Looking for Work?

Below is a list of career ministries in the area and Fulton county's Workforce Development services.

  Some Good News about Jobs in Georgia
The Fulton County’s Department of Human Services Office of Workforce Development is ready to help the county’s unemployed and employed citizens succeed as they compete for jobs in metro Atlanta. The County is offering free training and testing for participants under Georgia’s Work Ready program, which is designed to upgrade the work skills of job seekers to allow them to meet the expectations of today’s employers. For more information about Georgia Work Ready and Work Keys Assessments, contact JoAnn Barber at 770-306-5202 or emai ajcrowe@bellsouth.net
Crossroads Career meets in a number of locations around Atlanta and the suburbs, most in churches. Visit the website to do a zip code search.
Holy Spirit Career Ministry  at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 4465 Northside Drive, an ecumenical ministry, with outstanding networking, resume help, and opportunities to meet employers who offer jobs. For information and directions to meetings, please visit CareerMinistry.

First Baptist Church of Woodstock jobs Ministry Assistance is accessed through a website JOBS The Rev. Bill Plymale of the pastoral staff oversees this ministry

Career Networking at Clairmont Presbyterian Church, 1994 Clairmont Road, Decatur 30033 on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more info, contact Shelby by email shelbydavis@comcast.net or call (404) 634-3355

JobSeekers Support Ministry Meetings are held in the Garden Room on the lower level of St. Peter and St. Paul Episcopal Church, 1795 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta, 30062. Meetings are from 7 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. JobSeekers has a LinkedIN group. Questions and comments can be directed to Gene Caudle, 770-354-1530 

Peachtree Presbyterian Church holds meetings the 4th Thursday every month from 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. The agenda varies each month to provide new resources, insights and tools. All sessions are free, with registration and resume review beginning at 6:30. Information

Each week Margaret Turney-Ayer offers job search assistance and group support at Roswell Presbyterian Church INFO. 6:30 pm on Wednesdays.

Ben Hill United Methodist ChurchCome join us EVERY TUESDAY at 7:00 pm for THOSE IN-BETWEEN JOBS (TIBS). This is a Ministry that provides support and guidance for those in the job market. Our workshop topics will include: resume writing, interviewing, networking, using the Internet, and what employers are seeking. We will have job leads and HR professionals available to help get your concerns and questions answered. ALL ARE WELCOME! BRING A FRIEND

JobSeekers of Peachtree City A nondenominational ministry for unemployed professionals offers fellowship, support and practical assistance. Meets at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road in Peachtree City. All are welcome; the topics are targeted for professionals, managers and executives. Attire is business casual. Contact info@jobseekers-ptc.org. More information.

Career Quest at St. Ann’s Catholic Church , since 1986, staffed by heads of local businesses, division heads of major corporations, and other self starters. Self-help workshops are designed to provide job seekers with the basic tools to locate jobs and have an edge when applying for jobs. Time is also available for networking and one on one resume reviews are available every Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Directions and detailed descriptions of the workshops are available at CareerQuest. Casual dress and no charge. St. Ann’s is located on 4905 Roswell Road/ 120, (at the intersection of Bishop Lake and Roswell Rd./Rt.120) Marietta Ga. 30062. EVERYONE is welcome. Call 770-552-6400 ext. 6104 for more information.

Newnan First UMC Job Networking Ministry is currently planning a number of job fairs. The church is located at 33 Greenville Street in Newnan. Y NewnanFUMC .

Roswell United Methodist Church Career Ministries. Visit RUMC for meeting times, workshops, and contact information.

Looking for work? Meet up with people in the same situation, to network, pray and support each other. The group meets at Intown Community Church in Room 229 on Tuesdays at 8:30-10:00 am. For further information contact Paul Taylor at (404) 405-5212 or by email at paulwtaylor44@yahoo.com Looking for Work, Intown Community Church at 2059 Lavista Road near Toco Hills.

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