Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 8, 2018
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
1. Blessed are the peace makers. Coptic Christians have been nominated for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize for their refusal to retaliate against deadly and ongoing persecution. The Copts, who are the indigenous people of Egypt and number as many as 20 million around the world, have been the victims of centuries of violence and oppression for practicing their Christian faith. This is believed to be the first time such a group has been so nominated. Story here.
2. Every Friday, Orchard hosts a Men's Bible study at The Lodge Café in Buckhead. Life gets busy, press pause, and pray. For information and to register see praywithorchard. Read more>>
3. The Eighth Annual St. Matthew’s Car Show is Saturday, Oct. 13, at St. Matthew’s, 1520 Oak Road, Snellville, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. Proceeds from the show will again go to The Place of Seven Springs. This year, a portion of the proceeds will go to the Youth Ministry at St. Matthew’s to refurnish the classrooms affected by the flood last year. Families and individuals are referred to Seven Springs for assistance with emergency housing, utilities, and non-narcotic prescription medication. They have a food co-op and operate a Summer Lunch Program for homeless children. This is a judged show for all cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Contact for more information.
4. Northeast Baptist Church Fall Festival and yard sale, October 13, 10 – 12, with games, great food vendors, live music, fire trucks, baked goods . . . something for everyone. 4046 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta 30340.
5. Emory Gamelan 21st Anniversary Concert, “Memayu Hayuning Bawana: Sustaining the World’s Beauty, 4:00 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 13, Cannon Chapel, Emory University, 515 South Kilgo Circle NE, Atlanta. This is a family friendly event with general seating to accommodate 400. $10 suggested donation. For information contact
6. The Rev. Joe Evans, senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Marietta, is the featured preacher Oct. 14 and 21 on “Day 1,” the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible as a podcast and online His sermon for Oct. 14, entitled “When Israel Was a Child,” is based on Hosea 11, the comforting words that tell us God will not give up on his people even when they turn from him.
7. Sunday, October 14 at 3 p.m. staff singers of Morningside Presbyterian Church, 1411 N. Morningside Drive, N.E., will present a music concert featuring the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. There is no charge for this event; a love offering will be taken to help the music ministry. Seven extraordinary singers will sing arias, duets, trios, quartets, and choral selections, all from the pen of Mozart. All are welcome.
8. The 14th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration is Nov. 15 at Temple Kol Emeth, 1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta 30062. Come and sing with the choir, any singer is welcome, no audition, all skill sets welcome. The requirements are to show up for 3 rehearsals at Temple Kol Emeth and purchase the music for $7. First rehearsal is Monday, Oct. 15. Find all the information at
9. 55+ Joyful Sound Choir Music in the Mountain Festival, Oct. 18 and 19, Georgia Baptist Conference Center, 462 Sonrise Way 2400 Main St, Toccoa 30577. Registration info.
10. Free CE for counselors, therapists, social workers, folks in pastoral care, etc. How To Help Clinicians Help Their Clients with Enabling Behaviors. Friday, October 19, Noon - 2:00p.m. Registration, networking and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m., presentation begins at 12:30p.m. Caron Atlanta, 1200 Ashwood Parkway, Suite 125, Atlanta 30338. There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. Contact
11. A Parent and Family Workshop: Enabling Behaviors: Redirecting Your Energy From Your Loved One to Yourself, Saturday, October 20, 9:00a.m. - Noon (Registration & Continental Breakfast beginning at 8:30a.m.). Caron Atlanta, 1200 Ashwood Parkway, Atlanta 30338. Cost is $25. (Please do not let finances prohibit your attendance. Contact Nancy Zintak at or 404-805-1442 for a workshop scholarship.)
12. The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation presents L’Eglise de L’Incarnation Pr’esente Les Artistes Noirs in conjunction with the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs and Cultural Services of the French, 6 9 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 21. This movie concert features the cinematography of George Melies. It will include a French Wine Tasting to begin at 5 p.m. 2407 Cascade Road SW, Atlanta 30311.
13. The McDonald Lectures at Candler School of Theology, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 4 p.m. “Walking with God: Preparation, Presence and Practice,” delivered by Dr. Walter E. Fluker, distinguished visiting professor in the Alonzo L. McDonald Family Chair on the Life and Teaching of Jesus and Their Impact on Culture. He is Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Ethical Leadership at Boston University School of Theology. Admission is free but advance registration is required. Register here.
14. From diverse religious traditions, but united in being called by faith to protect and advocate for at-risk children, every year Interfaith Children’s Movement calls us together for a fall prayer breakfast. This year’s Prayer Breakfast theme is “Make a Move for Children.” Expect it to be lively, informative, visual and inspiring, with children and youth leading us in prayers. Wednesday, October 24, 7 – 9 a.m., The Temple, 1589 Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Tickets
15. Faith Leaders Breakfast hosted by Lutheran Services of Georgia, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 9:30 – 11 a.m., Peachtree Road United Methodist Church’s Hospitality Suite, 3180 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305. Please R.s.v.p. here. The Rev. Tiffany Chaney leads the discussion on Preaching the Truth in Love: Prophetic Preaching in the Current Context. Pastor Chaney serves Gathered by Grace, a congregation in Montgomery/Tuskegee, Alabama.
