Check the community calendar on our website Underlined words are live links Find Lent resources and services, series, and music.
1. Saturday Children/Youth Life Enrichment Initiative at Big Bethel was kicked off last Saturday but will be held there every Saturday for at-risk children and their families. The program focuses on providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and moral support to children who are wards of the State, detainees at state operated facilities, or at-risk of becoming either. Through special structured programs, cultural activities and events, mentoring, field trips, and worship experiences, this ministry will provide ways and means of enhancing academic performance and achieving social stability while building self esteem. Please call Rev. Bessie Robinson-Donaldson at 404-579-9407.
2. The Jewish Family and Career Services (JF&CS) is hosting the 20th Annual Larry Bregman, M.D. Educational Conference. The day-long meeting with classes for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and their caregivers emphasizes topics such as being part of the community, being a self-advocate, and living a healthy lifestyle. The event is Sunday, March 3, at the Selig Center, 1440 Spring Street, Atlanta 30309. JF&CS needs volunteers to register conference attendees and provide assistance from 8:15 - 9:45 a.m. If you would like to volunteer, please contact" href="" target.... For directions, click blocked::
3. The Georgia Tech Chamber Choir will present Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Ralph Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music, and more at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 3, at Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta. Under the direction of Dr. Jerry Ulrich, the choir was founded to provide especially skilled vocal musicians the means to perform a challenging repertoire. Admission is $15 for adults and $5 for students and seniors, with a $25 family maximum.
4. Mental health consumers are welcome to join National Alliance on Mental Illness for A FREE 10-week class on mental health recovery. This is a Peer 2 Peer thoroughly interactive model with new research, group participation, and more. Sample topics include Understanding Mental Illness, Symptoms & Treatments, Coping Strategies, Empowerment, Relapse Prevention Planning, Advanced Directives, Advocacy. McKendree United Methodist Church, 1570 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road, Lawrenceville 30043. Monday evenings, 7 – 9 p.m. Orientation is Monday - March 4, 2013, at 7 p.m. Please register by e-mail with the following information: Name + Phone # + E-Mail + Mailing Address To Laurie, For more information or to register by phone, please call Laurie at 678- 538-8250.
5. Dr. Elaine M. Flake will preach at President’s Chapel at ITC on March 5, 11 a.m., in the chapel. Dr. Flake was instrumental in founding Allen Women’s Resource Center which houses women and children who are victims of domestic violence. She is the author of the popular book “God in Her Midst: Preaching Healing to Hurting Women.
6. Acquaint yourself with Candler School of Theology. Sign up for First Tuesday at Candler, an event for prospective students on Tuesday, March 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m. You are invited to visit Candler’s campus for a casual dinner with Dean Jan Love, members of the admissions team, and current students. Dr. David S. Pacini, Professor of Historical Theology, will present a talk entitled, “Prayer and Transformation: Meditation as a Practice of New-Mindedness.” Dr. Pacini is the author of Through Narcissus' Glass Darkly: The Modern Religion of Conscience and The Cunning of Modern Religious Thought. Register online by Friday, March 1 here .
7. Discover the new and evolving Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta at the Annual Membership Meeting, Wednesday, March 6, noon to 2 p.m., Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2461 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta 30305 (Click for directions) Hear reports on the new FAMA initiatives addressing Hunger, Housing and Harmony of All Religions. Get a full financial report. Participate in election of new board members and enjoy a free lunch and a few surprises. Please invite other members of your faith community. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how you and your communities can participate! Bring your questions and ideas. Register NOW by clicking here!
8. Watch AIB March 8 for “The Tree Widow”, a film that explores the beauty of waiting for marriage before engaging in intimacy. In this film, Sarah shares with younger women friends how she discovered that honoring their bodies, boundaries and sexuality attracts the adoration of men. Allison Mills Newman is executive producer and co-star of this film. She is also an ordained minister who wants to share the power of applying God’s word when it comes to relationships. “The Tree Widow” premieres Friday, March 8 at 10:00 p.m. Encore presentations can be seen on Saturday at 9:30 am and Tuesday at 2:00 pm.
