God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Church Action eNewsletter Week of August 8, 2016
A hearty welcome to our newest Regional Council of Churches member Columbia Presbyterian Church, the little church with the big heart. Tom Hagood has been Columbia’s pastor since 2000. Formerly a newspaper publisher, he has a passion for working with the homeless and homeless prevention organizations. Visit them at 711 Columbia Drive, Decatur 30030; Sunday worship is at 11 a.m. You will find folks in everything from jeans to suits and coffee for early-comers. Visit the website to find out more about Taizé services on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and the Welcome Table on the third Thursday of each month with dinner, old-timey gospel singing, group prayer, and Bible storytelling.
1. Do any members of your congregation count on SNAP/food stamps to have enough to eat? Do they know that they can get double their dollars (up to $50) at local farmers markets? You just present the card at the information booth at a WWG farmers market. There are 21 of these markets in the Atlanta area. We put the list on our website and a few words about how this works; it’s simple. Read more>>
2. Family Promise of Cobb County uses interfaith congregational space to house temporarily homeless children and their families while they work to become independent and find permanent housing. They are in need of a low-cost or donated space for the Day Center beginning 1/1/17. This is where families look for work and housing, receive case management, take showers, and do laundry; the offices are also housed there. Anyone with information about an available former parsonage, house, or commercial space in Cobb County, please contact Julie Binney at (770)490-9841.
3. Volunteer Services, Atlanta, VA Medical Center needs volunteers to help prevent missed appointments by our Veterans, this is a loss for the veteran and a dollar loss for the facility. The hours of operation for the call center are Monday-Thursday, 4:30 - 1:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The call center is located on the ground floor (RM GC 233A) across from the Peter Wheeler Auditorium. Can you help? Should you have any questions, contact Mr. Franchi Clark at (404) 728-7728 or by email VHAATGVoluntaryService@va.gov.
4. International Youth Day, Center for Civil and Human Rights, 100 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd., August 13, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. There will be art, performances, special guests, and much more all inspired by the youth experience. All activities will take place from 12:00-3:00 p.m. The first 500 children (18 and younger) will be admitted free courtesy of Ford Motor Company. Buy Tickets
5. The Meridian Herald 19th annual camp meeting service on the historic meeting grounds at Epworth, 585 Madola Road, is this Saturday, Aug. 13. There will be music, food, and drink throughout the afternoon. To hear a brief radio feature on last year’s camp meeting, go here - WABE . The event starts with bluegrass at 3 p.m.
6. The Rev. Beth Birkholz, a Lutheran pastor in Atlanta, is the featured preacher Aug. 14 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace. She blogs as Chickpastor on Wordpress. “Surrounded by Superheroes,” her sermon for is drawn from the passage in Hebrews 11 that recounts the trials of Old Testament heroes and reminds us that these are witnesses to faithful living. “Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 71 years. For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check Day1.org.
7. We have been asked to alert faith leaders about the interfaith advisory council being created for the University for Parents, a community collaborative of the National CARES Mentoring Movement, Morehouse School of Medicine, United Way of Greater Atlanta, and Urban League of Greater Atlanta. The mission is to empower underserved and under-resourced African American parents with training, skills, and opportunities to improve the quality of life for their families. Special invitees are parents living in the West End area and the Pittsburg community and faith leaders from the community. The program is free and child care is provided. The Fall Kick-Off Rally is Monday, August 15, at the Atlanta Tech -Dennard Conference Center from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Susan L. Taylor is the keynote speaker. Following the kick off rally, faith leaders will network and enjoy lunch. Parents will participate in a registration and orientation during their lunch and learn.
8. Georgia Council for International Visitors lunchtime discussion with International Visitor Leadership Program delegate from South Africa Allanise Cloete, Chief Researcher for the Research Program on HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB, She will speak about her work and engage in Q&A. $15 for non-members (includes lunch). Wednesday, August 17, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Woodruff Volunteer Center, Logan Room, 100 Edgewood Dr., Atlanta 30303. Space is limited. Please R.s.v.p. by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16. Contact Suzy Blough at suzy@gciv.org if you have questions. R.s.v.p. here.
