God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Weekly Church Action eNewsletter
Week of March 2, 2015
1. If you are aware of someone who needs energy assistance and has not yet applied FACCA expects to help a good many more families before warm weather. FACAA looks forward to making sure that all who are in need get this help. FACAA also provides Energy Assistance through the HEAT program. Those in need can call 404-320-6715 after March 9 (or go online) to make an appointment.
2. Remembering Selma – Affirming Our Call. An evening to honor the 50th anniversary of the Selma Voting Rights Campaign. In spiritual preparation to celebrate this historic event, an evening of remembrance with prayer, music and words of inspiration will be held to honor those who courageously faced violence and marched from Selma to Montgomery for justice. March 4 at 7:00 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta 1911 Cliff Valley Road, Atlanta 30329. The Evening features special guest Dr. C.T. Vivian, colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and members of the Reeb family. Rev. James Reeb, a Unitarian minister, died following a brutal attack while participating in the Selma march. A reception follows the service.
3. The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, will once again host Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson for their Lenten Series, this year focusing on The Revelatory Body: Theology as Inductive Art. Child Hall, Wednesdays from 7-8:30 p.m., March 4, 11, 18, and 25. February 25: Why should theology be "inductive"? Scripture, Spirit, Body (Click here to watch this one.) The Cathedral Book Store will be at each session to make Dr. Johnson's books available to the audience.
4. On Friday, March 6, the Atlanta Unit of the Church Women United will observe World Day of Prayer. The theme is: "Jesus said, 'Do You Understand What I have Done For You?'" The speaker is the Rev. Olive Mahabir, pastor of Church of the Master Presbyterian, in Atlanta. The Rev. Mahabir is a native of Trinidad, Tobago. The CWU meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. at Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Spring Street, NE, Atlanta 30309. Mrs. B. Leath is the facilitator and may be reached at (404) 696-1890, if you have any questions. All Christian women are invited to attend and will be warmly welcomed.
5. "Forgiving My Neighbor, Forgiving Myself" is the theme for a quiet day of praying with scripture, poetry and the labyrinth from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 7, at the Julian of Norwich Center at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Atlanta. Guides are the Rev. Lynnsay Buehler and Lea Robinson. Cost is $40, and scholarships are available. To register, call 770-938-9797 ext. 27.
6. The fork…a weapon of mass destruction-Nutrition Seminar at Shy Temple CME Church, 2012 Memorial Drive SE, Atlanta 30317, March 7, at 11:00 a.m. Come and learn what natural foods are healthier for you and your family. Free blood pressure and glucose screenings will be offered. Event is sponsored by Health & Wellness Ministry and Mercer College Pharmacy SNPhA. Please call to reserve a seat. (404)377-3174.
7. Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church celebrates its 145th Church Anniversary with a spirit-filled, worship program, featuring Rev. John Frank Green, Ph.D., president of Turner Theological Seminary, old gospel praise choir, followed by a delicious soul food dinner. The program will be held on Sunday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. The community is invited to help celebrate the church’s rich history. The theme is “Mt. Zion AME 145 Years of God’s Blessings.” The church is located at 2977 LaVista Road, Decatur, GA 30033.
8. Dr. J. Bennett Guess, executive minister of the United Church of Christ’s Local Church Ministries and a member of the UCC’s four person Collegium of Officers, is the featured preacher March 8 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Guess is preaching on three Sundays in Lent. “Driven from Distraction,” his sermon for March 8, is based on the story of Jesus’ cleansing the temple in John 2:13-22. “Jesus knew and understood the temple system,” he says. “He was part of the sacrificial temple worship, he knew the scriptures, but what he didn't like was the distraction that all this craziness had become.”
9. Cathedral of St. Philip Assistant Organist-Choirmaster Dr. Patrick A. Scott presents a recital at 3:15 p.m. Sunday, March 8, at the Cathedral. The entire program will consist of Scott improvising on the Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. A graduate of Birmingham-Southern College and the University of Texas he has won many prizes for both his performing and improvisatory abilities. The cathedral is at 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta.
10. Russian Sacred Music, Sunday, March 8, 7:00 p.m., Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. The Chancel Choir and soloists present sacred music of Russia in concert in the sanctuary, 1660 North Decatur Road, Atlanta. Directions. The one hour concert is free; an offering will be taken. The concert concludes with the audience singing a Russian hymn. The choir offers this music as a prayer for greater understanding and peace.
