God calls us to some things we cannot do alone.
Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta
Weekly Church Action eNewsletter
Week of March 23, 2015
All community events are posted in the calendar at www.rccatl.org
Mental Health First Aid trainings are popular, please let Mary Wilson of C.H.I.P. know if you want to consider this for your congregation or group so she can get you on our calendar. Her email is mwilson@ep-cat.org. Visit the C.H.I.P. website to see the Creating Compassionate Congregations Mental Health Ministry Tool Box. Mental Health First Aid Training is an important first step in this ministry.
Note there are two Stephen Ministry events coming up in April, Atlanta Annual Meeting, April 18, and an Introduction to Stephen Ministry, April 25.
1. If you are interested in adopting an older child or a sibling group, plan to attend the Partnering for Permanency "Making Connections" Statewide Adoption Match Meeting. It is tomorrow. Case managers from across the state will be presenting children who are waiting to be adopted through video presentations. An informational meeting will be held for those families who are interested in beginning the process. Sponsored by the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services. Thursday, March 26, 6 - 8 p.m., Hilton Atlanta Airport, 1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, 30354. To learn more call (877) 210-KIDS.
2. Lenten Services and Fish Fry, Lutheran Church of the Atonement, 1875 Joseph E. Boone Blvd., Atlanta, Friday, March 27, Fish Fry and Skit, 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Living Last Supper Reenactment, 6:30 p.m. The community is invited.
3. Embry Hills United Methodist Church presents a BBQ, Bake Sale, and Craft Fair. Since 1968 this tradition has welcomed spring on Henderson Mill Road. Come out on Saturday, March 28, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for great food, fun, and gifts. Adult cost is $9 and kids 12 and under $5. 3304 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta 30341, www.embryhillsumc.org
4. Two free prostate cancer screenings where ProstAware and Georgia Prostate Cancer Coalition will be present. Read more>>.
5. The Rev. Christoph Keller III is the featured preacher March 29, Palm Sunday, on Day 1 broadcast on WSB radio at 7:05 a.m. Is God Dead is his sermon.
6. The Sunday, March 29, Daffodil Dash is a 1mile & 5K Run/Walk in memory of the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust organized by the Am Yisrael Chai! Teen Initiative as a part of Genocide Prevention Month in Georgia. Your support helps create a Living Holocaust memorial as 1.5 million daffodils are planted in memory of the children. The race raises awareness and funds for Holocaust Education and supports children suffering in humanitarian crises in the world today: Am Yisrael Chai!, a non profit Holocaust Education and Awareness organization, Kids for Kids, Raising South Sudan, and Agahozo Shalom, helping children and families in remote villages in Darfur, South Sudan, and Rwanda. The purpose of this race is to bring together the community to remember the past and reach for a future of peace and tolerance. Online Registration closes on FRIDAY, MARCH 27 at 5:00 p.m. After that time you can register on race day at 8:00 a.m. at Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody. http://www.daffodildash.org/daffodil/register.asp
7. Disabilities Ministry Parent Conference, March 29, The Chancery, Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, 2401 Lake Park Drive, Smyrna 30080. The Disability Ministry for the Archdiocese of Atlanta welcomes all parents and grandparents of children and adults living with disabilities to join together for faith, family and friendship. Read more>>
8. Atlanta's own nationally acclaimed director/choreographer, Patdro Harris, will conduct a master class on Dance Ministry/Praise Dance this from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Sunday, March 29, 2015 at Hillside International Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd. SW, Atlanta, Ga 3031. Cost: $10.
9. The Southern Folk Passion service is this Sunday—Palm Sunday – March 29, 4:00 p.m. at Druid Hills Baptist Church, 1085 Ponce De Leon Ave, Atlanta. Brenda Bynum reads the Passion narrative and the Meridian Chorale provides music. Everyone is warmly invited to this one hour service based on musical and spiritual traditions of Georgia.
10. Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters, Inc. (AIB), Spiritual Journey: In the last interview before his untimely death, The Rev. Syngman Rhee shared the story of his life from being sent to safety during the Korean War to his involvement in the US Civil Rights movement, his return to help his homeland, and his leadership in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Join AIB for the Spiritual Journey: Reverend Syngman Rhee, Tuesday, March 31, 6 p.m. AIBTV
11. The Sheboygan Lutheran High School Music Department from Sheboygan, Wis., will perform in Marietta, Tuesday, March 31, 7:30 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church, 2111 Lower Roswell Rd., Marietta. "Crown Him With Many Crowns" is the theme for the concert which will feature the Konzertchor and Symphonic Band. A variety of contemporary and sacred music will be performed by each of the ensembles. Admission is free to all. There will be a free-will offering taken to support the ministry of Lutheran High School and the Music Department. Bring family and friends for this wonderful night of music.
