Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 7, 2013

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

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1. October is Theological Libraries Month. Come out to the John Bulow Campbell Library at Columbia Seminary for a display of books on religious art from its holdings with photographs of a collection of crosses and symbols from the library’s C. Benton Kline, Jr. Special Collections and Archives.  Earlier this year, a large Celtic cross was placed in front of the library-- one of the largest Celtic crosses in North America. The sculpture created by Hollnagel-Jubran and Hanna Jubran was given to the seminary by Irwin Belk, in honor of his wife Carol Grotnes Belk.

2. Electronic Recycling Event at Rice Memorial Presbyterian Church Saturday, October 12,  9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot of Metro Lanes and Games, 1959 Metropolitan Parkway, Atlanta 30310. Questions? Call 404-758-8008. Recycling includes computers and computer equipment, cell phones, microwaves, copiers, fax machines, phone systems, and typewriters. Only flat screen televisions will be recycled and there is a $10 fee for each television.

3. Southside Ministerial Association will meet Thursday, October 10, at noon at the Piccadilly Cafeteria in Greenbriar Mall. The meeting will end by 1:30. Please let Robbie Jackson know today if you plan to attend, or (404)767-0582. Bring information to share. Do you have a Thanksgiving or Christmas program coming up? Greenbriar is at the intersection of I-285 and Langford Parkway. Take the mall exit off Langford Parkway.

4. Join AIB TV for a look at sacred places. Premiering on Thursday, October 10 at 6:00 p.m. is a visit to a worship community that rose from the rubble of destruction with a renewed sense of the divine, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Adairsville, Georgia. See the entire schedule here>> Here

5. Holy Comforter Church, “a safe, loving, inclusive community for those marginalized by poverty, serious mental illness, and disability,” at 737 Woodland Ave. SE, Atlanta 30316,  is holding its last  official plant sale of the season this  Saturday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are awash in Fall color, including pansies, violas, snapdragons, herbs, fall veggies, perennials, shrubs, and trees.  The famous pepper sauce and yummy baked goods, including homemade fried pies will be available. (If you can’t make it to the sale, stop by anytime that they are open to visit and shop.)

6.  St. Gabriel's Fall Festival runs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, at St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church, 2920 Landrum Education Drive, Oakwood. A fun-filled day will include treasure hunting, baked goods, lunch foods and games for kids. All are welcome. St. Gabriel’s is in Hall County south of Gainesville. more 

7. The Julia Pate Borders Memorial Nurses' Guild of Wheat Street Baptist Church  invites all members and the Atlanta community to attend the 52nd Medical Forum,” The Human Papillomavirus-General Introduction," on Saturday, October 12, at 1 p.m. The main speaker will be Dr. Cyril O. Spann, Jr., Professor, Gynecologic Oncologist. A reception will follow. Mrs. Ruth Adams, R.N., President; Dr. Juel Pate Borders-Benson, Sponsor; Rev. Dr. Michael Neely Harris, Pastor.

8. Saturday evening, October 12, 7:30 pm, the Jung Society of Atlanta presents a lecture by Jutta von Buchholtz, Ph.D., titled ,”Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: The Anima in Dreams.” von Buchholtz is a Birmingham, Alabama  based Jungian analyst who trained at the C.G. Jung Institute In Zurich. There will be time for discussion, Trinity Presbyterian Church. Fees are $20 for the public, $10 for students, and free for Jung Society members. Additional information here.  .

9. Northside Drive Baptist Church will celebrate its Baptist roots and learn more about Baptist life from historical and modern perspectives during a weekend with Bruce Gourley, Executive Director of the Baptist History and Heritage Society. October 12-13.  On Sunday at 9:30 a.m. a presentation Role and Relevancy of Denominations and Baptists will be held in the Fellowship Hall. At 11 a.m. the Sunday Fellowship Service will feature Our Baptist Heritage and Extraordinary Baptists. Join them to explore Baptist life. NDBC is located at 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta.

10. The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Marietta, has called the Rev. Thomas C. Pumphrey to serve as its fifth rector. Pumphrey has served parishes in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, most recently as associate rector at St. David's in Wayne, and is a 2004 graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary. His first service at the parish will be Oct. 13.  Read more>>

11. Atlanta InterFaith Leaders Fellowship dialogue on Refugee Challenges is coming up this weekend, Sunday, October 13 – 3:00 p.m., Dallo Restaurant, 4047 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083, 678-973-2944. I f you plan to attend please R.s.v.p. to

12. Neshama Interfaith Center invites you to explore multiple faiths through the lens of another time in history, the time of convivencia, interreligious cooperation in 14th century Southern Spain.  John Cressler's novel weaves historical events and figures with a captivating love story, and John will discuss his research, his own spiritual growth, and more with a gorgeous series of visuals. Read more>>  Sunday, October 13, 7 – 9 p.m., Congregation Gesher L’Torah, 4320 Kimball Bridge Road, Alpharetta 30022.    The author will be introduced by Valerie Jackson, host of WABE’s “Between The Lines.” Free and open to the community. Light refreshments will be served. Please R.s.v.p. to to reserve your seat.

