God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
We have all the details now and an announcement for your bulletin on the34th Annual Good Friday Pilgrimage, the Urban Way of the Cross, April 18. This Ecumenical Journey of Reflection & Walking Prayer is organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Justice & Peace Ministries. Read more>>
The Brookhaven Farmers Market is open, Saturdays, behind the Brookhaven Baptist Church, 1294 North Druid Hills Road, Atlanta 30319.
The Buckhead Farmers Market returns this Saturday, April 5, to the Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305.
1. Are you interested in submitting a proposal for the 2014 Art on the Atlanta BeltLine exhibition? You can learn more about this exciting opportunity and have your questions answered at an information session. Two sessions are coming up. Wednesday, April 2, 7:00 p.m., Abernathy Arts Center, 254 Johnson Ferry Road, NW, Sandy Springs, 30328. Sunday, April 6, 3:00 p.m., WonderRoot, 982 Memorial Drive, Atlanta, 30316.
2. Theatrical Outfit brings “Dividing the Estate” to Balzer Theatre April 2 – 19. Executive Artistic Director Tom Key remembers seeing Foote’s The Orphans’ Home Cycle at the Signature Theatre on NYC’s 42nd Street – and reaching 57th Street before he could stop crying. He recalls: “It gave me so much compassion for us, the human species.” Ticket info.
3. Come celebrate Compassionate Action in Greater Atlanta during the MLK International Chapel at Morehouse College of Ministers and Laity, 7 p.m., Thursday, April 3, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College, 830 Westview Drive SW, Atlanta 30314. Everyone is welcome. See www.compassionateatl.com. International hero Karen Armstrong will offer the keynote address and receive the Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Prize the highest award that Morehouse presents for peace, reconciliation, and nonviolence. info and registration.
See the complete schedule of the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. College of Ministers and Laity here.
4. The April meeting for Church Women United in Atlanta will be held at First United Methodist Church of Atlanta, 360 Peachtree Street(Corner of Peachtree and Ralph McGill), Friday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m. Come and hear Wilma Ardine Lyghtner Kirchhofer, Ph.D., a member of CWU in Atlanta on “Healthcare and Cuba.” You will experience the intrigue, joy, and challenges of Cuba through a PowerPoint presentation followed by a Q and A Session. Dr. Kirchhofer has studied, taught, and researched health and nutrition throughout her 40 -year global career. Also, Mrs. Mary White of the Morehouse School of Medicine Library will present: "Disaster & Emergency Planning Resources". All women are welcome.
5. Workshop at Worshippers Interceding for Excellence Church. “Help! My Child Is Out of Control: Parenting Tips For Managing Oppositional Behavior.” Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m. to noon. 266 Robin Street, Decatur 30030 (across the street from Decatur High School.) Materials and refreshments: $20. Seating is limited. Registration required. For more information contact Mothers Voices Georgia, Inc., (678)476-3791.
6. An opportunity to learn about the ancient art of making and praying the rosary will be offered from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 5, at Christ Church Episcopal, Norcross. "Prayer beads can help us bring our bodies into the act of prayer," says Barbara McCue. For details, click http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_BS6sSwG4MUY8unqbtZv7Dw-E84e8mcFU4DF....
7. 38th Annual WRFG Peachblosssom Bluegrass Festival, April 5. 2:30-9 p.m., Clarkston Community Center, 3701 College Ave, 30021. Multiple performers begin at 3 p.m. Indoor seating; outside jamming. Food and craft vendors. $12 in advance; $15 at the door. All proceeds to benefit WRFG 89.3FM. For more information, go to www.wrfg.org
8. The Rev. Zachary R. Thompson has been called to become rector of Church of Our Saviour, Atlanta. A graduate of Candler School of Theology at Emory, Thompson currently serves as assistant to the rector for family ministries at Holy Innocents', Atlanta, and was priest in charge at St. James', Cedartown. His first Sunday at Our Saviour is April 6.
9. The Rev. Duane Steele, pastor emeritus of Gladesboro Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hillsville, Va., is the featured preacher April 6 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. Steele’s message “When God Weeps” is based on the story of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead. “… another sign of the Lordship of Jesus, but it’s also a revealing story about real people who grieve and cry and become angry because someone they dearly love has died. In all this, there are elements of hope, intimacy with God, and deep faith.”
10. Neshama Interfaith Center presents 'Surviving War: Ensuring Peace' - A Conversation with The Lost Boys of Sudan in recognition of Genocide Prevention and Awareness month, April 6, 7 p.m., at Congregation Gesher L'Torah in Alpharetta. Lost Boy Majok Marier has written his story with Estelle Ford-Williamson, an Atlanta area author, entitled 'Seed of South Sudan: Memoir of a “Lost Boy” Refugee'. Lost Boy Ngor Kur Mayol is now a visionary for a major project to build schools in his home state, Unity, South Sudan. Rabbi Michael Bernstein of Congregation Gesher L'Torah will facilitate a discussion and presentation by Estelle, Majok and Ngor. Investment: $10. R.s.v.p. to Sue Chase at sue@neshamainterfaithcenter.org . For more information see www.neshamainterfaithcenter.org
11. Decatur United Church of Christ will begin worshipping at its new location on April 6. 2495 Lawrenceville Highway, Decatur, Georgia 30033. Call (404) 373-2933 or email office@decaturucc.org if you have questions. Website www.decaturucc.org Decatur UCC is a progressive community of faith where all are welcome to worship and serve. Worship services are a blend of traditional form and radical theology - with all sorts of music, poetry, and drama to enrich our experience.
