Church Action eNewsletter Week of September 21, 2015

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

Weekly Church Action eNewsletter Week of Sept. 21, 2015


1. Robert Franklin reflects on the Pope’s visit to the U.S. in today's HuffPost, Welcoming the Pope by Including the Poor. Here via @HuffPostRelig. Franklin, former Regional Council of Churches president, is the James T. and Berta R. Laney Professor in Moral Leadership at Emory University and a member of the "Putting Families First" Advisory Council at the Center for Community Change.


2. A Service of Prayer and Light to pray for Kelly Gissendaner and all those hurt by her crime and death sentence, to beseech God for healing and mercy for all involved, and to witness to hope,  today, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 7 p.m., Facilitated labyrinth walk at 5:30 p.m., The Cathedral of St. Philip, More information here. #‎KellyOnMyMind


3. Concerned Black Clergy Luncheon, clergy only for this meeting. Guest speaker is Dr. Herbert Brown III, pastor of Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, Baltimore. First Iconium Baptist Church, 542 Moreland Avenue SE, Atlanta 30316. “Palestinian and Black Solidarity: Why It Matters,” Thursday, Sept. 24, 11:30 a.m. Please R.s.v.p. if you plan to attend this luncheon. Call (404)755-4900.


4. Hot Pizza & Hot Topics! The Truth and Enlightenment for Millennials group at Hillside International Truth Center extends a special invitation to 21 to 30-something year-olds. Come be a part of a highly interactive discussion of today's issues through an enlightened understanding of the "chakras" - spiritual energy centers of the body. Friday, September 25, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., Do Restaurant, 955 W. Marietta St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Less than 50 tickets available at only $20 each.; Questions? Call (404) 758-6811.


5. The Bluegrass & BBQ Fall Festival 2015, Saturday, September 26. In the life of Emory Presbyterian Church, there is no event which is nearer and dearer to the heart of the community than the annual Bluegrass & BBQ Fall Festival held on the last Saturday of September every year on the church lawn from 12 noon to 4 pm. Featuring bluegrass music provided by member bands of the Southeastern Bluegrass Association and delicious barbecue prepared by own EPC master chefs, the Fall Festival is a much-anticipated event that is open to the community and welcomes all. 1886 North Decatur Rd NE, Atlanta 30307. If you need to know more call (404)325-4551 or Email


6. Dr. Barbara L. King, founder of Hillside International Truth Center, will present former Governor of Georgia, Roy E. Barnes, with the "Barbara L. King Founder's Award" this Saturday during the Anniversary Awards program honoring community luminaries, Elizabeth Omilami, Jim Maddox, George G. Andrews, Dr. Lawrence E. Carter, George Wallace, and others. This will be a red carpet celebration hosted by radio personalities Mo Ivory and Larry Tinsley and featuring entertainment by Grammy nominee, Anthony David. Saturday, Sept. 26. Red carpet 6 - 7 p.m.; Program 7-9; a reception follows. Tickets available here.


7. Out on the Lawn at Northside Drive Baptist Church, an Evening with the Kurt Thomas Band. Bring something to sit on and what you would like to eat. Saturday, Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m. This is open to the public, childcare provided with reservations, 31 Northside Drive, Atlanta 30305. (404)237-8621.


8. A special series begins on Day 1 this Sunday, Faith & Science in the 21st Century. For the next 8 Sundays outstanding ministers and scientists explore issues of science today. Hear the Rev. Scott Hoezee from the Center for Excellence in Preaching, Calvin Theological Seminary, this Sunday, Sept. 27, reflecting on how science and faith can inform each other.  This sermon serves as an introduction to the series. Find your local station, listen to the sermon, read blogs, and more at


9. Missionary Dave Eubank and his family, founders of Free Burma Rangers, will visit Roswell United Methodist Church on Sunday, Sept. 27, 9:30 a.m. in the Dodson Center, to discuss humanitarian aid being provided against oppression in Burma and surrounding areas. FBR’s mission is to provide hope, help, and love to internally displaced people inside Burma. For more information about the Eubanks’ visit at RUMC, go to or contact Shelley Moreau at


10. You are invited to meet Ms. Hind Khoury, Palestinian Christian & Secretary General of Kairos Palestine, Sunday, Sept. 27, 9 and 11:15 a.m., preaching at St. Mark United Methodist Church, 781 Peachtree Street, NE, and 4 p.m., speaking at Peachtree Road UMC, 31380 Peachtree Road, as part of their Justice Sunday. Peachtree Road UMC, St. Mark UMC, Rev. Scott Parrish, Rev. Sara Webb Phillips and United Methodist Kairos Response welcome your participation. As the North Georgia Conference works to establish a mission bridge to Jerusalem, and as General Conference faces several resolutions about Palestine/Israel, Hind Khoury comes to share about the possibilities and dilemmas facing Christians in the region. She will be an engaging conversation partner, helping build bridges of understanding and opportunity. For more details and R.s.v.p. for the 4 p.m. event (requested, not required), contact Matt Nelson, or Sara Webb Phillips, (404)455-3632.


