Homeless Ministry Connection Services
Contact information and specific services offered by various agencies and churches to the homeless community throughout the Metro Atlanta area. The repository also provides updated information about collaborative groups and educational opportunities among homeless services providers.
Homeless Ministry Connection Companion
Companion Document to the HMC Services listing services by type.
The Georgia Department of Community Affairs is currently preparing the Annual Action Plan for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Consolidated Funds (Consolidated Plan). Three public hearings have been scheduled around the state for Georgians to provide comments regarding the state’s affordable housing and community development needs and how federal, state, local and private funds should be used to address identified needs. The final hearing is Friday, October 10, 2008, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, board room, 60 Executive Park South, NW, Atlanta 30329. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and participate in this process. For further information, please contact Lolita S. Collins (404) 679-5293 or (800) 736-1155 for TDD phone users. For directions to these facilities, please contact the telephone number given for each event.
The Living Room will host a Silent Auction on Friday, October 10 at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on Briarcliff. The Living Room assists homeless and at-risk people living with HIV/AIDS with finding housing. Admission is $35 prior to the event and $45 at the door. There will be a live band with a jazz vocalist, wine and beer bar, great food and the opportunity to help Living Room do its housing work for homeless and at-risk people living with HIV/AIDS. Some auction items include a time share, weekend in Florida, art, theatre tickets, great restaurants, theatre packages, family passes to Stone Mountain and more. Get your tickets at the event at livingroom. To become a sponsor or to donate items for the silent auction, contact Nick Danna at 404-552-5750.
Courage to Care, a luncheon hosted by Trinity Community Ministries on October 28, 2008, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., at the Georgia World Congress Center, Thomas Murphy Ballroom. The luncheon will feature Ron Hall and Denver Moore, authors of the book, "Same Kind of Different as Me." For more information or to register for this event visit, www.tcmatlanta.org/courage/.
Cobb Faith Partnership-SW Cobb Geographic Team to Provide $3,007.95 to Homeless Ministries in SW Cobb County
Please download for more information. Additionally CFP-SW has released a list of items they are collecting to distribute to agencies that serve the homeless.
Saint Joseph Mercy Care
In June 2008 Saint Joseph Mercy Care phone numbers changed. Please update you lists accordingly.
SJMCS main number: 678-843-8500 Fax: 678-843-8501
Mercy Clinic Downtown: 678-843-8600 Fax: 678-843-8601
Mercy Clinic North: 678-843-8700 Fax: 678-843-8701
Metro Atlanta Taskforce for the Homeless invites all individuals, agencies and churches to a monthly coalition meeting. Lunch is provided and meetings are hosted at noon, every third Thursday of the month. For more information call (404) 230-5000.
Homeless Action Group meets every second Tuesday of the month from 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. at North Avenue Presbyterian Church, 607 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Ga. 30308. For more information email Nick Hanna atnick.danna@livingroomatl.org.
Coalition for the Homeless Mentally Ill meets the third Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church 1328 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta 30309. Topic speakers will be posted prior to the meeting.
Cobb Faith Partnership hosts several meetings through the year. The collaborative group discusses many issues, homelessness being one of them. For more information call 770.428.3125. Additionally the next South West Cobb meeting will be November 18, 12 - 1 at Southminster Presbyterian Church.
Pathways: Metro Atlanta User Group Meeting will be Sept. 17, 1:30-3:00 and Nov., 12, 1:30-3:00. Location of meetings is to be determined. Agencies from the surrounding twelve counties are invited to attend. Pathways is a not for profit organization that supports communities with a variety of tools that help human services agencies work together, reduce costs and increase the impact of their services, so more people find the path to success.
The following resources include various articles and material from service providers and government agencies. The information, ideas and opinions are not necessarily those of The Regional Council of Churches. We hope you find these resources helpful as you study the complex nature of homelessness in Metro-Atlanta.
- The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness presents 5 ideas to prevent homelessness. Ideas include: "Miami Dade County Food and Beverage Tax: A Dedicated Revenue Source Invested in Results," "Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) Uses Redevelopment Tax Increment Housing Funds to Create Housing for People who are Chronically Homeless," and "Seattle's Housing Levy."
- The Georgia Department of Community Affairs recently released a study, Homeless in Georgia 2008. The study is a statewide summary of homelessness. It features various definitions of homelessness, information on how the homeless count was conducted, causes of homelessness in Georgia and future responses to homelessness.
- Central Outreach and Advocacy conducted an Environmental Scan in 2007. The goal of the scan was to identify gaps and overlaps in homeless services. The guide provides helpful information about service providers, services and additional needs.
- Metro Atlanta Taskforce for the Homeless has a wealth of information and current news about issues affecting the homeless in Atlanta. Please visit their web site to read articles and view news clips. For those who have recently become involved in addressing homelessness, this site provides a wide array of information that allows you to quickly understand the current state of homelessness and the major people and issues that affect homeless in Atlanta.
If you provide services to the homeless and you are not listed in the Homeless Ministry Connection repository please fill out this brief survey.
Agency Survey
Congregation Survey
On July 7, The Atlanta City Council voted to override Mayor Franklin's veto
of Ordinance #06-O-0038. Some agency and church leaders attended the meeting and discussed how the ordinance would affect supportive housing projects already in progress. The council and agency leaders are unsure of exactly how the ordinance will affect current supportive housing projects. To read about events prior to this meeting, read below. For more information about further discussion and meetings, contact Courtney Hodges at chodges@rccatl.org.
June 16, The Atlanta City Council passed Supportive Housing Ordinance # 06-O-0038 which impacts housing for the homeless. The Ordinance provides a specific definition for supportive housing, requires a special use permit for anyone wanting to supply supportive housing, and restricts future supportive housing to non-residential areas including office, industrial, and commercial zones. Mayor Franklin is vetoing the ordinance. Several agency and church leaders who serve the homeless are dissatisfied with the Council’s decision. A new ordinance has been introduced. The new ordinance is supported by Mayor Franklin and those who provide services to the homeless. The Regional Council of Churches andConcerned Black Clergy are inviting you to future discussions. CBC is inviting the City Council and concerned citizens to their Monday, June 30, 9:30 AM meeting where the ordinance will be discussed. Additionally, concerned citizens are invited to attend the July 7 City Council Meeting Second Floor, Council Chambers, City Hall on Trinity, where this ordinance will be considered. For more information, contact Dr. J.A. Milner, 404.753.9985. For information about the City Council Meeting and contact information for your council member visit Atlanta.
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