13. Joint Recruitment Information Session at Emory.  Representatives from top theological schools will visit Emory University on October 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Prospective students for master-level and doctoral-level programs are invited to meet admissions officers and explore theological education. Reception follows with light hors d'oeuvres. Participating schools: Emory/Candler School of Theology, Harvard Divinity School, Union Theological Seminary, University of Chicago Divinity School, and Yale Divinity School. Location: Cannon Chapel, Brooks Commons, 515 S. Kilgo Circle, Atlanta  30322. For more information email or Register Here.

14. Discovering Unity in Diversity: Maintaining One’s Faith within a Larger World View hosted by the Temple and First Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, October 16, First Presbyterian Church Sanctuary, 1328 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, featuring High Ground: Rev. Joana Adams, Imam Plemon El-Amin, Rev. Joseph Roberts, Rabbi Alvin Sugarman, Moderator Rabbi Peter Berg. 6:30 p.m. registration and refreshments; 7- 8:30 panel discussion. A reception will follow.

15. Senior adults in the community are invited to the 2013 Senior Adult Fun Day, “Georgia On My Mind,” Thursday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Roswell United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 814 Mimosa Blvd. The church’s senior adult choir, PrimeTime Singers, will offer a Hoagy Carmichael tribute. Bingo with tons of prizes follows the Georgia-themed meal ($6). Register by Oct. 10 at or to Rev. Julie Wright, 770.261.1732 or

16. Antioch Baptist Church North will host its 2nd Annual ACE Job Fair & Business Expo on Saturday, October 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This year’s job fair and expo, a collaborative partnership between the Antioch Christian Entrepreneurs (ACE) and the Atlanta Business League, will focus attention on the need for jobs and factors that impede productive employment. There will be a workshop for youth on the entrepreneurial spirit. The event takes place on the campus of Antioch Baptist Church North in the 590 Building at 590 North Avenue, Atlanta 30318.  Contact Helen Burgess, 770-333-6383, for more information.

17. A Halloween for Haiti Carnival and Haunted Trail runs from 4 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at Christ Church Episcopal, 400 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross. Treats include food, live music, carnival games, cake walk, inflatables, crafts, and ghost stories.  Haunted Trail opens at 7 p.m. and runs till 10 p.m. Proceeds benefit an education, medical and dental mission to Haiti. Wear your costumes and join the fun. Read more>>

18. Empowerment Sunday at Old Friendship Missionary Baptist Church where Rev. B. A. Jenkins is Pastor with special guest preacher Rev. Herman Cain, Sunday, October 20, 10 a.m. 731 Friendship Church Road, Marietta. The whole community is invited to hear this inspiring man of God.

19. You're invited to the Georgia WAND Fall Membership Party! Whether you're a member, a supporter or just curious about the work, come enjoy good food, great city views, mingle with Georgia WAND members, and hear about exciting opportunities to get involved. Sunday, October 20, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Please call for more information on location and to R.s.v.p., 404-524-5999. 

20. A special St. Luke’s Day  Evensong will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, with works by Brahms, Dyson, Hurford, and Phillips sung by the parish's adult, youth,  and children's choirs. A reception follows. Complimentary parking is available directly across Peachtree Street from the church.  St. Luke’s is at 435 Peachtree Street, Atlanta

21. October 20-26 is Pastoral Care Week Find some resources for observation Here.

22. Holocaust Survivor Magda Herzberger will speak at Oxford College of Emory University on Tuesday, October 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Williams Hall.  Her talk, “Surviving the Holocaust,” will be about an hour with time for questions.  She will be selling two of her books at this event, which is free and open to the community.  For more information, please contact Rev. Lyn Pace at  To learn more about Mrs. Herzberger, visit

23. Istanbul Center & Atlantic Institute will host Mayor Linda Blechinger in the Midtown Luncheon Series for a lecture and book signing. Wednesday, October 23, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Two Midtown Plaza, Suite 1010, 1349 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta 30309. Linda Blechinger is the Mayor of the Auburn, GA. She wrote "Mourning to Morning: A Book about Grief, Death, Heaven and Healing" which was rereleased in 2011. This is a book that will challenge you to believe in more than you can see, feel, and hear. It is an account of learning to trust God as He walks us through the deepest pain we could possibly imagine. R.s.v.p. is required to reserve your seat and tickets are $10 per personLunch will be served and books will be available for purchase.

24. Idealist Grad Fair at Georgia State University on Wednesday, October 23, 5 to 8 p.m. The fair is free and open to the public. If young people in your congregation are thinking of going to grad school in the next year or two, they will find it very helpful. Generously hosted by the Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the fair is for undergrads, professionals, and anyone thinking of applying to graduate school to further their social impact career. Read more>>

25. Refugee Women’s Network presents the Annual Awards Reception, Friday, October 25, 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Further Studio & Gallery, 75 Bennett Street #M-2, Atlanta, GA 30309, $30/person. Donations and sponsorships also accepted. R.s.v.p. by October 23rd. Click here to register! This is the annual fundraiser for RWN and includes the Refugee Woman of the Year award and features a Silent Auction that includes artwork, crafts, and products from refugee women-owned businesses.

