God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Have you encountered someone who is drawn to your congregation and seems to be troubled or in crisis? What an opportunity to show the welcome our faith calls us to. The Creating Compassionate Congregations Tool Box for Mental Health Ministry now contains a page entitled “Personal Encounter: A First Step.” www.chipgeorgia.com
Lent begins on March 5. We have a few wonderful resources for the observance of Lent at the end of this newsletter.
1. The Georgia House passed a gun bill last week that will allow weapons to be brought into places of worship, schools, bars, and some government buildings. The bill reduces the penalties for carrying a gun on college campuses to a misdemeanor and changes the rules for bringing guns into airports. You can read the bill here.. This legislation dramatically changes the current law in Georgia on carrying weapons in public places. The bill now goes to the Senate for its consideration. A clergy statement was printed in the AJC today. Will you add your name to those clergy who are speaking out to proclaim God's commandment that we work to ensure the safety and security of all people? Supporters sign the statement only on behalf of themselves and not their congregations which will not be shown. The statement will be distributed to all elected officials in Georgia and the media. Find the statement on our website. Clergy are invited to join us by contacting Jamie Brownlee at Jamie.Brownlee@comcast.net
2. Cascade Clothes Closet, 3144 Cascade Road, Atlanta 30311. Shop for free on Thursday, February 27, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and Saturday, March 8, 9 a.m. to 12.
3. Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, “Breaking Ground: My Life In Medicine,” Thursday, February 27, 7 p.m., Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum, Sullivan recounts his extraordinary life beginning with his childhood in Jim Crow south Georgia, continuing through his trailblazing endeavors to become a physician in the Northeast, founding and then leading the Morehouse School of Medicine, and serving as secretary of Health and Human Services.
4. AIBTV in partnership with the Trumpet Award Foundation provides coverage of local Trumpet Award events. Tune in this week for the Trumpet Award Foundation International Civil Rights Walk of Fame and celebrate with this year’s inductees. See this hour long special; whose shoes will join the shoes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? Friday at 10:00 p.m. on AIB.
5. A Future. Not A Past. Community Ambassadors are community members who volunteer to raise awareness of child sex trafficking and keep their friends and family informed. This one-time 3 hour training session provides education on trafficking in Georgia, red flags to look for, services available for any child in need of help, and how to report this crime to law enforcement. Last chance to register for March 1 Community Ambassador Training! Saturday, March 1, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Hearts to Nourish Hope, Inc., 640 Hwy 138 SW, Riverdale 30274. Email info@youth-spark.org to R.s.v.p. by Thursday, February 27. Continental breakfast will be provided.
6. The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor, priest, educator, and best-selling author, is the featured preacher March 2 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace. In her sermon Taylor explores the account of the Transfiguration in Matthew. “Most of us are allowed at least one direct experience of God (within bounds)—something that knocks us for a loop, blows our circuits, calls all our old certainties into question,” she says. “Some churches even require you to produce one as proof of your conversion. But even in congregations that welcome signs and wonders on a regular basis, there seems to be a general consensus that life in Christ means trading in your old certainties for new ones.” For more information check the program’s website, http://day1.org
7. You're Cordially Invited to the Pastoral Installation of Rev. Billy Michael Honor, with special guest Rev. Robert Burkins (Elmwood United Presbyterian Church, East Orange, NJ). "A Celebration of Divine Excellence and Expectation.” Sunday, March 2, at 4 p.m. at New Life Presbyterian Church, 6600 Old National Hwy. College Park 30349. For more information contact the church office at office@newlifepresatl.com or 770-996-7159, or visit www.newlifepresatl.com.
8. Harmonie Universelle will perform music of Handel, Telemann, and C.P.E Bach at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 2, at Church of the Epiphany, 2089 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE, Atlanta, 30307. This concert is free and open to the public.
9. The High Point University Chamber Singers will give a free concert on at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 3, at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, 3110 Ashford Dunwoody Rd., Atlanta 30319. The group includes Chaz Duffy, a longtime member of St. Martin's.
10. Atlanta Regional Housing Forum; How community Matters: The Nexus of Education, Communities, and Housing. This Forum will address the question of how partnerships can improve educational success of our region's students and ultimately the long-term health and viability of our regional neighborhoods. March 5, 9:30 – 11:45 a.m. St. Lukes Episcopal Church, 435 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308 MORE
11. The Annual General Meeting for FAMA is Wednesday, March 5 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Temple Sinai, 5645 Dupree Drive NW, Atlanta 30327. Free lunch! Find out how YOU can get involved in building a better Atlanta through interfaith involvement. Please R.s.v.p. online at the Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta homep...
