Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Luther’s 95 Theses

is a free resource of images for Reformation celebrations or classes. Pitts Theology Library has more than 60,000 images from 15th through the 19th centuries available online. The website includes woodcuts from the 3,800+ volumes of the Kessler Reformation Collection, more than a thousand of which are by Luther himself. The site has the first known woodcut of Luther from a 1519 book of his sermons. A section on Luther’s career has images of: an indulgence, Luther’s first Bible, Pope Leo X’s bull against Luther, the first Lutheran hymnal, and the original Augsburg Confession, among others. Of particular interest for bulletin covers are woodcuts based on Lucas Cranach’s painting “Law and Gospel.” Created in 1529 and presenting the essence of Luther’s theology, this was the most influential contribution of the Lutheran Reformation to art history. The website can be found at
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