave NE, Atlanta   30307. Griffith-Spears offers a compelling narrative of the community of Anniston, Alabama, in a battle for environment justice, exposing how systemic racial and class inequalities reinforced during the Jim Crow era played out in intense contemporary social movements.

17. One Voice United in Prayer: Clayton County National Day of Prayer and Community Breakfast, Thursday, May 1, 6:30 – 8:30 a.m. Guest speaker is Angela Harrington Rice, Producer and Anchor of A Woman’s Place at AIBTV. The National Archives Southeast Region, 5780 Jonesboro Road, Morrow 30260. Gospel Recording Artist Sherrie McCracy will perform. Donation of $15 includes breakfast. R.s.v.p. to Rev. Mike Glanton (678)479-7730 or 

18. Arts in the Garden, Skyland Trail, 1961 North Druid Hills Road NE, Atlanta 30329, Friday May 2, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Arts in the Garden is an annual event with presentations of visual and performing arts saluting the successful recovery of people with mental illness. Arts in the Garden celebrates mental health month by giving consumers of mental health services the opportunity to display their art to educate the community about mental illness and to reduce stigma.  Come for workshops, demonstrations, exhibits, performances, plant and art sales, treasure sale, storytelling, and mental health education. Admission is free. Open to the public.  Details.

19. Clarkston Family Movie Night will be held at Clarkston First Baptist Church’s Family Life Center located at 4007 Church Street Clarkston, Georgia 30021 on Friday, May 2.  The movie that will be shown is “The Smurfs.” Get a popcorn and drink combo for $2.50!!!!

20. A health and wellness fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 3, at St. David's Episcopal Church, Roswell. The fair is open to the public, and admission is free. Professional service providers will be available to talk about assisted living, skilled nursing centers, home care, rehab facilities, hospice, and legal and veterans' services. Screenings for blood pressure will be available.

21.  “Day 1” will present a special series entitled “Inspiring Young Leaders to Shape the Future” on its programs airing May 4 through June 1. The series is produced in partnership with the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE), based in Atlanta. Each of the five programs will present an accomplished seminary student, who preaches a sermon and is interviewed by Wallace. The series focuses on the future of the church and the role of young leaders in helping to shape it. Read more>>

22. Religious Genocide: When People of Faith are Targeted. Many of our faith traditions have experienced genocide. This program will highlight those known and lesser-known attempts at genocide experienced by faith groups throughout the Atlanta landscape. May 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m., hosted by Temple Sinai. Dinner from 6:30-7:00 and the program from 7:00-8:30.  Dinner is $15. R.s.v.p. and prepay here. Top of Form


23. Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and Atlanta Recycling Solutions have partnered for an Electronic Recycling Event on Saturday, May 10 from 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. This will give the public an opportunity to dispose of their electronics free of charge with the exception of televisions. The event will be held at 5140 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain  30083. Call 404 292 8212 or visit for more information.

24. DeKalb Families in Action 4th Annual Awards Prayer Breakfast with Keynote Speaker the Rev. De'Andre S. Pickett, May 10, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon, First Iconium Baptist Church, 542 Moreland Avenue, Atlanta   30316 map here Donation:  $10.00. For additional information and to R.s.v.p. contact Ms. Dixon  (678) 570-9578; Ms. Harrison -(404) 604-7229; or email .

25. Georgia Latino’s Against Domestic Violence will host a one day training Culturally Diverse: Intimate Partner Violence in the Latino & African American Communities designed for those who work with Latino and/or African American communities and seek to expand their understanding of the impact of domestic violence in these communities and build collaborations for enhanced service and advocacy. Advocates, social workers, mental health professionals, and members of law enforcement are urged to attend. May 13, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Registration Fee is $35.00 per person. Holy Cross Catholic Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road Atlanta, GA 30341

26. World-renowned soprano Sylvia McNair will be performing in a cabaret program at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Friday, May 16. Tickets are available on the church's Concert Series website are $30. The Atlanta Opera will be announcing this concert to their entire subscriber list so don't wait to purchase your tickets.

27. Leadership Training and Annual meeting of the United Methodist Men, North Georgia Conference, Saturday, May 17, 8:30 a.m. – 3:35 p.m., Briarcliff United Methodist Church, 4105 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta 30045. Register ONLINE at WWW.NGCUMM.ORG or contact the UMMen Office  at or (404) 909-8250, ext. 302 . Please register by May 13. Cost is $10 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. The meeting is open to all men in the North Georgia Conference. Read about the highlights and an opportunity to share what’s happening in your ministry here.

28. Friends of L'Arche Atlanta invites you to the 4th Annual Coffeehouse Talent Night, Saturday, May 17, 7 p.m. Come share your talents.  Please email to sign up to sing, dance, share a story, joke, poem, or share any other talent.   You can also get added to the list the night of the event. St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Mulhearn Hall, 636 W. Ponce De Leon, Decatur, 30030. Bring yourself, your talent to share, a dessert to share, and a friend! For more information, contact Laura Wells at 404-310-8129 or

29. Living Liberation: Join the Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC this summer, June 26-29-- a soul stirring conference that will host justice workers and peace practitioners. For more information, visit

30. Save the date November 3-5 for “Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality.” This innovative program focuses on church leadership for leaders of churches with fewer than 150 members. Columbia Theological Seminary, Center for Lifelong Learning.

31. Do you know someone who is experiencing difficulty making mortgage payments?  If the difficulty is due to unemployment (layoff, job closure), under-employment (hours reduced, changed job at lesser pay), or other financial hardship resulting from a catastrophic medical situation, the death of a spouse, or related to military service, the HomeSafe Georgia program may be able to help.  This recently expanded, federally-funded program, administered by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, is already helping almost 5,000 Georgia homeowners by making up to 24 months of mortgage payments on their behalf.  There is no cost to apply. Visit to check the eligibility requirements or call 1-877-519-4443 to speak with a representative.

32. Led by Rev. Eric Elnes, Darkwood Brew is a groundbreaking interactive web television program and spiritual gathering that explores progressive/emerging Christian faith and values. Have a look.

33. Allied Faith & Family is working with Liberty Studios in support of “Walking with the Enemy” an inspirational film based on the true story of WWII hero Pinchas Rosenbaum, who braved great danger to rescue countless Jews from death in Nazi Hungary. Rosenbaum’s story is one of faith, love and courage. Your congregations will be inspired and uplifted by this film and the film’s producers are donating 10 cents to the Wounded Warrior Project for each ‘like’ the film’s Facebook page receives. Share the page with your church family to support the cause! You can find the film here. Allied Faith & Family can provide free posters, postcards, and discussion guides. If you are interested, contact Jesse Brooks at (404)239-5414 or


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.


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