Church Action eNewsletter Week of September 28, 2015

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

Weekly Church Action eNewsletter Week of Sept. 28, 2015



Blessing of the Animals all around. All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures. -St. Francis


St. James Episcopal Church, 161 Church St. NW, Marietta, Saturday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m.

Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, Saturday, Oct. 3, Cathedral Plaza, 10 a.m.

First United Methodist Church of Marietta, 56 Whitlock Avenue, NW, Marietta, Sat., Oct. 10, 10 a.m. Each animal will take home its own medal to put on its collar.

Downtown Fayetteville at the Gazebo, sponsored by Church of the Nativity, Saturday, Oct. 3, noon to 2 p.m.

St. Luke’s Lutheran, 3264 Northside Parkway, NW, Atlanta, Sat., Oct. 3, 1:30 p.m. All well-mannered pets are welcome - including cats, dogs and birds.

Christ Church, 400 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, Sunday, Oct. 4, 10:30-noon.

St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany Church, 4346 Ridge Road, Buford 3051. Sunday, Oct. 4, 3 p.m.

St. Mark UMC, 781 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Sun., Oct. 4, sanctuary, 6 p.m. All Animals are welcome.  If your pet would be more comfortable at home, bring a picture or a collar or some token. There will be an opportunity for pet adoption!


1. The Savannah Street Neighborhood House in Cabbagetown has maintained a mission presence there for more than 60 years.  Sister Henrietta Keel contacted United Church Women of Atlanta (now Church Women United in Atlanta) to sponsor an outdoor mission in a donated vacant lot. Eventually the Savannah Street Neighborhood House was erected. On Friday, October 2, at 11:30 a.m., a bronze plaque dedicated to Church Women United in Atlanta will be installed at 196 Savannah Street. All members of the Atlanta community who remember and participated in the witness and service to the Cabbagetown community are invited to witness the dedication.

2. International Fair in Decatur, 12 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Decatur. Featured will games, pony rides, a health fair, caricaturist, and entertainment and food from members' many countries. Tickets are $5, and children under 12 are free.

3. The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth is back and bigger and better than before and this year highlighting education, diversity, and particularly women and girls in Making this year.  A MakEdu conference for K12 teachers is Saturday, and the Innovator's Playground ( produced by the Children's School of Atlanta) for elementary school children has expanded four-fold. Both of these are inside Decatur High School. There will be drone racing, artists, speakers, entertainment, food, and a whole lot more-200 plus Makers. Latest version of the program will always be on Maker Faire Atlanta web site. Just Google it. The event is free to attend, but please register if you plan to come. The entire event is volunteer-run and sponsor-funded? So, please invite your friends, register and come to the Faire! Register here.

4. Faith & Science in the 21st Century Series continues on Day 1 this Sunday, Oct. 4, with Dr. Ted Peters, ELCA minister and professor. The author of numerous books on theology, ethics, and science and their intersections, he will preach on “God and Cosmos.” Find your l local station, read or hear the sermons, and find lots more at

5. Justice Journeys, an education and advocacy action group focused on injustices of mass incarceration, 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, at St. Bede's Episcopal Church,2601 Henderson Mill Road, NE, Atlanta 30345. Guest speakers will be from Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. All are welcome. For more information, visit or email

6. The second meeting of the Cathedral Book Store’s Community Reading Group is Wednesday, October 7, featuring Margaret Silf’s Sacred in the City: Seeing the Spiritual in the Everyday in a discussion led by Barbara Pendergrast, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Walthour Library, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305. In this beautifully illustrated book, Silf takes the reader through seven cityscapes showing how we can encounter the spiritual wherever we are. Come add to the discussion. For more information, contact Kerith Lee, (404)237-7582 or

7. The annual Integrity Eucharist will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, at All Saints' Episcopal Church. Bishop Keith Whitmore will preside, and the Rev. Kimberly Jackson, campus missioner at Absalom Jones Episcopal Center, will preach. All are welcome.

