God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Check the community calendar on our website
On November 13, Georgians across the state will raise money together for nonprofits in one day of giving. If you value the mission of the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta to create ecumenical community in our region through communication, connection, and enabling of collaboration then please join us in our work on Georgia Gives Day. Go to https://www.gagivesday.org/c/GGD/a/rccatl to donate now or select the link on our website www.rccatl.org Any size gift makes a difference to us; give now to support the Regional Council of Churches.
1. Southside Ministerial Association will meet at noon on Thursday, November 7, at Zion Hill Community Development corporation, 2741 Baynard Street, East Point. Please let Melanie Conner know if you will be there (404)766-3141 or mconner@zionhillcdc.org
2. A new start Christian church in Athens, Georgia, seeks a musician who can provide leadership to build and expand the music ministry. The applicant should be skilled in playing the keyboard, familiar with gospel and contemporary Christian music for adults, teens, and children, and available for Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening rehearsal. Please send resumes to: Faithforward1@gmail.com or call 404-288-6887.
3. A fun Family Concert on Saturday, November 9, 7:30 p.m., will benefit the Marist Hispanic Education Center on the Marist School campus. The Center prepares immigrant Dreamers, young Hispanic immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, to take the GED tests in order to obtain high school diplomas and apply for Deferred Action that can lead to acquiring legal work visas. The concert will feature an Atlanta Catholic Latin Salsa Band. A $25 donation is asked for the general public, $10 for students. There is a family cap of $50. More. Tickets.
4. The Choral Foundation in Georgia presents the Lynn Swanson Festival in the opening concert of their fifth season this Saturday, November 9, 7 p.m., at Sam Jones Memorial UMC, with feast of lanterns, A capella works of Lauridsen, F. Melius Christiansen, Kopylov and Schutz, Music of the Sacred Harp, and American Spirituals & Black Gospel Music. Church is at 100 W. Main Street, Cartersville 30120. Tickets are $15, $10 seniors and students, no charge for children 12 and under – available at the door or at www.FestivalSingers.org
5. Georgia's 2013 Moveable Literary Feast in historic Milledgeville honors Flannery O’Connor, a great Christian writer who was a Catholic in the deeply Protestant South. Events featuring regional authors are scheduled November 9 and 10 in downtown Milledgeville. Bret Lott, whose latest book, Letters and Life: On Being a Writer, On Being a Christian, includes an essay on O'Connor, will be a special guest. For author biographies, maps and schedules, and other fun information, visit the GeorgiaLiteraryFestival.
5. The Stones Cry Out, the story of Palestinian Christians in their voices from 1948 until today, two showings with Q & A with the director of the film. For information call Dr. Abuakel 404-441-2702.
6. The Rev. Robert H. Naylor, a church consultant, author, and retired United Church of Christ minister, is the featured speaker Nov. 10 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the radio program is also online at Day1.org. Naylor is the lead consultant for In Church Imagining, a clergy coaching and local church planning resource. He is also the author of a new book on church leadership. His sermon on Luke 20:27-38 is “Jesus Says Everything Is Small Stuff, Except….” For more information, call toll free 888-411-DAY-1 or check the program’s website.
7. St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, Atlanta, will welcome members of the British Commonwealth and North American community, as well as representatives of other nations, for the parish's 39th annual Remembrance Day service at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 10. Through Morning Prayer, choral singing, bagpipes, trumpet and organ, all who have given their lives in defense of their nations, often side by side in the same cause, will be remembered. A reception in Gable Hall will follow. All are welcome.
8. Anne Lamott will be discussing her new book Stitches: A Handbook on Meaning, Hope and Repair, Monday, November 11, at 7 p.m., at First Baptist Church of Decatur, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur 30030. Explore the question: How can we reconnect to one other and to what’s sustaining, when evil and catastrophe seem inescapable? This event is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book and hosted by First Baptist Decatur Conversations. No tickets or reservations required. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m.
9. Surviving the Holidays, Tuesday, November 12, 5:30 p.m. at The LOCC, Lake Oconee Community Church. For some, the holidays are difficult days of the year. Susan Booth, Marriage and Family Counselor, will focus on steps to take to make the holidays meaningful and ease navigation through the upcoming holiday seasons. Read more>>
10. If you minister to female veterans you will be interested in a Job Readiness Training for Women Veterans, a 3 day workshop, November 12- 14, at Mary Hall Freedom House, 200 Hannover Park Road, Atlanta 30350, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Please R.s.v.p. to naomisimpson@mhfh.org or call 770-642-5500 ext 5446 for more information. Co-sponsored by the Department of Labor, the event will be held at the Mary Hall Freedom House which also serves as a transitional support program for homeless female veterans. Female veterans and those currently serving active duty or in the Guard and Reserve are invited to register.
11. The Rev. Neal D. Presa, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will speak at Decatur Presbyterian Church, 205 Sycamore Street, Decatur 30030. Wednesday, November 13, 6:30 p.m. The public is invited.
12. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service will present a program on navigating the complexities of the new Health Care Act on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary at Columbia Presbyterian Church, 711 Columbia Drive, Decatur 30030. The program will cover the basics of insurance, understanding the Affordable Care Act, the marketplace, enrollment, as well as a time for questions. The event is open to the public.
13. Covenant Presbyterian Church continues its 2013 Mitchell Speaker Series, Thursday evening, Nov. 14, Fellowship Hall, beginning at 7 p.m. with coffee and dessert followed by the presentation from 7:30 – 8:30. This year’s theme is “Take a Risk, Make a Difference.” The presentations are free and open to the public. Attendees may park for free on the top deck of the Peachtree Battle Shopping Center parking lot, immediately south of the church, located at 2461 Peachtree Road. Brenda Bynum, well-known Atlanta actor, teacher, and developer of performance pieces, will perform a new piece based on the life of Georgia human rights advocate Lillian Smith, author of “Strange Fruit”.
14. The Episcopal Church will devote two days to the exploration of "Fifty Years Later: the State of Racism in America" and will host a live, free webcast Friday, Nov. 15, from St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral, Jackson, Miss. The forum will be moderated by TV journalist Ray Suarez, and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will deliver the keynote address. more The webcast begins at 2 p.m. ET at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wHM4Dxi699nh_SizNYAH8AEtemC_3MCr1lIC...
15. Inhabiting Advent, November 16, is still taking registrations. November 15 marks the beginning of the Orthodox and Celtic Advent Fast. Begin your Advent journey with them in a morning for prayer and reflection centered on Advent themes. Bring your 'life questions' and willingness and let Advent inhabit your waiting through worship, art, silence, and quiet reflection in community. Led by Debra Weir, spiritual director, Columbia Theological Seminary.Program Fee: $20. Contact LifelongLearning@ctsnet.edu; Click here to register by mail.
16. St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Rome will host an Art, Antiques and Home Furnishings Market Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15-17 to help fund the parish's youth pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Market hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday. To download a flier, click http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wHM4Dxi699nh_SizNYAH8AEtemC_3MCr1lIC....
17. The Rev. Charles L. Fischer III has been called by the vestry of St. Paul's, Atlanta, to serve as rector. Fischer came to St. Paul's in 2011 to become associate rector to then Rector Rob Wright. Fischer is a graduate of Morehouse College and Virginia Theological Seminary. The parish will celebrate with a Renewal of Ministry at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at St. Paul's. Welcome Rev. Fischer to his new position as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 306 Peyton Road, SW, Atlanta 30311. Read more>>
18. “Lighting A New Path to the Future” is the theme for Warren Memorial UMC’s 139th Anniversary Celebration. Activities are planned to share the spirit of Christ, feed, and delight the body and soul of the people. Bishop Woodie W. White, Bishop in Residence, at the Candler, will be the guest preacher on Sunday, November 17, at the 10:55 a.m. worship service. Warren Memorial is located at 181 Joseph E Lowery Blvd. S.W. near the Atlanta University Center. Other anniversary events include special Veteran Recognition Sunday, Nov. 10, Youth and Young Adult Celebration Sunday, November 24, and Atlanta University Center Thanksgiving Dinner on November 28.
19. Glenn Memorial is excited to have professor, priest, and popular author Barbara Brown Taylor as guest preacher at the 11 a.m. worship service on November 17. Glenn Memorial UMC, 1660 N. Decatur Road, Atlanta 30307. If you have questions call 404-634-.3936 ext. 106
20. Egg-Onomic Breakfast Series— Bill Ragland, a partner with Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP, focuses his practice on business litigation and intellectual property. He serves on the board of governors of the State Bar of Georgia and is a past president of both the Atlanta Bar Association and its charitable arm, the Atlanta Bar Foundation. Bill is deeply involved with the Smithsonian Institution and Atlanta Youth Academy, a Christian school that provides an exceptional education and leadership development for children from low income families in the inner city. Tuesday, November 19, 7:30 a.m., All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree Street. A full breakfast will be served. All are invited to Holy Eucharist at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $5. Proceeds go to the Men of Hope at Covenant Community. To sign up contact Lauri Begley at lbegley@allsaintsatlanta.org
21. Georgia Parent Support Network, Inc. is sponsoring two Mental Health First Aid Trainings for Youth, Monday, November 16, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., or Saturday, December 7, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a free training; lunch will be provided. R.s.v.p. to 404-758-4500 ext. 104. This public education program introduces the risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches how to help a youth in crisis. The course is designed for adults who regularly interact with adolescents. Link to flyer is here.
22. Mental Health America of Georgia sponsors Mental Health first Aid Training, Wednesday and Thursday, November 20-21, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. It’s a fact that you are more likely to encounter a person in an emotional or mental crisis than someone having a heart attack. Mental Health First Aid equips you to assist individuals with mental health needs. Mental Health America of Georgia is proud to offer this training, a $150 value for just a $25 lunch and beverage fee ! The training will be held at 100 Edgewood Avenue, Atlanta, 30303. All trainees will receive a participation guide and MHFA certification (valid for three years.) To register, contact Tracy Mayer at tracy@mhageorgia.org or 678-904-1961. Register soon, space is limited!
