Church Action eNewsletter Week of June 24, 2013

 God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

1. Are you questioning Pandora’s Promise of a nuclear solution to climate change? WAND invites you to join the conversation following the film premiere of this new pro-nuclear documentary. Georgia WAND and Nuclear Watch South are hosting a showing of The Atomic States of America, a 2012 film –an  investigation of the truths, myths, and impact of nuclear reactors. Thursday, June 27, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Philip Rush Center, 1530 DeKalb Avenue, Suite A, Atlanta 30307. For more information, e-mail or call 404-524-5999.

2. Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is hosting its annual summer "Movies on the Green." Each month during the summer there will be a different fun, family movie shown outside on a big screen, with the film starting after 8:45p.m.  the last Friday of the month. You are invited to bring your lawn chairs or blankets, picnic baskets or snacks, and the desire to see a really great movie. The June 28 movie is "The Mighty Macs;" the July movie is "The Climb;" and the August movie is "Unconditional." The "Movies on the Green" is free of charge. The church is located at 2971 Butner Road SW in Atlanta, 30331. For further information or directions call 404-349-0176 or visit


3. Mobilizing Faith for Women: Engaging the Power of Religion and Belief to Advance Human Rights and Dignity, a live webcast of this June 28-29 Carter Center Human Rights Forum will be available for viewing.   Find out about this here>>  

 4. Sherri Shepherd, co-host of the Emmy Award winning show The View, will speak and sign her new book, Plan D: How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (even if you don't have it) at the Shrine of the Black Madonna Bookstore, 946 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd., S.W., Atlanta 30310, Friday, June 28 at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m.  Free information and health screenings! The book, purchased at the Shrine of the Black Madonna Bookstore, is your ticket to the event.  For more information call (404) 549-8676.

5. Join Polly and Friends on June 29 for a musical tribute dedicated to the love of great music. This multi-cultural tribute will feature performances artists who’ve come together because of a love of music.  Saturday, June 29 at 3:30 p.m. at Mt Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church located at 2877 LaVista Road, Decatur.  The performance begins at 3:30 p.m.  Light refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall following the recital. Donations are $10 for general public and $5 for seniors and free for children 8 and under.  Call 404-633-2288 for more information.


6. St. Edward's Episcopal Church in Lawrenceville , 737 Moon Road, will host a non-traditional Taizé service at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, June 30, incorporating newly composed meditative songs as well as the familiar standards. Gather around the altar for a time of silence and communal song. A reception with light hors d'oeuvres will follow the service.  All are welcome. 


7. Spirit of America - Benefit Concert, Sunday, June 30, at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta,  7:00 p.m. featuring Dr. Jens Korndorfer in the sanctuary.  An evening of fun for all ages!  The concert is free, but an offering will be collected during the concert to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. If you need more information contact Katharine Hamer or 404-228-7732.  The church is at 1328 Peachtree St., NE, Atlanta.

8. 2013 Summer Institute on Addiction, July 15-19, Simpsonwood. This intensive 5-day training program is sponsored by the Southeastern Institute on Chemical Dependency.  Topics include Spiritual Caregiving to the Addicted and Their Families; Recognizing Addiction Disease; Addiction and Youth; Addiction and Aging; The Twelve Steps as a Spiritual Journey; Breaking the Silence: How the Faith Community Can Help; and more.  The SICD grew out of a recognized need for sound addictions education that addresses the needs of clergy and members of congregations and communities who are called upon to assist those whose lives are impacted by substance abuse and addiction. For registration visit, email, or call Ella Collier at 678-521-6872.  Limited scholarships available.  For a complete schedule including topics and speakers see Summer Institute on Addiction Schedule  

 9. Since 1989, Project Understanding has provided an opportunity for young Black and Jewish adults to share experiences and develop relationships. Through a 24-hour retreat format, August 24-25, 2013, participants will interact honestly about issues that affect each of their respective communities as well as those that affect both.  The ideal participant in Project Understanding is a young professional between the ages of 25-39. The completed application is due back to AJC Atlanta to LINDSAY HIRSCH,, by Monday, July 8. Please contact Lindsay if you have any additional questions.  Application here>>  

 10. If you are concerned about children in your congregation who may not have access to lunch this summer you will want to read about how to find summer feeding locations in Georgia here>>  How to Find Summer Feeding Locations for Kids in Georgia

11. If you are thinking about a run in the fall, Atlanta Legal Aid Society’s November 9 Run for Justice fundraiser in Oakhurst may interest you. Read more>>  

 12. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has released an interesting study on restrictions on religious belief and practice in countries around the world. Read more>>  

 13. Premarital Workshops from Care and Counseling Center of Georgia coming up at Cathedral of St. Philip “Preparation for Life Together”  and “Prepare Enrich” Assessment and Workshop in Decatur  Scroll down page for upcoming dates for this one.

14. If you have members who are at risk of losing housing you might take a look at NID HCA Atlanta Metro, a HUD approved housing counseling agency providing free services to consumers.  Services include mortgage delinquency assistance to help the homeowner save their home submitting documentation for a lower mortgage payment, homebuyer education workshops to assist the client with preparation for homeownership through group counseling, and one on one counseling, as well as rental counseling. The telephone number is 770-472-3756 or visit . This group will make presentations to groups.  

15. The 2013 Georgia Diabetes Community Resource Guide is available Here>>   If you would like handouts you can get pocket-size guides at no cost  within a few weeks.

 Summer Series at area churches   



Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible through July 12 at 

The Cathedral Book Store, Macrina Wiederkehr, Thursday, June 27, 6:30 p.m.  R.s.v.p. to (404)237-7582 or

Bill McKibben’s “Do The Math,”  Thursday, June 27, 7- 9 p.m., Atlanta Unity Church, 3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners.  

Action Ministries and Rethink Church,  Saturday, June 29,  will prepare thousands of sandwiches  for Smart Lunch, Smart Kid  .  

Folk-bluegrass concert in the gazebo at noon, June 30, at Church of the Nativity, 130 Antioch Road, Fayetteville.

Entering the Waters: A Workshop Featuring Religion and Culture Remix, July 12, 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Read more>>  

Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life, Columbia Theological Seminary, August 22-25,  Information,  HERE.


Ethel Ware Carter


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