Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 8, 2012

 God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.   

Read about how fabulous the National Festival of Young Preachers will be in January when it is here, in Atlanta! The word from Dwight Moody and more... 


1. Music director Lynn Swanson and the choir of St. Benedict's Episcopal Church seek singers to perform Bach's Magnificat on December 19.  A reception, score-checkout, and registration are planned at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 11. For information, contact Lynn Swanson,


2. Roswell United Methodist invites the community to “Concert Under the Stars,” Friday, Oct. 12, 8 p.m. Featured are James Casto, Cheryl Rogers, Pat Terry, and Brian White. Table seats are $20. General admission is $15. Bring dinner and friends, reserve a table, or bring your lawn chair/blankets for good music and fellowship. No alcohol. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the 2012 RUMC Kenya Mission Trip. Contact Lisa Stover, or 770-261-1709. Tickets and tables   Roswell United Methodist Church ,814 Mimosa Blvd., Roswell.


3. The Lorax , Screen on the Green at Oglethorpe Presbyterian Church, Saturday, October 13, 7-9 p.m. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on and snacks to enjoy. In case of poor weather the fun will be inside. 3016 Lanier Dr Atlanta 30319.


4. All Saints Lutheran in Lilburn will hold an Italian Festival October 13, 4 - 8 p.m. A spaghetti dinner will be available for $10. There will also be a Silent Auction with items donated by local businesses. All proceeds will be split between Lilburn Co-op and Southeast Gwinnett Co-op. Thrivent Financial is a sponsor. Come and enjoy good food and great fellowship while supporting a worthy cause. 722 Rockbridge Road, Lilburn 30047


5.  Dr. Wiley Stephens, currently in his 22nd year as senior pastor of Dunwoody United Methodist Church, is the featured preacher Oct. 14 on Day1. His message is based on the story of Jesus’ encounter with a wealthy man in Mark 10. “Don’t go to God in prayer and not expect a challenge ... And the risk, as for the man in the gospel story, is sticker shock for the soul. What we had understood as sufficient is only a beginning to something greater.”


6. The Cathedral of St. Philip will première a new Te Deum this Sunday, Oct. 14, in observance of the Cathedral's patronal feast day. The work, commissioned by the Friends of Cathedral Music, honors its founding member and longtime benefactor, Dr. Emile T. Fisher. The group also will provide brass and timpani for the 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. worship services; the latter service will include the seating of the Diocese of Atlanta's 10th bishop.


7. Celebrating Hildegard of Bingen, October 19-20, 2012 at Amerson House Spirituality Center at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 1790 LaVista Road, Atlanta 30329.  Join Carl McColman, author of The Big Book of Christian Mysticism, in celebrating female mystic and saint Hildegard of Bingen.  Friday, October 19, 7-9 p.m. will introduce participants to her story and life; Saturday’s retreat, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. will invite participants into her art and spirituality as a way to nurture the contemplative dimension of our lives today.  Costs:  Friday evening only  $10;  Saturday only  $45; Both  $50.  To register email or call 404-634 3336 before October 16, 2012.


 8. A Future. Not A Past. Community Ambassadors are community members who volunteer their time to raise awareness regarding the prostitution of children and keep their friends and family informed.  At this session you will be educated on the commercial sexual exploitation of children here in Georgia and the demand for those children, as well as learning the red flags to look for and services available for any child in need of help, or how to report this crime to law enforcement. A Future. Not  A Past. is a campaign of youthSpark, Inc. (formerly the Juvenile Justice Fund). This is the last training session for 2012, Saturday, October 20, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Fulton County Juvenile Court, 395 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta 30312, First Floor Training Room.


9. John Marshall Law School will host the 3rd Anniversary for FIP- ERC Collaborative, in partnership with Concerned Black Clergy, October 20, 4 -8 p.m. at the John Marshall Law School, 1422 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, Blackburn Center. This coalition supports ex-offenders, anyone labeled a convict or felon, and their communities. Everyone is invited to help explore healthy reentry in society. Keynote speaker State Representative Stacey Abrams.  For information email or call 404-872-3593.


10. On Sunday, October 21 at 11 a.m. the Greater Mountain Baptist Church, where Rev. Douglas Demetrius Prather is Senior Pastor, will hold its annual Women's Day service. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Rosemary King, a world renowned evangelist. The theme is "Growing where God has Planted you!" Greater Mountain is at 3346 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in the Chapel of the Herschel Thornton Mortuary. For more information contact Mrs. Kesia Flint, Chairperson at 678.396.2528


11. Roswell United Methodist Church’s Job Networking Ministry will hold a Mini-Job Fair for all job seekers in Greater Atlanta on Monday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m. This will fair is supported by community employers and volunteers, including Roswell Rotary Club, City of Roswell, and local churches such as Fellowship Bible Church. Jobs in many areas and at many levels. The list can be found at Interested employers can sign on by contacting" href="mailto:lovingyo...Directions and detailed schedule.


12. Wed., October 24, the Chaplain Services of Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center hosts the annual Spiritual Care Grand Rounds, 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. This is an educational opportunity and an opportunity to raise awareness about the relationship between spiritual care and health care. The speaker is Rita Charon, M.D., Ph.D., professor of clinical medicine and founding director of the Narrative Medicine Program at Columbia University. She will be speaking on the importance of “narratives,” or life-stories, and how they impact the way one attends to patients’ wholeness. Participation is free; those interested should call 404-321-6111 ext. 6870 to reserve places. Chaplains, other clergy, social workers, medical doctors, and nurses… anyone who works directly with patients would benefit by participating.


