Church Action eNewsletter Week of November 5, 2018

Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Church Action eNewsletter Week of November 5, 2018

1. International students are signing up now through AMIS to be invited to an American home for Thanksgiving. For many, it will be their first time in an American home and their first taste of our traditional Thanksgiving dishes. Would you make space for 1 or 2 international students at your Thanksgiving celebration? Join AMIS in sharing friendship and hospitality with a student from around the world by signing up through this online form

2. “Looking Back, Looking Forward—Reading the Reformation through the Lens of Contemporary Theology” will be available through Nov. 30.  Pitts Theology Library presents rare books and documents from the Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection to shed light on the original context of the Reformation and to invite discussion on how these documents can inform the issues and concerns of today. Tours are available. Learn more here.

3. A reminder of “Religious Literacy and the Foundation of Abrahamic Dialogue” a talk with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Pill, Nov, 8, 12 – 2 p.m., Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Rita Anne Rollins Building, Room 360, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta 30322. Visitor parking is available in Emory University's Peavine Lot, 29 Eagle Row, Atlanta, 30322. This event is sponsored by the Leadership and Multifaith Program. Read more.

4. The deadline to participate in Light Up the Holidays for a Vulnerable Georgian is Nov. 10. This program from the Ga. Department of Human Services offers a chance to help make a joyful holiday for an adult living in a long-term care facility. Email for details and read more here.

5. 6TH Annual Community Health Expo/Open Enrollment Saturday, November 10, 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Shy Temple CME Church, 2012 Memorial Drive, Atlanta.

6. "Lion and Tigers and Bears Oh My," discovering our inner instinctive selves. Pete Williams, PhD, Saturday, November 10, lecture from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sandy Springs Christian Church, 301 Johnson Ferry Rd NW, Sandy Springs 30328. For more information go to

7. The Rev. Dr. Charles Reeb, senior pastor of Johns Creek United Methodist Church, is the featured preacher Nov. 11 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast. Hear his sermon on Sunday morning at 7:05 on News 95.5 and WSB 750 AM or visit to hear and read it now.

8. Come Away to the Skies: A High, Lonesome Bluegrass Mass at Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street SW, Atlanta 30303, Sunday, Nov. 11, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. All Saints Day, the Chancel Choir and Chuck Nation Bluegrass Band will present Come Away to the Skies: A Bluegrass Mass, a musical bluegrass version of the typical mass liturgy. Playing the banjo will be the composer Tim Sharp.

9. The World War One Centennial Commission, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library, the Society of the Honor Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, announces Bells of Peace: A World War One Remembrance collaboration inviting citizens and organizations, across the entire country, to toll bells in their communities twenty-one times on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 11:00 a.m. local time. Bells will be tolled in places of worship, schools, town halls, public carillons, and cemeteries, to mark the centennial of the Armistice that brought an end to hostilities, in what Americans fervently hoped had been "The War to End All Wars." This nationwide program honors those American men and women who served one hundred years ago. The war ended by armistice at 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918. Click here for more information. If any church has a question please contact Dr. Virginia Dilkes at (770)924-1452.

10. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Atlanta Field Office, Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia, Georgia Sheriffs’ Association, and the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police are collaborating to present a training and comprehensive briefing. Training for Faith Communities in Response to Violence for clergy and leadership teams, Sunday, Nov. 11, 3 - 6 p.m., Congregation Shearith Israel, 1180 University Dr., NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. (404) 873-1743.

11. Chamber Music in the Rotunda: Organ Dedication Concert. Experience the delights and intimacy of chamber music as Peachtree Road UMC, 3180 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta 30305, dedicates two instruments, the Van Daalen continuo organ and the Estey Harmonium pedal organ, made specifically for this purpose. Sunday, Nov. 11, 7 p.m. The concert will feature PRUMC’s Schola, renowned organists, and other musicians from around the area. $15 suggested concert donation, $5 students.

12. The Effects of Social Media on your Teen - a Seminar for Parents, Powder Springs First United Methodist Church, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 6 – 8 p.m. , 4329 Marietta Street, Powder Springs 30127.

13. Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Dean's Lecture, Nov. 14. Dr. Teresa Morgan, Professor of Graeco-Roman History at Oxford University, will present “Towards a Theology of Trust.” This lecture will begin to outline a theology of New Testament trust, exploring both the relationship of trust between God, Christ, and the faithful, and the epistemic trust on which it is based.Learn more and register.

