Church Action eNewsletter Week of February 18, 2013

 God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

Check the community calendar on our website    Underlined words are live links Find Lent resources and services, series, and music.  

1. You know the songs (TraditionSunrise, SunsetMatchmaker!)  Now, come see the musical!  The youth at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church will present Fiddler on the Roof Jr. Friday, Feb 22, at 7:30; Saturday, Feb 23, at 2:30 and 7:30 ; and Sunday, Feb 24, at 2:30 in the Fellowship Hall at 1660 N. Decatur Rd, Atlanta  30307.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children and may be reserved by calling 404-634-3936 or at  --click on the Fiddler link under What’s Happening.

2. James Hollis, Ph.D., author, Jungian analyst, and professor, speaks to the Jung Society of Atlanta, February 22 at 7:30 p.m. with a workshop on the next day, February 23, 9:30 am -1:30.  His topic is “The Sailor Cannot See the North:  The Psychospiritual Dilemma of our Time.” Location is Trinity Presbyterian Church, 3003 Howell Mill Rd., NW, Atlanta, 30327.  The public is invited.  Lecture is $35 for visitors, $25 for members, $15 for students.  For additional information plus workshop and CEU fee schedule information, see

3. Jesus' Healing Ministry, a program on prayer and healing, Feb. 22 and 23, at Christ Church, Kennesaw, with the Rev. John Rice, an Episcopal priest who serves as president of the North American board of the Order of St. Luke the Physician . The program begins at 7 p.m. Friday and continues Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All are welcome. Registration is $10 and includes lunch; to sign up call the church office 770-422-9114 or email . 

4. Remember the symposium on racial unity this weekend at Zion Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall, 165 Lemon Street, Marietta, Feb. 23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Zion Baptist and St. James’ Episcopal, Marietta neighbors, offer this important opportunity to the community.

5. A first of this sort of announcement for us. Johnson C. Smith Seminary at Interdenominational Theological Center will host a Dance-a-thon in celebration of the 50th birthday of Dean Paul T. Roberts Sr., with Ballroom, Zumba, Line Dancing, and more! Join JCSTS on Saturday, February 23, 5:00 - 10:00 p.m. at the ITC, 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta 30314

6. Two dynamic Atlanta music ministries will combine Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 23 and 24, to present concerts featuring many of the most beloved gospel pieces. The choirs of Peachtree Presbyterian Church and St. Paul's Episcopal Church will present two Gospel Masterworks concerts at 7 p.m. Saturday at St. Paul's and at 7 p.m. Sunday at Peachtree Presbyterian, 3434 Roswell Road NW. There is no admission fee, but offerings will be accepted. 

7. The Rev. Joe Evans is a native of Georgia, baptized at Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, confirmed and nurtured by First Presbyterian Church of Marietta. We always remind you about who is preaching on Day 1 – this sermon which you can read has been flying around Facebook and sent to me in emails. Read it  here>>  Rev. Evans is the featured speaker Feb. 24 and March 3, 2013, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at

8. The faith community is invited to the Installation Service for Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr. as the new Pastor/Head of Staff at Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, Sunday afternoon, February 24, 4:00 p.m., 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr., NW (formerly Hightower Road, across from Douglass High School), Atlanta  30318. The sermon will be delivered by Dr. Lonnie J. Oliver, Associate for African American Congregational Support, PC (U.S.A.), Louisville.  Dr. Oliver is former pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church, Atlanta. For additional information, call the church office at 404-799-8286. 

9. Seniors in any eastside congregation might be interested in an open house at the Helene S. Mills Senior Multipurpose Facility at 515 John Wesley Dobbs, Atlanta 30312. Come find out what Fulton County, Human Services Office of Aging, and the Friends of the Mills have to offer Tuesday, February 26, 5 – 7 p.m. Call 404-523-3353 if you have questions.

10. A reminder of the Women’s Bible Commentary panel discussion (ITC Sankofa Lecture Series) on Tuesday, February 26, 4 – 6- p.m. in the Franklin Auditorium, ITC, 700 M.L. K Jr. Drive. This lecture will be filmed by Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasting Television.

