1. July 11 is the last day to register for the Third Annual Summer Institute on Addiction, Renewal, & Recovery for Congregations and Community, an opportunity for clergy, counselors, and members of congregations and families to learn about addiction disease and the recovery process. Visit Southeastern Institute on Chemical Dependency for more.
2. Bishop Wellington Boone and leaders and members ofThe Father's House Church invite you to attend a life changing special series of messages entitled, Every Family Is a World. Every Wednesday in July (July 11, 18, and 25, 2012) from 7:30 - 9 p.m. at The Father's House Church, 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 300 (Nortech Business Park), Norcross 30092. For any questions, please call 770-840-0888. Also, visit www.thefathershouse.cc.
3. Georgia Interfaith Power & Light is hosting a Political Forum to introduce voters to the candidates for the two seats up for election on the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC). Meet the challengers and find out how their decisions affect you. Thursday, July 12, 7 – 9 p.m. in the sanctuary of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church. Southeast Green will moderate a media panel featuring Kristi Swartz from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and others. Co-sponsors of this Political Forum include 14 local environmental, religious, and advocacy organizations, including the Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta. The forum will be streamed live online for those who cannot attend in person and a recording will be posted online. Contact GIPL at info@gipl.org for more information about these viewing options. Click for more details
4. In less than a week, interfaith leaders from across the U.S. and Canada arrive in Atlanta for the NAINConnect 2012 interfaith gathering. Register now to network, hear dynamic keynotes, and participate in 22 outstanding workshops. Click here to register or read details.
5. Community Sunday School at Sandy Springs Christian Church, Jewish Origins and the New Testament, continues next Sunday with Rev. Tom Edmondson as facilitator-- each Sunday in July, 10 a.m., Dunlap Hall. Sandy Springs Christian, 301 Johnson Ferry Road, NW, Sandy Springs. July 15 - You May Just Be a Pharisee: Multiple Judaisms in the First Century ; July 22 - Prophecy and Apocolyptic ; July 29 - What Does the 21st Century Church Have in Common with the 1st Century Church?
6. We understand there is still space at the Spiritual Healing Retreat for Veterans at Monastery of the Holy Spirit, July 16-19, 2012. More information
7. Free English Classes for adults begin this month. Catholic Charities offers three-hour classes two times a week in three locations; each site will have an information session. For addition details or a flyer contact Loretta Siefferman, 770-790-3104 or lsiefferman@catholiccharitiesatlanta.org, or James McDonough at 770-790-3106 or jmcdonough@catholiccharitiesatlanta.org. Northeast Plaza – Atlanta (inside the Northeast Plaza Goodwill Store, 3337 Buford Highway, Atlanta 30329) Classes on Monday/Wednesday 5:30-8:30 p.m. Information Sessions on July 16 and 18, 5:30 p.m. Sandy Springs (Centro Católico del Espíritu Santo / Holy Spirit Catholic Center - 120 Northwood Drive, - Lower Level of Building, Suite B5-8 - Atlanta 30342) Classes on Tuesday/Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Information session on July 17, 6:30 p.m. Chamblee (Senior Connections / Catholic Charities - Across from the Chamblee MARTA Station - 5238 Peachtree Road - Chamblee 30341) Classes on Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon. Information Session on July 19 , 9:00 a.m.
8. Join AIBTV for the launching of a brand new series with the Global Village School for Girls. Learn how members of the metro Atlanta community have pulled together to help support and educate young girls of refugee families and give them an opportunity to succeed. Tune in July 18 at 10:00 p.m. Encore presentations: Fridays at 11:00 p.m., Sundays at 3:30 p.m. and Mondays at 5:30 a.m.
9. The Rev Dr. Mark Ellingsen, Professor of Church History at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta (home of the Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta) will appear in an upcoming episode of AIB-TV's Religion Roundtable. Audrey Galex interviews Dr. Ellingsen on the latest cutting-edge developments in the Theory of Evolution, neurobiology, and physics and how this data can be reconciled with faith. Also discussed are the resources in our religious traditions and in the Constitution to address our present economic plight. Ellingsen says, "The dialogue can provide evangelism tools and will be an excellent Christian Education tool." Atlanta area residents, check your cable provider for the AIB-TV channel number. After July 22, the episode will available at www.aibnet.tv. Thursday 7/19 at 6:30 p.m.; Friday 7/20 at Noon; Saturday 7/21 at 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday 7/24 at 10:00 a.m.
