Church Action Newsletter Week of March 19, 2018

1. The speaker for the Morris Brown College 137th Founders’ Day Convocation at noon, Friday, March 23, at Flipper Temple AME Church will entice attendees to “Imagine, Aspire, Believe.” The phrase is used by the College as its mantra. The speaker is Rev. Dr. Walter L. Kimbrough, Sr. whose life has been defined by rising from humble beginnings to build one of Atlanta’s most successful ministries serving the underserved. Morris Brown College is undertaking a $20 million, three-year comprehensive fundraising campaign. You can help visit A reception will follow the convocation. For more information, contact Jackson Communications at (404) 271-6240.
2. Touch A Truck returns to Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church Preschool, March 24, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. What fun for kids… every kind of big, complicated, colorful big vehicle you can imagine. $10, Pay at the door or on line at
3. The 57th annual Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention will be held on 24 & 25 March 2018 at Emmaus Primitive Baptist, Church, 2063 Oak Grove Church Rd, Carrollton 30117. Singing from the 1991 Edition begins at 9:30 a.m. both days, and dinner-on-the-grounds will be served at noon.
4. The Rev. Dr. Christopher Girata, rector of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, Tex., is the featured preacher for Palm Sunday and Easter, March 25 and April 1, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Hear his sermons in the Atlanta area on Sunday at 7:05 a.m. on News 95.5 and 750 AM WSB.
5. Renowned actress Brenda Bynum will read the Passion of Christ from the Gospel of St. Mark at the upcoming Southern Folk Passion service, Palm Sunday, March 25, at 4:00 p.m. at the historic Druid Hills Baptist Church, 1085 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, at the corner of Highland and Ponce de Leon. Admission is free and no tickets are required. A free-will offering will be taken. Southern Folk Passion interweaves southern folk hymns with the Gospel narrative central to the Christian faith and is modeled on historic musical Passion settings similar to those of J.S. Bach. Conductor and folk music scholar Steven Darsey will lead the Meridian Chorale and the congregation in folk hymns from Georgia’s famous 19th century tunebook, The Sacred Harp.
6. Want to make a difference in the life of a child? Become a foster parent! IMPACT training is required for all foster parents in Georgia. Sign up now with Lutheran Services of Georgia for a 4-week session (classes Mon and Wed - 6 - 10 p.m.) starting March 26. Contact Samantha Chillious ( to register or for more information.
7. "...Your Huddled Masses Yearning" - An Update for Nonprofits Serving Undocumented Immigrants, Tuesday, March 27, 10:00-11 AM, free, provided by Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. During this webinar, our speaker helps nonprofits understand: Are there any limits on how nonprofits serve undocumented immigrants? What, if any, legal risks, are there in serving undocumented immigrants? What should your organization should do if ICE comes to your door? View webcast here
8. Former ambassador and civil rights icon Andrew Young and renowned portrait artist Ross Rossin, the Schwartz Artist-in-Residence at Emory University, will meet for a public conversation, titled “Ultimately Human,” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, at Emory’s Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, 1700 N. Decatur Rd. Admission is free, but attendees are asked to register at The program also will feature poet and spoken word performer Tavares Stephens, and cellist/filmmaker Okorie Johnson, who performs under the name OkCello.
9. The 38th annual Ecumenical Good Friday Pilgrimage (Urban Way of the Cross) sponsored by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Office of Justice & Peace Ministries is scheduled for Friday, March 30, 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This multilingual walking prayer is a moving experience that includes scripture readings, reflections, prayer, and music as we remember the passion of Christ and the social injustices in our world today. The 2 mile route is considered wheel chair accessible, but please keep in mind that not all of the sidewalks along the route are smooth or wide. The pilgrimage will begin at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 48 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW, Atlanta, 30303. Gather at 8:45 to begin the journey with an opening prayer and reflection by Auxiliary Bishop Bernard Shlesinger. Buses will be available to return participants to our start point. Participants are encouraged to carpool or use public transportation as parking is limited.

10. Compassion House for Living & Dying and Compassionate Atlanta invite you to a community listening session and dialogue on the current state of end-of-life care services in the Atlanta area, Friday, March 30, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. The co-founders of Compassion House for Living & Dying will share their vision of creating a community of compassionate care that will provide the physical, emotional, and spiritual support necessary at the end of life to ensure all community members have a meaningful, dignified death and that no one dies alone and isolated. This event is FREE but seating is limited. Please reserve your ticket today --

11. Seven Last Words by Seven Lay and Clergy, Friday, March 30, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Church of the Incarnation, 2407 Cascade Road SW, Atlanta 30311, the homilists will be Dr. Catherine Meeks, The Rev. Dennis Patterson, The Rev. Charles Fischer, Rev. Karen Montagno, Dr. Carol Marsh-Lockett, The Rev. Ricardo Bailey, The Rev. Canon John Thompson Quartey.

