Church Action eNewsletter Week of January 9, 2017

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

Church Action eNewsletter Week of  January 9, 2017


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1. Creating a Culture of Encounter National Migration Week is January 8-14, For nearly a half century, the Catholic Church in the United States has celebrated this week recognizing the contributions of immigrants, refugees, migrants, and survivors of human trafficking in our communities and highlighting the work of the Church to serve and accompany newcomers. In his first Pentecost homily as Pope, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of encounter in the Christian faith, "For me this word is very important. Encounter with others. Why? Because faith is an encounter with Jesus, and we must do what Jesus does: encounter others."

2. We are pleased to share words from Rabbi Peter S. Berg about why the Atlanta Interfaith Manifesto is important. Rabbi Berg is senior rabbi at The Temple. "The worst and most powerful idols we have today are not made of stone and wood. They are made of ideas. Is single-minded fanaticism a necessity for passion or can we have a multilingual view of God – the idea that God is not exhausted from a singular religious path?” Read full article here.  

3. Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion. Morality, and Politics Winter Book Study continues tomorrow, Jan. 11, Jan.25, and Feb. 8, at the Lake Oconee Community Church.   Click for more information.

4. CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers will reflect on King’s legacy while pondering what the civil rights activist would think of the world we live in today. What would King do regarding the social justice issues that still persist today? Georgia Tech students and faculty will participate in this event and it is open to the public.  3 p.m., Jan. 11, free. Student Center Ballroom, 350 Ferst Drive, Atlanta.

5. Georgia Center for the Book  2017 reading series "Why Literature Matters and How Reading Leads to Empathy" presented by Dr. Pearl A. McHaney, Kenneth M. England Professor of Southern Literature at Georgia State University.  If you would like a preview, click on the link to hear Pearl's interview with Lois Reitzes on City Cafe.  Lectures will take place at the Decatur Library Auditorium,  Wednesday evenings, 7:15 p.m. Free and open to the public.  January 11: Introduction: Why Literature Matters and How It Develops Empathy.

6. DeKalb County will host its 33rd annual event dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr. “King’s Legacy of Peace with Justice for Our World” will feature the president of the Georgia NAACP and the Rev. Francys Johnson, as the keynote speaker.  10 a.m., Jan. 13, free, Maloof Auditorium, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur.

7. At Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street SW, Atlanta 30303, through the end of the month in Tull Hall Art Gallery Longing for Eden by Delro Rosco. This new art exhibit is a series inspired by biblical scripture about the Garden of Eden and beauty found and experienced in nature. The works are explorations of natural creation, diminishing goodness, and a longing to return to that ideal reality.

8. The Center for Civil and Human Rights Museum with Morehouse College unveils “Morehouse College and the Making of a Man,” the newest addition to the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection at the museum.  A program commemorating the new collection will be held on Jan. 13. Dr. John Wilson Jr., 11th President of Morehouse College, Dr. Marcellus Barksdale, Professor of African American Studies, and Dr. John Eaves, Chairman of Fulton County, will explore King’s commitment to college, cloth, and community. 6-8:30 p.m., Jan. 13. Free. 100 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd, Atlanta.

 9. The Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition invites you to an exciting film screening of Andrew Young's "Making of Modern Atlanta" next Saturday night, January 14, 7:30 p.m. To R.s.v.p.  click here.  Congregation Or Hadash, 7460 Trowbridge Rd, Sandy Springs 30328. Book signing, desserts, and panel discussion featuring Andrea Young, Executive Director of the Andrew J. Young Foundation; Dan Gordon, Chief Operating Officer for the City of Atlanta; Howard Maziar, early civil rights activist in Atlanta.  

10. You’ll not want to miss Dr. Martin Marty on Day 1 this Sunday, Jan. 15. “Look! An Epiphany!” is his message. Read or hear it now and find other resources along with your local station at

11. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at the High Museum of Arts, January 15, 1 to 4 p.m. To commemorate what would have been Dr. King’s 88th birthday and to honor this important leader of the civil rights movement, the High offers special family programming including civil rights story times, art-making workshops, and more. Several photographs of Dr. King are on view that document his remarkable life. More info on events and tickets. 

12. Interfaith Tree Planting, Southview Cemetery, 1990 Jonesboro Rd SE, Atlanta 30315. Jan. 16, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. In partnership with Trees Atlanta, join people across faith traditions to plant trees at Dr. MLK Jr.'s original burial site. This is a family-friendly event! Everything you need to know.

