The sentences below came from LOCC in a statement about the new logo.
Below are just a few of the things people tell us they see in this new representation of LOCC.
The water and trees that make our community such a beautiful place to live and worship the Creator
The Worship on the Water roots from which we sprang and our common connection in the waters of baptism
Growth is symbolized in the expanding shape of the icon from bottom to top.
Movement from blue to green speaks of growth and life
The centrality of the white cross in the icon that reflects the centrality of the cross in our worship and lives
The gathering of many differently sized, shaped and hued images creates a collage of community
The emphasis on community as evidenced in the accent color and font used in the text
The prominence of LOCC as our primary identity to differentiate us from the multitude of churches whose name starts with Lake or Lake Oconee
Look for the new LOCC icon and logo all over Georgia’s Lake Country as we unify the many services and programs sponsored by Lake Oconee Community Church under this new identifying symbol.
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