14. Atlanta Prays Community Partner Gathering Nov. 15, from 2-3:30 p.m., Community Partner Gathering focused on Food Rescue in the S. Atlanta/Airport region, Salvation Army Kroc Center at 967 Dewey Street SW; Atlanta. For more information email

15. Dana Anderson is the South's first artist with special needs to be selected to have her own gallery exhibit. She is 26 years old and has Down syndrome and autism. She cannot care for herself, does not read, write, or speak; but has found her voice in acrylic painting. More about Dana. Meet the artist Thursday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. Central Presbyterian Church, 201 Washington Street, SW, Atlanta 30303. Read more>>

16. 14th Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration, Thursday, Nov. 15,  7 Kislev 5779, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m., Temple Kol Emeth, 1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta 30062. This program combines uplifting messages, music, and a healthy dose of humor to inspire those in attendance to find common goals to benefit their local communities. During the reception, guests will enjoy samples of treats from the different congregations and a Wall of Words where anyone can write their thoughts, comments, or feedback. Due to the popularity of the event, please plan to arrive early to ensure parking and seating as the building will reach capacity. Can't make it to the event? You can view it online at

17. Healthy Congregations Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, sponsored by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, Friday, Nov. 16 - Saturday, Nov. 17. This workshop is designed to equip pastors and other church leaders with strategies to deal with anxiety and conflict within their congregation in ways that promote healing and that help the church stay focused on its unique mission and purpose. For complete details, refer to our current brochure. To register, visit the Registration page at

18. Simple Needs GA is hosting an open house Saturday, Nov. 17, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at 991 Industrial Park Drive Marietta 30062. They will give tours and tell you about their programs and how you can help. Some clients will be there to share their stories. It's a great time to learn more about how their work benefits people in need in our community.

19. A community-wide Thanksgiving Service will be held Sunday, November 18, at 5:00 p.m. in the Northside Drive Baptist sanctuary. Bring your out of town family, neighbors, and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving together at 3100 Northside Drive, Atlanta 30305.

20. Brookhaven United Methodist Church will celebrate a community Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22, 11:30 a.m., 1366 N Druid Hills Rd, NE, Atlanta 30319.

21. The North Fulton Mental Health Collaborative will meet Thursday, Nov. 29, 9 – 11 a.m., 2850 Old Alabama Road, Third Floor, Room S305. Jewell Gooding, executive director of Mental Health American of Georgia will present Mental Health 101. All are invited especially faith and community leaders who can share the information with those they lead. For more information about the collaborative, contact Cathy Murphy at or (678)893-5304.

22. Dr. Walter Fluker, the 2018-19 distinguished visiting professor in the Alonzo L. McDonald Family Chair on the Life and Teachings of Jesus and Their Impact on Culture, will present the second of two public lectures, titled “Speaking from Sites Reserved for the Dead: Lingering Memories of Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Great Mistake Jamestown Made Long Ago.” Thursday, Nov. 29, 4 – 5:30 p.m. Candler School of Theology. Registration is required. Read more and register here

23. Calling all artists, knitters, crafters, jewelry makers, canners, and bakers—The Trinity Christmas Market needs you! A favorite event during the advent season, the market benefits Trinity’s global mission programs in Cuba, Haiti, and refugee resettlement in Atlanta. Donations of arts, crafts, baked goods, and more make a tremendous contribution. This year the Market will be Saturday, December 1 and Sunday, December 2, 9 am to 1 pm. 3003 Howell Mill Road, Atlanta 30327.

24. Atlanta InterFaith Leaders Forum invites the community to the Tenth Annual Taste of Faith, Sunday, Dec. 2, 2 – 5 p.m., when the Rev. Dr. T. Paul Groetz will welcome all to the City of Lights Worship Center at 3125 Presidential Parkway, Atlanta 30340. This annual event is an opportunity for members of all of Atlanta’s diverse faith communities to come together to sample delicious dishes from our diverse traditions and enjoy fellowship. No reservations are needed; there is no charge for attendance. Friends and family members are always welcome. 

25. Dr. Sarah Bogue, Head of Research and Access Services at the Pitts Theology Library, will lead a Master Class, sponsored by the American Theological Library Association, at the 2019 National Festival of Young Preachers titled; “The Research Side of Sermon Prep.” Get the information you need to do good solid biblical analysis in the quickest, most efficient way. It will empower you to be a creative and impactful interpreter of biblical texts—using primarily freely accessible and online tools. Also, ATLA is providing free trial access to their online ATLA Serials database to all Young Preachers who register for the National Festival! Registration is open.

We are still working on recapturing our audience after the collapse of our communication system. Please pass the eNewsletter to anyone you think might be interested. People can sign up for the newsletter on our website. Visit for the community calendar, the Clergy Tool Box for Mental Health Ministry, and many other resources.

Peace, Ethel Ware Carter

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