9. Celebrate International Women's Day with Refugee Women’s Network at a screening of Half the Sky, the acclaimed documentary inspired by the book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Friday, March 8, 2013, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Refugee Women's Network, 1431-A McLendon Drive, Decatur 30033. Please R.s.v.p. to or 404-437-7767
10. The annual Outreach Ministry Sunday Observance at Zion Hill Baptist Church is March 10. Preachers for the two worship services will be The Rev. Dr. J. Allen Milner, Pastor, Chapel of Christian Love Baptist Church, at 8:30 a.m. and The Rev. Ernest Andrew Brooks III, Associate Campus Minister, at Atlanta’s Morehouse College at the 10:30 a.m. service. Both speakers are proponents of community outreach and actively engaged in outreach advocacy in their professions as well as volunteers. The public is invited to attend, be informed and inspired from messages on the theme “Changing Hearts, Changing Lives through Outreach”. Zion Hill is located at 6175 Campbellton Road, SW Atlanta, GA where The Rev. Aaron L. Parker is the pastor.
11. Have you registered for the Hunger Walk? Join with thousands of other in the fight against hunger, March 10, Pre-register online as a team or individual at, or at the registration tent the day of the event. Come enjoy the fun, festival-like atmosphere with activities for the entire family including games, refreshments, live entertainment, and more! For more information visit or e-mail
12. The Glenn Chancel Choir presents a spring concert March 10, 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. Titled, “Fire of Love, Most Perfite,” the one hour concert comprises choral works with strings, guitar, and organ. There is no admission charge – an offering will be taken. For more information see Contact Nancy Buckhannan" href="mailto:npb123@direcpath... or (404) 272-2051. The concert includes the United States premiere of the Hildegard Oratorio by Enjott Schneider and the modern world premiere of Psalm 113 by Giovanni Martini. Read more>>
13 C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Children's Nutrition Education & Physical Activity Expo! coming to the Adamsville Recreation Center, 3201 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE, Atlanta 30311, Saturday, March 16 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plan to wear your sneakers so that you can get moving! There will be Atlanta professional sports team areas, a fitness obstacle course, even a chance to dance with mascot Zoey, and great tasting snacks and lots of hands-on exhibits to explore eating healthier everyday. Don't miss out on the fun! Want to be a volunteer? Click this link to sign up.
14. Introduction to Sikh religious thought and culture, March 17, 2013 – 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Interested? Read more>>
15. Care and Counseling Center of Georgia has been providing healing, wholeness, and hope to those in need and educating others for this service for over 50 years. CCCG provides counseling, counselor training, and chaplaincy at 25 locations throughout Atlanta and surrounding communities. Healing and Hope for the Journey is a Luncheon Event established in honor of the organization’s 50 years of service, and as a celebration of members of our community who provide hope and healing every day. Coach Bill Curry will be speaking at this celebration on March 20 at Maggiano’s Buckhead. More information is here and you can buy tickets here>>
16. Central Outreach & Advocacy Center invites you to attend the 2013 Drug Policy & Poverty Forum sponsored by the Drug Policy Alliance. Come for a lunchtime conversation about drug policy in Georgia. A panel of experts will present a discussion on how current policy impacts homeless and low-wealth communities, and what we... can do to change it. The panel will be moderated by former State Rep. Kathy Ashe. Admission is free and lunch will be served. March 20, 2013, Troutman Sanders LLP, 600 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 5200, Atlanta 30308-2216. Registration begins at 11:30 with forum from noon to 1:30 p.m. For more information or to register please contact Renée Snead at or 404-601-3147.
17. 2013 Veterans’ Health & Survival Conference invites participation of veteran leaders, veterans, dependents and advocates from all eras to come together to strategize and mobilize. Rev. Eldson J. McGhee, Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 883, issues this invitation for Saturday, March 23, noon to 3 p.m., Adamsville Recreation Center, 3201 Martin Luther King Jr., Dr., SW, Atlanta, GA 30311.
18. ARC is looking for volunteers to help support Lifelong Communities initiatives by staffing events and making informal community presentations to older adults and persons with disabilities in order to increase awareness of the basic programs, services, and benefits available to them. Training is provided. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or hosting a presentation, please contact Roz Tucker either at or 404-463-6041.
19. youthSpark (formerly the Juvenile Justice Fund) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to ignite justice and inspire change. They stand with at-risk youth and their families and work collaboratively to achieve long-lasting systemic change. If you would like to receive legislative updates during this term read more>>
20. 2013 Opening New Worlds in the Church, Home, and Community: Church and Parent Disabilities Ministries Conference sponsored by Developmental Disabilities Ministries and Wesley Glen Ministries in Macon to be held April 5-6. Click here for information and registration.
21. Every Tuesday Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services publishes The Update providing weekly updates about the latest developments in immigration reform. It is now available in both English and Spanish versions. You can also sign-up to receive regular email blog updates.
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