God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Weekly Church Action eNewsletter
Week of February 23, 2015
1. Are you a mother of a preschooler? Join Mothers of Preschoolers group (MOPS) in Decatur! Two meeting times: 1st / 3rd Tuesdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Decatur First Christian Church and 1st / 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Decatur. For more information, click here (MOPS DECATUR) or visit www.mops.org.
2. Compassionate Atlanta presents: A Community Conversation, Wednesday, February 25, 12:15 p.m., Peachtree Branch of the Atlanta Public Library, 1315 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta 30309. A conversation on Creating Kindness. How can we create compassion at home, at work, and at large? Come build real community. Come engage with your neighbors! R.s.v.p. on the Facebook page!
3. Atlanta Community Ministries is hosting a young professionals event The ACM BrewHaHa, an evening of great food, tastings of local beer, and engaging examples of people giving back to the community while also discovering true passion in life. Feb. 25, 7 – 9 p.m., Monday Night Brewing, 670 Trabert Avenue NE. Click Here To Register! Learn how you can get involved and see the sparkle of Christ change lives! $10 at the door (cash or card) gets you 6 coupons for sampling MNB finest as well as a cool glass for the cupboard.
4. St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, 1790 LaVista Road, NE, Atlanta 30329, Wednesday Film and Discussion Series Dismantling Racism: A Lenten Journey Toward Liberation, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, & 25; 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The Meeting Room. Lent is a time for not only self-examination and repentance, but also one that anticipates liberation from the things that bind us, limiting our full human experience. Guest facilitators will host each film and discussion.
5. Domestic Violence for Faith Leaders from Georgia Latinas Against Domestic Violence- Faith leaders are essential in recognizing the signs of domestic violence and being supportive of members enduring unhealthy/ abusive relationships. February 26, conference 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., informational and practical ways to help. Buford Human Services Building, 2755 Sawnee Avenue, Buford 30518. Register here.
6. The Dave Test: A Raw Look at Real Faith in Hard Times, February 27-28, Author Frederick Schmidt will explore issues of faith and grief in a two-day event at Douglasville First UMC. What is the Dave Test? When life is at its tattered edges and you are faced with seemingly impossible decisions, the Dave Test is a set of searingly honest questions you ask to become the best, most honest self for you, your friends, and your family. Find more information and register READ MORE
7. The Jung Society of Atlanta presents a lecture and workshop by James Hollis, Ph.D., Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives, with the lecture Friday evening, February 27 at 7:30 p.m. and the workshop Saturday, February 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd., NW, Atlanta 30327. Find out more about Dr. Hollis and information about fees, CEUs, and more www.jungatlanta.com.
8. Are you hiding your faith? Are you unsure of how to be a witness for Christ? Help is on the way! The Zion Baptist Church Evangelistic Outreach Ministry invites you to come learn the basics on sharing the Good News of the Gospel at the "Evangelism Survival Kit - Being Equipped for Outreach Service" Saturday, February 28, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Zion Baptist Church Education Building, Room 100, 165 Lemon Street, Marietta 30060, Dr. Harris T. Travis, Pastor and Evangelist Sharon J. Hill, Evangelist, invite you to this free interactive morning, moderated by Dr. Joy Eichelberger. Contact sjhpreye@gmail.com or (678)900.2405 to reserve your seat today! "Evangelism, A Requirement, not a request."
9. Do you know people in need of free tax preparation? If so United Way can help. Households with incomes of $53,000.00 or less can receive free tax preparation with the IRS VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program. Super Saturday tax prep event, 10 a.m., Saturday, February 28, St. Phillip AME Church, 240 Candler Road, Atlanta 30317. Senator Johnny Isakson will be at the Center for Working Families for a briefing and demonstration of the GA Free File program. Monday, March 2, 9:30 a.m., 477 Windsor Street Suite 101, Atlanta 30312. R.s.v.p. to for the Isakson event at Lori Baux MLBaux@aol.com or Anita Foster afoster@tcwfi.org
10. Art Reception at the East Atlanta Branch Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, Saturday, Feb. 28, 3 – 5 p.m. The exhibit which runs until March 15 features the work of four artists from the Friendship Center at Holy Comforter Church. The library is located at 400 Flat Shoals Ave., SE, Atlanta 30316, behind the Bank of America. For more information contact Charlotte, Director of Friendship Center Art Programming. This Arts program is supported by the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, Work of Our Hands, and the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.
