Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 2, 2018

Church Action eNewsletter Week of October 2, 2018
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.

1. If you are in the neighborhood of Americus this weekend you will be interested in fair trade, organic coffee company, Cafe Campesino’s celebration of 20 years in business. Panel discussion with coffee producers, tastings, a latte art class, live music, and local food. Music and food events on Friday and Saturday are free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register and learn more.

2. Faith A.M.E. Zion Church Voter Registration Drive on Saturday, Oct. 6, 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in partnership with the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda. This event is open to the entire family. For more information, call the church office at (404)691-4075. Faith is located at 38 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr. Atlanta, 30311. The Rev. Brandon M. Moore is pastor.

3. The Rev. Anne Robertson, executive director of the Massachusetts Bible Society, is the featured preacher Oct. 7 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Hear her this Sunday at 7:05 a.m. on News 95.5 and AM 750 WSB. Visit for this sermon and many other resources.

4. Brookhaven United Methodist invites neighbors to worship in Briarwood Park on Oct 7 at 11 a.m. There will be refreshments, music, children’s activities, and a casual worship service. Come meet your neighbors, walk or carpool, bring a blanket or portable chair. Briarwood Park, 2235 Briarwood Way NE, Atlanta 30319.

5. Sunday Afternoon Jazz Brunch Featuring Kristin Houston & Friends, Oct 7, 2 – 4 p.m., First Congregational Church of Atlanta, 105 Courtland Street, Atlanta 30303. Tickets $20 and there’s a deal if you buy a couple of tickets. Tickets.

6. Atlanta's first Parkinson's Choir! The Alchemy Sky Foundation and The George Center are pleased to announce the development of a therapeutic choral program to help older adults living with Parkinson’s Disease improve their quality of life. Research has shown that music synchronizes neural activity, and can improve patients’ cognitive motor, sensorimotor, and speech/language symptoms. The choir meets at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Renaissance Senior living Center, 3755 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta 30319. It is free for all participants and caregivers. Questions? Call (678)701-1203 or Email Find out more here.

7. Premiering Wednesday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. on AIB Network: A non-descript house in Stonecrest, outside Atlanta, is the residence for the monks of the Georgia Buddhist Vihara. The community is based in Sri Lanka and followers learn the teachings in English, Sinhalese, and the Pali language of the sacred texts. In this edition of "Exploring Buddhism," you'll learn about Buddhism's Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Noble Path that underpin the traditions and philosophy of the faith. Encores Thursdays at 10 p.m., Saturdays at 11:30 a.m., Sundays at 6:30 a.m., Mondays at 10 p.m., Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

8. Next End New Jim Crow Action Group meeting, Oct. 10., 7 – 8:30 p.m. Jackie Walker, Sr., will share his experience as a parent of a son incarcerated in a Georgia prison. Jackie is a printer, a Deacon at First Iconium Baptist Church, a leader of Toastmasters, a husband, father, and grandfather. Formerly incarcerated people and family members of incarcerated people are welcome to bring their concerns. Atlanta Friends Meeting, 701 West Howard Ave, Decatur 30030 (1/2 mile E of East Lake MARTA sta.).

9. If you are called to minister to youth in juvenile facilities you will want to attend “Every Youth Every Facility: Georgia,” Oct. 12 & 13. This training is for those interested in leading faith based groups in juvenile facilities throughout Georgia. McDonough Christian Church, 2000 Jonesboro Rd., McDonough 30253. Register. Straight Ahead Ministries has been serving justice involved young people since 1987 and has staff and affiliates throughout the U.S. They also provide support for youth after release.

10. The International Human Trafficking Institute with the Center for Civil and Human Rights here in Atlanta invite you to get involved in one of the area’s largest volunteer efforts. Do something to help end human trafficking. Your first step is the training on Tuesday, Oct. 16. Find the registration and many other opportunities to make a difference right here.

11. Orchard Institute seminar, “Asking – The Art of Fundraising” Fundraising can be the scariest and overwhelming part of leading a non-profit. But it doesn’t have to be. This class is part practical applications, part biblical principles, and part simple encouragement to help any faith-based ministry grow in their fundraising efforts. The registration fee is $50 (includes lunch). Space is limited. Register today at October 17, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

12. Join the conversation. The Department of Human Services believes community partners are critical to realizing their vision of building stronger families. They are holding a meeting at First Baptist Church of Snellville, 2400 Main Street, Snellville, Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m. to noon, and invite faith-based organizations, congregations, and nonprofits to come explore the possibilities if we work together. Refreshments will be served. Register.

13. First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta and North Avenue Presbyterian Church offer a Mental Health Workshop for Faith Leaders, Oct. 18, 12 – 4 p.m., Fifield Hall, First Presbyterian Church. Lunch will be served. Suggested donation $20. The workshop will cover a broad range of topics. Led by Dr. John Tumeh, Chief of Psychiatry at Foundation Psychiatry, P.C. based at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, and the Rev. Katie Sundermeier, Executive Director of Samaritan Counseling. For more information or to sign up contact or (404)228 -7721.

14. 2018 Jane Baird Lecture, October 18, at 7 p.m., Cathedral of St. Philip, Why has the Zombie Apocalypse become one of the most dominant narratives in the Western world? What do people gain from viewing, reading, and playing stories about zombies? Is it possible that these stories about living death can teach us something about living life? Author and cultural critic Greg Garrett will discuss how zombie stories like “The Walking Dead” and “Game of Thrones” are actually retelling some of our most powerful secular and sacred stories. Reserve your seat here.

