Church Action eNewsletter Week of August 30, 2021

Church Action eNewsletter
Week of August 30, 2021 
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc. 

God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

We want your announcements! We are happy to help get the word out about anything you would like the greater faith community to know. Send announcements to


1. Catholic Charities Atlanta is accepting applications for two AmeriCorps VISTA Internship opportunities for their Refugee Youth Mentor Program. Benefits include a living allowance, educational award, and healthcare and childcare if eligible. Click here to apply. Questions? Email or
2. Georgia Center for Nonprofits offers a free webinar on preparing for the PPP loan forgiveness process, Sept. 1, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Learn key concepts such as the timing of forgiveness, allowable expenditures, as well as nonprofit-specific best practices for applying. Questions? Contact Reserve your free spot!
3. Wednesday Pastor's Morning Bible Study at Northside Drive Baptist Church is at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Meeting ID: 250 663 1572, Passcode: 6789

4. Dementia Caregiver Support Group, Thursdays, 1 – 2 p.m. This group offers emotional support, practical information, and supportive companionship for dementia caregivers. It is led by an experienced facilitator and dementia caregiver, Roy Kerfoot, and sponsored by Piedmont Sixty Plus. The group usually meets at Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church; however, for the time being, it is meeting online. For more information and for the Zoom link, contact Roy Kerfoot at

5. The Rev. Dr. Sam Parkes is the preacher Sept. 5 on “Day 1,” the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible as a podcast and online at  “When You Are Hungry Enough, You Will Cross a Line,” is based on Mark 7:24-30, the story of Jesus’ response to the Syrophoenician woman who seeks healing for her demon-possessed daughter.  “Day 1” is distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. Hear it in the Atlanta area Sundays on WSB News 95.5 and 750 AM at 7:05 a.m. For more information, check the program’s website,  

6. During the month of September, the Hillside International Truth Center will commemorate fifty years of legendary ministry to the Atlanta area and the world under the leadership of its founder, Bishop Dr. Barbara L. King. Founders Day - September 5 - presents Rev. Dr. Joe Hill, Founder/Senior Minister of "Power Circle Congregation" of Chicago. None of Hillside's 50th Anniversary events requires a fee for admission. All donations will be accepted. Hillside is at 2450 Cascade Road SW, Atlanta 30311. For information, go to or email or call (404)758-6811.

7. Biblical Greek, open to beginners, this class offered by the Cathedral of St. Philip includes long-term members who translate using grammar aids, lexicons, and commentaries, and enjoy how the Greek text reveals nuance and depth in scripture. Provided on a drop-in basis, first-time visitors need no previous knowledge of Greek. Initial classes begin with alphabet and pronunciation. Class meets Sundays 1:15-2:45 p.m., both via Zoom and in-person, Rm. 239, Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta 30305. Contact the Rev. Dr. Thee Smith at or 404-931-5062. More details at

8. Women’s Book Study: The Hidden Life Awakened, 4 weeks, Tuesdays, Sept. 7 - 28, 6:30 - Creative Space (optional), 7:00 p.m. Join this fast-paced, four-week study of the story of how one woman moved from a life of personal confusion, darkness, and pain to an awakened life of love, hope, and encouragement through her faith in Christ. Book available in the Dogwood Shop at Peachtree Road UMC. Registration available at  

9. Course in the Community: "Gun Violence in America: A Christian Response” (Online) Sept. 8-Oct. 13 with Dominic Erdozain, research fellow at Candler School of Theology. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m. EDT. Register.

10. Click here to learn more about Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center | One Day Retreat: Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction  September 9, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

11. Women's Spirituality Group A Monk in the World: Shaping a Soulful Way of Living, every other Thursday, 10 a.m.-Noon, Sept. 9 – Dec. 16, Jan. 6 - May 12, 2022, Deep Waters Center. Read more here . . . Just a few spaces left!  Email Kimberly if you're interested in participating in this year's group.

12. September is Suicide Prevention month and The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, and the Suicide Prevention Program continue training efforts under the COVID-19 Emergency Response for Suicide Prevention Grant to build capacity in the state of Georgia around suicide-specific care. Registration is open for September QPR training that will take place every Wednesday starting September 9 at 2 p.m.  Use the link below to sign up.  Summary - Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training (

13. Jewish sisters and brothers will be observing Rosh Hashanah Sept. 6, so the Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Sept. will be on a Thursday. Join host the Rev. Joanna Adams and her colleagues from the Presbyterian Church (USA) Thursday, Sept. 9 at 6 p.m. The vigils are offered monthly and leadership rotates among the interfaith community. All are welcome to join the Zoom gathering. The vigil will return to its first Monday of the month schedule in Oct. On Sept. 9, you can access the Zoom gathering from

14. The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) has extended the application deadline of its new Thriving Prophetic Congregations initiative to Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. If your church is interested in reimagining its vocational identity and resources to maximize its social impact, learn more and apply at  Apply Today

15. In person Bach’s Lunch, Concerts @ First, Friday, Sept. 10, 12:00 p.m. Co-presented with the Emory Chamber Music Society of Atlanta. Dohnanyi’s Serenade for String Trio, and the Anton Arensky Quartet with Two Cellos, is performed by members of the Vega Quartet with cellist Khari Joyner. Free admission. First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta 30309.

16. A free online workshop on better communication across ideological divides will be Saturdays, Sept. 11 and 18, 2-5 p.m. EDT by Braver Angels Georgia.  "Red-Blue" Workshop will bring an equal number of conservative and liberal citizens together in a series of exercises designed to break down stereotypes and deepen understanding of those whose views are very different from one's own. For more details and registration see Contact Sharyn Dowd or Barbara Brown

17. NAMI Family-to-Family 8 Week Course, Sundays, September 12 – October 31, 2:00-4:30 p.m., Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, is a free educational program for family and friends of people with mental health conditions. It helps improve the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition. It is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises. Visit for complete details and registration.