8. WonderRoot's Family Workshop, Experimental Drawing, is on Saturday, October 10, led by artist Estela Semeco. The class is designed for all ages and skill levels. Participants will have fun creating collaborative and unique works of art exploring color, line, shape, and composition using a variety of media. Learn more and register here.

9. The Rainbow Village Gala, an annual celebration and fundraiser for the Duluth ministry with homeless families, begins at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Atlanta Athletic Club. To read more about it and purchase a ticket, click here.

10. The Atlanta Woman's Club is hosting a luncheon and benefit for the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence in honor of its 35th anniversary  Sunday, Oct. 11, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., the Wimbish House.  The luncheon will highlight the history of the domestic violence movement in Georgia, GCADV's impact on the movement, and the legacy that has been established to improve the lives of survivors. The luncheon also includes a Silent Auction of high-end accessories. Tickets are $40. To sponsor the event, donate a silent auction item, or purchase tickets, please click here.

11. AMIS Ministry with International Students invites you to the 38th Annual International Student Welcome Reception at Georgia Tech on Sunday, October 11, at 3 p.m. Georgia Tech has more than 3000 international students and scholars on its campus alone and a huge impact on making Atlanta a global city. The Kennesaw State University Jazz Trio will perform during the reception in Georgia Tech's Student Center Ballroom at 350 Ferst Drive. All are welcome to help extend hospitality to our international students.

12. Bestselling author Geraldine Brooks’ new book is The Secret Chord about the life of King David. Brooks provides new information about well-known incidents of David’s life as well as writing about less known events.  Brooks will speak at Holy Trinity Parish, 515 E. Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur 30030, Oct. 12, 7-9 p.m.  More...

13. Learning opportunities about incarceration continue at the Friends Meeting House, 701, West Howard Ave., Decatur 30030. On Wednesday, Oct. 14, hear from a recently released “lifer” and from criminal law attorney Barbara Gale on the current sex offender laws and the efforts being made for reform.  Light supper at 6:45 p.m. Donations are requested to offset the cost of the food but are not required. The program will begin at about 7:15 pm. Come and bring family and friends to this meeting of a group dedicated to creating a more compassionate and just society; where thoughts assist in creating and developing practical actions.

14. Infant and Pregnancy Loss Remembrance and Celebration of Life, Thursday, October 15, 7-8 p.m., St Bede’s Episcopal Church, 2601 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta 30345. Many of us are affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, and other pregnancy losses. In honor of the pain of these losses and to celebrate life no matter how brief, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church offers an ecumenical service for anyone remembering a loss, recently or long ago. This will be a simple, contemplative space for all, wherever they are on their journey of faith. Light refreshments following. Questions? Contact Rev’d Caroline Branch at

15. There are still some spaces for the Fall Folk School at Camp Mikell, Toccoa, Oct. 16-18.  For more information and registration, click here > 

16. GEORGIA CARES is the single, statewide coordinating agency serving child sex trafficking and exploitation victims in the state, any youth up to age 18, male and female. A priority of Georgia Cares is to raise awareness of the issue of DMST and to train community members and professionals on warning signs and resources. On a monthly basis, free training is provided and open to the public in communities across Georgia. Coming up soon are trainings at Avondale Pattillo UMC, Decatur, Oct. 17, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Community Bible Church in Stockbridge, Nov.  7, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To request a community training near you, please contact 

17. FCS has been working in under-resourced neighborhoods in Atlanta for almost 40 years. Three times a year FCS welcomes leaders, innovators, and practitioners from all over the country who come to learn about their model for transforming distressed neighborhoods.  The next FCS Open House is Oct. 22-23. Find out more. 

