Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) is a new year-of-service program for young adults launching in Atlanta in the fall of 2012. Please notice that young people will be interested but service agencies also have a great opportunity to be involved and receive the helping hands and spirit of young volunteers.
QVS is open to any young person at least 21 years of age interested in living in intentional Quaker community, experiencing Quaker worship and process, and openly engaging questions of faith and service in the world. QVS interns will live together in community, simply, and immersed in Quaker spiritual practices. QVS will partner with agencies and organizations that offer direct support to marginalized individuals and communities, and that strive to transform unjust structures. QVS will place energetic and committed young people in full time positions in these agencies for 11 months (roughly the end of August 2012 through the end of July 2013). These QVS interns will receive housing, a food stipend, health insurance, training, and spiritual support from QVS. This year long experience has the potential to orient interns to a whole life committed to service and justice. We invite you to share this opportunity with any young person you know who may be interested and we especially invite your organization to consider serving as one of the pilot service placements for Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS). If interested in either opportunity, please contact Christina Repoley at christina@quakervoluntaryservice.org or 404-721-4787. For more information on QVS please visit quakervoluntaryservice.
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