11. Three chances to learn more about Candler’s MRPL, the new Master of Religion and Public Life (MRPL) explores the dynamics of faith in the public sphere. Find out more at one of three upcoming lunch and learn events September 28, October 28 and November 11, from 12 to 1 p.m. Register here.  The MRPL is especially well suited for those in careers that aren’t “religious,” but whose work is impacted by religion-- who need to understand how clients may be influenced by their faith. The MRPL is also an excellent choice for those interested in the role of religion in society and those wanting to deepen their faith through study. Students in the program will gain an appreciation for the ways in which religion shapes the public landscape of 21st century North America. The MRPL is a 30 credit-hour residential program with a flexible curriculum and occasional evening classes to accommodate working professionals. The application deadline for spring 2016 is December 1. Learn more about the MRPL program.


12. Interfaith Children’s Movement Being a Healing Community requires that we work to prevent people being caught up in the criminal and juvenile justice systems.  Robbin Shipp, author of Justice While Black, will provide practical, brass-tacks advice on how to avoid being ensnared in the criminal justice system.  Although the book is focused on African American families, the advice found in this book applies to all. Monday, Sept. 28, 12:30 p.m. (light lunch/networking) 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.  (meeting),   Central United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, 501 Mitchell Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314.  Please R.s.v.p. for planning purposes to


13. Handley Helping Hands, a non-profit outreach ministry of Mathalama AME Church announces a free mentoring program for middle school and high school males, Cornerstone Mentoring. This program is designed to positively impact the lives of young males in Fulton, Henry, Fayette, & Clayton Counties.  Application deadline is September 30.  Call (470)222-5985 or email for additional information.  Applications may be downloaded from dropbox here.


14. Kaitlin Roig-Debellis will discuss her new book, Choosing Hope, on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m., at First Baptist Church Decatur, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030.  This event is sponsored by Georgia Center for the Book and hosted by Conversations at First Baptist. Roig-Debellis is the first grade teacher at Sandy Hood Elementary School who saved her entire class from the heartbreaking events that happened on December 14. The book is a written account of the tragedy, a firsthand testament to the power of good over evil and an inspirational memoir by a brave young woman about courage, heroism, faith and resilience.  No tickets or reservations are required.


15. Atlantic Institute presents Jihad on Jihad: The Crisis of ISIS 10/7. Jihad Turk was a pivotal figure in the establishment of Bayan Claremont, a graduate school created with the intention of educating Muslim scholars and religious leaders; currently he is the standing president. His work focuses on the peaceful intentions of Islam; he also works to better the relationship between the Muslim community and communities of other faiths. He will be speaking about the importance of keeping violent extremism out of Islam. Tickets are $10 and include light refreshments, click here to R.s.v.p. Tickets will be $15 at the door, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 6:30-7:45, 591 N Main St. Alpharetta 30009.


16. Join CARE CEO Michelle Nunn on Oct. 10 as she commemorates International Day of the Girl, walking through the heart of Atlanta in solidarity with girls around the world.  The CARE Walk for Lasting Change begins at 10 a.m. with musical entertainment and activities at the outdoor theater in Atlanta’s Historic Old 4th Ward Park, followed by a rally and a one-mile walk on the Atlanta Beltline Eastside Trail at 11:30 a.m.  The event is free and open to the public. Register Now


17. Faith, Family and Fitness: Healthy Minds Matter, Saturday, Oct. 10, the Sisters United in Service cordially invite us to their 18th Annual Interfaith Health and Human Service Conference. The conference will focus on signs, symptoms, and solutions of mental wellness for adults, teens, tweens, and children through dialogue, fitness, nutrition, and laughter!  The location is Atlanta Masjic of Al-Islam, 560 Fayetteville Road, Atlanta 30316. For detailed information and to register click here.


18. Serving God in All Seasons annual Ben Hill United Methodist Church Women's Day, October 10 -11. Mother, Daughter, Friend luncheon Saturday, October 10, Atlanta Airport Marriott, 11 a.m. with keynote speaker Kristie Bronner, co-youth pastor at the Word  of Faith Worship Cathedral and director of music for Ignite Youth Choir and band. Kristie and her twin sister Kirstie were the co-valedictorians of the Spelman College with matching 4.0 GPAs. The sisters are the authors of Double Vals:  The Keys To Success in College and Life Beyond.  Tickets are $45 adults and $25 children. Parking is $4. Sunday, October 11, Ben Hill’s guest speaker for both services, 7:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., 2099 Fairburn Rd, SW Atlanta 30331, will be Rev. Susan H. Buckson, pastor of Bellview A.M.E. church and educator. Rev. Buckson is Atlanta North Georgia Conference Coordinator for Women in Ministry and author of a Bible based Lenten curriculum for youth and young adults. Leading up to the celebration the women of Ben Hill UMC have been out in the community for several months serving the elderly, youth, women in prison, and women in senior homes .  Rev. Byron E. Thomas is Sr. Pastor of Ben Hill UMC. For more information visit the website at or call the church at (404)344-0618.