18. John Philip Newell will speak in Atlanta at All Saints' Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree St. NW, Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7:00 p.m. Newell will speak on Spirituality: the Sister of Theology.  Poet, peacemaker, scholar and author of The Rebirthing of God, Christianity's Struggle for New Beginnings and other books, Dr. Newell, formerly warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, is Companion Theologian for the American Spirituality Center of Casa del Sol at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. The lecture, dessert reception, and book signing are free and open to the public, with no reservations required. For more information, contact Gail Rogers at

19. Time for the Fall Festival and Car Show at St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany Episcopal Church in Buford. The Oct. 24 event features cars, food, crafts, games, a quilt show and more. Car registration, 9-11 a.m., is $10; trophies will be awarded at 1:30 p.m. for fan favorites. Vendor space is $20 per table. For more information email  

20. Cheers for Change 2015 benefitting Central Outreach and Advocacy’s sustainable solutions to homelessness is Oct. 25, 4-7 p.m. Find out more and get your ticket here.

21. Armed Forces Mission, building resilience and restoring hope to our troops and veterans, is one of 15 local charities that will benefit from an Oct. 30 Gala Dinner in Peachtree City with the Blue Angels in conjunction with the Great American Air Show. You can purchase tickets at     Suspense date for purchase is 15 October in order to plan for the number of attendees. Consider purchasing a ticket for a veteran who would not otherwise be able to attend. Armed Forces Mission has now trained 925 community intervention advocates to end suicide.

22. Change, Organization and Generosity in Smaller Congregationsa series of three one-day seminars designed for congregational leaders who welcome 150 or fewer (may be 15, 20, 50)  in worship will be held at Columbia Seminary, Decatur, Nov. 2-4. Details and Registration.

23. “Care Ethics in a Complicated World,” an insightful, continuing education event for mental health professionals and clergy, Friday, Nov. 6, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Care and Counseling Center of Georgia offers this conference at the Central DeKalb Senior Center, 1346 McConnell Drive, Decatur 30033 (close to the CCCG main campus). This offering by CCCG’s Dr. Jack Rainer gives 6 CEU credits for a $125 registration fee including breakfast and lunch. “While caring for the needs of ourselves and clients, we tend to lose track of the larger questions about things that matter – those social, political, and moral questions about meaning, purpose, and value.  This conference will provide a fertile forum for looking at ourselves in the life of the larger community, in hopes of answering the question, ‘How much do I need to care?’”  You can read more about key points, objectives, and presenters at the CCCG site.  Click here to register for the conference. Dr. Rainer has years of experience both in practice and building the psychology departments for the University of Georgia college system. He is both entertaining and insightful.

24. The goal of the Roswell Community Masjid Art Exhibit is to increase public knowledge and understanding of the Muslim community through art. The event will feature artwork that will range from ceramics, to textiles, paintings, woodwork, metalwork and furniture accessories. Visit or go to to purchase a ticket.

25. Become a youthSpark Community Ambassador- an adult who volunteers to raise awareness on trafficking. You will be trained to use your voice in your community. There is no ongoing time commitment to become this special liaison to your community! To get more info or to register, email The next Community Ambassador training is October 10, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., The Church at Chapelhill, Room 120, 5357 Chapel Hill Rd., Douglasville  30135. Would your place of worship like to host a training? Email for information. 

26. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Art Gallery is the longest continually running volunteer gallery in Atlanta. It hosts a new exhibit every month. Contact Ruth Gogel at for more information. 1911 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.

27. Free webinars on a wide variety of topics for church leaders will be offered this fall by Episcopal Church Foundation. See what is available that might be of interest to you at


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.


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Especially for youth ministers and leaders: The Regional Council of Churches is partnering with the Georgia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities in SHARE HOPE. Suicide is a leading cause of death in young people. What is the role of the faith community in ministering to troubled young people? Share Hope is an interfaith social media contest to promote the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Because we know that just pausing before acting often stops a suicide attempt, 988 is one important tool in fostering a healthy community. Have a look This activity could be a great way to start off the school year with your creative youth group. And, your group could win a $250 Pizza Party--there will be ten winners. If you have questions or need help contact us at

Shallowford Center

for Mindful Living a place for contemplative practice, deep listening, and compassion 

Visit here for programs and events.


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