Commercial Exploitation of Girls in Atlanta

Juvenile Sexual Exploitation in Atlanta

A Future. Not A Past. Stop the Prostitution of Children in Georgia A Future. Not A Past.

Stop the Prostitution of Children in Georgia

Advocacy Update

AFutureNotAPast SB304 Testimony

Perfecting the Language

There's a committee substitute in the works for SB 304. It does not open the prostitution criminal code section at all but is an alternative way to connect child victims of commercial sexual exploitation with much needed restorative services. It instead charts a clear path for child sex trafficking victims through juvenile court, and recognizes the child s status as a victim of sexual exploitation. Revised language will ensure child victims are admitted into the statewide system of care, while preserving the child s eligibility for victim compensation funds.

What You Can Do

Please call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them to support the Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 304 & bring it up for a vote soon! Names and Numbers atRead More

Legislative Update 2010 Legislative Priorities are located below.

To Report any information about exploitation of children in our area

City of Atlanta Dear John Hotline 404-379-3602
Statewide Tip Line 404-577-8477
National Center For Missing and Exploited Children Hotline 1-800-THE-LOST

Hidden in Plain View:The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls in Atlanta Click on link for the Report commissioned by the Office of the Mayor.

As a national transportation center, Atlanta unwittingly provides a venue for child sexual forced labor. There are countless convenient ways to traffic children in and out of the city to be exploited by a revolving market of customers who travel to and from Atlanta for business and sporting events.

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