13. Georgia Latinos Against Domestic Violence, a program of Renovacion Conyugal invites you to Walking Among Us —Now and Forever—. From 5-6 p.m. guests can speak with other local organizations to obtain information and read stories from survivors. At 6 a survivor shares her story and the group will remember those who have passed away due to intimate partner violence, October 25, 5 p.m., Latin American Association, 2750 Buford Hwy, Atlanta  30324


14. The DeKalb Community Service Board and the DeKalb Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will host “Choices in Recovery,” a free mental health educational program open to the public on Thursday, October 25, 6-8 p.m.  To R.s.v.p. call Michelle at 404-508-7875 or email Bohan Auditorium of the Richardson Health Center, 445 Winn Way, Decatur, GA 30030 More information .


15. The National Center for Civil and Human Rights invites middle and high school students in the metropolitan Atlanta area to participate in an essay contest entitled READ IT. EMBRACE IT. EXPRESS IT.  The 2012 contest encourages students to interpret one or more of the 30 Articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its relevance in the world today and into the future.  A copy of the UDHR is here.  Made possible by a grant from the Ford Motor Company Fund, $6,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to winners.  Essays must be received no later than Friday, October 26, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. EST. For more information, visit or contact Cecilia Villanueva at" href="mailto:c....


16. Big Bethel AME Church, 220 Auburn Avenue, NE, Atlanta, 30303, where Dr. Gregory Vaughn Eason, Sr. is  Pastor, will join thousands of congregations throughout the country in celebrating  its 7th Annual National Children's Sabbath Observance, Saturday, October 27 with a forum of professionals addressing key issues plaguing our  children, families, and communities, today:

1) Bullying,

2) Sex Trafficking/Child Exploitation,

3) Gun Violence. 

Partnering with the Interfaith Children's Movement, Children's Defense Fund, school systems and government, the goal is to be educated about these issues and explore ways for the faith community to get involved in nurturing, rescuing, supporting, and enhancing the lives of all children. The Forum begins with registration and continental breakfast at 8:30 am.  This observance begins and ends with worship at 7:45 and 11:00.


17. A Halloween for Haiti event to benefit the children of Jasmin, Haiti, will be held  Saturday, Oct. 27, at Christ Episcopal Church, Norcross. The meditation trail will be transformed into a ghostly experience from 7 to 10 p.m.; cost is $10. "This is a great youth group activity!" says organizer Terry Franzen. For younger children beginning at 4 p.m. there's a carnival including  a cake walk, and a costume parade. 


18. Joint Recruitment Information Session at Emory University on October 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Admissions officers from five top theological schools will be at Emory to present their schools. Prospective students for master-level and doctoral-level programs are invited to meet them and explore theological education. Participating schools: Emory/Candler School of Theology, Harvard Divinity School, Union Theological Seminary, University of Chicago Divinity School, and Yale Divinity School.. Meet at Candler School of Theology, Room 102,1531 Dickey Dr., Atlanta 30322. For more information go to:  R.s.v.p. to


19. Holy Comforter Church, Ormewood Park, will host a two-part, Friday November 9 and Friday November 16, Mental Health First Aid Training. Those who take the 12-hour course to certify as “Mental Health First Aiders” learn a 5 –step action plan encompassing the skills, resources, and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate care. See for more information. There is no fee for the class but registration is required and is first-come first-serve. Register by Friday, November 2.  Participants should bring a bag lunch. Classes are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The entire training must be completed to receive certification. To register, email Liz Mitchell at

20. If seniors in your congregation spend all or part of their day alone you might be interested in telling them and their families about a new service. The State of Georgia has partnered with ADT Home Health Division to provide a personal emergency response system, 24/7.  Seniors 55+ are eligible thorough Medicaid for this service, free.  Find out how this program operates by calling Audrey Railey, Georgia Governmental Program Coordinator at 404-629-3386 or 770-889-8887. 


21. The President over nine Bishops and members of the nine metro Atlanta congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jermaine Sullivan, has a message for women of faith and those who wish to strengthen their faith, inviting them to watch the broadcast of the General Relief Society Meeting of the Church. He invites all those who missed it to watch the live broadcast, listen to, or print meeting transcripts from the comfort of their own homes. Cut and paste This Link  into your browser window to download or visit Read words of encouragement for women from President Sullivan


22. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In every congregation of every faith, victims, survivors, and abusers sit in our pews. Some are listening for words of recognition, understanding, comfort, and healing, hoping to hear that the church stands with them and wants them to choose life. All need to hear a clear message that violence in our homes is against the will of God. Our silence makes us complicit to the suffering. See resources  


23. Allied Faith & Family has contacted us about the 10th Anniversary Release of Love Comes Softly, a 10 DVD set of the series of inspiring movies from Janette Oke, and the initial release of her holiday story Love’s Christmas Journey.  Biblical Film Companions have been created for the Christmas story and two other films included in the anniversary set. They would like to share the guides and they can be found at They will also mail the guides if you request them from Great news is we have been given one each of the DVD anniversary set and the Christmas film to give away! They will be here around the release date at the end of the month. I will send one to the first two folks who ask. Let me know   More on the Christmas film


Quick Links: 

Reformation Day at Candler

Mental Health first Aid Training

Healthy Moms Project MHA

October 16 is World Food Day — Ideas and Resources  


Ethel Ware Carter


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