God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of July 25, 2016
The eNewsletter will be on vacation next week. Remember that all events are posted on our website www.rccatl.org under the tab Community Events. There are lots of other resources there, too.
1. Registration begins this week for Antioch Baptist Bible College Institute and Seminary which meets in several locations. See the schedule at RCCAtl.org. Antioch’s School of Christian Counseling now starting its second year. Read more>>
2. Pet Blessing by Dr. Barbara King, Saturday, July 30, 10 -11a.m., outside on the grounds of the white house at 2435 Cascade Road, next door to Hillside International Truth Center. Bring your pet on a leash or in a cage, with food, water and a love offering for Hillside. This is a great time of bonding with your pet and sharing love with fellow pet owners. (404) 758-6811.
3. Sixth Annual Let’s Move! DeKalb Expo is Saturday, July 30, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., the Exchange Park Intergenerational Center, 2771 Columbia Drive, Decatur 30034. Free back to school supplies while they last; the child must be present. Workshops on financial wellness, fitness, nutrition. More at www.choicesforkids.org
4. Radical Conversations on Race, Black Prophetic Traditions, and Shambhala Traditions, a five part series, open to all communities, Atlanta Shambhala Center, 1447 Church Street, Decatur 30030.
5. The V. Rev. Sam Candler, dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, is the featured preacher July 31 on Day 1 with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. An amateur pianist, he had intended to become a jazz musician. He writes at www.goodfaithandthecommongood.org and is a writer for www.episcopalcafe.com. He is an adjunct professor at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Find your station and more at Day1.org.
6. Dr. Brett Younger, minister of Plymouth Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., is the featured preacher Aug. 7 on Day 1 with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Younger became senior minister of Plymouth Church earlier this summer. For the past eight years he was associate professor of preaching at McAfee School of Theology, Atlanta. “Life Is Short,” Younger’s sermon for Aug. 7, is drawn from Luke 12:32-40. He says. “We give too many of our days to not nearly enough. We act as if life is always about to begin.” Visit Day1.org your local station and much more.
7. A service of prayer and lament for the ongoing violence in our world and across our country, for the loss of lives due to gun violence and racism, for the needs of the whole human family will be held Sunday, Aug. 7, at 3 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 4814 Paper Mill Rd SE, Marietta 30067. All are welcome.
8. Cobb Summer singers with the Orchestra of the American Heartland presents Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Sunday, August 7, at 6 p.m., at St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna 30080. Tickets available online at Eventbrite.com. It is possible to buy a reserved seat for this performance.
9. Faure Requiem with 100-voice chorus, art songs of Faure, Air in Classical Style for harp and organ by Grandjany, additional selections by Durufle and Faure. Sunday, August 14, 3:00 to 4:30 p.m., St. Johns United Methodist Church, 550 Mt. Paran Rd, Atlanta 30327, Tickets here.
10. A graduate course Readings in the Lutheran Confessions will be offered by the Lutheran Theological Center of Atlanta in partnership with the Interdenominational Theological Center, Mondays, 6-9 p.m., Aug. 15-Dec. 5, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 3050 Cascade Rd SW, Atlanta 30331. Click here for details.
11. Your chance to learn more and think about how the heritage of Martin Luther King might make a difference today — his heritage has a lot of contributions to make to the racial and economic injustices we face today, gives us guidance in dealing with police brutality, the upcoming Presidential election, and other issues raised by Black Lives Matter. Visit RCCAtl.org for information on this opportunity, Saturdays, Aug. 20 through Nov. This is not your usual course. It is taught by one who knew him personally and was a key player in the student movement in Atlanta —Dr. Lonnie King — along with some of his friends from the movement and Dr. Mark Ellingsen, ITC Professor of Church History.
12. Women Working Ahead: An Economic Opportunity Agenda for Georgia Women hosted by GBPI, Aug. 26, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, 1440 Spring St NW, Atlanta 30309. This half-day policy forum will feature local and national speakers, opportunities for engagement on important policy issues, and the unveiling of GBPI's inaugural Economic Opportunity Agenda for Georgia Women. A light breakfast and full lunch will be served. Individual tickets ($55) and sponsorship opportunities are now avai....
13. Baptismal Gowns and Traditions, Wednesday, Sept. 7, 3 p.m. at The Lake Oconee Community Church, a presentation of The Joy Collection, Heirloom Baptismal, Christening, and Dedication Gowns, lovingly handcrafted by local resident, Joyce Daniels. These beautiful creations will be displayed for your enjoyment, as Daniels describes the process of constructing these special garments. Becky Matheny will provide an overview of the history of baptism and the varied baptismal traditions among people of faith. For more information please contact Rosie Herrmann
14. Cathedral Book Store Announces 1st Hart Readers selection for the fall - Cathy Zappa and Catherine Meeks will lead a discussion of Bryan Stevenson's Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. The discussion is a prelude to his appearance at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in September. Readers will meet, Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 6:30 p.m. in Walthour Library, Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta 30305. The book, a New York Times Bestseller, was named one of the Best Books of the Year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Seattle Times, Esquire, and Time.
15. HEAL has announced the date for the second annual tennis fundraiser, Saturday, Sept. 24, 1-6 p.m., McGhee Tennis Center. This year's main event will be an adult Tri-Level Team Event. Register early; it is expected to sell out. This year's event will also host a youth tennis workshop for HEAL patients and youth from the immediate community. Call (678) 701-0507 for information. Find out more about www.healingourcommunities.org.
16. Educating imaginative, resilient leaders for God's changing world—Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary. Read about and sign up for exciting, relevant courses and workshops at www.ctsnet.edu
17. The First African Community Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 5197 Salem Road, Lithonia 30038. First Afrikan Church is an Africentric Christian Ministry that empowers women, men, youth, and children to move from membership to leadership in the church, community and the world. Find out more...
18. More than 10 million people now turn to the DigitalBible on Facebook as a source of daily encouragement. The page, operated by United Bible Societies, combines scripture verses on the major themes of the Bible with visual imagery. Volunteers from every continent manage ministry aspects like personal prayer and counselling done through the site. The page was started in 2009 by the Bible Society of New Zealand; today encouraging Bible verses are posted in 5 languages: English, Afrikaans, French, German and Tagalog. United Bible Societies is a global network working in more than 200 countries and territories — the world’s biggest translator, publisher, and distributor of the Bible. Read more at www.unitedbiblesocieties.org.
19. Contact Georgia Supportive Housing Association to join a team creating policy, lobbying for it, and seeking change in our state.
20. Nurturing Faith Journal and Bible Studies reminds us that this is the 100th birthday of our national parks. “On this centennial of the National Park Service, venture from the daily confines of your life into the wilderness of one of your national parks… Come and connect with creation and the Creator in ways that restore your humanity and renew your soul.” Find a park here.
Check out our website at www.rccatl.org and remember we will be happy to put your announcements of special musical events, educational opportunities, volunteer needs, etc. in the newsletter. Just send announcements in the body of your email, no attachments please; be sure to include all contact information and pertinent links.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
© 2025 Created by RCCAtl.
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