FaithTrust Institute is a national, multifaith, multicultural training and education organization working to end sexual and domestic violence.One of its guiding principles is that it is possible to transform individuals, families, communities and institutions through education and the power of our faith traditions. Read about this nonprofit with offices in Seattle and Durham at
FaithTrust Institute offers webinars on domestic violence, child abuse, and clergy ethics as part of their mission to educate faith communities on addressing violence against women and children. Many of the webinars are multi-faith and led by nationally known trainers, advocates, and clergy. The webinars are only $15.00.
If you want to receive a free registration to the August webinars, please contact Carolyn Scott Brown, Director of Learning at August 16, 2011, Resources and Roadblocks for Jewish Battered Women or August 23, 2011, Resources and Roadblocks for Christian Battered Women.
FaithTrust Institute is also announcing new Roundtable Discussions at no charge with Rev. Dr. Marie Fortune and colleagues. Titles include Multi-Faith Perspectives on Suffering and Sexual and Domestic Violence-August 10, 2011, Misconduct & Abuse by Christian Leaders-September 7, 2011 and Men of Faith Working to End Violence Against Women-October 12, 2011. Visit to register and find out more about upcoming Roundtable Discussions.
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