11. Come out and enjoy the 15th Annual Community African American History program, an extraordinary evening of entertainment, education, culture, and a delicious soul food dinner. This event will be held on Saturday, February 28 at Ousley United Methodist Church, 3261 Panola Road in Lithonia, and is sponsored by the Allgood Road United Methodist Church. Adult tickets are $20 at the door, but you can save $5 by sending an email to Dr. Lisa Bratton at drbratt@hotmail.com. You can pick up your tickets at Will Call. Children's tickets are $12. Special invited guests are The Tuskegee Airmen.
12. The Rev. Dr. Robert T. Baggott III, senior minister of the Community Church of Vero Beach, Fla., is the featured preacher March 1 on Day 1 with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Baggott’s sermon is based on Mark: 31-38, a passage in which Jesus makes clear that his followers are to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him. He says, “If I were to ask you if the cross still had its uses for your life and mine, what would you say?” To find your local broadcaster, hear the sermon, or explore other Day1 resources check the website.
13. The Local Take - Restorative Justice, Holistic Approach to our Legal System, with host Kiplyn Primus of WCLK’s The Local Take on Jazz 91.9 Sponsored by PNC Bank. WCLK goes live to discuss this approach to justice that focuses on the needs of the victims, the offenders, and the involved community. Guests will include Attorney Sherri Jefferson, founder of the African American Juvenile Justice Project; City of Atlanta Restorative Justice Board Member Artis Brunson; and WCLK’s Mark Angel, host of the Contemporary Jazz Showcase on WCLK. Sunday, March 1, 2015 2-4 p.m., Center for Civil and Human Rights, 100 Ivan Allen Jr Boulevard NW,
Atlanta 30313, free event, but registration is required Register Here
14. There are only twenty-five tickets left for the Emory University Aquinas Center's Major Catholic Speaker lecture by John Allen, Jr., "Who is Pope Francis?" John L. Allen Jr. is Associate Editor at the Boston Globe, and specializes in coverage of the Vatican and the Catholic Church. He also serves as Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN, and was for 16 years a correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. He’s the author of nine books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs, and is also a popular speaker on Catholic affairs both in the United States and internationally. Go to www.aquinas.emory.edu/ to get tickets for this March 2, 7:30 p.m., lecture. Directions.
15. How did Christianity develop and grow from a Jewish sect to a religion with adherents around the world? In this AIB series, we meet theologians and clergy from across the Atlanta area to broaden perspectives on what Christianity looks like across time and space. This 12-part series attends to historical developments and cultural/geographic diversity and features films of a variety of Christian communities in the area. This month Christian Encounters takes a look at Baptists. Mondays at 4 with encore presentations at 4 on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Visit aibtv.com to find your station and more programming.
16. We Hymn Thee, Russian Sacred Music, Steven Darsey, conductor, Sunday, March 8, 7:00 p.m., Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. The Chancel Choir and soloists present sacred music of Russia in concert in the sanctuary, 1660 North Decatur Road, Atlanta. Directions. The one hour concert is free; an offering will be taken. Free parking in Emory’s Fishburne Parking Deck, 1672 North Decatur Road. Contact: Nancy Buckhannan— nancybuck315@gmail.com, (404) 272-2051. The Chancel Choir sings a cappella works of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, and Glenn soloists perform art songs of Rachmaninov. The concert concludes with the audience singing a Russian hymn. Amid the current situation with Russia and Ukraine, and the concomitant tensions with the West, the Chancel Choir offers this music as a prayer for greater understanding and peace.
