A Few Words about poverty and abundance from Barbara Crafton

Manna from the sky is the exception. Usually, God uses what's already there. Episcopal Relief and Development's work in poor countries mirrors that divine economy: use what is already there. Make what already exists in a community able to do better what it already does. Turn to local leaders, who already know their people, and give them the tools they need to do what they do better. Strengthen a community's capacity to sustain itself with the relationships of bartering, buying and selling it already has, and a small amount of money will go a long, long way.

In Puno, Peru, for example, where 78% of the population lives in poverty, ERD partners with the Anglican diocese and the Episcopal Church Loan Fund in offering loans to establish small businesses — very small by our standards, twenty-five or thirty dollars being enough to get one off the ground. Almost always, the indigenous Queucha and Aymara borrowers pay back their loans very quickly, something American lenders encounter only in their dreams. Thus the money becomes available to be lent again, and remains in the local market economy.

So the jar never empties, and the jug never runs dry. Because the people themselves continue to fill them.

On The State of Health Care in Georgia

  • In 2003, 45 million Americans went without health insurance for the entire year.
  • @ 45 million people, it would take one minute for 5 people to lose their insurance in the U.S.
  • In 2003, 1.4 million Georgians went without health insurance.
  • 21 percent of African-Americans in Georgia are uninsured.
  • African-Americans have a 30 percent greater chance of dying from heart disease than whites, and die from diabetes at twice the rate of whites.
  • Over 40 percent of Hispanics living in Georgia are uninsured compared with 11 percent of whites.
  • 22 percent of the uninsured in Georgia are children under the age of 18, as compared to 19 percent nationwide.
  • More than 70 percent of the uninsured in Georgia have at least one full-time worker at home.
  • Over 190,000 children in Georgia are enrolled in the PeachCare for Kids program ( the health care program in Georgia for uninsured kids who don't qualify for Medicaid).
  • Over 40,000 children were dropped from Peach Care this year due to changes in eligibility requirements.
  • Over 300,000 children in Georgia are currently uninsured.
  • Uninsured children are almost 5 times as likely as insured children to not have seen a physician for a preventive care visit in the past two years.
  • Last year, Georgia's unemployment rate hovered around 4.1%.
  • Job loss is the primary reason why adults become uninsured at some point during the year.


  • 1.3 billion people in the world have no clean water.
  • 3 billion people have no sanitation.
  • 2 billion people (about one-third of the world's population) have no electricity.
  • 20 per cent of the world's population consumes 86 per cent of the world's goods.

Simple compelling resource:The Poverty Tour

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Medicaid Re-enrollment

If your ministry serves Medicaid/PeachCare for Kids, the Dept. of Human Services has a message and materials for you. 

    • Redetermination began in April 2023. Based on changes in federal law, the State of Georgia must complete redeterminations up to May 2024. We want to ensure current Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® members are still eligible for coverage. 
    • During redetermination, the State of Georgia will collect and verify member information, including contact and income details as well as other requested information and documents that will be used to determine member eligibility. Not everyone will go through this process at the same time. In fact, it will take about 14 months to reach everyone. 
    • Members can visit gateway.ga.gov to view their redetermination date and to update their contact information today so they can stay informed about the status of their coverage. 
    • Members who need help can visit their local Division of Family & Children Services office for support. To find the location and business hours for local offices, visit: dfcs.ga.gov/location 
    • For more information on Medicaid redetermination, we are including a partner toolkit with resources in multiple languages, please visit “Stay Informed. Stay Covered.” 

Shallowford Center

for Mindful Living a place for contemplative practice, deep listening, and compassion 

Visit here for programs and events.

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Lutheran Resource in Response to Gun Violence

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, saddened by the all-too-frequent occurrences of gun violence in the U.S., invites you on a journey of prayer, scripture, stories, and church teachings with this resource, A 60-Day Journey Towards Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence - an ELCA Resource  Through daily observances, it calls us to work toward the prevention of gun violence as people of God who strive for justice and peace in all the world. It may be used for individual reflection, group Bible study, adult education sessions, and congregational daily devotions. This began on June 16 but can be used at any time.

Ignatius House

6700 Riverside Drive NW 

Atlanta, GA 30328 ignatiushouse.org

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