12. A special viewing of “The Foot Soldiers of Spelman, 1964” will be held April 7 at 6:45 p.m. in the Parish Hall of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Marietta. A panel discussion will follow with very special guests -- the "foot soldiers" themselves. For more information go to St. James website. The program is free but reservations are requested. Contact Rita Connell (ralphconnell@comcast.net) (770) 792-2468 or Ken Buxton (770) 428-6948.
13. The Healthy Heart Coalition invites community members, community leaders, cooperate executives, health care professionals youth, everyone to the Healthy Heart Coalition meeting and work session, April 8, from 9:30 -11:00 a.m. at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, 732 Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard NW, Atlanta 30318. Please email your name to sign up. The new partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson will provide RWJF leadership "tools" for the community and community leaders during meetings. Every 36 seconds someone in the United States dies of heart disease; you can help stop needless deaths. To register, email ucornelki8@gmail.com
14. Atlanta Community Ministries’ Sabbath Rest invites you to a Passover Seder, the joyful celebration of god’s deliverance of his people from slavery. Elements of the Passover Seder will be included but this is not a full meal. Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Drive, Atlanta, April 8, 6:30 p.m. there is no fee but registration is required. Registration at www.sabbath-rest.com or email bshoaf@outofourseats.org
15. Public Theologians for Humanity and Candler School of Theology’s Sacred Worth will offer another opportunity to see Sundance-selected film “God Loves Uganda” on Tuesday, April 8 at 6:00 p.m. at Candler School of Theology, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta. This screening is free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted.
16. On April 9, Mercer University will welcome noted American religious history scholar and former president of the American Academy of Religion Dr. Catherine L. Albanese. Dr. Albanese will deliver a lecture on evangelicalism titled “When is God’s Time? Watching the Religious Clock in Antebellum America" from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Trustees Dining Room on Mercer's Atlanta campus. For questions or further details, contact Dr. Wesley Barker at barker_wn@mercer.edu.
This is one of a series of lectures In an American Kaleidoscope: Revisiting Two Centuries of American Religious History being given at Atlanta-area universities, Agnes Scott, Emory, GSU, Mercer, and Spelman, April 7-11. Please see the link below for more information including a full list of the lectures Dr. Albanese is giving at Atlanta-area universities April 7-11. RCCAtl.org
17. Join the Islamic Speakers Bureau, Emory Presbyterian Church, the Istanbul Center, and North Decatur Presbyterian Church in putting together meal bags for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA). The meal bags are for parents of children at CHOA who cannot afford meals during their child's stay. Working together interfaith partners will feed families and make a difference. Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 p.m. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30307. Please email Amani Elghoroury at elghoroury@comcast.net if you are able to volunteer for this event.
18. Faithful Lawyers Breakfast at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, with the Rev. Darren Hensley, Friday, April 11, will meet at 7:30 not 3:30 as we previously reported. For planning purposes, please email Tom Cox at tcox.attorney@gmail.com by April 9 if you plan to attend. Full announcement in the Community Calendar.
19. 2014 Ben Hill UMC Rev. Richard D. Winn Men’s Retreat, “Restoring Godly Men to serve Christ in The Church, The Home and The Community,” April 11 – 13, Dolce Atlanta-Peachtree, 201 Aberdeen Pkwy. Peachtree City 30269. Cost is $95, Saturday only is $65. Register and make payment. See the complete schedule of sessions, speakers, worship, and projects here https://rccapilgrims.ning.com/profiles/blogs/2398508:BlogPost:17753... the church office if you have questions, (404)344-0890.
20. You are cordially invited to attend the 4th Annual Living Last Supper presentation at St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany Episcopal Church. Special new scenes are presented each year so you will want to be a repeat visitor. The performance will be held Saturday, April 12 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall at 4346 Ridge Rd, Buford, GA 30519. All are invited to experience this dramatic presentation of this pivotal event in the lives of Jesus and his Apostles. Please direct questions to Janet Christenberry at404-732-4044.
21. Flannery O’Connor play at the Aquinas Center, Emory, on April 12, 7:30 p.m., The tickets are free for “Everything That Rises Must Converge,” but they will go fast for this acclaimed play that explores the themes of race, redemption, and grace. An audience discussion with Director Karin Coonrod and the actors will follow the showing. Then, there will be a wine and cheese reception. Tickets www.aquinas.emory.edu Reserve tickets now! If you have any questions, contact Beverly Osterbur at baoster@emory.edu.