12. Musica Sacra Chorus & Orchestra of First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, 1328 Peachtree Street NW, 30309, invite the community to the performance of The Last Seven Words of Christ by Theodore Dubois as part of a Good Friday Tenebrae Service, April 3, at 7:30 p.m. Rolando Salazar, conductor. The extinguishing of lights and candles will accompany the music as we observe this most scared day by listening to the depiction of the spiritually moving scenes of Christ's crucifixion. Free parking across from the church at LAZ parking deck. Contact: Katharine Hamer at 404-228-7732 or khamer@firstpresatl.org
23. College Park Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service on the Greens, Sunday, April 5, 7:00 a.m., at the Historic College Park Golf Course located at 3711 Fairway Drive, College Park 30337, Rev. Frank Brown, Preacher, Sr. Pastor Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church and President, Concerned Black Clergy. Host churches are: College Park CME, Harris Chapel UMC, Laster Chapel UMC, Mercy Missionary Faith Church, Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, Power Community Church, Rivertown UMC, Rocky Head UMC, Smith Chapel UMC, St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church, and Village Center. Directions.
24. The next Living With Loss series from Care and Counseling Center of Georgia in Roswell will be in April. April 1, 8, 15, 22; 1-2 p.m. Anyone who is interested should contact Doyle Hamilton at dhamilton@cccgeorgia.org or (404) 636-1457, X439.
25. Holy Week Worship Services and Easter Revival on the Southside
26. The Gateway Center is looking for churches and faith organizations to provide, prepare, and serve one meal a month to men experiencing homelessness in Atlanta. Open orientation on homelessness for anyone interested will be April 6 at 7 pm. For more information, please visit www.gatewayctr.org
27. St. John's Lutheran Church, 1410 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE, Atlanta 30307, will host their first Community Conversations, April 11 and 18. The guest on April 11 will be Aimee Maxwell, Executive Director of the Georgia Innocence Project. Its first exoneree, Mr. Clarence Harrison, will be the guest on April 18. Click on dates for more information. For information on the Georgia Innocence Project, click here.
28. Atlanta interfaith Leaders Fellowship Annual Scriptural Reasoning Workshop Sunday, April 12, 2:30 p.m. until about 4:30, 2660 Peachtree Rd. NW, Atlanta 30305. If you would like to attend please e-mail the host Bill Voss at vossduck@mindspring.com with your name and phone number. Pre-registration is required on or before Friday, April 10. There is no charge for attending. This year’s topic is what guidance our scriptures offer for the personal practice of justice in our world. Texts will be introduced by leaders from the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Baha’i traditions. Small groups will read and discuss the texts.
29. Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and other works by Jewish Composers, Tuesday, April 14, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., Congregation Beth Shalom, 5303 Winters Chapel Road, Atlanta 30360, Zimria Festivale Atlanta, The Lynn Swanson Festival Singers, The Orchestra of the American Heartland, $20 adults; $15 students & +65; Under 12 Free at the Door or online at Eventbrite. For Information Call (678) 787-9189 or email Mail@FestivalSingers.org
30. Introduction to Stephen Ministry Workshop, Johns Creek United Methodist Church, conducted by Stephen Ministries, St. Louis. 11180 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, Family Life Center, April 18, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Cost is $15 per person or $50 per congregation. To sign up visit www.stephenministries.org
31. Howard Thurman, April 18, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta Read more Read more>>
32. Through The Eye of The Needle: The Art of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz, An event commemorating Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance) and in recognition of Genocide Prevention and Awareness month, Sunday, April 19, from 7 - 9.30 p.m., Congregation Gesher L'Torah, 4320 Kimball Bridge Road, Alpharetta 30022. More than 40 years after the Holocaust, Esther Nisenthal Krinitz depicted her remarkable story of survival through a stunningly beautiful series of 36 fabric collage and embroidery panels. Rachel Peric, Esther’s granddaughter, will be present to guide the audience through the screening and a discussion of the documentary. For more information, visit www.artandremembrance.org. This program is free and open to the community. However, reservations are required through Eventbrite, so please click here to save your seat .