12. Your participation will help Georgia keep its promise of a second chance for first offenders. Georgia Justice Project announces Enhance the Chance Lobby Day on March 6, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00p.m. Find out more and Register for Georgia Justice Project Lobby Day at the Capitol on March 6.
13. Through story, music, movement and multimedia performance, a coalition of metro Atlanta artists and activists calls on Atlanta to confront child sex trafficking in the metropolitan area. A reception will follow with resources and volunteer opportunities from metro organizations working to confront child sex trafficking. Donations will be accepted and an auction for the artists’ live work will be held. A portion of the proceeds will go to The Facing Project. This event is co-sponsored by Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta. March 6 at 7 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, 1911 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta 30329.
14. Trayvon Martin’s Legacy, outdoor rally, Saturday, March 8, 11 a.m., Howell Park, Atlanta, 983 R. D. Abernathy Blvd., SW at Peeples Street, Historical West End, Atlanta. To prevent Martin’s tragic death from becoming just another footnote in the struggle for justice in America, to raise awareness of racial profiling in our nation. Hosted by the National Association for Justice & Equality, (404)863-7576.
15. Dr. B. Wiley Stephens, currently in his 24th year as senior pastor of Dunwoody United Methodist Church in Dunwoody, is the featured preacher March 9 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Stephens has served United Methodist churches for 50 years and has long been a leader in the North Georgia Conference. His sermon based on Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, and Matthew 4:1-11, is entitled “Who Is in Charge?” For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s website, http://day1.org.
16. Join thousands in the fight against hunger on Sunday, March 9 at Turner Field. The 5K walk/run benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank and five other local nonprofits with hunger relief programs: Episcopal Charities Foundation, The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Lutheran Services of Georgia, Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Gates open at Noon and the 5K walk and 5K “fun run” begin at 2 p.m. Pre-register online as a team or individual at www.HWR2014.org, or at the registration tent the day of the event. Come enjoy the fun, festival-like atmosphere with activities for the entire family! For more information visit www.HWR2014.org , call (404) 419- 1723, or e-mail hungerwalk@acfb.org. Also be sure to find Hunger Walk/Run on Facebook and follow on Twitter @HungerWalkATL #HWR2014.
17. A worship service will be held at Historic Zion Episcopal Church in Talbotton at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 9. The Rev. Jeff Jackson, rector of St. Nicholas, Hamilton, will preach and the Very Rev. Allen Pruett, dean of the Chattahoochee Valley Convocation of churches, will celebrate the Eucharist. Take this opportunity to worship in this 160-year-old building on the Georgia Trust's endangered structures list. All are welcome. For information call 706-628-7272.
18. "Food, Sex & the Scrambled Scriptures" is the topic from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at Mary and Martha's Place at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. Culinary comedienne Millie Coleman will give her spirited retelling of familiar Bible stories. Cost $20. more
19. The Baylor A Cappella Choir, the premier choral ensemble at Baylor University, will perform at Dunwoody United Methodist Church on Thursday March 13 at 7 p.m. Selected by competitive audition, the 60-voice choir performs a wide variety of musical styles in prestigious venues across the nation. Dunwoody UMC is at 1548 Mt. Vernon Road, Atlanta 30338.
20. GCBW/Women Flying High invite you to celebrate Women’s History Month, Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment, The Carter Center, March 14, 12 to 2:30 p.m. For information call (404)584-9605.
21. Dr. Blair R. Monie, senior pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Tex., is the featured preacher March 16 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. In “A Serpentine Story,” his sermon for the second Sunday in Lent, Monie digs into the story of Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus in John 3:1-17. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s website, http://day1.org.
22. Fire and Faith— A musical celebration of 150 years of continued faith, service, and ministry in honor of Father Thomas O’Reilly’s heroic actions in saving several churches and civic buildings in the Capitol hill area of downtown Atlanta during the Civil War. This concert will feature the Shrine Music Ministry, Atlanta artist Kathleen Bertrand, and the nationally acclaimed Atlanta Homeward Choir under the direction of Mr. Donal P. Noonan, and will take place at The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta 30303 at 5 p.m., Sunday, March 16. Admission is free; a love offering will be taken for Shrine Music Ministry and The Atlanta Homeward Choir. For more information please visit www.catholicshrineatlanta.org or call 404-521 1866
23. Save the date, March 22, 11 a.m., Shy Temple CME Church Health &Wellness Ministry invites you to “Spice it up” a healthy cooking demonstration on ways to use spices instead of salt and sugar. This event is FREE. Please call to reserve your seat. Patricia Yates-Rand (706)49-1036
24. The Presbyterian Women of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church are gearing up for their Annual Women's Day Celebration, starting with a 10 a,m. Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 29, an 11:00 Brunch on Saturday, April 26 and an 11:00 a.m. Women's Day Worship Service, on Sunday, May 4. They invite all to come celebrate “An Abiding Hope: God’s Call to Serve.”. All activities will be held at Radcliffe, located at 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive, Atlanta 30318.