15. “Coming Home to the Body” with Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., Friday, Oct. 19, lecture 7:30 p.m., members $20, nonmembers $25, students $10. “Dreams, the Body and the Dance of Three” a workshop with Dr. Stromsted, Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 to 5. Members $60, nonmembers $70, students $50, CEUs $25. Brought to you by the Jung Society of Atlanta, Sandy Springs Christian Church, 301 Johnson Ferry Rd, Sandy Springs 30327. for more information.

16. Georgia Cares raises awareness of domestic minor sex trafficking and trains community members and professionals on warning signs and resources.  To see upcoming training dates, click HERE. To request a community training near you, please contact

17. Pet Blessing and Harvest Festival at Peachtree Christian Church, Saturday, October 20, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., in the church parking lot. Come for blessing of your pets both big and small, no matter the size all are welcome. In this spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, Peachtree Christian will celebrate the connection and love we share with our pets. There will be something for everyone to enjoy, crisp fall air and warm apple cider. . . DIY pet toy booth, world-famous chili, bouncy house! Harvest festival from 11– 2; Pet Blessing at 12:30 p.m. There is no cost and all are welcome. 1580 Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta 30309.

18. The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation presents L’Eglise de L’Incarnation Pr’esente Les Artistes Noirs in conjunction with the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs and Cultural Services of the French Embassy for E*L*E*V*A*T*E weekend in Cascade Heights SW Atlanta. Weekend events begin with the "Taste of the Incarnation" on Saturday, October 20, featuring French inspired food by local restaurateurs from African Francophile countries, at 2 – 5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at, $20 in advance; $25 at the door.

19. What Do Pastors and Other Leaders Need to Know to Be Effective in Today's Church? Certificate Program in Community Organizing and Congregational Leadership begins October 23, in Baltimore, MD. JCSTS, NEXT Church, and the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation team up to offer this program consisting of a one-week intensive in-person training, October 22-27 in Baltimore, followed by a six-month online learning module. The cost of the program is $1,098.00 plus room and board. It is open to clergy, laypeople, community leaders, seminarians, and others interested in organizing and community engagement. To register, visit

20. The United Methodist Men of Central United Methodist Church will host a community job fair on Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Central Early Learning Center located at 501 Mitchell Street, S.W., Atlanta 30314. Come professionally dressed to meet with potential employers. Free parking is available in the upper parking lot of the church. For additional information, contact Mr. Browning at (770) 334-1195.

21. Orchard Institute seminar “What’s Your Story? Creating and Effectively Presenting Your Organizational Narrative” With over 40 years of experience running non-profit organizations, instructor Helen Cunningham will help attendees intentionally define and capture their beliefs in a compelling organizational narrative. This class is a two-part course —a best practices session and a hands-on workshop session. Registration for the first session is $40. If you would like to take both sessions the cost is $70. You can register at October 24, Session 1: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Session 2: 1 – 3 p.m.

22. Koinonia has teamed up with Airbnb to host a Social Impact Experience with a behind-the-scenes look at the pecan orchards and their care, take a tractor ride out to the orchards, follow the journey of the pecan from the tree to the bakery, and, while in the bakery, spend time helping to make your favorite Koinonia products! A delicious handmade lunch is included with every Social Impact Experience. Visit their page on Airbnb,find out more, and sign up for a tour.

23. Don’t miss the 31st annual Reformation Day at Emory, Thursday, Oct. 25. This day-long program “The Reformation at 501 Years.” The day will feature some of the most recent acquisitions of the Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection, a beautiful worship service in Emory’s Cannon Chapel, musical performances, and an academic panel of leading theologians. You can find details and register for the event here.

24. Find out about the Street Grace Demand an End 5K coming up Oct. 27 in the Perimeter Mall area here.

25. “Then and There, Here and Now” a program celebrating Chanticleer’s 40th Anniversary will be Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church. Welcome back to Atlanta to William Fred Scott, Music Director. The program contains music by some of Chanticleer’s favorite composers, from Palestrina and Victoria to Mason Bates and Steven Stucky, lustrous examples of the South American baroque, as well as audience favorite arrangements by Jennings, Shaw, McGlynn and others. $30 adults / $18 students. Tickets here.

26. Atlanta Children’s Shelter will honor formerly homeless families with a celebration on Nov. 2 at City Winery Atlanta. These families with the support of the organization have achieved self-sufficiency through stable employment and housing. With the support of its founders, North Avenue Presbyterian Church and Junior League of Atlanta, community partners and supporters, the Atlanta Children's Shelter will continue to provide free, high-quality services to homeless families with young children. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this event contact the Executive Director, Sandra Holiday at or (404)937-5428.

27. Central Outreach and Advocacy celebrates the fifth annual Central Artworks: Fruit of Their Hearts, Saturday, Nov. 10, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., 746 Willoughby Way, Atlanta 30312. The annual art show was initiated to provide insight into the lives, experiences, and skills of artists and those who become artists through Central OAC, people who are currently experiencing homeless and being helped to transition to housing by Central OAC. A professional environment for displaying their art allows artists an outlet for public creative expression and storytelling. It is also an avenue to appreciate those gifts and support this refuge for creativity, engagement, and hope. We are telling you early because there are sponsorship opportunities. More here.

28. The Atlanta Penn Center Support Group plans a weekend trip to St. Helena Island to visit the home of the Gullah/Geechie Nation , Nov. 10-11, in conjunction the Penn Center Annual Heritage Festival. Recently named a National Heritage Site, Penn Center is the home of the Penn School, one of the first schools in the United States for formerly enslaved people. Email for additional information about the group and participation possibilities.

Visit our website for the community calendar, the Clergy Tool Box for Mental Health Ministry, and many other resources.

Ethel Ware Carter

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