From the Multicultural Development Institute, Inc. multilingual resource “Living with Worry and Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty” includes psychoeducation about worry and anxiety, and a selection of practical CBT exercises for managing wellbeing including activity scheduling, worry postponement, and compassionate cognitive restructuring. Thanks to the generous contribution of time from clinicians around the world, it is freely available in 20 languages and counting.
Afrikaans: Hoe om met bekommernis en angs te leef te midde van wereldwye onsekerheid (thanks to Anneri Victor) Afrikaans
Albanian: Të jetosh me shqetësim dhe ankth përgjatë pasigurisë globale (thanks to Mimoza Gashi, Ariana Shala, Vigan Behluli) here.
Chinese Simplified: 如何在全球陷入不确定餓充满担忧和焦虑的情况中生活 (thanks to Earnest Chiam, Nemo Zang) here.
Chinese Traditional: 在全球性的不確定因素中過著憂慮和焦慮的生活 (thanks to Cathy Yu) here.
Dutch: Leven met zorgen en angst middenin globale onzekerheid (thanks to Isabelle De Smet) here.
French: Bien vivre inquiétude et anxiété dans un contexte global d’incertitude (thanks to Laurie Kenny, Anaïs Joalland, Jocelyn Albert) here.
German: Leben mit Sorgen und Ängsten inmitten globaler Unsicherheit (thanks to Christa Mennad, Rebecca DeWald, Marianne L. Hellriegel, Uta Schmidt-Straßburger) here.
Greek: Ζώντας με την ανησυχία και το άγχος εν μέσω παγκόσμιας αβεβαιότητας (thanks to Aliki Eleni Pouli, Elli Kouvaraki) here.
Icelandic: Að takast á við áhyggjur og kvíða í heimsfaraldri (thanks to Logi Úlfarsson, Aðalheiður Jónsdóttir, Arnfríður Kjartansdóttir, Einar Kristinsson) here.
Italian: Convivere con ansia e paura nella globale incertezza (thanks to Ilaria Fonzo and Marion Santorelli) here.
Norwegian: Å leve med bekymring og angst under global usikkerhetusikkerhet (thanks to Malin Christina Wikstrøm) here.
Polish: Zmartwienia i lęk – jak sobie z nimi radzić w obliczu ogólnoświatowej niepewności (thanks to Karolina Kalisz, Monika Wilkowska, Michał Kłak, Ewelina Michalak, Monika Panczak) here.
Portuguese Brazilian: Vivendo com preocupação e ansiedade em meio a incerteza global (thanks to Maria Célia Bruno Mundim, Elizabeth Brown Valim Brisola, Rafael Venâncio da Silva) here.
Romanian: A trăi cu îngrijorări și anxietate într-o perioadă de incertitudine globală (thanks to Patricia Dana Șandor-Martin)here.
Russian: Как справиться с беспокойством и тревогой в условиях глобальной (thanks to Lyudmila Grigoryeva) here.
Slovenian: Življenje s skrbmi in anksioznostjo v času globalne negotovosti (thanks to Tadeja Batagelj) here.
Spanish: Cómo vivir con la ansiedad y la preocupación en medio de una incertidumbre global (thanks to Mariavi Martinez, Julia Carranza Neira and María Sol Garcés Espinosa)here.
Swedish: Att leva med oro och ångest i global osäkerhet (thanks to Paula Elovfsson) here.
Tagalog: Ang buhay sa panahon ng paga-alala at pagkabalisa sa gitna ng pandaigdigang pag-aalinlangan (thanks to Anthony King) here.
Turkish: Küresel belirsizlik süre- cinde endişe ve kaygı ile yaşamak (thanks to Özge Selçuk) here.
Vietnamese: Sống với lo lắng và hồi hộp giữa bất ổn toàn cầu (thanks to Nguyen Yen Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Tran Quang Khoa)here.
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