25. The 2014 Dr. Daniel S. Blumenthal Annual Public Health Summit is being held April 1-2, 2014 on the campus of Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. Registration is open for Strong Communities Preventing Violence. For more information visit 2014 Public Health Summit
26. The National Council of Churches announces a Christian Unity Gathering, May 18-20, at the Hilton Dulles near Washington, D.C. The Christian Unity Gathering is an opportunity for koinonia and Council-wide integration and fellowship with partners who are committed to racial, gender, and economic justice and to speak with a common voice on priority themes of mass incarceration and interreligious concern for peace. Save the date and more information will follow.
27. St. Mary’s Sewanee offers Keep the Well from Running Dry: Nourishing the Spirit while Serving Others, June 15-18, with Laura Lapins Willis. Spend three days immersed in conversation and reflection about the spirituality of outreach and service, in the context of Christian traditions and Biblical teachings. This retreat is designed for people who are involved in ministries and outreach programs. Register here.
28. Liberation! Justice! Spirituality and Art! I Interested in hearing speakers like NAACP leader William Barber, "Soulforce" founder Bishop Gene Robinson, or Emergent Village's Brian McLaren? Interested in hearing voices from the margins? The Wild Goose Festival will be happening outside of Hot Springs, NC. June 26-29. Tickets and info.
29. Emory University's Candler School of Theology has named Robert M. Franklin, Jr., one of the nation’s foremost public theologians, to the James T. and Berta R. Laney Chair in Moral Leadership. As the inaugural holder of this endowed professorship, Franklin will shape a program in moral leadership that honors the legacy of Emory President Emeritus Laney and his wife. Read the entire story here.
30. Have a 4th - 8th grader who could use a little direction? The League of Gentlemen is free to join and meets every Wednesday evening from 6 -7 p.m. Each week leaders facilitate discussions and teach the basics. Upcoming trips include camping and a college tour. Information on the group mentoring program where boys regularly interact with committed, conscientious adult men can be obtained by phoning (678)964-4293. Georgia Center for Youth and Families, 11334 Tara Blvd. Hampton 30228. Facebook.
31. GEMS mentoring program for girls (or age 10 by April 1 to age 14) is a great opportunity for girls to get together in a positive, supportive atmosphere every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. No registration fee. The girls are currently reading "The Skin I'm In" and are busy planning their girls only slumber party at the Westin Hotel in March. For additional information, email gems@gacenterforyouth.org. Georgia Center for Youth, 11334 Tara Blvd., Hampton. 30228. (678)964.4293 Facebook.
32. Beulah Heights Information Sessions for graduate and undergraduate programs, chaplaincy and nonprofit management are coming up in March. Read more>>
33. Mary Hall Freedom House has been granted the opportunity to provide a Housing Subsidy Program designed to support veteran mothers and their children. If you work with veteran mothers making the transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency contact Naomi Simpson at naomi.simpson@mhfh.org or 770-642-5578.
If the earth were equally divided among all of us each person would receive 4.5 acres. Find out about Lent 4.5 a seven week faith formation program in Christian Simplicity here.
The Lent 2014 daily calendar, from the Environmental Ministries and Enough for Everyone programs of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, is available for download. This daily calendar is a quick and easy way to stay mindful of all God's creation throughout the season of Lent. See it here.
The D. L. Dykes, Jr. Foundation is a 501.c.3 operating foundation that makes educational materials and programming available to the public. While it enjoys good working relationships with a variety of Christian and Jewish organizations, it operates independently of any congregation, denomination or ecclesiastical authority. They have a couple of DVD series that would be great Lenten programs. Check it out.
Daily reflections on the season of Lent 2014 by the Parish of St. Catherine's Episcopal Church, Marietta, Receive a daily email with the Reflection of the Day, March 5 through April 20 Sign up here.
Eying Easter: Walking Through Lent, a Lenten Bible study to which Baptists from North America, Latin America and Europe contributed lessons. Read more>>
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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