11. See the award winning film that moved the grassroots conversation about energy conservation into a mainstream campaign.  Kilowatt Ours with the filmmaker  Jeff Barrie and Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols, February 26, 5:30 p.m.,  St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church, 3195 Barnett Shoals Dr. Athens  30605. This event and the pizza are free and open to the public, but your donations will help pay for the film costs & the director's honorarium.

12. Holy Spirit Career Ministry will meet on Thursday, February 28. The guest on February 28 is Thomas McGuire, Global Talent Acquisition Leader for Coca Cola. For more information please contact or go to web site . 

 13. Jeanie and David Gushee will be speaking on Thursday, February 28, at 7:00 p.m., at an event sponsored by the Georgia Center for the Book  in partnership with the First Baptist Church Conversations ministry, First Baptist Church Decatur, 308 Clairemont Avenue. The Gushee’s are editors and authors of Yours Is the Day, Lord, Yours Is the Night which gives a framework for prayerful devotions with a morning and evening prayer for each day of the year.

14. How does technology affect your theology? Join Candler School of Theology's technology and media experts for a day of learning and sharing about digital communications, selecting software, and planning for the future. March 1, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Candler, Room 102, 1531 Dickey Dr. Atlanta, GA 30322. Deadline to register is February 22, 2013. Click here for more information.

15. World Day of Prayer will be observed by Church Women United in Atlanta during its March 1 Meeting, 10 a.m., Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree Street, NW, Atl. World Day of Prayer brings informed prayer and prayerful action to our communities.  Christian women from France invite us to become better informed about their country and its needs.  In the service, "I Was A Stranger, and You Welcomed Me," they share their rich heritage of faith with us.  An offering will be received to support the work of World Day of Prayer ministries globally and in the USA.  Luncheon refreshments will be served following the service. Women of the community are invited to attend.  For more information, call 770-591-7201, M. Koehler or 678-938-2580, J. Tillman. 

16. The Rev. Byron Thomas and Central United Methodist Church on pilgrimage to the Holy Land Sunday, March 3-Tuesday, March 12, 2013. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore many of the places that we read about in the Holy Bible— Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, the Jordan River, Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Dead Sea, and the Pool of Bethesda. If you are interested in this spiritual journey with forty-five other travelers please contact Mildred Gunn at (404) 524.4263 or  There are only two available openings for this journey.

17. Hard Truths: The Art of Thornton Dial, the most extensive survey of Thornton Dial's art ever mounted, is at our High Museum.  Dial's work addresses urgent issues in the realm of history and politics in the Unites States, such as war, racism, bigotry, and homelessness. This exhibition will close on March 3. Visit  High Museum of Art for tickets,  hours, info.

18. Atlanta Friends Meeting begs our prayers for Kenya. Kenya's next election is scheduled for March 4 with a run-off April 11, if there is not a majority result. Quakers have been working hard to make this one peaceful. Healing of trauma from previous violence is important to the prevention of future violence.  A beautiful 60-minute film "Kenya: Until Hope is Found" is available on You-Tube about HROC (Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities in the Kibera area of Nairobi ).

19. Be gathering up those old paint cans for recycling on Sat., March 9, ten o’clock to one, at Decatur Presbyterian Church, a fundraiser for the youth of the church.  The church is at 205 Sycamore Street, downtown Decatur, and signs will direct you to the rear parking lot on Church Street. There is a small fee for the disposal of each can. For more call 404-378-1777.

20. Sign up now for the Hunger Walk/Run, March 10, benefitting the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Episcopal Charities Foundation, The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Lutheran Services of Georgia, Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, and St. Vincent de Paul Society.   Pre-register online as a team or individual at, or at the registration tent the day of the event.   Come enjoy the fun, festival-like atmosphere with activities for the entire family including games, refreshments, live entertainment, and more! For information visit  Find Hunger Walk/Run on Facebook and follow on Twitter @HungerWalkATL.