9. Suicide Prevention Coalition Georgia is holding an educational meeting Friday, Aug. 19, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Link Counseling Center, 348 Mount Vernon Hwy NE, Atlanta 30328. A Crisis Has No Schedule: The Georgia Crisis & Access Line- Holding the Hands of Georgians Until Safely in the Hands of Ongoing Care with Wendy Martinez Farmer, CEO Behavioral Health Link. There is no cost to attend but registration is required. Get more information. Register Now!
10. Your chance to learn more about the heritage of Martin Luther King; his heritage has a lot of contributions to make to the racial and economic injustices faced today. Visit RCCAtl.org for information on this opportunity, Saturdays, Aug. 20 through Nov. This is not your usual course devoted to Dr. King. It is taught by one who knew him personally—Dr. Lonnie King — along with some of his friends from the Movement and Dr. Mark Ellingsen, ITC Professor of Church History.
11. Fourth Annual Community Health Fair at Shy Temple CME Church, 2012 Memorial Drive Atlanta 30317, (404)377-3174. August 20, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., free screenings, bring current medications for your visit with the doctor.
12. The Family History Event is held each year by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this year at 3355 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, on August 20. It is very popular. This is a free workshop with 12 classes as well as 4 computer classes all related to genealogy. You can review the schedule and find out about registering for a computer class, no registration required for the other classes, here.
13. Decatur’s Oldest AME Church presents Homecookin’ A Celebration of Music, Song, Christian Comedy, and Soul Food " Homecookin" a summer variety show featuring sweet music by former Miles Davis band saxophonist Glenn Burris, sumptuous spoken word, and bone-funny Christian comedians, Rev. Pettigew and Rev. Shiloh. Sat., August 20, 5 to 8:30 p.m., at Mt. Zion AME Church, 2977 LaVista Road, Decatur 30033. Tickets are $10 for variety show performance only and $15 for both the variety show and a delicious Southern-style soul food meal. Funds support the youth mentoring and senior meals ministries. Call Mt. Zion AME at (404) 633-2288.
14. Neshama Interfaith Center and AA Synagogue present Mother Earth, Our Common Home: An Interfaith Conversation About the Environment, Sunday, August 21, 3-5 p.m., at Ahavath Achim Synagogue, 600 Peachtree Battle Ave. NW, Atlanta 30372, with speakers from the three Abrahamic faiths. All in the community are welcome; reservations are requested. Click here for more details.
15. If you think a friend or loved one is suffering from addiction, what do you do? Sober Living America will present Friends Care Campaign, an addiction education program, at Roswell United Methodist Church, 814 Mimosa Blvd., Sunday, Aug. 21, at 6 p.m. The free program will teach adults and youth how to identify and help family members and friends who may have an addiction problem. Today, almost 23 million people suffer from addiction. Registration is not required. For information, contact Patty Hampton at phampton@rumc or (770)261-1767.
16. Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition feels recent events create a need to bring together the Black and Jewish communities to discuss the issues that are most pressing to all of us. Consider joining the Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition on Thursday, August 25 at 7 p.m. at Manuel's Tavern for this important conversation on such topics as Black Lives Matter Movement, anti-Semitism, Israel. Click here to RSVP in advance.
17. Summer Carnival at Messiah, August 27, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Lutheran Church of the Messiah, 465 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur 30033, bouncy houses, food trucks, carnival games with prizes, and more!
18. The Low Country Boil for Lutheran Campus Ministry Atlanta (LCM) is Saturday, Aug. 27. LCM serves Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Emory, and Agnes Scott. Come to this fun event at Living Grace Lutheran Church, 1812 Cooledge Rd, Tucker, at 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person and anyone under 21 is admitted free! Tickets are available online at the LCM Atlanta webpage, www.gracepeople.org. Evelyn Cannon, epcmail@bellsouth.net is available to answer questions about the event.
19. Interfaith Community Initiatives Interfaith Immersion Program, Friday, August 26; Sunday, August 28; Saturday, September 28, offers participants the opportunity to attend and participate in Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian worship and practices, hear stories, share meals, and engage in dialogue, discussion and meditation. The cost per person for the Immersion Program is $200, which includes qualified instructors and facilitators, visits to significant sites and tours, educational materials, culturally specific meals, and Continental breakfast each day. To register click here.
