Weekly Church Action eNewsletter Week of May 14

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Remember that all events listed in the eNewsletter are placed in the Community Events Listings on our website. Newsletters are archived there at eNewsletters --- with the most recent featured below the slide show of member churches on our home page under Featured RCCA Activities.
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1. Monthly Meeting of Coalition for Homeless People With A Mental Illness, May 16, 3:30 to p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 16th Street at Peachtree Street, Room 156. Please arrive promptly for a special speaker with time limitations. The Carter Center’s Lei Ellingson, Associate Director, assists the director in developing, planning, and implementing Mental Health Program activities, including the Rosalynn Carter Symposium on Mental Health Policy, the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism, and the Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum.

Note: We have placed the Carter Center's preliminary report "Building A Vision for Community Services for Children, Adolescents and Adults with Behavioral Health Disorders in Georgia" on our website along with two resource directories for those working with people with mental and addictive illnesses.

2. SPARC Sickness Prevention Achieved Through Regional Collaboration is coming to a neighborhood near you. Services include immunizations for infuenza, tetanus, pneumonia, and hepatitis, mammography, and Pap Test referrals, screenings for STD / HIV, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and more. Medicare / Medicaid and some private insurance accepted. Please have card with you. No one will be turned away! Services are for Adults ONLY! For more information, contact the Office of Aging at 404-613 - 6000

Thursday, May 17, 10 to 2, Dorothy C. Benson Senior Multipurpose Complex, 6500 Vernon Woods Dr., Sandy Springs 30328
Saturday, May 19, 9 to 12, Helene S. Mills Senior Multipurpose Facility, 515 John Wesley Dobbs Ave., Atlanta 30312
Tuesday, May 22, 10 to 2, St. Paul AME, 1540 Pryor Road SW, Atlanta 30315
3. A live webcast featuring a conversation about mission between Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Archbishop Desmond Tutu will be carried at 3:30 p.m. (EDT) Saturday, May 19, on the website of the Episcopal Church www.episcopalchurch.org and will be available on demand afterwards.

4. 47th Mid-East Food Festival featuring the renowned performer Joseph Bishara with Haitham Zbib on keyboard and the Band. Saturday May 19 starting at non and Sunday until 5 p.m. Divine Liturgy at 10:30 on Sunday. Free Admission, Middle Eastern Food, Desserts, Church Tours, Arts, Music, Dance, Children's Activities and Cultural Items. St. John Melkite Church, 1428 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE, Atlanta 30307. Festival Contact Info: 770-310-1232 www.stjohnmelkite.org

5. Remember the concerts this weekend to say bon voyage to The William Baker Festival Singers on their way to the Spoleto Festival. Saturday, May 19 at 7 p.m., St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna, Sunday, May 20 at 4 p.m., Grace United Methodist Church, 458 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta Midtown. Tickets are $10 in advance of concert day (online or by phone), or $20 (adults) / $10 (students & seniors) on day of concert. Children 12 and under attend for free Visit www.FestivalSingers.org or call 404.909.8357 for tickets.

6. Concert with a Cause, the Raleigh Ringers, May 19, 7:30 p.m., in the sanctuary of Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street, SW, Atlanta 30303, across Washington from the Georgia State Capitol. The Raleigh Ringers is an internationally acclaimed community handbell choir based in Raleigh, N.C. Since its founding in 1990, The Raleigh Ringers has been dazzling concert audiences with unique interpretations of sacred, secular, and popular music, including famous rock ‘n’ roll tunes arranged just for handbells. Visit their website at www.rr.org.

7. The Rev. Thomas L. Brackett, an Episcopal priest who serves as Missioner for Church Planting, Ministry Redevelopment, and Fresh Expressions of Church for The Episcopal Church Center, is the featured speaker May 20 on “Day 1.” Brackett’s sermon, based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:6-19, is entitled “This Prayer That Won’t Let Me Go.” In it he describes a shift in his faith, which had earlier been deeply influenced by this prayer. He says. “I was being asked to look for the Spirit in all the wrong places. I was being asked to move from the life of strict theologies I’d inherited to a life of curiosity about where God might show up next. Instead of sniffing out the newcomer for their orthodoxy, I was learning to ask them for their stories of the heart—stories of God surprising them with unconditional love and affection.”