11. GA WAND Organizes First Moral Monday Women's Day - March 9. Under the Gold Dome, Georgia lawmakers continue to channel Jim Crow inspired policy as they once again threaten early voting in Georgia. Join GA WAND and several new Moral Monday partners on 3/9 to tell our legislators that restricting voters' access to the polls is unacceptable. 11 a.m. teach in at Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street SW, Atlanta 30303, followed by lunch and visit and rally to the Capitol. For more information or to R.s.v.p., contact Becky Rafter, becky@georgiawand.org or (404) 524-5999
12. As part of its Mental Health Grand Rounds lecture series, the Center for Behavioral Health at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University, Paul Gionfriddo, PhD, will speak on Tuesday, March 10, from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Grace Crum Rollins Building at the Rollins School of Public Health. Currently the CEO of the national advocacy organization Mental Health America, Dr. Gionfriddo will be speaking about his book “Losing Tim: How Our Health and Education Systems Failed My Son with Schizophrenia” and how our mental health systems can and should be revised to prevent adverse outcomes. This is a public lecture.
13. Georgia Justice Project Lobby Day, please register for Enhance the Chance Lobby Day at the Capitol, Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to come together and speak to lawmakers about the difficulties faced by people with criminal records who are trying to secure jobs, housing, and other opportunities in Georgia and about the negative impacts on taxpayers and communities.
14. The Metro Atlanta Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is hosting a Mental Health First Aid training on Wednesday, March 11 from 8am-4:30pm. The site is at the Georgia Nurses Association/Foundation, 3032 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2655. The training will take place from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm. In-depth information about MHFA can be found here. Online registration here.. Space is limited and cost is $15 per person.
15. The Compassionate Atlanta Community gathering has been rescheduled for March 11, 12:15 p.m., Peachtree Branch, Atlanta Fulton County Public Library. A conversation on Creating Kindness. How can we create compassion at home, at work, and at large? Come build real community. Come engage with your neighbors! Let them know you are coming; R.s.v.p. on the Facebook page. Bring your friends and neighbors!
16. Anthony Grooms, award winning local author, will speak at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12, at St. James Episcopal Church, Marietta. He will read from his work and speak about the depiction of the civil rights movement in recent films and novels. The community is invited to this event. more>>
17. Domestic Violence 101 for Faith Leaders was cancelled due to weather; it has been rescheduled for March 13. Register here.
18. The Enneagram and the Lenten Journey: Walking the Path to New Life, Saturday, March 14, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Amerson House Spirituality Center, Kimberly Broerman, Spiritual Director. In this workshop, explore how the Enneagram can help us get unstuck and shape prayer practices for Lent and beyond. Investment: $50 includes lunch and workshop facilitation and materials. To Register: Email Amerson House Spirituality Center , including your name and Enneagram Type. Details regarding payment will be emailed back to you.
19. A concert by Cappella Romana at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, 2500 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, will offer a premier of Byzantine chant from Jerusalem not heard for over 500 years. This will be a great event for anyone who appreciates sacred music and thanks to some benefactors will be free to the public. March 14, 5 p.m. The cathedral website features an online chapel with scripture and prayers.
20. Sign up to fight hunger in our community and get a jumpstart on your fundraising for the 31st annual Hunger Walk/Run by registering now! This year’s event takes place Sunday, March 15, 2014 at Turner Field’s Green Lot. Participants are encouraged to register early and fundraise online at www.HWR2015.org.
21. Underwater Atlanta — in the aftermath of the foreclosure crisis, metro Atlanta leads the country with 35% of homeowners underwater on their mortgage loans. Of the top 10 hardest-hit zip codes in the country for negative equity, nine are located in metro Atlanta. Piece by Piece invites you to come on March 17, 8:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m., to The Carter Center to discuss this issue and possible solutions for homeowners and neighborhoods. REGISTER NOW. If you have any questions, contact Susan Adams at (404)420-1595 or sadams@andpi.org.
22. Day 1 Atlanta Community Leaders of Faith Celebration, Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., 2015 Honorees are Veronica Biggins, the Episcopal Church; Cleo and Dr. Kamal Mansour, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship; Sharon N. Hill, United Church of Christ; Tommy Nobis, United Methodist Church; Gayle and William Ide, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; and the Rev. George Wirth, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Please contact Pat Reagan at preagan@day1.org for more information about this uplifting celebration and wonderful dinner to honor leaders of faith in our community.
