Welcome from Board Presidents

The Rev. Dr. Gerald L. Durley, The  Rev. Dr. George B. Wirth 


The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta welcomes churches, faith-based and secular nonprofit organizations, individuals, businesses, and others to join us for fellowship, to network, and to explore ideas and issues of importance to the community. We work together to promote the common good, magnify the work and witness of the church, and help establish the kingdom of God throughout our region, nation, and all of creation.

A Community Respite for Adults

Peachtree Christian Church will launch this month a respite ministry for individuals with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke related disability, Down syndrome, and their caregivers. The Rev. Katie Bond, associate minister, directs this ministry. The Legacy Club: A Community Respite for Adults invites you to find out more at www.peachtree.org/legacyrespite or email Bond kbond@peachtree.org.

Who welcomes new babies to your congregation?  Read more... 

Second Helpings Atlanta

Second Helpings Atlanta is a non-profit food rescue organization whose mission is to eliminate hunger in the Metro Atlanta area by rescuing surplus food and delivering it to those in need.  With a team of over 400 volunteer drivers. SHA is looking for volunteers and new network members. Read more>>

 Do you ever wonder how to have discussions with youth about the supposed tension between faith and science? The Lutheran Church has help for you; here's a 4 part video series available at no cost.


building ecumenical community ...


        The Regional Council of Churches Weekly Church Action eNewsletter contains events, volunteer opportuniities, and resources of interest to the faith community. We welcome submissions from the community.  Past issues are here.Contact Ethel Ware Carter at ecarter@rccatl.org .

   Sign up for Twitter and follow us at @RCCAtl

The RCCA is supported by you

Membership contributions from congregations, judicatories, institutions, seminaries, and interested individuals enable the work of the RCCA. Contact us for information ECarter@rccatl.org

Featured RCCA Activities

Serving our new neighbors from Afghanistan

Posted by RCCAtl on October 18, 2021 at 1:06pm

Help your congregation flourish

Posted by RCCAtl on June 1, 2021 at 11:06am

Hear My Voice: A Prison Prayer Book

Posted by RCCAtl on September 10, 2019 at 11:00am

Atlanta Interfaith Manifesto

Posted by RCCAtl on June 25, 2019 at 11:47am

Church Women United

Posted by RCCAtl on March 15, 2010 at 7:00pm

What Is Stephen Ministry?

Posted by RCCAtl on April 8, 2015 at 11:00am

Looking for Work?

Posted by RCCAtl on June 18, 2011 at 6:00pm

On-line Meditations and Daily Devotionals

Posted by RCCAtl on July 20, 2010 at 12:30pm

St. Mary's Sewanee comes to you! Maybe you cannot get to away to a retreat this summer. Perhaps you want just a nugget of inspiration or a daily dose of positivity. They’ve got it for you. Email kylene.mcdonald@stmaryssewanee.org for First Light, a Monday-through-Friday email that is the briefest of morning inspirational messages. One beautiful photograph; one thought (usually only a sentence or two) that will help you start the day with a calm, uplifting message.


It’s Up To You In 2022

World Day of Prayer

I know the plans I have for you.

Friday March 4, 2022, 7 p.m.

World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by

Christian women who welcome all to join in prayer and action

for peace and justice., sponsored by Church Women United in Atlanta.

Zoom https://bit.ly/CWUZOOM

Dial in 1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID 835 320 3221 Passcode 83532032

All are Welcome!

Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice. Founded in 1941, Church Women United is:

  • a movement representing Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and other Christian women;
  • biblically based, shared Christian faith;
  • organized into more than 1,200 local and state units working for peace and justice in the United States and Puerto Rico;
  • supported by constituents in state and local units and denominational women’s organizations;
  • impassioned by the Holy Spirit to act on behalf of women and children throughout the world; and
  • recognized as a non-governmental organization by the United Nations.
  • Read more>>

Find It Here

Community Calendar -- Events of interest to the greater faith community.
Membership -- Links to all RCCA member churches in Atlanta.
Volunteer Opportunities -- Dozens of possibilities to be of service.
Local Denominational Judicatories  -- Websites and contact information.


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Medicaid Re-enrollment

If your ministry serves Medicaid/PeachCare for Kids, the Dept. of Human Services has a message and materials for you. 

    • Redetermination began in April 2023. Based on changes in federal law, the State of Georgia must complete redeterminations up to May 2024. We want to ensure current Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® members are still eligible for coverage. 
    • During redetermination, the State of Georgia will collect and verify member information, including contact and income details as well as other requested information and documents that will be used to determine member eligibility. Not everyone will go through this process at the same time. In fact, it will take about 14 months to reach everyone. 
    • Members can visit gateway.ga.gov to view their redetermination date and to update their contact information today so they can stay informed about the status of their coverage. 
    • Members who need help can visit their local Division of Family & Children Services office for support. To find the location and business hours for local offices, visit: dfcs.ga.gov/location 
    • For more information on Medicaid redetermination, we are including a partner toolkit with resources in multiple languages, please visit “Stay Informed. Stay Covered.” 

Shallowford Center

for Mindful Living a place for contemplative practice, deep listening, and compassion 

Visit here for programs and events.

email ecarter@rccatl.org

2715 Peachtree Road NE

Atlanta, GA 30305

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Lutheran Resource in Response to Gun Violence

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, saddened by the all-too-frequent occurrences of gun violence in the U.S., invites you on a journey of prayer, scripture, stories, and church teachings with this resource, A 60-Day Journey Towards Justice in a Culture of Gun Violence - an ELCA Resource  Through daily observances, it calls us to work toward the prevention of gun violence as people of God who strive for justice and peace in all the world. It may be used for individual reflection, group Bible study, adult education sessions, and congregational daily devotions. This began on June 16 but can be used at any time.

Ignatius House

6700 Riverside Drive NW 

Atlanta, GA 30328 ignatiushouse.org


Officers and Staff

Created by RCCAtl Jun 23, 2011 at 9:57pm. Last updated by RCCAtl Apr 4, 2019.

Contact Us

Created by RCCAtl Dec 14, 2011 at 3:59pm. Last updated by RCCAtl Aug 16, 2016.

Our History

Created by RCCAtl Jun 23, 2011 at 9:55pm. Last updated by RCCAtl Apr 6, 2015.


Created by RCCAtl Jun 30, 2011 at 2:04pm. Last updated by RCCAtl Jul 26, 2013.

Our Work

Created by RCCAtl Jun 23, 2011 at 10:02pm. Last updated by RCCAtl Oct 23, 2012.

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