8. The Concerned Citizens for the Educational Advancement of Atlanta Public Schools Students, a coalition of retired Atlanta Public school system educators and concerned citizens, will host a public meeting on Monday, May 21, from 6 -8 pm at Frederick Douglass High School, 225 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive. The goal of the coalition is to offer proposals to enhance the state of the school system through improved discipline creating an increased educational atmosphere conducive to learning. This public meeting will be one of many designed to develop recommendations to members of the board of education and superintendent.

9. Why do bad things happen to good people? Worse yet, why do the wicked get to prosper? Where is the God of Justice, Mercy and Compassion when is so needed? And just how good do we have to be in order to rate God's intervention--or is that an issue? These and other questions will be studied in light of the Quaker faith during Tuesday Bible study at Atlanta Friends Meeting, 701 West Howard Ave., Decatur 30030. You are welcome to join in exploring these questions on Tuesday nights at 7:30; bring a Bible and any other resources that you have to share. For more info contact Julia Ewen jewen@bellsouth.net

10. Free Help to Avoid Foreclosure June 1-2. Read details in English and Spanish at RCCAtl.org

11. The leadership of Atlanta Interfaith Leaders Fellowship extends to you a warm invitation to participate in Art and Interfaith. For more information about the guiding principles of this work click here. The Interfaith Arts Workshop will be at the Breman Museum, 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta 30309, on June 3, 3:00-5:00 p.m. This workshop will be led by Flora Rosefsky Pre-registration is required for this event because space is limited. Register by e-mail to Bill Voss vossduck@mindspring.com with your name and the names of any guests. You will receive a confirmation by return e-mail. Late registrations may be made by telephone to 603-387-8113 and are subject to space availability. No pre-teens please! There is no charge for participation.

12. Mirabai Starr will be at First Baptist Church Decatur, 308 Clairemont Ave, Decatur, on Sunday, June 3, at 6:30 p.m., for a talk and signing of her new book, “God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.” Starr introduces us to the exploration of spiritual truths at the core of every religious tradition. The inter-spiritual journey promises to connect us to our deep roots, while empowering us to branch out to new a new and deeper understanding of the God who lives in everyday life. This program is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book in partnership with the First Baptist Church Decatur Conversations Ministry. No tickets or reservations required.

13. Free Youth Festival and Music Showcase, June 9, at Church of the Master, 3400 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Atlanta 30331. Starting at 10 .am., the festival will provide fun family entertainment. The Festival is divided into themed Family Adventure Zones and exciting activities. Entertainment will include Clowns, Air Jumpers, Games, Weird Science, and from Disney and Nickelodeon Live radio remote. With programming carefully aimed at specific age groups and interests, there is adventure and fun for everyone.

14. Remember the Second Annual Hands Around the Hill 5K Road Race and register now for this great road race through historic downtown Atlanta and Grant Park on Saturday, June 9 for $25. There will be no race day registration. The race starts at 8:00 a.m. rain or shine on Washington Street in front of Central Presbyterian Church. Proceeds will benefit Central Night Shelter and Central Outreach & Advocacy Center. All entrants will receive a race t-shirt, and the first place winners will receive a plaque. Register at www.active.com (Hands Around the Hill Race).

15. Annual Food Co-Cp Gospel Festival Fundraiser at Georgia Avenue Community Ministries, June 9. Read more about the Georgia Avenue Food Co-Op which has become a model for other food co-ops around town at GACM . The music starts at 4 at 645 Grant Street SE, Atlanta 30312

16. One refugee without hope is one too many. Visit our website for some ideas for observing World Refugee Day one a Sunday near June 20.

17. The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long is the featured preacher May 27 and June 3, Pentecost and Trinity Sundays, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. A nationally acclaimed preacher, speaker, and author, Long has taught at Candler since 2000. Long’s message for Pentecost Sunday, May 27, is entitled “What’s the Gift?” “The gift we get on Pentecost is the one gift we most desperately need and the world needs,” he says. “Strangely enough, the gift of Pentecost is the gift of something to say, a Word to speak in the brokenness and tragedy of the world that is unlike any other word.” His sermon for Trinity Sunday, June 3, “The Start of the Trail,” is based on John 3:1-17. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s Web site, http://day1.org.

