1. Georgia’s budget is a moral document. Where we spend our money exposes our values. Georgia Budget & Policy Institute released today the 2020 Georgia Budget Primer. The 2020 Georgia Budget Primer explores the building blocks of a strong economy, highlights the state’s investments, and shows how budget decisions make a difference in the lives of millions of Georgians.
2. The St. Julian’s Contemplative Group offers centering prayer with community Thursday nights at 7 p.m. in the Morton Prayer Room, 5400 Stewart Mill Rd, Douglasville 30135. This silent meditation is based on ancient practices of resting in God. It is developing prayer as relationship as we open ourselves to listen for and rest in the Divine Presence. Come join in prayer, reading, watching videos, and discussing the spiritual journey. For more information, please contact, Ken Hatcher at kenhatcher@att.net.
3. Jason Marsalis will be at First Friday at First, July 5, 6-9 p.m., great food, fun, and fellowship! Tickets are $20, students $10. Call (404) 659-6255 to inquire about season tickets. The Commons, First Congregational Church, 125 Ellis Street, Atlanta 30303. Free parking in the CARE lot on Piedmont Ave.
4. AMIS is getting ready to welcome new international students who will arrive in August. Would you sign up to be an Amigo friend to an international student new to our city? Click here for a secure sign up form. It's easy – they ask that you meet at least once for a meal, event, or outing (it can be an AMIS event) and continue the friendship as you both have time and opportunity. You will make a difference in a young person's life who is missing home and they will be a blessing to you in return. Read about what AMIS did this past year in the recently released 2018-2019 Annual Report.
5. The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, is the preacher July 7 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace. Before his ordination in 2012, Wright served for 10 years as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta. “Harvest is how Jesus describes the world. Not wicked. Not broken. Not destitute,” he says. “Harvest is what he said. Harvest points to innumerable opportunities.” “Day 1” has been broadcast every week for 74 years and is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. In this area tune in at 7:05 a.m. to News 95.5 or WSB 750 AM. For more information, check Day1.org.
6. What We Talk About When We Talk About God by Rob Bell, Sundays, July 7 through August 18, 9:15-10:15 am in the Parish Hall at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church. Bell is a NYT best selling author, described by The New Yorker as “one of the most influential Christian leaders in the country.” If you have any questions about this summer reading group, contact Rev. Tim Meyers at tmeyers@saintannes.com. 3098 St. Anne’s Lane NW, Atlanta 30327,( 404)237-5589.
7. Michael Tellinger: Hidden Origins & Ubuntu Atlanta, Sunday, July 7, 2 – 5 p.m., Unity Atlanta Church, 3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners 30092. More details here.
8. There will be a fascinating opportunity to learn more about Methodism in Georgia this summer and everyone is invited. The 2019 meeting of the Southeastern Jurisdiction Historical Society hosted by Pitts Theology Library, Emory, July 9-12, “Turning Points in Georgia Methodism." The four-day event will take place at primarily at Pitts Theology Library, although there is a one-day trip to Oxford and Salem Camp Ground. Cost is $89. For more information and to register, visit Pitts.emory.edu.
9. July 9 is the next meeting of the Dementia Caregivers Support Group at Lake Oconee Community Church, 10:30 a.m. – noon. For further information contact Linda Robinson or Becky Matheny
10. July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. If you are thinking of doing something in your congregation you might be interested in the toolkit from Mental Health America found here.
11. Remember that the Support Group for Families Dealing with Addiction meets every other Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Lake Oconee Community Church. Contact Pastor Becky Matheny at bmatheny@locc.co to see how you can get involved. The next meeting is July 10.
12. Join Day1 for a revolutionary roundtable discussion with the next generation of community faith leaders. Sermon Series 2019: Nextgen Preachers, July 11, 6:30 p.m., Whitehall Tavern, 2391 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta 30305. For tickets or more information contact Ethel Ware Carter at ewcarter@day1.org. Read more here.
13. The Beecken Center, in partnership with the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN), invites clergy and lay spiritual caregivers of all faiths to take disaster chaplaincy training on the beautiful campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, July 15–17. Find out more and register here.
14. Heartiest congratulations to Wheat Street Baptist Church on the celebration of its 150 years of visionary leadership serving the Old Fourth Ward Community and the Atlanta metro area on July 21. The anniversary worship service will be at 10:30 a.m. on that Sunday. The anniversary picnic will be Saturday, July 20, 11 a.m., at Anthony Flanagan Recreational Center, 2340 W. Manor Circle SW, Atlanta 30311. Visit the website for an inspiring look at the history of this venerable congregation. If you have questions, contact the anniversary committee chair, Deacon Jimmy Hodges at jimmy.hodges11@gmail.com.
15. Alliant Quality will be hosting a Free Mental Health First Aid training on July 23 at 1455 Lincoln Parkway Atlanta, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch. Lunch will not be provided. Mental Health First Aid is a public education program that introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health issues, builds understanding of their impact, and provides an overview of appropriate supports. Registration is required. To reserve a spot email Mentalhealthfirstaid@allianthealth.org. Training is limited to 30 people.
16. Save the date for the King Center’s second annual “Beloved Community International EXPO” Saturday, August 10, 11 a.m. -7 p.m. Work is underway to expand the success of the first event which included participation from 22 countries and displays from all seven continents. The expo is free and open to the public. In collaboration with the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park, the Atlanta Consulate Corps, and other key partners, the Expo will transform The King Center’s campus and the adjacent street into a “World House” of celebration, fun, music, dance, performances, and activities. More . . .
17. Mark your calendar for the annual Jane Baird Lecture at the Cathedral of St. Philip, September 25, Alvin Townley, the author of books about naval aviation and Eagle Scouts, who wrote “Defience,” a gripping account of the “Alcatraz Eleven,” a group of American prisoners of war in North Vietnam who formed a tough core of heroic resisters despite brutal and relentless efforts to break them and convert them into fodder for the Communist propaganda machine, will be the speaker.
18. For church professionals and lay people, Columbia’s Center for Lifelong Learning provides non-degree courses and events—opportunities to learn with and from others for faithful discipleship. Led by top-notch seminary faculty, offerings are biblically and theologically grounded, with a practical focus to help participants identify and address specific, real-life needs. At the same time, lifelong learning can a time to step out of life’s busy routines and experience renewal of mind, spirit, body, and emotion. Browse through the website to find out more about opportunities that are available for you here.
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