12. This year the Stations of the Cross at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church will be enhanced by musical meditations taken from “Return to Me” by Taylor Scott Davis and Terry York, Good Friday, 12 noon, followed by the Good Friday liturgy. The music will be performed by St. Anne’s Adult Choir with Erin Cassel on cello and Julie McClatchey on piano. The work is designed as “a musical journey through the Stations of the Cross… the text is intended to create a conversation between ancient scripture texts and current hard speech,” say the composers. One of the most powerful examples of this is in the final section: “No crying he makes”, which contrasts Jesus’ birth with his death by using the same imagery. You are invited for this unusual experience and to bring your friends and family, 3098 St. Anne's Lane, Atlanta, 30327, (404)237-5589.

13. Shallowford Presbyterian Church invites public to Easter Week Services and a Saturday Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt, March 31, pancakes at 9, egg hunt at 10. These are free events. Be sure to bring your Easter basket. 2375 Shallowford Road, Atlanta 30345. Call (404) 321-1844 for more information or visit

14. Atlanta Children’s Shelter 5 to Thrive Bunny Run, March 31, starts at 2 p.m., Piedmont Park, more at
15. Ahavath Achim Synagogue and Atlanta Jewish Community Relations Council invite you to the 8th Annual Atlanta Community Hunger Seder! During the meal you will get to hear stories about hunger in the Atlanta community and learn more about becoming an advocate for change. The $36 registration cost covers a fully catered, Kosher (Jewish dietary laws) meal. Register at Everyone can participate, and kids are encouraged to join! To learn more about the Hunger Seder, contact Harold Kirtz at Wednesday, April 4, 6-9:30 p.m. Sponsors Ahavath Achim Synagogue, AJCRC, Atlanta Community Foodbank, Foodsecurity for America, Gideon’s Promise, Ser Familia, Mazon, Congregation Shearith Israel, JF&CS, Global Growers, Virginia highland Church, The Temple, Temple Sinai, Northside Drive Baptist church, Second Helpings, Concrete Jungle.
16. Rally to End Racism on April 4 in Washington, D.C. The event includes a rally on the National Mall led by the National Council of Churches. Learn more and get involved here.
17. Vigil on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, A son of the city and a saint of the church, Wednesday, April 4, 6 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 435 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta. Ample complimentary parking just north of the church on Peachtree and directly across Peachtree from the church.
18. Dr. King’s Legacy: Beyond the Dream at Oxford College of Emory University. You are invited to an event marking the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination on Wednesday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. at Allen Memorial United Methodist Church located at 803 Whatcoat Street on the Oxford College campus in Oxford. The event will include a welcome from Oxford Dean, Dr. Douglas A. Hicks and music from the MLK Interdenominational Choir, which is made up of local community members. The keynote address will be given by Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, President Emerita of Spelman College and author of the recently updated version of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. This event is free and open to the public. Questions? Please contact Dr. Lyn Pace at
19. On the anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr there are many ways you can be involved in a commemorative event with the King Center.
20. On April 4, the nation will mark 50 years since the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In observance of the lasting impact of Dr. King’s ministry, Trinity Church Wall Street is offering a new video curriculum at for use by individuals or in group education settings. The curriculum has two sections: three special talks given at Trinity Church by experts on Civil Rights era letters and an interview segment featuring Trinity’s Director of Justice and Reconciliation, Winnie Varghese, in conversation with civil rights icon and public theologian Ruby Sales. This curriculum is offered to all free of charge and may be viewed online or downloaded
21. Local artist Karen Mosbacher will be the leadoff artist for next month’s Grand (re)Opening of Highpoint Episcopal Community Church’s new Art Ministry. Karen paints her impressions of the music that she is hearing, whereby each line, shape, and color takes on the fluidity of the music. Look for articles about this show appearing in upcoming issues of the Sandy Springs Reporter and the Nextdoor Highpoint. A public reception will be held at HECC from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 5. The center will probably be open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 3 to 6 p.m.
22. Michael Honey talk and book signing, “To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice,” April 5, 8:00 p.m., at the Atlanta History Center. Former civil rights organizer, professor of humanities, Guggenheim Fellow, and Robert F. Kennedy Book Award recipient for “Going Down Jericho Road,” makes the case that Martin Luther King stood for far more than racial integration and goes beyond the view that King was simply an advocate of racial harmony.
