1. The Career Ministry, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, is taking the week of the Fourth of July off. The next meeting is Thursday, July 19. They remind us on this holiday to remember the brave veterans who may be struggling with unemployment and disability. If you have a job for a Vet, please contact Caroline@careerministry.org or call 770 794-6651.
2. Parenting Classes are being offer this summer at the United Methodist Children’s Home, 500 S. Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30030. Saturdays, 9-11 a.m., July 7 through August 11. A light snack is provided. The classes are free, and the Active Parenting Now curriculum (which you keep) is $13.00. Registration is required, contact Bonita Hardwick at 404-327-5860 or bhardwick@umchildrenshome.org
3. Summer Series at First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, The History of our Congregation and Stories Behind FPC’s Stained Glass, July 8, July 15, September 2, 9 – 10 a.m. in the sanctuary presented by Bill Lyons, The Archives Committee. July 8, The First Ten Years, 1848-58, Sabbath Sunday School to Marietta Street. July 15, Marietta Street, 1858-1898, the move, 1898-1914, Healing the relationship with Central, 50th Anniversary with Central and First Baptist. September 2, Moving, First Service, December 5, 1915. Atlanta First Presbyterian Church, 1328 Peachtree Street, NE, 30309.
4. Summer Worship at Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, A Breath of Fresh Air. In the airy setting of the fellowship hall summer worship is high participation for members and visitors, adults and children, with scripture skits and hymns picked by congregation request on the spur of the moment. Sundays at 11 a.m., 1824 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta 30324
5. Job Networking, Roswell United Methodist Church, invites employers to bring available job openings to a one-hour Mini-Job Fair on Monday July 9. An estimated 250 job seekers will be present. Employers please e-mail Katherine Simons, lovingyourneighbor@gmail.com to participate. Check out the growing list of employers and a complete afternoon and evening schedule of workshops and services at www.rumcjobnetworking.com . There is also the opportunity to spend time in the Chapel either alone or with a prayer team member.
6. Street GRACE Quarterly Meeting Thursday, July 12, 1-3 p.m. at North Avenue Presbyterian Church, 607 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta 30308. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting and learn about the recent activities at Street GRACE. Pastor Anita Lane-Favors from Jars of Clay Outreach will introduce her new facility, the Imagine Me Academy, a residential treatment facility and academic child development center serving sexually exploited children, homeless children, and troubled teenagers and their babies. Celebrate this new facility by bringing a gift to help furnish the academy. You may click here http://streetgrace.org/volunteer-opportunities/jars-of-clay-imagine... a list of needed items.
7. Don’t forget the political forum to meet challengers for the two Public Service Commission seats on the 2012 ballot, July 12, 7 – 9 p.m., Glenn Memorial UMC Auditorium, 1660 N. Decatur Rd. 30307. For more information see www.gipl.org
8. The Wind in the Willows at ACT1 (Alpharetta Christian Theatre) a community theater and an outreach of Alpharetta Presbyterian Church in. July 13 – August 5. This musical tells the story of the friendship of the good-hearted Water Rat, the shy and curious Mole, and the sensible Badger and their adventures with Mr. Toad. Get tickets here http://www.act1theater.com/store/page1. html
9. The Rev. Beth Birkholz, associate pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Marietta, is the featured speaker July 15 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. She blogs regularly at chickpastor.wordpress.com, and communicates her faith actively through other websites and social media. Birkholz’s sermon, based on 2 Samuel 6, is entitled “David’s Dance.” “…. Can you imagine simply dancing in the presence of God?”
10. Atlanta Gospel Fest Music and Healthcare Festival presents The Year of Perfection: A Concert Weekend, July 27 and 28. Read more …http://www.atlantagospelfest.com/
11. National Council of Churches thought you would be interested in a copy of the environmental health resource, Mindful Living, which contains tips for more healthy living including reducing toxic chemicals in our everyday lives. It also has great worship ideas, information on toxic chemicals, and ideas for action. Click here to download Mindful Living.
12. Last week Christian Century interviewed Eric Thomas, a member of Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, and seminarian at Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary of the Interdenominational Theological Center. Read his reflections on marriage, ordination, and the place of GLBT faithful in the church. Read it here...
13. Summer is often the busiest time for food pantries and other agencies serving those in need. Midtown Assistance Center could use some volunteers. If you would like to help with clients or in the food pantry or clothing closet send an email to rrichard@midtownassistancectr.org. If you have any window or table fans you do not need the center knows families that need them. mac@midtownassistancectr.org
14. Do you know about Smoke Rise Baptist Summer Day Camp? The Christian program for kids in Stone Mountain, Lilburn, Tucker, and Snellville serves kids and teens in a fun environment with field trips. Teens have a steady diet of team building, community service, academics, and summer fun. Read more…
Do let us know if you have questions about Project Healthy Moms from Mental Health America of Georgia. The staff is available to answer questions or help you bring resources and tools to your family ministry. Read more....
Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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