23. For Such a Time as This, The Herman Conley Missions Conference at Carver College, is Tuesday and Thursday, November 19 and 21, with public lectures at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. both days. James A. White of Christ our King Community Church in Raleigh is the conference speaker. To register contact Dean Johnny Brown at 404-527-4520 or jbrown@carver.edu. Carver is located at 3870 Cascade Rd, Atlanta 30331. Read more>>
24. The Temple and Trinity Presbyterian Church are excited to co-host a screening of the documentary "Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence" with a discussion afterward on Wednesday, November 20, 7:30 p.m. at Trinity. Encourage your congregation to attend and add their voices to the continuing discussion on how people of faith can respond to gun violence. The entire community is welcome.
The Community Health interfaith Partnership (C.H.I.P.) of which the Regional Council and Trinity Presbyterian are a part recommends Grounded in Faith: Resources on Mental Health and Gun Violence newly created by the Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition. “… it represents an opportunity … to become better informed and to take action consistent with our shared understanding of the inherent dignity and worth of men, women, and children with mental illness.” Read more>> Grounded in Faith
25. The Work of Our Hands Artists’ Market is Nov. 21- 24 at the Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta. This acclaimed market features over 80 local and regional artists offering fine art, folk art, and crafts, including paintings, glass, fabric and wood art, pottery, jewelry, sculptures, and many other handmade and original gifts in a variety of price ranges. An opening night reception is planned Thursday, Nov. 21, from 6:00 - 8:00. Tickets, available at the door, are $15 per person. There is no charge for admission to the Market; hours are Friday and Saturday 9:00-5:00 and Sunday 8:30-1:30. Proceeds from the market benefit organizations that promote arts and crafts programs serving people marginalized by socioeconomic, mental health, and intellectual challenges. Read more>>
26. Community Thanksgiving Service, Northside Drive Baptist Church, 3100 Northside Drive NW, Sunday, November 24, 6:30 p.m., All are invited to join in this celebration of gratitude and generosity. Participating congregations are New Hope AME, Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Northside UMC, Northside Drive Baptist, St. Anne’s Episcopal.
27. Grieving During the Holidays: Living With Loss, December 3, 9 a.m. – noon, The Lanier House, The Cathedral of St Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305. This three hour workshop is intended for anyone who has experienced a loss of a loved one. The holidays can be a difficult time for families in their new experience of family life. This group will gather as a community for shared experience, strength, and hope to discuss how our faith can undergird and sustain us as we walk, by faith, through the ‘valley of the shadow of death.’ The group will be facilitated by Dr. Doyle Hamilton, Pastoral Counselor, Care and Counseling Center of Georgia. Contact DHamilton@cccgeorgia.org or 404.636.1457 x 439 for more information
28. St. Bartholomew's Holiday Artists' Market to be held from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, invites artists to display and sell their work: paintings, sculpture, ceramics, photography, jewelry, knitting, crochet, quilting, wood turning, gourmet foods, and crafts of all types. Deadline for artists to sign up is Nov. 24. Artists will be responsible for the pricing and sale of their work and are asked to return 20 percent of total sales to support the arts at St. Bart's Guild of Ten Talents. For more information and to reserve space contact Michelle Hiskey (404-281-4751,michelle.hiskey@gmail.com), or Susan Dugan (404-786-1135, sugan2@comcast.net).
28. In preparation for an upcoming conference The Good News Now: Evolving with the Gospel of Jesus, Trinity Institute will post a new pair of brief videos featuring conference speakers every ten days. Listen and respond HERE.
29. If your congregation has veterans as members or if you minster to veterans in your community have a look at this academic resource site for veterans. OnlineColleges.net is comprehensive, but easy to use, covering everything from earning college credit through military service, to the various ways veterans and active military can pay for school. Service members from every branch of the military will find the information they’re looking for in one place. You can check it out here www.onlinecolleges.net/.
30. Find out a bit more about the Lutheran Church. The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton officially assumed office as presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on November 1. Writing in The Lutheran, Eaton describes 'A Place called Lutheran.' Read more here.
A special message about mental health and congregations
A majority of those with a mental illness turn first to a spiritual leader for help or are first recognized by clergy as someone who needs help. Yet, clergy are frequently not equipped with the resources to provide appropriate support and referral information. We are more aware than ever before of the importance of caring for those with a mental illness and the consequences of our failures to properly diagnose and treat mental illness. The Compassionate Congregations Toolkit was created by C.H.I.P. a coalition of clinicians, nonprofit organizations, faith-based and secular agencies, public agencies, and congregations, to put into the hands of clergy and lay leaders the tools they need to promote faith communities where awareness, welcome, support, appropriate referral, and spiritual care for individuals and families facing mental illness are provided, where barriers of fear and stigma are broken down by openness, education, and personal connection. Please have a look on www.chipgeorgia.com, select Compassionate Congregations Clergy Tool Box.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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