God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Weekly Church Action eNewsletter
Holy Week 2015
All community events are posted in the calendar at www.rccatl.org We are happy to include any announcement you have that you would like sent to the greater faith community. Send your announcements to ecarter@rccatl.org
1. The public is invited to the seventh annual Stations of the Cross Artistic Exhibit at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, featuring 14 artistic interpretations of the events in Jesus' journey to the cross, each is made by a member of the parish or staff. The free display is scheduled through April 3 (8 a.m.-6:30 p.m.) in the church narthex and nave, including before and after services. More information at stbarts.episcopalatlanta.org
2. Suicide Intervention workshops will be offered by Armed Forces Mission in April in two locations. April 2 at First Baptist Church Villa Rica and April 25 at the City of Refuge in Atlanta. These one day workshops are open to individuals from all walks of life and also offers 7 hours of CE credit for mental health professionals. Hours are 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. Register at www.iwillintervene.com.
3. Holy Week at Hillside International Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd. SW, Atlanta 30311, with Bishop Dr. Barbara L. King, Rev. Dolores Voorhees and Rev. Dr. Rocco A. Errico will include a Communion & Healing Service on Thursday, April 2, 7:00 p.m..
4. The 35th annual Good Friday Pilgrimage is an ecumenical journey of reflection based on the traditional Christian prayer experience called Way of the Cross, a tradition, synonymous with Lent, Holy Week, and especially Good Friday, in which we remember the suffering Jesus Christ endured. People of all faiths will join in this pilgrimage to visit 14 urban sites throughout downtown Atlanta and reflect upon Christ's suffering in relation to current social justice issues. This multilingual walking prayer is a moving experience that includes scripture readings, reflections, prayer, and music. Read more>>
5. Hoosier Memorial United Methodist Church presents The Tenebrae; Two Faces in the Shadows, Friday, April 3; 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Rev. Gary Dean, is the Senior Pastor and the church is located at 2545 Benjamin E. Mays Drive, SW, Atlanta, 30311. This is Hoosier’s fourth year presenting this play and each year it gets better and better. You don’t want to miss it. All are invited Free admission. Contact the church office for additional information at (404)755-1686.
6. Experience the profound sorrow of Good Friday while holding fast to the hope of the Third Day. The Music Ministry of Decatur First United Methodist Church, 300 E. Ponce de Leon, Decatur, is pleased to present the Chancel Choir with orchestra in "Sowing Tears and Reaping Joy," a concert featuring Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem. The concert will be in the Sanctuary on Good Friday, April 3, at 7:00 p.m. No admission charge and childcare is available.
7. Day 1 featured preacher for Sunday is the Dr. Christoph Keller III His sermon for Easter Day , April 5, is based on John's account of the Resurrection (John 20:1-18) and entitled "Veritas." Listen online or find a station at Day1.org
8. End New Jim Crow Action Group next educational meeting, short film, and discussion on private probation plus a presentation by a formerly incarcerated person, Wed., April 8, at 7:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Friends Meetinghouse, 701 West Howard Ave, Decatur 30032 (about 1/2 mile east of East Lake MARTA). For more details or to schedule an educational program, contact Damon Stewart at stewart84995@hotmail.com. Facebook
9. Thomas Merton Lecture and Exhibit. Celebrate 100 years of Thomas Merton and get a guided tour of the excellent Thomas Merton exhibit at the Aquinas Center, Emory, and a lecture on Thomas Merton by Dr. Phillip Thompson on April 9 from 6-8 p.m. For more information and to make a reservation go here.
10. Concluding the "Church and State" trilogy of plays that began with Doubt and Defiance, John Patrick Shanley's Storefront Church is a hilarious morality tale that explores the often thorny relationship between spiritual experience and social action. At Theatrical Outfit starting on April 9 Read More>>
11. Don’t miss the Flea Market organized by the United Methodist Children’s Home Auxiliary! April 10 & 11, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 500 S Columbia Drive, Decatur 30030. The sale supports the mission of the United Methodist Children's Home. Find a great bargain and support our community’s children at the same time! Credit cards accepted. Call (404)327-5820 for information.
12. St. David's Car Show, St. David’s Episcopal Church, 1015 Old Roswell Road, Roswell 30076. Cars of all vintages, new and old, will be on display for your viewing pleasure from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, April 11, on the back lawn at St. David’s. Admission is free for spectators; exhibitors will donate to St. David's outreach ministries. The St. David's Men's Club will sell hot dogs, hamburgers and brats. Young children can be on the playground (supervised) while you look at great cars and cast votes for the ones you like. It's going to be a great day with lots going on! Cars wanted! If you have a car that you want to put in the show, please call Mike Dougherty at (770)527-2599 or Reid Puckett at (404)825-7688.