18. First Annual Welcome Home Veterans Event for Catholics and friends, hosted by the parishes of the North Metro Deanery of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta: Saturday, June 23, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Social networking begins one hour before and continues for one hour after. Come when you can, leave when you must. St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church, 11330 Woodstock Road Roswell 30075, behind the Home Depot on Hwy 92. Be a part of welcoming home our veterans, helping to forge bonds among the veterans in our community, networking for support resources and learning about the unique gifts our Faith offers for both service members on active and veterans in transition from combat to peace. Mass and Confession will be available for those who desire it. For more information, contact us at militaryministry@stpeterchanel.org

19. Let’s keep our males out of the juvenile justice system and give them a productive summer! The mission of Boys 2 Men Summer Camp is to offer young men opportunities to increase reading and math proficiency during the summer and to have fun doing it. Positive character traits, conflict resolutions, communication skills, leadership, and life skills will help participants become responsible citizens. Email MothersRaisingSons@gmail.com for registration as soon as possible, space is limited. Web www.mothersraisingson.org

20. Welcome to Bonnie Horton, new Regional Director, South Region of the American Friends Service Committee formed by the merger of the Southeast Region with part of the Mid-Atlantic Region. Atlanta is the regional headquarters. Bonnie has spent the last several years working with the International Rescue Committee heading up a program in Georgia in youth and adult education programs for refugees from around the world being resettled in the area. Her e-mail is behorton@afsc.org and her telephone number in Atlanta will be (404) 586-0460 x12.

21. Registration is open for the 2012 Peacebuilders Camp (for ages 10-14). Atlanta Friends Meeting is a sponsor of Peacebuilders Camp and Jonah McDonald is a co-director. If you know any kids who might be interested in participating, scholarship funds are available. Find our more at www.peacebuilderscamp.org

22. A call for volunteers! Are you 18 years old or older? Are you interested in volunteering your time to make a difference in the lives of children? If so, this is the opportunity of a lifetime to do just that! Camp High Five, a weeklong residential camp for children who are infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS, will be held Sunday, July 8 – Friday, July 13, 2012 at Camp Twin Lakes – Will-A-Way in Winder, Georgia. Volunteers will arrive at camp on Saturday, July 7 and campers will arrive on Sunday, July 8. Everyone will depart on Friday, July 13. Visit the H.E.R.O. for Children website at www.heroforchildren.org to learn more about Camp High Five and to download a volunteer application (click on the Our Programs link). For more information, please call the camp director, Dr. Collette Hopkins at 404-217-4278. Camp Twin Lakes is a beautiful campsite for children with serious illnesses and life challenges. You may find out more information about Camp Twin Lakes by visiting www.camptwinlakes.org.

23. Has your church signed up to be a Creation Wise congregation? Read about this program from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light at GIPL.

24. Please have a look at the request from Central Outreach and Advocacy at RCCAtl.org They need everyone’s help in asking for a valid state I.D. for those being released from incarceration. Identification is necessary for employment and housing.

25. “Worship Educationally ~ Educate Worshipfully” is the theme for the 2012 Korean Worship and Music Conference. This conference will explore the educational significance of Christian worship experience, as well as how teachers’ spirituality is nurtured in worshipful hearts and minds during educational experiences. Conference sessions are offered in both Korean and English. On campus guest rooms for this event: $32 (per person per night, 2 people in room, plus 7% tax) OR $49 (per night, single occupancy, plus 7% tax - if available). Off-campus housing options will be provided for families. $50.00 deposit ; $150.00 program fee. Contact lifelonglearning@ctsnet.edu with questions. Columbia Theological Seminary Harrington Center, July 16 - July 19. Click here to register online. Click here to register with by mail with a check

26. How much do you know about Methodism? When I got the favorite hymn wrong. I quit. That a whole denomination’s favorite hymn was written after 1980 is a sign of something. Thanks Brookhaven UMC, see it at their Facebook page.

27. Here’s an interview about Amazing Gifts, the Mark Pinsky book from Alban — stories about congregations blessing and blessed by the inclusion of disabled people in the worshipping community, We gave away three copies week before last. Now the book has its own Facebook page. Visit (and "Like") the Amazing Gifts page located here.


Ethel Ware Carter

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta



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