26. Homecoming Weekend 2013 at Carver 70 years of laying a firm foundation. October 25-27. Read all the details here.

  • Founders’ Banquet Friday, October 25, 7 p.m.                                                                                
  • Alumni Luncheon, Saturday, October 26 11 a.m.                                                                                                
  • Cougars Basketball Game, Saturday, 3 p.m.                                                                                  
  • Homecoming Concert Saturday 6 p.m.                                                                                               
  • Alumni Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday, October 27, Greater Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, 4555 Campbellton Road SW, Atlanta 30331

27. Friendship Baptist Church Women’s 2013 Outreach Workshop presents “Human Trafficking in Atlanta: Keeping our Children Safe.” Saturday, October 26, 10 a.m. to 12 noon with Out of Darkness hope & Rescue, Wellspring Living, Inc., and Street Grace, also GBI Sex Crime Unit, Fulton county D.A.’s Office Trafficking Unit, and the City of Atlanta Police Department, and a survivor’s story. Historic Friendship Baptist Church, 437 Mitchell Street, SW, Atlanta 30313.                                                            There is no admission fee and light refreshments will be served.

28. Buckhead Baptist Church is holding its annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 26, at the Church Fairgrounds, behind 4100 Roswell Road, from noon until 4 p.m. Come one, come all, and all for fun, frivolity, and lightheartedness, food games, popcorn, cake walk and Heaven knows what else we will think of… free and open to kids of all ages.

29. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, will host as a health initiative "Dancing under the Stars" Saturday evening, Oct. 26, at Dance City Ballroom, 800 Miami Circle, Atlanta. Dance lessons begin at 7:15 p.m., and a dance party runs from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. All are welcome. Admission is $25 per person. For more information and registration, click here.

30. St. Aiden’s Episcopal Church, Alpharetta, will host a pig-roast fundraiser for Mikell Camp and Conference Center from 3 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, at the church at 13560 Cogburn Road. All are invited for food, fun, and games for all ages, plus music. Tickets are $15 or $40 per family. To purchase tickets, click here.

31. The Women, Theology and Ministry Program at Candler School of Theology, Annual Women’s  Forum, November 1, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Cox Ballroom, Emory University. Living Out Love: Advocacy for Women as a Theological Practice, the Rev. Becca Stevens. This forum will include address, book signing, and an optional discussion session for those interested in action strategies for women’s advocacy in Atlanta.. Cost: $15; free for Candler students. Limited scholarships available for students from other schools. Email for more information.

32. Faith and Literature: The Journey of the Soul, a retreat at St. Mary’s Sewanee, Nov. 1 – 3. Through the lens of literature and the Biblical story this retreat will explore the soul's journey through different seasons of life. A reading list will be provided before the retreat.  Read more>>

33. Discovering God’s Prophecy: Scripture, Wonder, Response, Nov. 7-10, a learning retreat that offers you a new way to hear the story of the prophets, a chance to wonder how the prophets connect with our lives today, and the invitation to respond to God’s Word by creating something new.. Details and Registration. Instructor: Christine Erskine – director of Children’s Formation at St. Bartholomew’s in Atlanta and Certified Godly Play©Trainer

34. Save the date of November 15 and 16 for Jung Society lecture and workshop, “Understanding Our Moment in History,” by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., author of The Passion of the Western Mind and Cosmos and Psyche.

35. Inhabiting Advent, November 16, Columbia Theological Seminary, Harrington Center. Begin your Advent journey with a morning for prayer and reflection centered on Advent themes. Let advent inhabit your waiting through worship, art, silence, and quiet reflection in community. Led by Debra Weir, spiritual director, Program Fee is $20. If you have questions contact  Register here.

36.  Date correction for the 9th Annual Thanksgiving Diversity Luncheon. Tuesday, November 19 is the day, 12 – 1:30 p.m., Maggiano’s in Buckhead. Doors open at 11:30 and the ticket is $35. R.s.v.p. and get tickets HERE.

37.  The American Association of Pastoral Counselors offers a free e-journal called Sacred Spaces. They also welcome submissions for future issues. Read more>>

38. Read about the new translation available this month the Common English Bible Here.  Likely the largest cross-denominational translation project in recent memory, the work united Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, United Methodist, and numerous other faith traditions to create a broadly accessible Bible for the 21st century.

39. Care & Counseling Center of Georgia invites you to Wellness Wednesdays for Yoga every Wednesday from Noon-1 p.m.  Sessions are held at the CCCG Decatur office, 1814 Clairmont Rd. Decatur, GA 30033 map.  This series is appropriate for beginners or advanced students who would benefit from incorporating mind/body techniques to manage stress related to personal and professional concerns.  The sessions are led by Angel Brutus, a licensed professional counselor, hypnotherapist, and level V Yoga instructor.  To register, contact Angel at (404)636-1457 x530 or  Drop-in fees as well as monthly discounted fees are available. Space is limited.


Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.



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