13. The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Diocesan Commission on Hispanic Ministry presents its annual fiesta with great ethnic foods, dinner, singing and dancing beginning at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 11 at the Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta. All are welcome. Bring a dish to share or just come and bid on a variety of silent auction items. Proceeds help the poor in Latin America.
14. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, PC USA, 4882 LaVista Road in Tucker, invites the community to the installation of its new pastor, Rev. Camille LeBron Powell, on Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m. in the church sanctuary. A reception will follow the installation and worship service in Heffner Hall. The Rev. Dr. Karen Akin, Associate Pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, will be preaching. The music ministry is excited to honor the Presbyterian Church’s Scottish roots with bagpipes and other special music. Rev. Powell was born in Heidelberg, Germany and grew up in Dallas, Texas.
15. Roswell United Methodist Church invites the community to a concert by The Canterbury Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys on Sunday, April 12, at 3 p.m. in the RUMC Sanctuary. The diverse program will include masterworks spanning the centuries as well as newly composed works. The choir performs for daily services at Canterbury Cathedral in the United Kingdom, seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and has performed in concert for dignitaries, heads of state, and royalty throughout the world. The choir rarely travels to the United States, so don’t miss this opportunity!
16. Join Compassionate Atlanta and friends for the next Community Conversation, Peachtree Branch Library Meeting Room, 1315 Peachtree St. NE, Wednesday, April 15, 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. A community discussion around meditation and compassion. Come learn and discuss their connection. Click here to RSVP on the Facebook event page.
17. Reset America, A Christ-Centered Prayer for Awakening gathering of denominational executives and prayer ministry leaders will be held on April 16. David Franklin, National Day of Prayer State Coordinator will be hosting this time of prayer and connection. Please contact Ann Tatum for more information annbba@bellsouth.net This lunch and afternoon meeting will precede the Convergence Conference. Find out more about the conference here.
18. Written Magazine in partnership with Hammonds House Museum presents Wine and Words® with Alysia Burton Steele, light food fare and spirits and a discussion of Delta Jewels. Inspired by memories of her beloved grandmother, photographer and author Alysia Burton Steele--picture editor on a Pulitzer Prize-winning team--combines heart-wrenching narrative with poignant photographs of more than 50 female church elders in the Mississippi Delta. With the help of local pastors, Steele recorded these living witnesses to history and folk ways, and shares the significance of being a Black woman--child, daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother in Mississippi--a Jewel of the Delta. Hammond House Museum, 503 Peeples Street SW, Atlanta 30310, Thursday, April 16, 6:30- 8:30 p.m., details and tickets.
19. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 4882 LaVista Road in Tucker, will hold its annual Race for Grace on Saturday, April 18, 2015, starting at 8 a.m. This is the fifth R4G as it is called at St. Andrews, and it’s a 5K/10K walk/run Peachtree Road Race Qualifier through the neighborhoods adjacent to the church. Registration is $25 until two weeks before the race, and $30 thereafter. Register Proceeds from the race help fund the church youth and their summer mission trips. The race is always friendly and well-run with a tech T-shirt at the end. Plus, don’t miss the Waffle House biscuits, coffee, and juice as a special treat when you arrive at the finish line. See Facebook page here.
20. Teen Summit: If Love is A Game, Check Your Mate! Healthy Relationships. On April 18, teens from all over Metro Atlanta will gather in Decatur for straight talk about relationships. This FREE event is planned and implemented by the PEERsuaders, a group of dynamic teens that are part of a youth development program of More Than Conquerors, Inc. Topics such as dating violence, money, sex abuse, communication, and self-respect will be presented using board game themes. Highlights will include special performances, music, prizes, and gifts. The summit is open to all teens ages 13-19. New Life Church & Community Center, 3592 Flat Shoals Road, Decatur 30034, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Free breakfast and lunch are included. Youth groups are welcome. Register online. For more information please contact MTCI at (770) 483-3299 or email PEERmanagement@mtcimp.org.
21. Remember that Sandi Patty will be in concert with Veritas at Johns Creek Baptist Church on Sunday, April 19, at 7:00. This concert promises to be one of the best North Atlanta offers this spring. Get your General Admission tickets ($20/each) at www.jcbc.org or by calling 678-474-4415.
22. Bettye Rose Connell Memorial Lecture Series events foster collaboration in scientific and clinical rehabilitation in environment, aging, and dementia, Tuesday, April 21-22, Emory University, 2015, come for any or all of these events. Tuesday, April 21, 2-4 p.m., Diversity in Dementia Conference, an interactive conference for clinicians, academies, researchers, community members, family members, advocates and care partners of individuals with a neuro-cognitive disorder. Keynote Lecture -Dr. Laura Gitlin, Caring for Persons with Dementia and Family Caregivers: The State of the Science and Innovative Approaches, 5 -6 p.m. Wednesday April 22, Atlanta VA Medical Center, 8-9:30 a.m. Innovations in Dementia Care: Current Status and Future Collaborations. Please register for April 21. There is no registration for April 22. Register for the Pre-lecture Workshop here. . Register for the2015 Keynote Lecture here.
