Church Action eNewsletter Week of February 28, 2022

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta eNewsletter Week of February 28, 2022

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone. 

Lent begins this week. Many local churches mark Shrove Tuesday with a pancake supper or Mardi Gras party. Ash Wednesday will see ashes being imposed at altars, in drive-by services, and at the North Avenue MARTA station. Special services continue through Holy Week.


  1. Increase your theology library at Pitts Theology Library’s annual Friends of the Library Book Sale, this year bigger and better than ever! This year's book sale will take place over two days. Bring cash, card, or check, March 1-2, from 8 a.m.– 4 p.m. (enter through Candler Atrium). Please note that Emory Cards are required on March 1 from 8 a.m.–11 a.m. Find information about parking and directions at the public is welcome on March 1, 11-4, and March 2, 8- 4.


  1. First Congregational Church of Atlanta presents A Midweek Recital for Women’s History Month, Wednesday, March 2, at noon. Streaming on This concert will celebrate women composers Sharon J. Willis, Undine Smith Moore, Diane Bish, Joyce Jones, and Florence Price with Trey Clegg at the organ.


  1. Interfaith Atlanta weekly 30-minute virtual midday respite focused on peace, compassion, and kindness at noon on Wednesdays welcomes Priya Rakkhit Sraman as special guest speaker March 2. Passcode: 060135 at

  1. Reminder of Pitts Theological Library, Candler, Kessler Conversations on the roles women played in the period, the contributions they made to changes in theology, culture, and church practice, the ways their stories have been covered over, and the lessons we can all learn from their work. Hear Dr. Elsie Anne McKee Surprise and Diversity: A Woman’s Place in Reform Yesterday and Today, Wednesday, March 2, 12:00 p.m., Register for Free


  1. MorningStar Children’s Home in Brunswick is offering Living Lent for Children, a series of devotionals from March 2 through April 15 for anyone who would care to receive a daily email message appropriate for the Lenten season. Pastors from across Georgia, representing a rich and diverse group of congregations, will reflect on the theme “Serving Our Neighbor, Together,” and give a collective call to love, care for, and serve those around us. Sign up to receive these devotions at MorningStar Living Lent.


  1. Coffee at the Capitol with Faith in Public Life, Wednesday, March 2, 10 a.m., meeting virtually with FPL director of messaging Dan Nejfelt present on voting rights and CRT messaging. You can register for that HERE


  1. During the 2022 legislative session, Justice Reform Partnership hosts weekly talks on issues in criminal justice and public policy. “Hidden Mercy” author Michael O'Loughlin is featured Saturday, March 5, 7:30 p.m., St. Thomas More Catholic Church. To register click here This is an in person event that will also be livestreamed.) The height of the AIDS crisis in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s left many profound stories that remained untold. Journalist O’Loughlin will speak about his new book as he uncovers the stories of Catholics who at great personal cost chose compassion during the AIDS crisis.


  1. The Rev. Dr. Quincy Brown, pastor of Snellville UMC, is the preacher March 6, the first Sunday in Lent, on “Day 1,” the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast. “Conflicting Narratives,” Brown’s sermon for March 6, is based on the story of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. Featuring outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, “Day 1” is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. Hear it in Atlanta on WSB 750 AM and 95.5. For more information and many text, audio, and video resources see


  1. Scott Atchison, director of music and organist at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta, will perform “An Improvisational Journey: The Stations of the Cross” at 3:15 p.m. Sunday, March 6, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Following the recital, the Cathedral offers a service of Choral Evensong at 4:00. Sunday afternoon recitals and Choral Evensong services will also be livestreamed on the Cathedral website at


  1. Community Documentary Night gives people the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions on a wide range of topics with people from various backgrounds.  You might be interested in a free online event in honor of Women's History Month. This Special Virtual Documentary Night is in collaboration with the Georgia Tech Student Planning Association. Sunday, March 6, 7 - 9 p.m. This meeting is to talk about the documentary “Making Space: 5 Women Changing the Face of Architecture.” You can watch it for free HERE. This night will also include a Special Q&A with the Architect, Annabelle Selldorf! Everyone watches the film on their own then meets on zoom to discuss in multiple rounds small group discussion with different groups and different prompts before ending the night with the Q&A.  The event is very flexible, so people can feel free to join late and leave early if they need to. The zoom info will be available once you R.s.v.p. at Eventbrite page. wide range of people attend ranging in ages from 20s to 80s, and coming from different parts of the country. 


  1. Guided by the contemplative wisdom and teachings of Thomas Merton, The Shallowford Family Counseling Center invites you to pause each week for silence as a pathway to peace, allowing love to blossom in our hearts and in our world. Weekly Zoom meetings begin Sunday, March 6, 7:15-7:45 pm, and continue through Lent. Visit to learn more.


