God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta is pleased to invite you to a Breakfast Dialogue exploring how faith leaders can be part of bringing Atlanta together in a challenging time.
Civility and Community: Toward Higher Ground.
November 28, 8-10 a.m., hosted by the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, 1328 Peachtree Street 30309.
Conversation leaders will be the Rev. Joanna Adams, Imam Plemon El-Amin, the Rev. Joseph Roberts, and Rabbi Alvin Sugarman.
Though they come from different faith backgrounds, the founders of Higher Ground share common experiences. Each built a legacy as a leading voice within a congregation; each spoke for positive change in the community. Now together since 2010, these leaders speak with a collective voice helping to inspire action on key issues affecting the greater Atlanta community. More about Higher Ground R.s.v.p. to ecarter@rccatl.org or 404-201-6448 by November 26.
1. Covenant House, Opening Doors for Homeless Youth, invites the community to a Candlelight Vigil for Homeless Youth, Thursday November 15, 5:30 p.m. Centennial Olympic Park. Over a million young people in our national will experience an episode of homelessness this year. Join with Covenant House to raise awareness and those who have been lost to homelessness. . 15 Covenant Houses through out the US and Canada will be participating along side us in their home cities. For information call 404-589-0163.
2. Tomorrow in Atlanta, Amnesty International presents a groundbreaking film that takes the audience to the front row of an execution. “Execution” is the only film ever made which stars a real condemned man, a real warden, and a real priest. William Neal Moore, The Condemned Man, spent 16 years on Death Row and was only 7 hours from the electric chair. He is the only self-confessed murderer under today’s law to be released from Death Row and is now an unconditional free man due in part to the forgiveness of the victim’s family and the intervention of Mother Theresa. Mr. Moore will accompany director Scaffidi to each screening for a Q and A session. Thursday, November 15 REGAL TARA 4, 2345 Cheshire Bridge Rd, Atlanta. Read more
3. Remember to go by The Work of Our Hands Artists' Market, celebrating its 10th anniversary Nov. 15 - 18 at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta . Great Christmas presents! Read more..
4. Please note that the date of the Potluck Peacemakers Dinner at North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Rd., planned for Saturday, November 10, has been changed Saturday, November 17, 6:30 p.m. Mamie Broadhurst, missionary in Colombia, will speak about the Presbyterian effort for peacemaking in Colombia and also about the Accompaniment Program there. Please bring a dish and join the peacemakers!
5. Come for Choral Evensong featuring choirs from six Atlanta churches, 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Choristers will represent St. Philip's, the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King, Peachtree Road United Methodist, Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, and Wieuca Road Baptist Church. The combined choirs will sing works by Harold Friedell and John Rutter.
6. The Music Ministry of Cascade UMC presents the New Advent Choir in its Annual Thanksgiving Concert, Sunday, November 18, 6 p.m., Cascade UMC, 3144 Cascade Road Atlanta 30311
7. Coalition for Homeless People with a Mental Illness and/or a Substance Abuse announces that the Nov. 21 Special Meeting is rescheduled for November 28 3:30, First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree, Atlanta 30309. This important meeting will be concerned with shelter for single men and women and the consequences when Peachtree-Pine shelter closes. The Atlanta 2003 plan to end, not just manage homelessness, by 2013 (next June) currently has more homeless individuals unsheltered than in emergency shelters. The complete announcement and a message from the coalition is here
8. Homeless Neighbors are in peril as temperatures drop. Call to Action a message from Robert Mason, Community Relations Director, St. Joseph’s Mercy Care, urging you to call to prevent further cuts in the safety net program--Medicaid, health centers, housing assistance, etc.--both discretionary and mandatory. The links provided will give further information on how to take action. Read it here
9. Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary will present a three-day conference entitled Creating HIV/AIDS Competent Churches and Church Leaders: Repentance, Remembrance, and Responsibility, November 29, 30, and December 1, 2012 in Atlanta. The public is invited to attend evening worship services at 6 p.m. on Thursday and Friday; 4 p.m. on Saturday in the Interdenominational Theological Center Chapel, 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SW. Invited speakers who will be preaching include Rev. Troy Saunders (Victory for the World Church), Dr. Teresa Fry Brown (Candler School of Theology), and Dr. Mark A. Lomax (First Afrikan Church/ITC). Information is available online at www.smithseminary.org or by calling 404-527-7781. Rev. Paul Timothy Roberts, President-Dean of Johnson C. Smith says “Johnson C. Smith Seminary is located in a neighborhood which has the fourth highest incidence of HIV/AIDS in the state of Georgia and one of the highest in the United States. JCSTS can ill afford to sit by idly while our community, congregations, and campus are so hugely affected. .”
