A program of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, Faiths Act is a multi-faith global movement that mobilizes people of faith to take action towards the UN Millennium Development Goals. Although religion and faith are often used as a means to create division and conflict, faith can be a powerful means to address global problems. MedShare is partnering with Faiths Act to mobilize faith communities to come together to volunteer at MedShare and raise funds for 2 containers to Sierra Leone, a region that is devastated by malaria. The containers will include critical medical supplies and insecticide treated bed nets that will build the capacity of hospitals to address the pressing challenges of malaria. All donations will be tangible contributions in reversing the incidence of malaria in Sierra Leone.
To raise awareness of malaria and engage faith communities in Atlanta, Faiths Act at MedShare will be hosting Sweet Talks, or monthly discussions on faith, global health, and social justice.
The first Sweet Talk of the year will take place on November 28, 11:15 to noon at 3230 Clifton Springs Rd. Decatur, GA 30034. Join the MedShare community to learn about the importance of biomedical servicing technology to save lives in developing countries. Eben Armstrong, an award winning biomedical engineer at MedShare, will discuss his international experiences in South America and Africa. He has trained hundreds of biomedical technicians to build the capacity of hospitals to serve impoverished communities. Faith communities are especially encouraged to come to learn about the Faiths Act Campaign for Sierra Leone at MedShare this year. Please RSVP to srahim@medshare.org by 11/25/11.
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