10. A silent auction and reception will be presented by participants in the Emmaus House Middle School Summer Arts Camp from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, July 20, Ezzard Hall, Emmaus House, 1017 Hank Aaron Drive, Atlanta 30315. Innovative students have been hard at work this summer creating diverse works of art that range from bags and paintings to sculptures and music. They have found outlets for marketing and selling their products and attended plays, visited museums, and participated in team and leadership building workshops. For more information email charlottecameron@emmaushouse.org.
11. Join Ignatius House Retreat Center in Sandy Springs for a special Mass and lunch as they celebrate St. Ignatius Feast Day, Tuesday, July 31. 2:15 p.m. followed by a luncheon. Price of lunch is $15. For more information, or to Register visit www.ignatiushouse.org or call Sharon at 404-255-0503. If you would like to find out more about St. Ignatius and explore Ignatian spirituality read more...
12. Islamic Shari’ah -- Myths & Realities , August 1, Noon-2 p.m. Many State legislatures are considering a ban on Islamic Shari’ah. There is a tremendous lack of understanding of Islamic Shari’ah and its role in the lives of Muslims and their civil liberties as well as its impact of society at large. This discussion will address the above issues in an understandable manner with the hope that there will emerge a greater understanding and sensitivity to the issues involved. Speakers include Michael J. Broyde, Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law; Saadia Memon, Attorney at Law; Y. Khalid Siddiq, Director Education and Outreach Programs, Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta. Druid Hills United Methodist Church, 1200 Ponce de Leon Ave NE Atlanta 30306, 404-373-4650. To register and pay online, go to www.faithallianceofmetroatlanta.org. $15, includes lunch.
13. Earth Covenant Ministry and GIPL invite you to a Clergy Sabbath Retreat, Len Foote Hike Inn (trailhead at Amicalola Falls State Park) August 15, 2012. Reconnect with yourself and creation while enjoying the hospitality of the Hike Inn. Here you will find space for quiet reflection, active hikes, and table fellowship with new and old friends. Come to learn how this mountain-top lodge is a model for environmental sustainability. Cost $30 per person (includes room & two meals). To register, contact Rev. Kate McGregor Mosley at kate@gipl.org or 404-377-5552. Learn more about the lodge .. . The Hike Inn is only accessible via a 5-mile hike of moderate intensity. Good sneakers or hiking shoes are required. All linens provided by the lodge so a light daypack is only necessary. Limited availability so register early!
14. It is Buckhead Christian Ministry’s 25th Anniversary and we are invited to celebrate with them. For 25 years, families in crisis have walked through their doors for help. On Saturday, August 25, BCM is going to them! Hundreds of volunteers of all ages will join together to improve the lives of neighbors by beautifying the spaces in which they live, work and play - parks, community centers, apartment complexes, and schools. Currently 19 beautification projects all around Atlanta need to be filled with volunteers like you! The day will begin at 8 a.m. at Chastain Park and end there with lunch from some of Atlanta’s favorite food trucks and a specially designed Kids’ Zone! This is a perfect opportunity for church members, small groups or Sunday School groups, colleagues, friends, and families to work side by side! To view the projects and to register, visit buckheadchristianministry.org/events and click the "register Now" button. For more information or if you have any questions, email JessieModlin@bcmatlanta.org or call 678-399-8411. BCM looks forward to welcoming you to this fitting celebration of their ministry.
15. This Labor Day, Action Ministries is hosting the First Annual Action Dash, a family-friendly 5k Run/Walk and Fun Run to support Action Ministries in its mission to serve Georgians in need of hunger, housing, and education solutions. Your participation will help provide these vulnerable families the opportunity to move toward self-sufficiency and that will make you an Action Hero! With statewide events in Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Gainesville, and Rome it's easy to find a location that is close to you. Team Moeller will be participating in the Atlanta race. John Moeller, Executive Director, invites you to join Team Moeller or to create a team of your own. Register today! Or join Team Moeller Take action today and let's race together to beat the cycle of poverty. One day. Five cities! September 3. See you at the finish line!