13. The Lutheran MLK Day of Service will be held on Monday, January 16, at Rock of Ages Lutheran Church, 5135 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain GA. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. The Day of Service, Learning, and Seeking Justice will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

14. Visit any National Park Service site on Martin Luther King Jr. Day for free. If you’re looking for a National Park site where you can learn more about the legacy of King, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in downtown Atlanta features the home, church, and grave of the civil rights activist.  9 a.m.-5 p.m., Jan. 16, free, 450 Auburn Ave., Atlanta. NPS sites in Georgia.

15. This MLK Day, Jan. 16, join GIPL, Sierra Club, Center for Sustainable Communities, Georgia State Sustainability, and 1.5 Degree Patrol for the 7th annual Energy Efficiency Street Teams. Volunteers will be distributing energy efficient light bulbs and energy-saving information to vulnerable communities across Atlanta. This is a great family event! Find all the facts and registration here.  

16. The Henry County NAACP annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade/Peace March is Jan. 16, line up at 9 a.m. at the Henry County Performing Center, 37 Lemon Street, McDonough. Anyone can participate in the parade. Register at Grand marshals Darius Pattillo, Henry County district attorney, and Dee Clemmons, Henry County commissioner, will lead the parade. Last year, more than 65 groups registered to participate. Following the parade, Pastor T.J. McBride will speak at a celebratory program at the center. 10 a.m.

17. MLK Day commemorative service at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Jan. 16, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. The service honoring the life, work, and legacy of King will feature a keynote address from Father Michael Pfleger and a tribute from Sen. Bernie Sanders. Darlene McCoy, Micah Stampley, the Craig Lewis Band, Freddie and Teddie, and the Korean Christian Children’s Choir are among the performers who will participate in the free program. 101 Jackson St., Atlanta. 

18. WSB-TV anchor Fred Blankenship will serve as emcee at the Turner Chapel AME Church service honoring MLK on Jan. 16, 10 a.m. He will present two Cobb County residents who have contributed to the Cobb community this year with the “living the dream award.” Tuner Chapel AME Church, 492 N. Marietta Parkway, Marietta. 

19. Entry into the Atlanta History Center and Margaret Mitchell House is free on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Visit the center and tour its many exhibits, including “Gatheround: Stories of Atlanta,” before featured speaker and author of “Go South to Freedom” Frye Gaillard talks about his book, geared toward middle-school kids, at 3 p.m. The event will also include a book signing. Hours on Jan. 16, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., 130 West Paces Ferry Rd N.W., Atlanta.

20. Observe Human Trafficking Awareness Month at the second annual, Unite. Wear White, January 20, at Peachtree Presbyterian Church. The free event is hosted by Freedom Coalition in partnership with Street Grace, City of Refuge, Georgia Cares, House of Cherith, and Wellspring Living. Registration and continental breakfast 7:00 a.m., program from 7:30 - 8:45. All attendees are encouraged to wear something white as a symbol of hope, support, and solidarity for sex trafficking victims. The Summit, 2nd floor of the Lodge, 3417 Roswell Road NW, Atlanta 30305. Parking deck located behind The Lodge. Tickets and map. 

21. To any woman who has ever questioned her faith, Rachel Held Evans is here to tell you, “it’s OK.” The best-selling author will speak about her faith journey at The SUMMIT women’s weekend Jan. 20 and 21 at First Baptist Church, 751 Green St., Gainesville. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Jan. 20 and 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 21, $25. More info at or

22.  The Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women will be a peaceful demonstration of solidarity bringing together members of underrepresented communities, women, and their allies in Georgia and nationally. The march will be held in Atlanta on January 21 at 1:00 p.m. beginning at the Center for Civil and Human Rights and ending at the Georgia State Capitol. Event page:

23. Interfaith Children’s Movement Youth Alliance Meeting, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2 – 5 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, for more information and to R.s.v.p. for your youth group email or call (770)498-2141.

24. Atlanta Prays invites you to sign up to take part in the 2017 Time of Prayer for Unity through Christ at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, 967 Dewey Street SW,  Atlanta, Sunday, January 22, from 4-6 p.m. More here.  

25. Am Yisrael Chai presents Fortitude and Endurance: Surviving with Faith, Hope, Love, and Dreams, in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a powerful and unforgettable event with keynote speaker Holocaust survivor Magda Mozes Herzberger, Jan. 22, exhibit 6:30 p.m., event 7:00-8:30, Westin Atlanta Perimeter North Hotel, 7 Concourse Parkway, Sandy Springs 30328. This event is free and open to the public. R.s.v.p. required. Register for tickets here and see more info.  Contact AYC at . Am Yisrael Chai is a non-profit organization that focuses on Holocaust education and awareness of children suffering in humanitarian crises in the world today. 