10. Marriage Seminar: What we have learned in our 47 years of marriage with Pastor and Mrs. Jimmie Jordan, Sr. , December 1, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church Fellowship Hall (entrance downstairs rear of church), 1150 Jefferson Ave., East Point 30344. Cost is $10 per person or $12 at the door. Registration form to print and mail in or call Rev. Jordan at 404-909-9554 or 404-349-1689.
11. Don’t miss “An Evening in Bethlehem,” a free, indoor, community-wide Christmas event for all ages, Saturday, Dec. 1, at Roswell United Methodist Church. Roam through the authentic first century marketplace brought to life by costumed characters and real animals. Share the excitement of shepherds, Roman soldiers, shopkeepers, and artisans and witness the live production that tells the story of the very first Christmas. Reserve your time (5, 6, or 7 p.m.) at www.rumc.com/bethlehem for this live nativity event. Donations will be accepted to offset the cost of these productions. For information call 770-261-1701. Roswell United Methodist Church is located at 814 Mimosa Blvd. in the Heart of Historic Roswell.
12. Emerging from the Darkness: A New Sun is Born. Join FAMA (Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta) for an engaging program on the legacy and contemporary state of Native American culture and spiritual life with Elizabeth Katona, Wednesday, December 5, 3-4:30 p.m. Shambhala Center, 1447 Church Street, Decatur 30030. R.s.v.p. to this event here
13. Amerson House Art Market featuring local artists from St. Bart’s will benefit the Amerson House Spirituality Center, Saturday and Sunday, December 8 and 9, noon to 5 p.m., 1200 Ponce de Leon Ave. Atlanta 30306. Light refreshments. Check out the offerings from Deep Waters at Amerson House .
14. The next Jazz Vespers service at Rock of Ages Lutheran Church is December 9 at 5:30 p.m. ROA is at 5135 Memorial Drive in Stone Mountain. Randy Palm is Pastor of this multicultural congregation that holds jazz vespers services three times a year featuring Rock of Ages' own internationally renowned jazz pianist Gary Motley and vocalist Veronica Motley, along with other invited world-class jazz artists. For information call 404-292-7888
15. Vendors, employers, Federal, state and municipal agencies, community rehabilitation providers and others who work with veterans should know about a Veterans Jobs and Resources Fair, December 13, 818 Pollard Boulevard, Atlanta 30315, 8 a.m. to noon. Information is at Atlanta Workforce Development.
16. If there are seniors in your congregation who need help with energy costs, read on. The Fulton County Housing and Human Services Department’s Office of Aging in Partnership with the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority is giving seniors 65 years of age or older who are Fulton County residents the opportunity to take advantage of energy assistance through a special program called LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Enrollment applications are being accepted now through November 20, 2012. Seniors interested in enrolling must meet certain eligibility requirements. Seniors can schedule an appointment by calling one of the following:
Dorothy C. Benson Center 404-705-4900
H.J.C. Bowden Multipurpose Facility 404-762-4821
Harriett G. Darnell Multipurpose Facility 404-699-8580
Helene S. Mills Multipurpose Facility 404-523-3353
17. The Bonner Office of Community Service at Morehouse College Frederick Douglass Tutorial program is up and in full swing! Every Saturday that the college is open, students collaborate to provide children in Atlanta and the surrounding counties with FREE tutoring. Morehouse and Spelman Colleges and Clark Atlanta University work together to give our children the tutoring they need to succeed. Tutoring services take place from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Morehouse College in Brawley Hall Room 100. For more information, contact Ms. Jackie Dugger at jdugger@morehouse.edu or 404-525-6391.
18. Rev. Peter M. Wallace, Host of "Day1" radio program and author of "The Passionate Jesus" and other books, reflects on Meeting the Surprisingly Real Jesus in the Pages of the Gospels.
Get the latest on the National Festival of Young Preachers coming to Atlanta, January 2-5, 2013.Go to www.rccatl.org for a slide show of member churches, featured articles, Community Events calendar, past eNewsletters, membership information, and other resources.
Ethel Ware Carter
ecarter@rccatl.org www.rccapilgrims.ning.com
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