18. Organist Caroline Robinson will perform at the Cathedral of St. Philip at 3:15 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, in person and livestreamed on the cathedral website. Choral Evensong follows at 4:00. Program includes Alexandre Boëly, Fantasie et Fugue, Louis Vierne, “Choral” from Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 20, Nico Muhly, The Revd Mustard his Installation Prelude (2013), and Joseph Jongen, Sonata Eroica, Op. 94. The recordings will be available on the cathedral website and Facebook pages, “The Cathedral of St. Philip” and “Music at the Cathedral of St. Philip.”

19. Popular artist Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS, will join Monasteries of the Heart for a new eCourse Beauty and the Monastic Heart. Focusing on artists and mystics such as Thomas Merton, Georgia O’Keeffe, Vincent Van Gogh, Mary Lou Williams, Corita Kent, and Henri Matisse, Br. Mickey will explore the contemplative connections of art, music, and poetry with monastic spirituality. Featuring 9 video session with Brother Mickey, this three-week eCourse runs from Sept. 13 through Oct. 1 for $25.  More information and registration for this eCourse is here.  Content will be available for 6 months after it concludes. Click here to register now!

20. Mindfulness Series: weekly, beginning Sept. 14 at Ignatius House. Learn mindfulness for stress reduction and focus. Includes 8 sessions, Tuesdays from 6 – 8:30 p.m. through Nov. 2, plus one Saturday retreat Oct. 23. Learn More

21. McDonald Lecture “Imitation of Christ: The Disputed Understanding of Christian Discipleship” (in person) with Robert W. Woodruff Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Christian Origins Luke Timothy Johnson, this year’s Alonzo L. McDonald Chair in the Life and Teachings of Jesus and Their Impact on Culture. This event is Sept. 15 in Room 252 of Candler’s Rita Anne Rollins Building, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. The lecture will be available to watch as a recording afterwards on Candler’s Vimeo site. Register here.

22. Nearly every year since 2007, Lazarus has held an annual Health Day event in Downtown Atlanta. Sunday, Sept. 19, 2-5 p.m., is the day to celebrate good health and kinship with our sisters and brothers in the homeless community. Friends at North Avenue Presbyterian Church will host the event in their parking lot on Peachtree Street. There are many ways to get involved! Certainly doctors and nurses are needed, but you don't have to be a medical professional to participate just a willingness to come and be a part of something great. Volunteer sections range from art and food to hospitality to kids — extra hands helping setup, cleanup, and teardown are always welcome too! If you are a medical professional, or med student, use the button below to sign up. Med students, please also download and fill out this form. You are needed! Use the button below to sign up to volunteer in a non-medical sections (like food, transportation, or setup). Health Day — Lazarus (

23. Join Equitable Dinners Sept. 19 at 5 p.m. and talk about Anti-Racism and Local History: Why the Atlanta Massacre was not a "Race Riot." The evening opens with an original play specially written for the evening by Pedro Alvarado. The play is followed by guest speaker, King Williams, local documentarian, The Atlanta Way. In facilitated discussion guests from all over the country have a chance to reflect in small groups on what they’ve heard and come up with ideas to take action and create change where they live. Register here for this free event.

24. The events unfolding in Afghanistan are tragic.  Catholic Charities Atlanta and its partners in the community stand ready to welcome those families being resettled in Atlanta who sacrificed so much to aid American efforts over the past 20 years. For more information on how you can help, visit

25. The Georgia Rental Assistance Program has been expanded and is now providing funding statewide.  You can view the full information at https://documentcloud.adobe. The funds are used to provide relief to individuals, families, and landlords whose finances have been negatively impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   The funds will be used to bring past-due rent and utility payments current up to 18 months. 

26. The deadline for submission of State Fiscal Recovery Funds grant applications has been extended to October 31, 2021.  Click here to see the updated timeline for the State Fiscal Recovery grant program. If you seek assistance submitting an application for funds, contact GSHA.  Instructions from the committee Gov. Kemp established include proposals to address housing and homelessness, including individual housing needs, relocation assistance, affordable housing development, housing vouchers, and residential counseling, as well as assistance for unemployed workers and training, for food and other financial insecurity, assistance to small businesses, assistance for programs addressing health disparities (ex: community health workers, public benefits navigators), and much more. Applicants can apply via the Georgia Grants Portal HERE Decisions on grant awards are anticipated to be announced on or after the week of January 3, 2022.

27. Save the date and be thinking about how you can help Greenbriar Clean Up Day is Saturday, October 16, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Show up and volunteer to clean up our community …. If we don’t  - no one will!

Prayers from Inspiritus Help Our Afghan Allies | LIRS
All human hearts seek lasting peace.
As we live in this broken world, we uplift the sacrifice and risk to human life present in the current military withdrawal and the threat to Afghan allies and families.
May the United States honor its commitment to the many Afghan allies who put their lives at grave risk to support US troops.
Honor speaks to the interrelationship of all humans.
We affirm this prayer and pray for peace, protection of human lives, and harmony in the world. Amen


Setting up Your House of Worship as an Immunization Site, Developing Vaccine Messaging Programs, and Facilitating COVID Vaccine Access. The guidebooks can be found at: Global Health Crisis Coordination Center - Back 2 Worship (globalhe....

Visit our website for a clergy tool box for mental health ministry, and more . . . 

Ethel Ware Carter

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