22. “A Musical: That You May Have Life” will be presented on April 13 at 5:00 p.m. at the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 MLK Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta 30309. This collection of original compositions written by American Composer Marty Haugen is directed by the Shrine’s Dónal Noonan accompanied by chamber orchestra. Come join in the journey through the majesty of Holy Week in song. No charge; freewill donation accepted.
23. National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward, will present the keynote address at the 2014 Townsend Prize for Fiction Award Ceremony. Her book chronicles the passing of her brother and four other young black men from her community and is nominated for the 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award in the autobiography category. Ward writes from her experiences as a child of the Mississippi Bayou giving voice to an often marginalized and unheard population of Southerners. April 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Day Hall at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. For information about the Townsend Prize finalists and for reservations visit here. Ms. Ward will speak about her books at 11:30 a.m. at Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody Campus Auditorium. This event is open to the community.
24. U-Beyond provides positive mentoring experience by matching young adults and professionals to mentors in their field of interest. The organization will be holding a Women in Leadership Conference on April 19. The keynote speaker will be Ann-Marie Campbell, the President of Southern Division at Home Depot. The conference will feature breakout sessions and a panel discussion on how men and women can partner to advance women's success. Saturday, April 19, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., 1025 Lenox Park Blvd NE, Atlanta. Visit www.u-beyond.com for more information and visit ubeyond.eventribite.com for more info on the Women in Leadership Conference.
25. Save the date for the Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke's (TACC) Annual Speakers Event, “Meaningful Conversations,” Thursday, April 24 at 6:15 p.m. This year they will explore the problem of human trafficking and the exploitation of youth in Atlanta. This event will be held at St. Luke's Church beginning in the Parish Hall. Four panelists will join the conversation this year including: Jennifer Swain, Program Director, youthSpark; Judge Bradley J. Boyd, Chief Judge of Juvenile Justice; Carol Largent, retired Cobb County Police Officer; Dorsey Jones, survivor. Ticket reservations and full details available online or call TACC at (404)876-6266 ext. 2007.
26. The 9th annual Emmaus House spring gala begins at 5 p.m. Sunday, May 4, at the Piedmont Driving Club, 1215 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta. With a Derby Day-After Party theme, the event will celebrate all that Emmaus House does to fulfill its mission and will honor the Rev. E. Claiborne Jones for her many years of service as executive director. www.emmaushouseatlanta.org/
27. Learn how to start or grow your career ministry, May 9-10, at “Everyone Needs Career Ministry: A Pastoral and Lay Leaders Conference.” "… our caring volunteers love on hurting people, offer new ideas for jobseekers, and provide encouragement ... " says Roswell United Methodist Church Senior Pastor Dr. Mike Long. Friday (4-8 p.m.) and Saturday (8 a.m. – 3 p.m.) Roswell United Methodist Church, www.rumc.com 814 Mimosa Blvd, Roswell 30075 in partnership with Crossroads Career Network crossroadscareer.org For more information call (770)261-1767.
28. 10th Annual Holy Cross Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Brotherhood of St. Timothy will benefit the Holy Cross Athletic Complex. Four man scramble, Best ball, Scramble Golf Tournament that includes Breakfast, Putting Contest, Country Buffet Dinner after tournament, Raffle, and Awards Presentation, Northwood Country Club, Lawrenceville. Monday, May 12. Breakfast Begins at 7:30; Registration at 8:00; Putting Contest at 8:30; Shotgun Start at 10. For more information, location map, and a tournament flyer see the website. Remember that checks should be made to Holy Cross Brotherhood, NOT to Holy Cross Church.
29. Johnny Leathers Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament coming up this year on May 14 at Woodmont Golf and Country Club in Canton. The Johnny Leathers Jr. Foundation promotes depression awareness and suicide prevention. Event Flyer
30. Quadrennial Assembly is a Disciples Women’s Event which lifts up women from around the world through fellowship, worship, service, and education sponsored by International Disciples Women’s Ministries ~ Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Disciples Women extend the hospitality of the table to ALL sisters and invite them to join with thousands of other Christian women under the theme "I See You!" Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, June 25-29, 2014 Read All the Details REGISTER ONLINE NOW!
31. How would you use $5,000 to bridge cultures and faiths in your community? That’s the question we’re asking as part of the One Region Atlanta Ideas Challenge. Starting April 1 through April 22, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts on how we create a community that embraces and celebrates diversity. Visit the One Region Atlanta Facebook page to submit your idea for the chance to be paired with a local nonprofit to see your idea for a more inclusive Atlanta carried out. Finalists will receive a cash prize up to $500 and up to a $5,000 grant to be implemented with the help of a local nonprofit.
32. FYI Overview of Georgia's Fiscal Year 2015 Budget.
Children’s Mental Health Week is the first full week in May. Maybe this is the spring to for your congregation to set aside a day to increase awareness of children’s mental health issues and resources. “Building Circles of Awareness” is the theme this year. Check out “Creating Compassionate Congregations” at www.CHIPGeorgia.com . Email our office if you want suggestions or a recommendation for a good speaker. ecarter@rccatl.org
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
© 2025 Created by RCCAtl.
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