God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Atlanta Center for Congregations study -- we need to hear from everyone. If you have not taken this very short survey, please give us your input at http://www.wellsyscorp.com/congregationsurvey/
If you believe as we do that together we can make a greater difference for our neighbors and for God’s whole creation, join us -- application should take you directly to a membership application. Contact Johnnetta Morris, Membership coordinator, if you would like us to send you an application or have questions. jmorris@rccatl.org or visit www.rccatl.org for information.
Give us this day our daily bread, O Father in heaven, and grant that we who are filled with good things from Your open hand, may never close our hearts to the hungry, the homeless, and the poor; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
- from the abbey of New Clairvaux, more thanksgiving prayers on our website
1. AMIS Ministry is seeking hosts during the Christmas holiday. Hosts are needed for 30 international students and scholars who will visit Christmas International House for the holidays. They are far from home and in need of some hospitality. Read about AMIS and the program at Christmasinternational Host for one week or two, December 17- January 2, with bed and breakfast and transportation to and from St. James UMC on Peachtree Dunwoody. Daily activities, lunches and most suppers will be the responsibility of AMIS. My family has hosted students twice and will do it again. Last year we were visited by a young woman from Taiwan who had spent Christmas with us several years ago; she brought friends and gifts from abroad. For questions please call 404-846-4396 or email amis@peachtreepres.org Salaam & Thanks from Fahed, Rev. Dr. Fahed Abu-Akel, Executive Director
2. Radio Diaspora Collective, on the air via WRFG 89.3FM every Saturday 5-7 p.m., is holding a meeting for people who want to be involved in community radio on Saturday, November 26, at 3:30 p.m. at the Little 5 Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Ave. Atlanta, 30307. Radio Diaspora is dedicated to all who are not living in their native land and especially invite women of African and indigenous descent from the Caribbean/Latin American region, Spanish and Creole speakers, and immigrants to join in. Contact info@lacccenter.org or Sunyata at 404-839-5405 for more information.
3. Warren Memorial United Methodist Church will celebrate its 137th Church Anniversary on Sunday, November 27, at the 10:55 a.m. worship service. The guest preacher is Rev. Dr. Jacqui Rose-Tucker, District Superintendent of the Rome-Carrollton District, North Georgia Conference UMC. The theme for this years' anniversary is "Extravagant Generosity: Tne Heart of Giving." Warren is located at 181 Joseph E Lowery Blvd. S.W. Atlanta 30314, Rev. Donald K Reed, Sr, Senior Pastor.
4. We mentioned Sweet Talk, November 28, last week and want to let you know a little more about FaithsAct and MedShare. Visit our website and theirs by going to RCCAtl.org. Faiths Act at MedShare will be hosting Sweet Talks, or monthly discussions on faith, global health, and social justice. The first Sweet Talk will take place on November 28, 11:15 to noon at 3230 Clifton Springs Rd. Decatur, GA 30034. Eben Armstrong, an award winning biomedical engineer at MedShare, will discuss his international experiences in South America and Africa. Faith communities are especially encouraged to come to learn about the Faiths Act Campaign for Sierra Leone at MedShare this year. Please RSVP to srahim@medshare.org by 11/25/11.
5. World AIDS Day December 1
Bishop Mark Hanson, presiding bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, will speak on December 1 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Atlanta, as part of the denomination’s national commemoration of World AIDS Day. Bishop Hanson and Bishop Ambrose Moyo, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe, will lead a panel discussion at 5:30 p.m. on the global and national implications of the church’s commitment to fight the spread of AIDS and to care for those who are HIV positive. At 7:30 p.m., the Lutheran congregations inside the Atlanta perimeter will sponsor an AIDS memorial service, featuring Bishop Hanson as the preacher. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is located at 731 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30308, 404-874-8664.
A Service of Healing and Hope featuring Voices of Atlanta will be held at Rock Spring Presbyterian Church on World AIDS Day, Thursday, December 1, at 7 p.m. Rock Spring Church is locate at 1824 Piedmont Ave, Atlanta 30324. The entire community is invited.
The Museum of Design Atlanta has special programming for World AIDS Day, December 1 , including Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Posters and panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. MODA will be open for 24 hours straight, from midnight on November 30 to midnight on December 1. Commemoration will include poetry readings, a lecture about the quilt, dance and musical performances, and much more. Visit MODA
6. A reminder of the annual folk Advent Service: The air is crisp, the sky is gloomy, and friends are gathering in Oxford on December 3 at 4 p.m. for “O When Shall I See Jesus” led by Reverend Brooks Holifield and Dr. Steven Darsey with performances by the Meridian Chorale and the Sonny Houston Bluegrass Band. The service will be held in historic Old Church, built in 1841. Directions
7. Remember Taste of Faith at First Christian Church, 4532 LaVista Road, Tucker, December 4, 2-5 p.m -- people of different faiths sharing food and fellowship. Bring some food, meet some people, build a bridge.
