God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of January 16, 2017
1. Volunteers needed for the 2017 DeKalb County homeless count. Help us to understand the scope of homelessness in our community. On the night of Thursday, January 26, join other community volunteers in conducting a street count and survey of homeless people in DeKalb County. DeKalb can receive federal funding for homeless services and housing by conducting the homeless count. Sign up at 2017dekalbcountyhomelesscount.
2. A Christmas Workshop at the Greene County Habitat Re-Store. Come make something previously owned and donated into something new. Thursdays beginning January 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sack lunch encouraged. Creative and non-creative types welcome. Volunteers are welcome any day of the week Tuesday through Saturday. For more information please contact Kathy or Margie.
3. Pastors and Church leaders, you’ve probably heard of Street Grace by now, but do you know about their latest innovative efforts to end domestic minor sex trafficking in Georgia? Find out from Bob Rogers, President and CEO of Street Grace, at a Pastors Lunch, Jan. 19, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. We know that 99% of sex buyers are male, so Street Grace is developing an initiative specifically to mobilize men to take action. Additionally, we know that the Illegal Sex Industry is worth an estimated $290 million per year---and when there is no demand, there is no business! Event will be held at Perimeter Church in Johns Creek. R.s.v.p. required – please RSVP by clicking here.
4. Sing the Wind—Folk Songs with Steven Darsey will be presented Saturday, January 21, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kennedy Theater of the Atlanta History Center. This year’s concert includes songs of adventure, hard times, religion, love, and nonsense. The one-hour concert is free and open to all. Donations will be accepted to support Meridian Herald. Parking is free and there is no charge for entering the History Center for the concert.
5. The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, the Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism and Reconciliation for the Episcopal Church, headquartered in New York City, is the featured preacher on Day1 this Sunday, Jan. 22. In her sermon “The World Will Turn,” she says, “As I read the gospel of Matthew, I see and feel and hear God incarnate calling people to repent and turn toward the kingdom of justice and hope and mutuality and love for the other.” Hear Day 1 in the Atlanta area on Sundays at 7:05 a.m. on News 95.5 and WSB 750 AM. Visit Day1 for text, audio, and visual resources or to hear or read the sermon now.
6. Sex Trafficking: What Can We Do About It, Sunday, Jan. 22, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m., Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, 1824 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, light lunch included. Speakers will include a member of the Atlanta Police Dept., Sheila Louder of Presbyterian Women, and Mary Frances Bowley, founder of Wellspring Living, an organization working with survivors of trafficking. Come for a discussion of this evil that affects Atlanta and the world.
7. Healing Communities Open Community Meeting, Monday, Jan. 23, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 53 Mitchell Street SW, Atlanta 30303. The mission of the network is to restore returning citizens, their families, and victims of crime by facilitating needed healing from the destructive effects of crime and incarceration. Healing occurs through mercy, forgiveness, and the restoration of right relationships. Healing also occurs through advocacy for policy adjustments needed to create a more just and effective corrections system. Open meeting, but please R.s.v.p. to info@interfaithchildrensmovement.org.
8. Information about a Healing Communities training Jan. 28 at the Cathedral of St. Philips.
9. Aquinas Center of Theology Consistent Ethic of Life Lecture 2017 “The Seamless Garment: Exploring the Catholic Church’s Ethic from Life to Death” presented by Dr. Cory Labrecque, Monday, Jan. 23, 7:00 p.m., Emory University, Candler School of Theology, Room 252. Coffee, tea, and cookies will be provided. Tickets are free but registration is required. Reserve Tickets.
10. Join Army OneSource and the Center for Deployment Psychology on Tuesday, January 24 at 12 p.m. ET for a national web event “Using Veteran Peers to Improve Access to Mental Health Services and Support Recovery.” Research has shown that peer support facilitates recovery and reduces health care costs. Peers also provide assistance that promotes a sense of belonging within the community. Click here to register for this free national web event and explore the benefits that Veteran peers can bring to your ministry. All participants who register, attend, and complete a short evaluation will be eligible to receive one free CE.
11. Scholar, author, and public theologian Jennifer Harvey will explore the American tradition of peaceful protest movements in “From Ferguson to Standing Rock: Religious Faith, Righteous Feminists and Holy Fire” on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Room 252 of Candler School of Theology’s Rita Anne Rollins Building. Those who register by January 18 at 5:00 p.m. will receive a free boxed lunch. See more at here.
12. GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund are accepting online applications for the GALEO Institute for Leadership Class of 2017. The seminars are open to all people regardless of their racial or ethnic background. The leadership sessions are more beneficial to all when the group represents broad diversity, EVERYONE is encouraged to apply. The deadline Wednesday, January 25, 2017, at midnight. Sessions will be held in the Metro Atlanta area. For more information, see this. For online application, visit here. This program is made possible in part by the Sapelo Foundation, the University of Georgia-Fanning Institute, Georgia Power, State Farm Insurance Company and GALEO.
13. A reminder of the Interfaith Children’s Movement Celebration of Children Conference, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 26, Marietta First United Methodist Church. Keynote speaker is Duaine Hathaway, Executive Director of Georgia CASA.
14. New year... now what? Come and bring a guest to a unique interactive community-wide prayer experience at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, prayer stations in the fellowship hall on Friday, Jan. 27, 4-8 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 28, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you have questions contact the teaching team teachingteam@spdl.org at the church. Morning hours are suggested for families with children. 2715 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305.
15. “Wills and Beneficiary Workshop” at Ben Hill United Methodist Church, Saturday, Jan. 28, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Plant seeds of faith today! An endowment is a permanent investment fund that creates a source of income in perpetuity from interest and investment earnings to support programs and ministries. This workshop is a learning experience for all. But you must attend....Don't miss out. 2099 Fairburn Road, Atlanta 30331.