33. Sandi Patty will be in concert with Veritas at Johns Creek Baptist Church on Sunday, April 19, at 7:00 featuring the 120-voice JCBC Sanctuary Choir. Sandi’s fans will enjoy her praise songs, How Majestic is Your Name and Make His Praise Glorious along with her powerful rendition of How Great Thou Art. The rising talent of Veritas leads in Agnus Dei and 10,000 Reasons in exceptional harmony and energy. This concert promises to be one of the best North Atlanta offers this spring. Get your General Admission tickets, $20 each at www.jcbc.org or by calling (678)-474-4415.
34. Columbia Theological Seminary is hosting its annual Colloquium 2015 on April 20–22. Titled The Church Facing the Future: Memory, Hope, and Obedience, it will feature a lineup of some of the seminary’s most well-known and well-loved faculty emeriti. The annual event provides both clergy and laypersons with relevant reflection on God’s mission in the world today. All students will be admitted free of charge. The enthusiastic enrollment has led to moving the larger plenary sessions next door to Columbia Presbyterian Church, at 711 S Columbia Dr, Decatur. The seminary has also decided to make one day registrations available for Monday (Walter Brueggemann), Tuesday (Erskine Clarke and Catherine Gunsalus González), or Wednesday (Justo González and panel led by William Yoo). Brochure. Register here.
35. Ready to talk about racial reconciliation, community organizing, contemplative spirituality, ending homelessness, and being love in the city? Join Transform Network 2015 in Washington, D.C. April 23-25. North Carolina NAACP president and founder of Moral Monday, Rev. Dr. William Barber, Sojourners Mobilizer, Lisa Sharon Harper, Shane and Katie Claiborne of the Simple Way, and others. Student tickets are $50, and volunteer tickets are $40. Read more>>
36. The Atlanta Stephen Ministry 4th annual meeting, Sat, April 25 at 1:00 – 4:30 p.m., St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church—Gable Hall, 3110 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Atlanta 30319. Keynote speaker is Reverend Uzzel Scott discussing spirituality. Break-out sessions include Sheila Welch: Long-term Care; Patti Scotto: Divorce and Separation; Dr. Sandy Schremmer: Substance Abuse. R.s.v.p. to Gail.fredericks@comcast.net
37. The Pax Christi chapter at St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church in Sandy Springs is hosting a one-day conference on Gospel Nonviolence with Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy of Boston, May 2. Fr. McCarthy has been presenting conferences throughout the US on the topic of nonviolence for the last 40 years. Cost is $25 for adults and $15 for students. For more information or to register, go to www.stjudeatlanta.net/PaxChristiEvent.
38. Just Voices, a community chamber chorus specializing in music for unaccompanied voices, presents their Spring Concerts on Saturday, May 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Virginia Highland Church, 743 Virginia Avenue NE, Atlanta 30303, and Sunday, May 3 at 4:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish, 515 East Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur 30030. The program will feature classical pieces, spirituals, shape-note tunes, and vocal jazz on the theme of time - songs that explore remembrance of times past, hope for the future, the way time seems in dreams and fantasy, how time flies or seems to stand still, and songs about mortality and the end of time. Adults $10; Students $5. For more information visit www.justvoices.org or follow concert previews on Facebook.
39. There are 3 opportunities to sing with the Summer Singers. Summer Singers of Atlanta will do Hayden’s The Creation, Cobb Summer Singers will take on Handel’s Israel in Egypt, and Northwest Georgia Summer Singers (meets at Trinity UMC, Cartersville) will do diverse classics, folk songs, and spirituals. Find out more and register at FestivalSingers. Call 404-909-8357 or email Mail@FestivalSingers.org for information. No audition required. All adults and mature youth are invited to join in the singing. Modest tuition with discounts for students & music leaders, early enrollment, & multiple groups. Confidential tuition support in cases of genuine need.
40. More about the Art and Creative Writing Contest for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week here.
41. Interfaith Power & Light has a pizza garden kit for sale Read more>>
42. Escuelita de Lita is the place for kids to play and learn in Spanish. They will open their doors at the Atlanta Friends Meeting House with Spanish summer camps this June and afternoon classes during the 2015-16 academic year. Their multi-age program focuses on communicative Spanish language, the cultures of different Spanish speaking countries, leveled literacy skills, and community building. Activities include stories, arts and crafts, music, dance, indoor and outdoor games, and book browsing - all in Spanish! For more information, contact Linda Duque, Director, at (678) 764-8617 or escuelitadelita@gmail.com or go to www.escuelitadelita.com/.
Ethel Ware Carter
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