26. Atlanta Prays invites you to sign up to take part in the 2017 Time of Prayer for Unity through Christ at Emory's Cannon Chapel, 515 South Kilgo Circle NE, Atlanta, Tuesday, January 24, from 7-9 p.m. More here. 

27. Movers, Shakers & Changemakers, Jan. 26, the annual event benefitting youthSpark. The Atlanta Woman’s Club will sponsor and host this event at The Wimbish House. Honor the work of Dr. John Eaves, Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, and of Ms. Janulyn Yvette Lennon, Director of Security for Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport. youthSpark is an innovator in transforming the lives of youth at risk for exploitation and abuse, and a thought-leader in reducing child exploitation and sex trafficking rates in Georgia and across the country. R.s.v.p. and purchase tickets.

28. Stephen Ministry introductory workshop, Saturday, Jan. 28, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Cathedral of Christ the King. Check-in and refreshments at 8. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Stephen Ministry and how your congregation can become involved. You will experience a sample of Stephen Ministry training and learn caregiving skills to put to use right away. To register visit this page. If you have questions or would like to register by phone, call Stephen Ministries at (314) 428-2600.  Cost of workshop is $15 per person or $50 for a group of four or more. Cathedral contact is Linda Dyson, (678)235-0505 or Rosemary Cardno, 

29.  Will your congregation celebrate Souper Bowl Sunday? How to get involved.

30. Mental Health Day at the Capitol will be January 31.  Mental Health America of Georgia encourages all who are interested to come show your support, learn something, and make a difference in the lives of those with a mental illness and the lives of their loved ones.  If you would like more information about this event or help scheduling meetings with your state representative and/or senator, contact Joseph Cantrell. 

31. A priority of Georgia Cares is to raise awareness of the issue of DMST and train community members and professionals on warning signs and resources. On a monthly basis, free training is open to the public in communities across Georgia. The next training will be February 6, 2017 , Cornerstone Church, Athens. Click on the links to register. To request a community training near you, please contact 

32. Love is in the Air, Saturday, Feb. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Tull Hall, Central Presbyterian Church, a fundraiser for the Chancel Choir Reformation Scotland Trip. Unique and elegant dinner, entertainment by choir members and jazz trio. $50.00 per person. Dressy attire requested. Parking garage will be open. For more information, contact Frances St. John or Sandra McDonald The Chancel Choir is one of seven choirs across the United States who have been invited to participate in The Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presbyterian Heritage Choir Tour of Scotland celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. 

33. A new grief group begins February 17 at First Christian Church of Decatur, 601 West Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur 30030.  This structured program is for those who have experienced grief and or loss within the past two years.  Fridays, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. weekly for six weeks. No new members will be added after the first meeting.  Members will receive resources to assist in gaining insights and actions that help integrate the loss into their lives leading to new paths toward spiritual and physical healing. Call (404) 378-3621 to discuss or register. The cost is $25 which covers the cost of material. Deadline is Feb. 3.

34. The Georgia Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has a safeTALK training scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 18, at Powder Springs First United Methodist Church, 4329 Marietta St., Powder Springs 30127.  safeTALK  is a suicide alertness training that prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources.  Online registration only (no walk ups) with deadline of Feb. 16, 5:00 p.m. All information at

35. Did you know the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship offers study guides for current films? Look at this.

36. Get your group together and Register for Hunger Walk/Run 2017 today! Sunday March 5. Last year, more than 13,000 people came together and raised over $900,000 to support six local charities. The goal is even higher this year because nearly 1 in 5 Georgians still live in a household at risk of hunger. Local food pantries and meal programs are straining just to keep up with the community need.

37. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church assumes responsibility for campus ministry at Atlanta University Center this month. The Rev. Arlette Benoit will be Campus missioner at Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College.

38. What faith communities can do to prevent suicide from Lutheran Suicide Prevention Ministries.

39. Advocacy in Action 2017, March 6-9, in Washington, D.C. This annual conference allows Cooperative Baptists to explore advocacy as a faithful expression of Christian mission and provides opportunities to engage with CBF partners and political leaders. Come learn how to be an effective advocate -- locally, nationally and globally.  Learn more and register at

Visit our website for a complete community calendar, links to the Toolbox  for Mental Health Ministry, websites for daily devotionals, and many other resources. We will be happy to include your announcements in an upcoming eNewsletter. Send them to



Ethel Ware Carter

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.

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