2010 Teen Driving Academy. May 8, was an exciting fun-filled day,at the amazing Atlanta Motor Speedway and open this year for youth groups accompanied by their Youth Pastor or Youth Group Leader.
The Safe America Foundation invites teens and parents from the extended metro Atlanta area to join in the fifth annual Safe Teen Georgia Driving Academy at Atlanta Motor Speedway on Saturday, May 8, 2010. DO IT FOR MOM themes a day of driver training including a crash with victim extrication and life flight, vehicle roll over simulator, railway safety interactive station, and vintage/classic police car exhibit. Pit Stop classrooms include information on the teen driving laws in Georgia, distraction risks, DUI convictions, insurance, and car maintenance. Visit SafeAmerica, Visit Teen Driving Academy or contact Bob Surrusco at bsurrusco@safeamerica.org or call (770) 973-7233 for information about Safe America.

Press Release from Safe America

Handing GA Teens the Keys to Safe Driving.doc (50.18 Kb)