16. Connect with Compassion: A World Café Conversation, a Collaboration between Urban Explorers and Compassionate Atlanta, Jan. 28, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m., Atlanta City Hall in Old City Hall Chambers, for more information, click here.
17. Musica Sacra Atlanta presents Atlanta Opera Studio Tour, Rossini’s “Cinderella,” Saturday, Jan. 28, 2:00 p.m. Free admission and parking, First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta 30309. Complimentary parking in the LAZ lot across from FPC. Contact Melissa Godbee for further information (404)228-7732 or mgodbee@firstpresatl.org.
18. Where do we go from here, after the election: chaos or community? Gather with others in our community to discuss what we can do and already are doing. This will not be just a talk, but will plug you into practical and constructive efforts to help build a beloved community. Tuesday, Jan. 31, 7:00 p.m., Unity North Atlanta Church, 4255 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta 30066. For more information or if you cannot attend but would like to learn more and possibly participate, contact (404)573-1199 or buildingbelovedcommunity@gmail.com.
19. The Clayton County Women's STEM Initiative is a collaborative effort to prepare low income women, ages 21 and older, for career paths in the STEM field through classroom training, experience, professional development workshops, and one-on-one mentoring from professionals. This partnership is executed by PCDC, AT&T, Women In Technology, Clayton State University and Atlanta Technical College with support from Georgia Power. Recruitment has begun for the pilot session. If you know of any Clayton County resident who may be interested, share this info. Deadline is January 30. The 16-week program will start mid-February. Participants will receive stipends and other services to support their success. Program overview and application are here..
20. NAMI Family to Family Class begins January 30 and will meet for 11 weeks. This free education program is for family, partners, and friends of adults living with mental illness. The class will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Mondays at Creekside United Methodist Church in Cumming. Pre-registration is required. Contact NAMI at namifdlga@gmail.com for more information or to register.
21. Justice Day, Feb. 2, the criminal justice reform day at the Capitol, sponsored by the Georgia Justice Project, Faith in Public Life, ICM, and others is full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist in case additional spots become available, fill in your information here.
22. A heads up- noted author and activist Shane Claiborne will be in Georgia Feb. 3 and 4. “Faith and the Death Penalty”- Candler’s James T. and Berta R. Laney Legacy in Moral Leadership and the school’s Social Concerns Network are spearheading a three-city tour on the death penalty “Executing Grace in Georgia: A Faithful Discussion About the Death Penalty. ” See more here.
23. Registration is now open for the Feb. 6 daylong Leadership and Multifaith Program (LAMP) symposium, “Asylum, Refuge, and Relocation: Multifaith and Community Reponses to Global Migration.” This free and open event will provide information and resources for community leaders, congregations, and leaders in Atlanta's immigrant communities. LAMP is a joint endeavor of Candler School of Theology at Emory and Georgia Tech’s Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. Register by January 23, here.
24. 2nd Annual Advocacy Gathering, St. John's Lutheran Church, Atlanta, Saturday, February 11, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The theme this year, "How To ..." will include such topics as How to write an effective op-ed; How to successfully build a network; and How to educate your congregation (without offending anyone). Lunch will be provided. Registration is now open here. For additional information, contact Committee Chair Hilton Austin, Jr. at haustin337@att.net.
25. Annual World Religion Day celebration, Dunwoody Public Library, Since 2011, the city of Dunwoody Baha’i community with the participation of many great friends in the interfaith community gather together to celebrate each other’s faiths and religious and spiritual traditions. This year, the event is at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 18, at the library, 5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody 30338. Each community will present a form of art and/or a description/vignette of their respective faith.
26. “Eating Disorders and the Jewish Community”- Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta invites the community to learn from a panel of experts from the Eating Disorders Information Network about the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. The seminar will take place from 9 – 10:30 a.m. on February 23 at Congregation B’nai Torah, 700 Mt. Vernon Highway. This event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Register at here. Please contact rwasserman@jwfatlanta.org or (678)222-3716 if you have questions.
27. Peacebuilders Camp at Koinonia Farm is a unique overnight summer camp in rural South Georgia where youth ages 11 to 14 spend a week together learning how to work toward peace and justice. If you are seeking a way to build a society with more generosity, caring, and kindness ... if you love being with 11- to 14-year-old kids ... then you should apply to be a counselor at Peacebuilders Camp this summer. Read the job description here Apply by March 1, send a cover letter and resume to mario@peacebuilderscamp.org.
28. A poignant and interesting story of our religious diversity is the report of the death on one of the last three Shakers from religiondispatches.org.
29. Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, located in Decatur, has two job openings. You can learn more about GCADV at www.gcadv.org. Full descriptions and application instructions are at here. Application due by Feb. 3.
30. AIB Network is honored to premiere the first American cable network airing of the groundbreaking documentary “Journey into Europe.” Produced by world-renowned Islamic scholar and anthropologist Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, the film documents the significant contributions of Islam to Western Europe and challenges divisive rhetoric that singles out Islam and Muslims as enemies of Western Civilization. AIB will also air a panel discussion among clergy representing a variety of faith traditions as a follow-up. Find the schedule here. The AIB Network is found on channel 295 on Comcast and on channel 6 on AT&T U-verse and at www.aibtv.com/aibeverywhere.
Visit our website for a complete community calendar, links to the Toolbox for Mental Health Ministry, websites for daily devotionals, and many other resources. We will be happy to include your announcements in an upcoming eNewsletter. Send them to ecarter@rccatl.org.
Peace, Ethel Ware Carter The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc. ecarter@rccatl.org
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