23. Emory University’s Candler School of Theology will engage the distinctive theological challenges of the next century—challenges to the church, the world, and the shape of theological education—during an academic conference March 18–20, 2015. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson is one of a dozen renowned theologians who will gather to respond to the dilemmas posed to Christian theology by the present age. Full story at news.emory.edu.
24. Father Matt Linn SJ, noted co-author of over 20 books, will speak on The Road to Resilience, Turning Stress into Strength. on Wednesday, March 18 from 7-9 p.m. in the Sanctuary of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 Martin Luther King., Jr., Dr., SW. Atlanta. Father Linn has been a retreat and spiritual director for over 40 years. He specializes in healing; spiritual, emotional, psychological, and relational. Books will be available for purchase. Parking is available and at no charge at the Underground Atlanta Parking Garage just beyond the Shrine on MLK. Just bring your parking ticket to the Church and it will be validated by an usher. For more information please contact Catholic Shrine at (404)521-1866.
25. There are still a few spots for Caring for the Caregiver: A Clergy Wellness Workshop, March 19, 9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Johns Creek United Methodist Church, 11180 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek 30097. Special guest speaker is Dr. Ron King, former executive director of Pastoral Institute, Click here for information and registration. Click here to learn about The Summit Counseling Center.
26. The Salvation Army Great Futures Start Here Banquet with guest speaker former NFL and Georgia Tech football player James Butler is Thursday, March 19, 6 – 8 p.m. at Junior Achievement’s Chick-Fil-A Foundation Discovery Center. Click here to purchase tickets
27. Georgia Interfaith Power & Light’s 9th Annual GIPPY Awards, March 19, is a chance to recognize outstanding sustainability efforts from communities of faith around Georgia. This year's GIPPYs will be hosted by Young Israel Toco Hills, the first house of worship to be Earthcraft green certified and one of the country's most sustainable synagogues. National Interfaith Power & Light founder Rev. Canon Sally Bingham will be the keynote speaker. Come enjoy a kosher dessert, great fellowship, and YITH's new Creation-conscious space and hear about this year's winners! >> SIGN UP HERE.
28. Nancy Eiesland Endowment Lecture, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, March 25, 11 a.m., Dr. Julia Watts Belser, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies in the Theology Department at Georgetown University, will speak on “Violence, Disability, and the Politics of Healing” in Pitts Library Lecture Hall, room 360. Dr. Belser is committed both to a critical historical analysis of disability in classical Jewish texts—and to bringing contemporary disability justice activism into conversation with Jewish tradition.
29. Lutheran Theological Seminary Lecture by Scott Bader-Saye "Guns, Violence, and Fear: A Theological Response to the Idolatry of Security" Thursday, March 26, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m., Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, SC. Dr. Bader-Saye is a professor of Christian ethics and moral theology at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Tex. This lecture is free and open to the public; however, seating is limited. Please register in advance by clicking here in order to receive a guaranteed seat. If any seats remain available on the day of the event guests may register at the door.
30. “What Scientists Wish Christians Knew about Science” and “What Christians Wish Scientists Knew about Christianity.” This two-part lecture is sponsored by the Wesley Foundation at Georgia Tech and will happen on Friday, March 27, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. The lecturer is Dr. Gayle Woloschak, professor of Radiation Oncology at Northwestern University in Chicago. Dr. Woloschak also serves as an adjunct professor of Religion and Science at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Room 105, Georgia Tech Instructional Center (parking at 350 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30313.) More information at http://www.gtwf.org/crest.php, or call 404-892-6317.
31. Remember the unique event coming up on April 18. Howard Thurman speaks to 21st Century Spiritual Pilgrims. Here's a link to the information on our website.
32. Candler School of Theology, Emory; Columbia Theological Seminary; and McAfee School of Theology, Mercer. Are in the Center for Faith and Service, McCormick Theological Seminary, 2015 list of Seminaries that Change the World. McCormick says, “The selected seminaries and divinity schools have demonstrated great innovation in theological education, in integration with classical approaches for learning, even as they navigate negative stereotypes about organized religion and work to expand narrow definitions of traditional ministry.”
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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