Bible study series at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church begins Monday, March 5. Read the Bible for Life is an initiative focused on growth in biblical literacy and the application of scripture to life. Nine-sessions, every Monday during March and April, 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Second-Ponce. Cost of materials for the study is $25. Childcare will be provided as needed by the church. If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Jason Byars for some more details and to sign up.
Sandy Springs Christian Church invites the community to a Wednesday night Lenten series "Journey to Hope" led by the Rev. Danny Gulden - Wednesday nights for 6 weeks from 2/22- 3/8. Join SSCC following the remarkable journey of Jesus during his last week in Jerusalem according to the gospel of Mark. Dinner starts at 6:15, donations welcome, worship at 7 p.m. and the Lenten series at 7:30. Please sign up if you plan to be there for dinner Mark uniquely follows that last week day by day and the group will explore a new day each Wednesday. Read a bit about Danny Gulden who was really coming home when he assumed the pastorate of SSCC this January.
Celebrate the Lenten Season with Faith AME Zion Church. The theme for this year’s season is “A Model Prayer…A Model Community” – Matthew 6:9a. Guest preacher for Ash Wednesday service will be Rev. Ralph L. Thompson, Pastor of Keeney Memorial United Methodist Church. Services will be held each Wednesday at 7 p.m. featuring guest preachers. Rev. Jawwad Love will bring the message on Maundy Thursday, there will be a special noonday service on Good Friday, and Resurrection Day Service will begin at 10a.m. Faith is located 38 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr. Atlanta 30311.For more information, visit Faith AME Zion or contact the church office at 404-691-4075.
A Lenten Concert Series to be followed by Evensong will be presented at St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, 2160 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna, at 4 p.m. Sundays, Feb. 26-March 25. The series opens Sunday with the Kazanetti String Quartet.
The Cathedral Choir and Schola of the Cathedral of St. Philip invites you to join them for a choral pilgrimage through Lent this year with contemplative choral worship services on Sundays at 4 p.m., March 4, March 11, March 18, and March 25. On April 1 the “Meditation on the Passion of Christ, with Carols” will be one of the most moving services of the year. 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception invites the community to a 5-week Lenten series on social advocacy entitled, Faith-Filled Citizenship, Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:45, February 26-March 25. Understand the rights and responsibilities of Christ-centered citizenship with fresh eyes. Come hear about Jesus, political agitator to Rome with Msgr. Henry Gracz, Pastor of the Shrine on Feb 26; experience a day in the life of the homeless with Jane Elliot on March 4; Listen to the truth about mental challenges and homelessness on March 11. Hear the Atlanta Community Food Bank speak about the realities of feeding the poor on March 18; and close with an action packed ‘what now?’ challenge from Chuck Bowen, Director of Outreach and Advocacy from Central Presbyterian Church on March 25. For further information please call the Catholic Shrine at 404-521-1866.
Luke Timothy Johnson will present a Lenten series on "The Life of Faith and the Faithful Use of Possessions" at the Cathedral of St. Philip, from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, February 29 through March 28. Luke Timothy Johnson is the Robert W. Woodruff Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. A former Benedictine monk, he is the author of more than 20 books including "The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels," and "The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation."
Jesus Our Brother" is the theme for the Lent online art exhibit sponsored by Episcopal Church and Visual Arts. Click to view and read about it here.
Available through the grassroots network Presbyterians for Earth Care is a devotional guide entitled, "Feasting on God's Gifts, Fasting in Sorrow." Each entry has a scriptural focus, opening and closing prayers, and a written meditation. To find it, go to Presbyterians for Earth Care
Lenten Meditations online from All Saints' look to left of posted meditation for other reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary reading for Sunday of the featured week.
If you want to sign up for a daily Lenten prayer from the National Council of Churches go here. Words Matter
Just for fun:Anyone who considers Lent boring or deadly serious never met the Rev. Tim Schenck. While others may be contemplating whether to give up chocolate or alcohol, or which spiritual discipline to take on for a solemn 40 days, Schenck is busy pondering whether Augustine or Lancelot Andrewes would match up better with Joan of Arc in a saintly sparring match. In 2010, Schenck started Lent Madness, a saint-vs-saint online competition on his blog modeled after college basketball’s March Madness tournament. The idea caught on, and the madness has spread to include celebrity bloggers and, this year, its own website and Facebook fan page and a partnership with Forward Movement.
Recommended Reading for Lent from the Cathedral Bookstore
Lenten Meditations on Earth Care from PCUSA
And It Was Good This five-week course, created by the Anglican Communion’s Bible in the Life of the Church project, engages individuals and groups with scriptural passages that speak of our responsibilities in relation to the environment. It offers reflections on how Anglicans in different parts of the Communion engage with the Bible, and discussion questions that challenge our thinking and behavior. The course can be downloaded for free, or print copies can be purchased for $1.60 plus postage.
2012 Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast During Lent, join in fasting from carbon! Beginning on Ash Wednesday, participants will receive a daily email throughout Lent with a suggested carbon-reducing activity, as well as weekly focus for your congregation. Activities will range from the very simple (unplug electrical devices) to the moderately challenging (reduce your driving speed, ride a bike, carpool or take public transportation) to a few which require a longer term commitment (getting involved in a community garden).
Lent 4.5: Christian Simplicity Lent 4.5 is a seven-week faith formation program which inspires and informs Christian communities on how to use the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to protect God’s creation, embrace Gospel justice and nurture spiritual fulfillment. It offers practical opportunities for people of faith to apply the values of Christian Simplicity to their everyday lives.
Seven Weeks of Water 2012: The Economy of WaterThe World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network has developed a Lenten course that focuses on the role of water as the lifeblood of the economy. Weekly meditations raise awareness of water and justice.
The Season of Lent, Dennis Bratcher, Christian Resource Institute.
Simple Living Works! free reources Daily Lenten calendars. Although Alternatives for Simple Living no longer produces resources, most of the Lenten calendars support the three-year liturgical cycles. So 2012 (year B) is the same as 2000 and 1994. Some years are not cycle-oriented and can be used any year - 2003, 2004, and 1997.
“Who's Risen from the Dead, Anyway?” from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Lenten worship guides of Seeds of Hope Publishers, an organization seeking people of faith who feel called to care for the poor; and to affirm, enable and empower a variety of responses to the problems of poverty. To subscribe to Sacred Seasons worship packets email or call 254-755-7745.
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