20. The Atlanta Community Food Bank reminds us that the Festival Peachtree Latino is Sunday, Aug. 28, at Piedmont Park. It is one of the largest multicultural events in the Southeastern United States. Get Directions For more festival information
21. Roman Catholic Archbishop Wilton Gregory invites brothers and sisters from the Jewish and Muslim communities, as well as other Christian denominations and faiths, to “An Evening Prayer for Peace” to remember those martyred and persecuted for their faith. Please join the archbishop Monday, August 29, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Marist School, 3790 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. NE, Atlanta 30319. Parking is free and there is no cost to attend. Discussion will focus on how to live our faith in this world more peacefully. Questions? Contact Paula Gwynn Grant, pgrant@archatl.com or (404)920-7344.
22. Find out about the fall book study at Lake Oconee Community Church, Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morally, and Politics. Selected Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Click here for more information.
23. Join Bishop Dr. Barbara L. King on September 10 for "New Thinking - New World" Saturday: Insight and Inspiration. It's the kickoff to Dr. Barbara and Hillside International Truth Center's 45th Anniversary celebration featuring outspoken author/scholar/broadcaster, Michael Eric Dyson; Evelyn Braxton and the Braxton family: Tamar, Toni, Towanda, Traci, Trina and Michael; and a powerfully moving concert by Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Kenny Lattimore. Comedian Jonathan Slocumb hosts. For tickets and information, go to www.HillsideInternational.org
24. Mark your calendar for Jazz Under the Stars 2016 - Come out an enjoy evening of jazz on Saturday, September 10 featuring Chandra Currelley and opening act by OJ Harper. Proceeds from this annual event benefits the St. Paul's Outreach Center. This event takes place at St. Paul's Episcopal Church 306 Peyton Road SW Atlanta, 30311. Tickets here.
25. There will be a very special worship service on September 18, highlighting the connection between Decatur Presbyterian Church and Agnes Scott College. The Rev. Kate Colussy-Estes, chaplain at Agnes Scott, and the Rev. Lucy Strong, Presbyterian Campus Minister for UKirk, will be speaking. Join in this celebration and learn about the exciting plans the church has for deepening this connection. Sunday School meets at 9:15 a.m. followed by worship at 10:30 at Decatur Presbyterian Church, 205 Sycamore Street, Decatur 30030-3413 Map If you have questions about this event, email bnoble@agnesscott.edu.
26. Holy Comforter's first plant sale of the season, Saturday, Sept. 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., is going to be big! The Holy Smokers, a BBQ team from Marietta, will be selling pulled pork or bbq chicken plates with all the sides, including a drink, for $10 a plate. There will be music and games - buy your tickets today! The Seedtime and Harvest gardeners will be supplying everything you need for Fall vegetable gardens and other plants. The Art Program from The Friendship Center will be there to sell one-of-a-kind art. All proceeds will benefit the garden and center. You can also pre-order take home whole smoked pork butts, $40, feed 8-10, can be picked up anytime during the event. Click this link to buy your tickets!
27. The Georgia Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is presenting a safeTALK suicide alertness training on Saturday, October 8 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at Powder Springs First United Methodist Church, 4329 Marietta Street, Powder Springs. This training prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Registration fee is $15 per person and includes materials and light refreshments. Online registration only at: here. Email georgia@afsp.org or call (770)843-3836 with any questions.
28. Celebrate Recovery Meeting at Sweetwater Mission, Find freedom from your hurts, habits & hang-ups every Tuesday, 12:00 noon, free lunch. Regardless of what has happened in your life, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ's power to help make those changes! 6289 Veterans Memorial Hwy #12a, Austell, 30168. (770) 819-0662
29. The Lord's Day Alliance plans a conference in Boston, October 27, on "The Regenerative Sabbath: Sabbath, Sunday, and Renewal." This program with good speakers, responsive breakout sessions, and a final shared meal, is filled with a more experiential air and opportunities for inclusive participation with resources for Sabbath observance and reflective moments for attendees to integrate their experiences, including mini-worship services from three confessional and musical backgrounds.
Check out our website at www.rccatl.org and remember we will be happy to put your announcements of special musical events, educational opportunities, volunteer needs, etc. in the newsletter. Just send announcements in the body of your email, no attachments please; be sure to include all contact information and pertinent links.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
© 2025 Created by RCCAtl.
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