16. Sandy Springs Christian Church - presents its annual Real People, Real Faith event, September 14-15. Diana Butler Bass will lead participants through her new book Christianity After Religion. $30 per person covers Friday and Saturday lectures, the Friday night dessert reception and Saturday's continental breakfast. You might want to reserve your space now for this popular speaker. Please make $30 check payable to Sandy Springs Christian Church and mail to 301 Johnson Ferry Rd NW, Sandy Springs 30328. Tickets can be reserved and more information found at www.sandyspringscc.org
17. The Hope Homes Collegiate Run for Recovery 5k at Kennesaw State University is a benefit run to heighten community awareness about those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction and to raise funds to support the Hope Homes Scholarship Fund. The run, in its fifth year, has attracted runners from all over the country. If you are interested in being involved in the September 22 event, contact Kelly Moselle at Kelly.moselle@hopehomesrecovery.org .
18. Understanding Islam: Creating a Foundation for Redemptive Dialogue with Joseph and Michele Cumming, Saturday and Sunday, September 22 and 23, St. David's Episcopal Church, 1015 Old Roswell Rd., Roswell. This conference, led by two of the world's experts on Christian-Muslim relations, will provide a deep understanding of the religious, social, and political reality of Islam, and how that knowledge can lead to genuine dialogue. Registration and all details here .
19. At AMIS July is the month for preparations, for signing up Christmas International House programs for 2012-13, and for finding hosts for the hundreds of international students who will be signing up for the Amigo program this year. Plans for the November 4 International Student Welcome Reception are under way, and international student orientations are being scheduled at area colleges and universities. If your congregation or group would like to hear more Contact Rev. Lisa Majoros
20. The Healing Community Center and Fulton County Cooperative Extension bring patients nutrition education and fresh vegetables through the Fulton Fresh Mobile Farmer's Market. Patients explore healthy ways to prepare favorite dishes and sample new recipes. Fulton County Cooperative Extension presents participants with fresh vegetables. Class will be held at the HCC on the first and third Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. through September 6. The program is free; however seating is limited. Call 404 564-7749 for more information.
21. Covenant House Georgia saves kids from the street giving kids what some of them have never had--- hope. Some are victims of abuse. Some were literally dropped on the street by relatives. Some are runaways. Some are kids who have aged out of the DFACS system. Covenant House is the only crisis facility for kids between the ages of 17 and 21. The beds are always full. Covenant House uses volunteers in many ways; explore some of them here . August 25 is a special day to ready the new Covenant House shelter for its young occupants. This will be a perfect day for a group of any sort to work together. More on this later…
22. Fulton County’s Housing and Human Services Department, Office of Aging, is opening Cooling Centers to seniors in need of a cooler environment to ensure their health and safety during days when temperatures are expected to rise as high as 100 degrees or more. The four Senior Multipurpose facilities will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to seniors in Fulton County. Residents without air conditioning are urged to visit one of the centers. Additionally, Neighborhood Senior facilities are available between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday during dangerously high temperatures. For a listing of Facilities and Senior Centers, call the Fulton County STARline 404-613-6000 or read more...
23. With obesity levels in the United States at all-time highs, Fulton County healthcare leaders are working to make improvements through a national effort to reverse the epidemic through innovative local partnerships between primary care providers, public health professionals, and leaders of community-based organizations. The team is working under the mantra" Faith Communities United for Health: Your Body is a Temple" and while still in its early stages has begun the process of conducting needs assessments. If you are clergy and interested in participating in this effort please contact Pam Buckmaster pambuckmaster@earthlink.net. For more information about this initiative, visit www.collaborateforhealthyweight.org.
24. Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur reminds us that Life Long Learning classes are open to anyone. Find out about upcoming classes here .
25. We were privileged to be a part of the 50th stained glass window tour at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church where Robert Mays led us through the story of our faith as depicted in the glorious windows. Our docent interwove the stories of the studios that created the windows, the master plan to tell the Christian story, the families that commissioned the windows to memorialize loved ones, the perils of delivery and installation, and the intricacies of interlocking depictions of Old and New Testament stories. Along with guests from First UMC, Christ the King Cathedral, Sandy Springs, and Dahlonega, we were treated to an unexpected delight; Arlan Sunnarborg and Charles Higgs displayed the exceptional capabilities of the St. Luke’s organ and their own talents with a short performance. The perfect afternoon was closed with afternoon tea with homemade goodies served in the Parish Hall. Read about a few other churches in the area that offer tours to visitors on our website.
Peace,Ethel Ware Carter
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
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