19. Former Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta board member, Robbie Robinson invites everyone to a community-oriented honors ceremony celebrating 20 women who through leadership and dedication are helping to eradicate HIV/AIDS. This red-carpet gala honors these women for their service and shares their stories, giving the community a chance to learn more about HIV/AIDS and its effects on women of color. All proceeds benefit SisterLove, Incorporated. The event will be held Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Georgia Freight Depot, 65 Martin Luther King Drive, Atlanta 30303. You can purchase tickets here.


20. The Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) offers discernment retreats for diverse young adults to discover their purpose and explore how they might use their gifts to serve the church and world. FTE invites peers, mentors, and Christian leaders to nominate young adults to apply to attend its Metro Atlanta Regional Discernment Retreat, October 22-25, 2015. Nominees should be young adults, age 18-30, who reside within 250 miles of Atlanta and demonstrate gifts for leadership and/or an interest in a form of ministry or educational preparation for ministry. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. To learn more about the discernment retreat and to nominate a young adult, visit or contact FTE Director of Grants and Fellowships, Darlene Hutto.


21. Support solutions to homelessness, support the work of Central Outreach & Advocacy Center! You can purchase discount tickets now here for $25. This fun event from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, October 25, at Monday Night Brewing includes a tour of the brewery, a complimentary pint glass with beer to come in it, delicious food, live music, interactive games, and the opportunity to help end homelessness in Atlanta, plus raffle prizes on everything from gym memberships to dog day care to a night in Paris. If you would like more information, or to become an event sponsor, starting at just $100, contact Central OAC Development Director Branden Lane at Let’s toast to end homelessness! 


22. Enneagram Personality Assessment Training with Sandra Smith, offered specifically for clergy, therapists, spiritual directors and other helping professionals who companion people on their journeys toward wholeness and transformation.  Saturday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Amerson House Spirituality Center at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, 1790 LaVista Road, Atlanta 30329.  For more information or to reserve your place, contact Kimberly at or 404-275-3328, or visit


23. 7th Annual Spirituality Conference Margaret Silf – Sacred in the City, Saturday, Nov. 14. Registration is now open.  “Can we glimpse the holy in those who serve our needs, and those whose needs we serve? Have we been tempted to think of the sacred as confined to 'holy places,' or is it true, as Jesus tells us, that the holy is everywhere and the Kingdom is within us and around us in the very place where we live our ordinary lives?"  - Margaret Silf. This daylong conference will include lecture and question and answer discussion. The cost is $55 per person and includes lunch. A group rate of $50/person is available for groups of 8 or more. The location is the Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. For more information and to register, please visit the website.  You may pay online or mail a check to Jeannie Mahood at the address above.


24. Golf for Goodness Sake! Trinity Community Ministries  is seeking golf enthusiasts to form teams for a charity golf event on Nov. 17 at Golf Club of Georgia in Alpharetta. This event will benefit two of Trinity's programs,  Trinity House-Big Bethel and Trinity Living,  both of which support formerly homeless men in recovery and are founded on the principles of mentoring (“each one teach one”), and leadership through mutual support and brotherhood. To learn more, please contact Bruce Burney, Executive Director at or (404)577-6651.


25. The Beecken Center, Sewanee, will host a Living Compass Congregational Wellness Advocate (CWA) training, Feb. 2–4, 2016. During this three-day course, you will develop skills to facilitate small wellness groups and lead wellness classes on a breadth of topics. You will assess the wellness needs within your faith community and the wider community. A Living Compass training is a training and a retreat experience for people excited about integrating faith and wellness in their own lives and helping others to do the same. Lay and clergy leaders of all denominations and faith backgrounds are welcome to attend; congregations are encouraged to send groups to be trained together. Certification requires completion of this training plus leading two Living Compass programs within one year of having completed the training. Register now! Full and partial scholarships are available from Living Compass, contact Edith Braeger at Churches may bring a third and/or fourth participant for $180 each. Please contact James Goodmann at For more information on Living Compass and the CWA training, visit


26. Zimria Festivale Atlanta, Sacred & Secular Music of the Jewish Tradition, has opening in all sections and auditions are being held.  Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings at Congregation Beth Shalom, 5303 Winters Chapel Road, Dunwoody 30360.  For information or to schedule your audition call (678)429-2622 or Email


27. Pastor Lawrence A. Reeves, Jr., Trinity Fellowship Ministry, Inc., is in need of a used podium for ministry at Peachtree-Pine.  He would be very happy to pick it up. If you can help please contact him at


28. Young Preachers, join Academy of Preachers on Twitter each Thursday at 9:00 p.m. for #PreacherChat!  Connect with other young preachers for a discussion using this unified hashtag.  R.s.v.p. at this link so they can look for you: Find out more about the academy and upcoming festivals



Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.


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