Two items from Columbia Theological Seminary of interest to those who are involved in children’s and youth ministry or formation.

21. Certified Godly Play Trainers take note: Godly Play:  Extending the Core March 15-16 A weekend of enrichment training featuring trainers Christen Erskine and Sharon Greeley. Early bird discounts ($140 individual, $130 2+ people from same group) extended through Feb. 25. For more information, or to register, click HERE.

22. April 11-13 Baptism and Beyond: Scaffolding a Life of Discipleship How do we nurture all ages to live out their baptismal vows in ways that are counter-cultural to a life of consumption and self-fulfillment? The course will explore ways we can act as a scaffold for age-appropriate engagement with mission in the church and world. Discounts for 2+ persons from same group. Click here for more information or to register.

23. Women Warriors: Women Veterans, Clinicians and Artists Workshop, Saturday, March 16, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, 2601 Henderson Mill Road, 30345. The ArtReach Foundation, Inc. helps adults and children who have been traumatized by displacement, violence, war, and disaster, both internationally and domestically. During a workshop, participants reconnect with their imagination and connect with others who are experiencing similar stressors and/or loss. The expressive arts allow for healing within the safe space of metaphor. This is open to women veterans, women clinicians, and women artists who are interested in experiencing this process and counts as Phase 1 of the ArtReach Training Program. To register and for more about this workshop and ArtReach Foundation’s work with the military and veterans, visit here  You may email to find out more. Space is limited.

24. Dr. Everett Flanigan, Director of the Lutheran Center of Atlanta at ITC, invites the community to participate in an Historic Evangelism Weekend in Rincon, May 16-19, at the New Ebenezer Family Retreat and Conference Center to celebrate the Pan-Lutheran Heritage. The weekend events include seminars and workshops, Ebenezer ALIVE! Colonial Experience for Youth, tour of the Georgia Salzburger Society Museum, the Jerusalem Lutheran Church circa 1769, African Slave Gravesite, and the Journey to Freedom Riverboat Dinner Cruise. Call 912-754-9242 to make reservations.

25. Be a part of History! The T’Ofori-Atta Institute for the Study of the Religious Heritage of the African World at ITC invites members of the community to send in articles for publication in its newsletter. Send in articles, picture items, or essays that deal with contemporary and or ancient issues affecting the African World today. Sub-themes include but are not limited to racism and post-racism, African-America and Africa Diaspora crises; religious tolerance. Contact the institute at, or call 404-527-7756. 

26. If female members of your congregation are affected by HIV/AIDS you will want to introduce them to A Girl Like Me (AGLM) an online “blog” where women of all ages can share their stories and promote understanding of HIV through online storytelling. English and Spanish.

27. Central United Church of Christ, a justice and peace seeking church, is accepting resumes for  two positions:  a part-time staff position to lead the Children’s Ministry; and a part-time staff position to assist with leadership and music for Youth Worship. Read more>> 

 28. Fascinating discussion on the Dead Sea Scrolls, a new interview with Dr. James Collins, Yale Divinity School  

 29. Visit Faith Formation Learning Exchange a source for best research, practices, approaches, and resources for faith formation across the whole life span.

30. The Fuller Center for Housing is looking for churches to assist in an Earthcraft house remodel in Lakewood Heights for a family in need. This is a great project for small to mid sized churches that are committed to sustainability and housing low income families. Churches can participate by adopting a room for from $2,000 to $6,000 with 6 to 10 committed volunteers or adopt the whole house for $20,000 and 20 committed volunteers. Five houses have been completed on this street over the past 5 years. Groups as small as Sunday school classes take on these projects successfully. For more information contact Michelle Uchiyama at Charitable Connections at 4047889750.

31. Nominate a young person for the Peace First Prize! Find out more>>  

Help people in your congregation toward financial stability through free income tax preparation and financial literacy opportunities  VITA Learn more and find a tax site near you.


Ethel Ware Carter



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