16. Cobb Faith Partnership special October forum on Outreach Area: Shelter for Homeless, Oct. 24, 11:30 a.m., Powder Springs First United Methodist Church, 4329 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA 30127.
17. Tony Grooms, author of “The Vain Conversation,” will be speaking at St. Benedict's Church at 7 p.m. on Wed, Oct 24. Inspired by actual events, his new book focuses on the question of redemption for racial crimes. All are welcome. St. Benedict's is located at 2160 Cooper Lake Rd, Smyrna. Please contact Kristine Anderson at for info.
18. "The Reformation at 501 Years," mark your calendar for Reformation Day at Emory, Oct. 25. This year’s program includes programming and an exhibition that looks at treasures of the 16th century through the lens of the challenges and opportunities facing the church and Christian theology in the 21st century. Read more.
19. The Atlanta Jewish Committee and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese invite you to a community-wide evening. Finding Unity in Our Diversity, Repairing the World, featuring Sister Mary Priniski, O.P. & Rabbi Brad Levenberg , Thursday, Oct. 25, Holy Spirit Catholic Church 6:00 p.m. Reception with Light Hors D'oeuvres, 7:00 p.m. Program. Doors will open at 5:30. R.s.v.p. here.
20. A lively, interactive exploration of Kaepernick, Code Words and the Mid-term Elections, Saturday, Oct. 27, at New Life Covenant Church’s quarterly Ephesians 2:15 discussion. The intentionally multi-cultural church, which seeks to live out its mission of biblical reconciliation and social justice, regularly holds discussions that explore issue of race, gender, class, and power. Breakfast at 9:30 a.m., discussion, and lunch at noon at the church, 575 Travis St., NW, Atlanta, 30318. For more info, call (404) 681-3558, visit or email The event is free and the public is cordially invited.
21. Rainbow Village's We Are Family Benefit Gala, Saturday, Oct. 27, 5:30 p.m., Atlanta Athletic Club, Johns Creek 30097. Funds raised during this event help Rainbow Village continue to break the cycles of homelessness, poverty, and domestic violence in Georgia. Their programming - housing for up to 30 families at a time, early education and after school care, youth programming, life skills training, career and financial counseling, and more, have helped thousands pave the way from homelessness to hopefulness. Be a part of something special and have a lasting impact on families in need by becoming an honorary member of the Rainbow Village family. Tickets are $175/person. Ticket sales end Monday October 15 at 11:59 p.m. Purchase Tickets.
22. "Spirituality in Your Own Key," a three-night retreat directed by Fr. Joe Costantino, SJ, November 1-4, at Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center, 6700 Riverside Drive NW, Atlanta 30328. Ignatian wisdom encourages spiritual adaptability to meet changing realities. You may find yourself reaffirming, deepening, and further appreciating your current spirituality and prayer. Perhaps you will discern some modification needed or discover something new that’s right for you. This is a silent retreat. Registration and more.
23. Atlanta Children’s Shelter will honor formerly homeless families with a celebration on Nov. 2 at City Winery Atlanta. These families with the support of the organization have achieved self-sufficiency through stable employment and housing. If you are interested in attending this celebratory event you can purchase tickets at this site.
24. Registration is now open for the 2018 Spirituality Conference at the Cathedral of St. Philip, A Day with the Rev. Becca Stevens: Exploring Creative and Relevant Ways of Practicing Justice, Healing, and Love. The day-long conference includes lectures, discussion, question & answer, and book signing. Saturday, Nov. 3, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more info and registration, visit the website.
25. Covenant House Georgia invites the community to Sleep Out America. Nov. 16, people from coast-to-coast will step out of their homes – and their comfort zones – to spend one night sleeping outside so homeless kids don’t have to. Sleep Out America helps Covenant House bring shelter to young people who have no place else to turn. It’s easy to join – all it takes is you, a safe place to sleep outside, and your commitment to helping kids get off the streets and into a positive environment. Join the movement where, for one night, America Sleeps Out. Sign up at
26. It's not too early to think about your holiday plans. Facilitated by AMIS, students will begin signing up to have Thanksgiving Dinner in local homes next month. If you are able to include an international student or two in your Thanksgiving celebration, please let AMIS know, sign up through this link. They will be a blessing to your family gathering.
27. We have announced Sacred Harp singings in the past and recently. Find more information about shape note singing, regular local groups, and some, “not too far away” opportunities at our website.
28. GPB ‘s “Saving Grace” is a series exploring rural Southern history using a combination of individual church stories, expert interviews, old maps/photographs/engravings, superior visual imagery and authentic roots music. Season one will present a number of historic churches across the state of Georgia. “Saving Grace – Southern history through the eyes of our rural chur...
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Ethel Ware Carter
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