8. Remember the special inclusive worship service honoring caregivers on December 4 with free healthy food for all diets, musical entertainers, dance, motivational speakers, awards and prizes, etc,. Rev. Freeman looks forward to seeing you at The Light of Hope Church of Inclusion. Sunday December 4, 3 to 5:30 p.m., KES, Building, 6615 Tribble Street, Lithonia 30058, Call 678-358-1180 or email disabledinaction09@yahoo.com for information.
9. Could your business be used for human trafficking? Learn more during a Business Breakfast and Networking meeting. Ms. Pattie Harrelson Director of the Not for Sale Campaign will bring victims of this crime and talk about how businesses and professionals could unknowingly be supporting this type of crime. Renovacion Conyugal, December 6 at 8 a.m. Please send a message to renovacionconyugalgeorgia@yahoo.com for information on this meeting. To read more visit RenovacionConyugal
10. Explore seminary education at Emory University's Candler School of Theology. Sign up for First Tuesday at Candler, an event for prospective students on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 6:30-8:00 p.m. You are invited to visit Candler’s campus for a casual dinner with Dean Jan Love, members of the Admissions team and current students. Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Conflict Transformation, will present a talk entitled, "Lessons Learned by Studying Conflict." Register online by Friday, Dec. 2 at Candler .
11. Homeless for the Holidays. The Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta’s (FAMA) December 7 luncheon, panel discussion, and film will focus on homelessness in Atlanta. See the film "17 Degrees Ain't Nothing" and hear a brief commentary by the filmmaker, Carlton Mackey, followed by a panel discussion with Patricia Smith, Zaban Couples Center, Khayriiyyah H. Faiz, Sisters United in Human Service, Inc., and Caroline M. Kelly, Central Presbyterian Church. The panel will discuss working with the homeless from their own personal perspectives and certain policy initiatives that the city is taking to addressing the situation of the homeless. If possible, bring blankets to donate. Wednesday, December 7, 12 to 2 p.m., The Temple, 1589 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309. Lunch is $15. Visit FAMA and register, prepay as Paypal guest or plan to bring a check or cash.
12. Reminder of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta Eighteenth Annual Christmas Concert, 6:00 p.m., Sunday, December 11, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, 1400 Killian Hill Rd., SW Lilburn 30047. Over a dozen choirs from multiple cultures raise their voice in A Multicultural Celebration of Christmas: We Are One.
13. Monday December 12, Get the latest on what's happening with child sex trafficking. Hear about what A Future. Not a Past. is doing to stop demand! Attorney General Sam Olens will share his remarks on keeping Georgia's children from becoming child sex trafficking victims, followed by a panel discussion with Senator Renee Unterman and other prominent champions who fight to keep our children safe. Breakfast at 7:30a.m. followed by the program at 8, North Avenue Presbyterian Church, 603 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta 30308. This is a free event, but space is limited. Please R.s.v.p. no later than Dec 9 to info@afuturenotapast.org
14. Children's PEACE Center is participating in the Embassy Suites Atlanta Galleria's "Festival of Trees". "Wishes for Peace" is the Center’s theme; the tree will bear white doves with wishes for peace written on them by local children and their families. Visitors to the hotel can make donations to the Children's PEACE Center (or any participant ) by placing their contribution in envelopes next to each tree. Each dollar counts as a vote and contributions will be presented to each organization. The tree receiving the most votes by December 15 will be awarded $1,000 from the Embassy Suites Atlanta Galleria. Stop by, November 21 through January 5, bring the kids, or a church group--a lovely alternative to shopping with free hot chocolate. For more childrenspeacecenter@gmail.com
15. Abel 2 has invited the Regional Council of Churches to join them at the Georgia Aquarium for Holiday Hands in Motion. Receive a 20% discount off the price of general admission to the aquarium when you purchase your tickets via Georgiaaquarium This experiential seasonal music event was designed for the deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families. Georgia Aquarium, Saturday, December 17, from 11a.m. to 1p.m. It features dance, storytelling, and song using sign language and coordinated lighting to allow deaf and hard-of-hearing audience members to experience traditional holiday music.
16. United Way’s Project Overcoat provides thousands of new and gently used coats and blankets to men, women and children in need. The coats and blankets are distributed to local nonprofit organizations. Bring your coats to any local Kroger store. Collecting and sorting Jan. 7 - Jan. 21. Host a drive at your school, church or office! Please contact volunteer@unitedwayatlanta.org and sign up to help sort or distribute.
17. Adopt a very special family for the holidays. AADD still has 14 families who need to be adopted for the holiday season! When you adopt an AADD family, you will give the gift of joy to some very deserving families living with developmental disabilities. Your donations of food, gift cards, clothing, toys and household essentials will create a holiday celebration that will be remembered for years to come. To learn how you can sponsor one of the amazing families AADD is proud to serve, please contact Suzie Fatkin at (404) 881-9777 extension 205.
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Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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