23. Emmaus House Gala, Thursday, April 23, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Carter Center. Support this ministry in Peoplestown as it begins its new summer partnership with the Children's Defense Fund. Purchase your tickets and learn more about this fun evening with special guests Episcopal Bishop Rob Wright and Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright, musical entertainment, and more here.
24. Grass Roots Justice Awards, April 29, 6 p.m., a benefit for the Georgia Justice Project, honoring Teresa Wynn Rosenborough, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary, The Home Depot, for her deep commitment to civil rights, racial justice, and meaningful criminal justice reform on the state and national levels. Support or buy tickets here.
25. Gospel of Nonviolence: The Great Failure, The Only Hope! Saturday, May 2, featuring Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy, St. Jude Catholic Church Ministry Hall, 7171 Glenridge Drive at Spalding Drive. Sponsored by Pax Christi St. Jude. Requested Donation: $25 Adults $15 College Students (Includes lunch.) Register Online by April 25. For information contact Ellen Finnigan (404)398-7600, Ashley Petty (770)324-0684, or Joe Goode (770)396-5902.
26. Mark your calendar for Just Voices, a community chamber chorus specializing in music for unaccompanied voices, Spring Concerts on Saturday, May 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Virginia Highland Church, 743 Virginia Avenue NE, Atlanta 30303, and Sunday, May 3 at 4:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish, 515 East Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur 30030. The program will feature classical pieces, spirituals, shape-note tunes, and vocal jazz on the theme of time. Adults $10; Students $5. For more information visit www.justvoices.org or follow concert previews on Facebook.
27. Program for Mid-Career Clergy, Columbia Theological Seminary, extends application deadline to May 5. The Colloquy for Mid-Career Clergy is a program for mid-career clergy addressing experiences common to mid-career clergy such as facing a career transition, standing at a vocational crossroads, and seeking support among peers. Applicants will be selected and notified in May. For additional information, click here. Two sessions (attendance at both required): August 10–12, 2015 and January 11–13, 2016. For an application form, click here.
Browse the Columbia Theological Seminary website for other courses coming up this summer and fall.
28. Women’s Health Expo, Wednesday, May 6, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., GMC Resource Center, 665 Duluth Hwy, Lawrenceville GA 30046. Come for this free lunch event that will include Q&A with an expert panel, free screenings, community vendors, great door prizes. Panel topics will include women's health, nutrition, dermatology and stroke. Space is limited, so register today! To register, call (678)312-5000 or visit gwinnettmedicalcenter.org/classes.
29. Do you want to have fun? Do you like to run? Join the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV) in their first Race for Empowerment 5k Run/Walk, Saturday, May 9, Piedmont Park. Every dollar raised directly supports their work to prevent domestic violence. Prizes will be awarded to the top three runners. Registration includes t shirt and swag bag. REGISTER HERE!
30. Action Ministries’ Women’s Community Kitchen is in need of churches and civic groups to provide, prepare, and serve one meal a month to 100 women & children who are homelessness in Atlanta during the summer months. Meals are served daily Monday-Friday from 11am-12noon at Grace United Methodist Church, 458 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE. Volunteer groups may be as small as a team of 3 individuals or as large as a group of 25+. For more information or to R.s.v.p., please contact Virginia Spencer at 678-662-0726 or vspencer@actionministries.net.
31. The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30305, offers Taizé, a contemplative service, in Mikell Chapel the third Monday of each month at 8 p.m. Two or more musicians with guitars, and sometimes a harp, flute, or cello, lead the music in the space dimly lit by dozens of candles. Taizé worship is known for its uniquely prayerful style of music that has a contemplative or meditative quality. Simple words or phrases are sung to a simple melody and repeated many times over, making them easy to learn and to sing. These simple chants tend to strike a chord deep within our souls and become a prayer of the heart. Read more>>
32. Due West United Methodist Church invites your congregation to the fourth annual Caregivers' Conference: Empowering the Caregiver 2015. This free event will be held May 2, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. A beautiful lunch is provided. 3956 Due West Road, Marietta, GA 30064, family life center, (building B.) Make your reservation by contacting Sheila Welch at sheilaowelch@gmail.com or (404)642-6027. Directions Speakers & Topics: Neurologist, Dr. Daniel Potts, Art and Alzheimers: A Personal Journey-25 Lessons Learned; Ellen Potts, The World Behind the Behavioral Issues; Sarah Carson, LCSW, Enhancing Communication with a Person with Dementia; Sheila Welch, Families at Risk, Protecting Yourself While Protecting Your Loved Ones.
Ethel Ware Carter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta, Inc.
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