  1. In this episode of “For People,” Bishop Rob Wright has a conversation with Habitat for Humanity CEO Jonathan Reckford. They discuss how Jonathan's life of faith and his corporate background prepared him to lead Habitat for Humanity. Habitat is a ministry that believes partnership is the center of service --that relationship, community building, and dignity must be present. When we follow Jesus with our best selves we walk shoulder to shoulder with the entire human family, especially those impacted disproportionately. Listen Here


  1. Phoenix Flies, an exploration of Atlanta's historic buildings, landscapes, and neighborhoods, is March 5 to 22. Many historic churches are featured including First Church of Christ, Scientist, on March 7 and 20; St. Mark AME Church on March 10, 15, and 24; Bearden Temple AME Church on March 10; Paces Ferry United Methodist Church and Pleasant Hill Cemetery on March 12 and 26; Northside Drive Baptist Church special stained glass tour on March 13; Pitts Theology Library at Candler, Emory University, on March 18 and 25; Druid Hills Presbyterian Church on March 25 and 27. The tours are free, but registration is required via EventBrite on this page. Visit the Atlanta Preservation Center's Phoenix Flies web page to look over other offerings available for both virtual and in-person participation Phoenix Flies 2022 | Daily Events Guide by Atlanta Preservation Cen...


  1. The Archdiocese of Atlanta is partnering with the Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration to host a virtual Expungement Training Workshop, Monday March 7, 7 p.m., open to anyone interested in hosting a record restriction event in their parish or community. Present will be the Rev. John Vaughn, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, and Rabbi Lydia Medwin, director of Congregational Engagement & Outreach at The Temple, who have both offered these events in their communities to great success. Cierra Bickerstaff, chief of staff for the Fulton County Solicitor General, will give an overview of how record restriction works and best practices for hosting an event. Click here to register.


  1. Holly Taylor Coolman will give a lecture titled “Broken Branches? The Past and Future of Supersessionism” March 7. The in-person lecture will be held in Hargrove Auditorium, Sewanee University, 7–8:30 p.m., and it will also be available on Zoom. Check the website for complete details.


  1. AIB Network’s “At the Table” features the Rev. Dr. Matthew Wesley Williams, president of Interdenominational Theological Center, and business consultant Russ Linden, author of “Loss & Discovery: What the Torah Can Teach Us about Leading Change.” Williams speaks to the critical need to educate “prophetic problem-solvers” and Russ Linden shares guidelines for ethical leadership embedded in the Torah, the Hebrew Bible. Both appear on “At the Table” with Audrey Galex, premiering on Tuesday, March 8 at 8 p.m. AIB Network programming appears at as well as on channel 295 (Comcast) and channel 6 (AT&T U-verse.)  See for the complete schedule.


  1. Ambassador Andrew Young will celebrate his 90th birthday with a 4-day series of events, March 9-12, centered on the number 90! The celebration will begin with a 90-minute Prayer Service for Global Peace and Reconciliation, March 9, at noon EST at First Congregational Church, the Ambassador’s home church since 1961!  You are invited to join Young and faith leaders from across the world via streaming in this 90-minute prayer service. This special service organized by the Rev. Dr. Dwight Andrews, pastor of First Congregational Church will include an interfaith choir comprised of members of the Atlanta faith communities and choral organizations. Access this service by going to the celebrations dedicated website


  1. Shallowford Presbyterian Church opens its Chapel doors for weekly Lenten Vespers beginning March 9, 30-minute services will create space to rest, breathe, and meditate on the meaning of the season. Gather Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. to acknowledge The Holy in the Ordinary. For more information, visit


  1. Those who see the world very differently than we do can quickly knock life out of rhythm – leading to disagreements or isolation. Discover new freedom through grounded ways of “showing up” in difficult conversations or relationships.  This semi-silent retreat weekend begins with stillness of mind and heart. Experience reflective practices to help you become aware of the roots of your own strong reactions. Explore neuro-biological and social-psychological factors that affect conflict between individuals. Ignatius House, March 11-13. "Healing Divisions – Ignatian Dialogue Skills for Engaging in Polarized Times" with mission integration healthcare executive, spiritual director, and hospital chaplain, Brent Anderson


  1. Aquinas Center's Major Catholic Speaker Lecture with Shannen Dee Williams, professor of history at Villanova University, “America’s Real Sister Act: Why the Stories of U.S. Black Catholic Nuns Matter,” Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 p.m. Register - Williams Event


  1. The Seedtime and Harvest Gardeners are working on getting tons of plants and veggies planted to be ready for the first plant sale/bake sale of the year.  Be sure to mark your calendars for your first chance to grab items for your spring gardens. March 19, Holy Comforter, 737 Woodland Ave SE, Atlanta 30316.


  1. Save the date: After two years of COVID "exile," The Temple is thrilled to once again be hosting, March 31, 7:30 p.m., the AJC Atlanta’s Unity Seder. Registration is open now and attendance will be limited. This year's Seder will take place with a new twist - over dessert! The evening is designed to introduce the powerful story of Passover that is shared every year in Jewish homes around the world, and to empower Atlanta's diverse communities to share their unique experiences with each other. Register Here


  1. Emory University’s Candler School of Theology will host a major conference this spring on the life and work of 20th century theologian and civil rights leader Howard Thurman, April 8-9, in both online and in-person formats. Visit the conference websiteto learn more and register. Speakers include Walter Fluker, Dean’s Professor of Spirituality, Ethics, and Leadership, Candler, and editor of the Howard Thurman Papers Project; bestselling author and Episcopal priest Barbara Brown Taylor; author, historian and Thurman scholar Peter Eisenstadt; and Professor Emeritus of Church and Community Luther E. Smith, Jr. View the full conference scheduleand the complete list of speakers.

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