Your chance to learn more and think about how the heritage of Martin Luther King might make a difference today
— his heritage has a lot of contributions to make to the racial and economic injustices we face today, gives us guidance in dealing with police brutality, the upcoming Presidential election, and other issues raised by Black Lives Matter.
Every Saturday for a nominal fee, starting August 20 at 9 a.m. through the week before Thanksgiving, you can join students of the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC), 700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., in a course devoted to these subjects.
This is not your usual course devoted to Dr. King. It is taught by one who knew him personally and was a key player in the Student Movement in Atlanta —Dr. Lonnie King — along with some of his friends from the Movement and Dr. Mark Ellingsen, ITC Professor of Church History.
Come and learn about Dr. King and his Christian (theological and ethical) suppositions from those in the know, and then be ready to think hard with them about how to use these insights!
Contact Mark Ellingsen (770) 732-1329 or at for questions about the course. Contact Linda Thomas (404)527-7723 or at for questions about how to register and pay the small fee.
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