17. Step Up and Stop Hunger at the 31st annual Hunger Walk/Run! Join thousands in the fight against hunger on Sunday, March 15 at Turner Field. The 5K walk/run benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank and five other local nonprofits with hunger relief programs: Episcopal Charities Foundation, The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Lutheran Services of Georgia, Presbytery of Greater Atlanta and Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Online registration is open at HWR2015.org sign up early and start fundraising! Pre-register as a team or as an individual. Runner fee is $35, which includes a moisture-wicking t-shirt; walker fee is $25 and includes an official t-shirt. Day of registration is available at $5 increase. Gates open at Noon and the 5K walk and “fun run” begin at 2 p.m. Come enjoy the fun, festival-like atmosphere with activities for the entire family including games, refreshments, live entertainment, and more! Information www.HWR2015.org , call (404) 419- 1723, or e-mail hungerwalk@acfb.org.
18. Day 1 Atlanta Community Leaders of Faith Celebration, Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., 2015 Honorees are Veronica Biggins, Cleo and Dr. Kamal Mansour, Sharon N. Hill, Tommy Nobis, Gayle and William Ide, and the Rev. George Wirth. Please contact Pat Reagan at preagan@day1.org for more information about this uplifting celebration and wonderful dinner to honor leaders of faith in our community.
19. Changing Lives in America: Child Abuse & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention--Community Service Event, No admission fee. Learn about ways to stop child abuse and prevent intimate partner violence, Monday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m.; Porter Sanford III Performing Arts & Community Center, 3181 Rainbow Drive, Decatur 30034. Link to five-minute child abuse prevention video trailer: http://youtu.be/NTp6AFO4kdo
20. Living With Loss, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 2015, Roswell First Baptist Church, 717 Mimosa Boulevard, Roswell, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Doyle Hamilton, Pastoral Counselor. Contact Dr. Hamilton for information about this dhamilton@cccgeorgia.org
21. Transforming Lives, Transforming the World: What Howard Thurman Has to Say to 21st-Century Pilgrims. Daylong conference on Howard Thurman sponsored by Bishop Rob Wright and the Diocese of Atlanta Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism. Keynote speaker is Luther E. Smith Jr., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Church History and Community, Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Saturday, April 18, 2015, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 306 Peyton Road SW. $20 registration; $15 for students. For more information, contact Dr. Catherine Meeks at kayma53@att.net Conference Registration
22. Lent began on Feb. 18 and ends April 4. During this season in the church calendar two area churches are offering special Stations of the Cross exhibits. On Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, a member of the clergy will guide guests through a series of visual images that help us remember Christ’s walk to Golgotha. The Northside Drive Baptist Church Chapel, 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta, has an exhibit of images representing Jesus’ walk through the streets of Jerusalem in a self-guided walk of the Way of the Cross. First Baptist Church of Roswell is participating in a Forty Days of Prayer. You might find the suggested guide helpful in your Lenten observance. Click here. Find a devotional for each day at d365 d365.org , made possible through individual gifts and the support of three denominational sponsors: Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Presbyterian Mission Agency, and the Episcopal Church.
23. The Loretta Johnson Global Abstinence Project. Promoting Abstinence especially to Black and Hispanic Women and Girls so they can experience God’s best for their lives. Free books and workshops. For more information or questions, please contact Kim Wilson at 678-491-8583 or kimwilson125@att.net or visit website at www.gapglobal.net.
24. Would your church or other group like to hear about how to change Georgia's prison and jail system? The Atlanta Area End New Jim Crow Action Group was inspired by Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, a stunning account of a system in the United States that has resulted in millions of African Americans locked behind bars and then relegated to a permanent second-class status. This group meets regularly to support each other in education and growing a movement about this concern, in service to and with formerly incarcerated people, and in making administrative and legislative changes. Some are focusing on sharing with congregations and other groups through presentations and book discussions. This is a diverse group, including formerly incarcerated people, representing many different faith traditions. They would be pleased to make a presentation at your house of worship or other group location. They can assist you in organizing or leading a book discussion. Bert Skellie, Atlanta Friends Meeting, will be happy to hear from you, (404)378-5883 or bertskellie@gmail.com.
25. Free and open to the public through June 19, 2015, GYRE: The Plastic Ocean is a unique science and art exhibition that explores the complex relationship between humans and the ocean in a contemporary culture of consumption at the CDC Museum. Twenty-five international artists examine the growing problem of plastic pollution through installations, photographs, paintings, sculpture, and video--reinforced by striking infographics and data. Read more>>
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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