23. Mountain Top Spring Lecture, Friday, April 6, 7:00 p.m., Saturday, Apr 7, 1:00 p.m., University of North Georgia, Hoag Auditorium. Dr Justin L. Barrett, chief project developer for the office of Science, Theology and Religion Initiatives(STAR) and acting dean of the School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary. "Are Humans Hardwired To Believe in God?" R.s.v.p. for this event by April 6. $60 online or $70 at the door. Learn More
24. Church Women United announces the April 6 program. Rev. Anne Sayre, a retired Atlanta Presbyterian minister and Barbara Gifford Board members of Casa Materna, a birthing center in the remote mountains of Guatemala, will discuss their work at 10:15 a.m. on Friday, April 6, at Peachtree Christian Church, 1580 Peachtree St. Atlanta, GA 30309. Later that morning, Dr Kofi Kondwani will discuss the "Benefits of Meditation" and go through a few exercises with members.
25. Jazz vocalist Sweet Lu performs at First Friday at First, April 6, 6-9 p.m., The Commons at First Congregational Church, 125 Ellis Street NE, Atlanta 30303. Admission cost is $15… great food, fun, fellowship, and music. Call (404)659-6255 if you have questions.
26. The Legacy of Walter Rauschenbusch will be held April 9-11 on the Atlanta campus of Mercer University. Rauschenbusch was a Christian theologian and clergyman who is considered the father of the Social Gospel movement of the first two decades of the 20th century. His work to bring about the Kingdom of God by "transforming the life on earth into the harmony of heaven' has inspired countless clergy and social reformers including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Desmond Tutu. Registration is open here for the conference in recognition of the centenary of Professor Walter Rauschenbusch's death, April 9-11, Atlanta campus of Mercer University. If you have questions contact Edwina Cowgill at
27. Becoming the Beloved Community: Do You Know My Story, at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, 1328 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, April 10, 5:30- 7:30 p.m (includes light dinner), sponsored by Presbyterian Women PC(USA) and Church Women United in Atlanta. Join the ecumenical community in this first of a series of telling stories. Understanding others will create a pathway to racial healing, reconciliation and transformation. Guest speakers include Ms. Xernona Clayton, Civil Rights Activist and The Rev. Dr. Carolyn Helsel, Author of Anxious to Talk About It: Helping White Christians Talk Faithfully About Racism ($15 copies available at program or can be pre-ordered when registering). $10.00 charge - register at For more information, contact Karen Turney,
28. Why Do We Look Up at the Heavens? LAMP lecture by Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory. April 12, 7-9 p.m., Georgia Tech TSRB Building Auditorium, 85 5th Street, NW, Visit the LAMP website for details.
29. Registration is open for Stay Connected. Stay Strong! Supporting Families Impacted by Incarceration, April 13, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is hosting this free gathering at Morehouse School of Medicine, 720 Westview Drive SW, Atlanta 30310. Register at
30. The Choir Boys of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, will be at the Cathedral of St. Philip on Saturday, April 14, 7:30- 9:30 p.m. This renowned choir will present an evening of musical gems for boys’ voices by Britten and Poulenc, to name but two. Presented by Friends of Cathedral Music and the British Consulate-General Atlanta. For more information call (404) 365-1050. Tickets available online at or the Cathedral Book Store.
31. Samantha Harris, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, will speak on “Freedom of Speech on Campus and Beyond," 7 p.m., Monday, April 16, Letitia Pate Evans Hall, Rooms ABC, Agnes Scott College. Throughout American history, freedom of speech has allowed oppressed people to speak out at times when the majority wished to silence them. Today many people -- particularly on college campuses -- view free speech as a partisan issue and argue that the right to free speech must actually be restricted to defend the marginalized and the vulnerable. This talk will examine the role of the First Amendment in American history and argue that the continued protection of free speech is essential to the rights of all people.
32. Have you ever had an individual walk into the church seeking resources and asking for help in a crisis? Sometimes church staff and pastors feel ill-equipped about how to handle these crisis moments. Join Rev. Lindsay Geist, LCSW at a day-long training on Thursday, April 26 hosted by Seeds of Hope Counseling to learn how to identify a crisis, receive education around mental health/substance abuse/domestic violence, and gain resources and tips of how best to handle these situations including specific services in the community. For more information, email or call (678) 310-9593.
33. The United Methodist Children’s Home (UMCH) Flea Market is once again accepting your tax-deductible donations Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each week. The Children’s Home main administrative office and flea market are located at 1967 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 400, Tucker, GA 30084. The flea market is free to the public and open the third Saturday of every month. Proceeds from the sale will help UMCH reach more children and families in need across North Georgia. Items for sale include furniture, electronics, clothing, art, collectibles, jewelry, toys, books, glassware, flatware, small appliances, sporting goods, and more. All major credit cards are accepted

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